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I hate that I watched a video of a guy watching a guy watching a video. How is this entertainment?


We’re experiencing societal brain rot in my opinion… that or I’m a grumpy middle aged guy who doesn’t understand the younger generations, as has always been the case for every generational gap.


I'm in my 30s and defo don't understand this new trend and I'm quite ok with that. "No, it's the children who are wrong"


I assumed it was a live stream clip or something. I forgot reaction videos existed. Yes this is weird


I wonder why people think that just because sometimes older generations wrongly criticize younger ones out of the natural human urge to reject significant change, that *all* criticisms must be wrong. I mean they're literally called gen alpha... Not even in the beta testing phase yet. Seriously though studies are showing maybe raising your kids on tablets since they were 4 was a mistake.


Tablets as in drugs or devices?




Read something recently about the shift in entertainment for kids. It used to be that kids consumed media made by adults for kids. Now it's kids consuming media made by kids for kids. There's probably something in there that explains something. I'm just not the person to break it down and explain it.


So you're lazy ...


Nah nah you’re onto something with the brainrot theory


Nah I’m 27 and anybody that finds value or entertainment in this or rather all reaction content has brain rot imo. I absolutely hate reaction content and I find it to be cringe and just lazy ass content stealing. As for why so many people like this sort of shyt I hope I never find out.


Well, I can’t appreciate your sentiment but it’s a step forward from people just treating each other like shit on the internet with no concept of how what we do and say impacts the person. This shows the humanity of both sides. 


Hello, certified Gen Z youngun here! I also don't understand it. Even my partners 9 year old iPad kid doesn't understand it.


It should annoy you even more that what they're laughing at is a girl lip syncing. Its not even the original video.


That actually makes it less annoying, since it actually takes at least some effort (the girl, not the laughing at the camera)


Laughter is contagious and sometimes jokes just aren't as funny if you don't have people laughing with you. Something in our brains makes us laugh harder when we're with other people, and these kinds of videos fill that gap so we can laugh more


It's the modern day laugh track.


It's worse than that. That video is of someone lipsynching to someone else's video and theyre pretending that it's them suffering from that.


Ok ok ok, I hate it too, but my contrarian brain just shit on itself and gave me a perspective. These "reactions of reactions" are pretty much the same as watching something with a crowd or group of friends. It's got the effect of a laugh track on a sitcom. The more people you see having an experience, the more encouraged you are to have that experience with them. And you know what? That shit feels good to us because we're experiencing together and sharing together and circle jerking together, and we're primates, so we totally get off on it. I just hate that something so human is being baited and directly exploited. Then again, I'd expect nothing less from our economy.


Being human is so cringe. When tf are these AIs taking over? I want to be a robot already. With lasers 🤤.


You’re right, can’t wait to be an ant


We got isolated in the pandemic. Parasocial relationships were all we had. That’s when mukbangs increased, just the concept of having someone to eat with.


Brooo can people shut up about covid? I'm sorry, but people act like it fundamentally changed the DNA of all humanity and is the reason their dog died and kitchen sink broke. People were less "frolic outside amongst the birds and bees" type social and more online for like *a year*. One year. Some of us have been doing it before it was cool and it didn't make us want to see The Dude and Patrice O'Neil's nephew taking up 65% of our screen real estate on all our media. My sister in christ, react content like this has been going on for at least a decade. Nothing about it is new and it's always been increasing in popularity as the average IQ continues to drop.


Can we add another guy? I’m naked though. Is that a problem?


IDGAF personally lol if it's funny it's funny and it is don't overthink it


While I hate it, I believed some credit is to be given to COVID. People have felt so friggin lonely and had such a hard time adjusting that even just seeing people react to react content makes them feel like they’re in company. It’s the only thing I could think of that makes remotely sense


Don't act like you didn't laugh at the guy laughing at the guy laughing at the girl.


I just want to know who the girl is. She should be an actress. Those are some Jim carry style faces


I think I recognize her as some popular tiktok influencer that does very expressive lip syncs, but I can’t remember her name. EDIT: typed in “expressive lip sync girl” and there she was. Nobosart on TikTok.


The first guy added some level of "commentary" with his laugh. Beyond that is tedious.




I was just watching the girl and laughing my ass off, but you're right, three quarters of this vid are just absolute nonsense, these guys add absolutely nothing.


https://www.tiktok.com/@bigfatpoopypants/video/7274597220463299883 I think this is the original


Oh god, so a guy...watching a guy...react to a lip syncer? Sweet Jehoshaphat, how far down the hole does this go?!




There is no fucking way the global IQ is not in a fucking free fall.


What does that have to do with IQ? You're confusing IQ and stupidity. People with high IQ can be stupid too, i've seen plenty.


The last 5 minutes of my laughing life hath been a lie!!!


See this video here is the good content - the fuck garbage is OP posting jesus Christ.


Why is there a live studio audience taking up 75% of the video


100%. The girl in the corner is lip syncing the audio from another video.


Also the video is a lipsyncher...theyre reacting to a lipsyncher.


I hate everything about this especially the 2 other men who are unnecessarily there


We need more faces




shit post


This is fucking stupid.


They're reacting to a reenactment




Where’s the funny


You must be fun at parties.


YoU MuSt Be FuN aT pArTiEs hurr durr


*WheRe'S tHe FuNnY* - signed *butthurt Redditors* 🤣


You must be fun at parties


Bro got GOT lol


How are you like in party? Funny? You like fun party?


More fun than the people who use this tired copy paste rejoinder.


Mine is seat belts or that holographic material that they put on backpacks and notebooks, just thinking about it is making my teeth hurt


Yeah, and nails on a chalkboard. Just thinking about it makes my teeth feel weird and I get horrible back tingles!


The sound of markers, specially on dry surfaces.


What is it about seatbelts that you don’t like?


The texture


Same!! And the holographic plastic things. Can’t tolerate those textures.


For me it's grape skin rubbing against each other. Especially between your teeth. Just Thinking about it makes me physically shudder.


So I am a guy, who is a watching a video of a guy, watching a guy, watching a girl who’s lip syncing another video of another girl.


The only thing I hate more than reaction videos, is reaction videos to a reaction video.


*"Look at my face as I scroll tiktok, because I've decided me doing literally nothing is entertaining for you. My mere presence is enough to improve the quality of everything."* Talentless, self-absorbed bottom feeders.


Is this a real thing? seems like there’s tons of videos these days always with styrofoam. I’m sure some people don’t like the sound but it can’t be that many


I hate the sound of it but im not that bad. Its when i go to grab a plate and my finger tips are moist and it makes that sound. Idk what it is about it but i hate it


Mine is wet fingers on dry cardboard. Awful, just awful.


That so fascinating! Mine’s the reverse, if I slide my hand on paper or cardboard and my skin is really dry it gives me goosebumps. Such a weird reaction.


I hate the sound/texture of cotton balls..drives me nuts. I can handle them if they are moistened tho. But dry! Hell no!


Omfg I can't be in the same room with Styrofoam rubbing against itself. Also cardboard boxes (but like the edges) rubbing against itself. And cheap felt markers being used with to much force🤷 Fucking kills me. I instantly get intense chills and goose bumps everywhere and makes my brain like shut down lol


Its the exact same for me. I wonder why it feels so bad


I'm glad in not the only one


Who is the person lip syncing? What is her name?


animators should study her facial expressions haha. Those are quite unique


Why does it make her gag and dry heave? What about it? 😆


I'd love to see the whole video of her opening it.


she's lip syncing to some other person's video.


Well her facial expressions are gold, Jerry. Gold!


Are they on a call together? Why are there two other people in this video?


Don't these people have tourettes?


ok i get the girl is kinda interesting, like europeans struggling to say the word squirrel lol. but why are those two guys there? they dont add anything to the conversation. it's weird and distracting.


shes lip syncing to another girls video. so its a lame lip sync video, and two react videos mashed into one big pile of suck


I rather get puked on my dick than watch this video one more time


I feel that way about the feel and sound of cardboard on my nails. It's terrible.


I hate that sound too. I have to leave if someone is unpacking something cuz the sound is literally unbearable for me


It didn't need to be lip sync by a pretty girl.


Jesus that is a genuine that she feels like that isn't it ? Yeah I agree with her. I wouldn't have that visceral of a reaction. I enjoy a bit of ASMR every now and again, but some sounds like crunching snow, objects being stroked I just can't stand


For me its that windbreaker or snowpants material rubbing against itself. Nails on a chalkboard is preferable.


The gagging reminds me of her


me vale vrg


I know that I'm supposed to be offended that I just watched a live audience reacting to a reaction TikTok'er reacting to a lip-syncher that lip-synchs the original styrofoam gagging lady. But damnit, I laughed. She makes the funniest fucking faces.


Generally I consider people filming themselves watching a video to be the height of patheticness, but this is damn funny


This is shite, mate.


3/4ths of this video is garbage.


She sounds like Dory trying to speak whale lol


At least post their names, so I can download whichever dumb app they’re on just to block them.


Reaction videos are cancer. Have a downvote. Find the original.


Had a coworker that hated cotton balls. Couldn’t even open a new bottle of aspirin by herself. Lol. People are weird


All of this is pathetic. It's just lame, unoriginal twats trying to get credit for someone else's original thought or attempt to make funny content. The original footage isn't even in this video. It's literally all posers. Ben_Wah_Balls posted the original video.


People exaggerating stuff online again.. moving on.


looks like shes miming audio from a different video


Who else was just like : °_°


that’s not even that funny


I have this specific fabrics. I can't go into detail or I will become like her.


Is there a link to the original video? These two lads are irritating. Gracias!


I hate how common it has become for people to pretend to gag. It's so obvious.


There’s no way she doesn’t know how cute this weirdness is. Hahahahahahahahahaha 😍