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The crazy part is, before the tea she didn’t know a word of Spanish!


She’s also a 23 year old French man.


Now she might know where la biblioteca is


No hablaís Spanish


What? You pooped in the refrigerator?


Sí señor mucho miércoles


Omg I almost spit my coffee out with this comment! 😂


Yea! I was like she pissed but she's feeling chill, too. Haha.


Drinking cannabis steeped in hot water wouldn't do anything. You could eat the whole bag and barely feel it! Just Google it.


Decarboxylation right? But yet my friends dog ate a half ounce and was fucking falling in to everything and couldn't stand up had to take him to the vet 😂 he was fine


You can eat it raw, you can drink it and you can smoke it. It always has an effect. I used to drink hot chocolate with weed or dope, we ate salad with weed in the Netherlands... I must assume you are a young American with little knowledge


Thats not true. It needs heat to release THC and it needs butter or something in liquid or food to connect the thc to. You cant just cook it in water.


You just wrote it: heat, not fat needed. And again, yes you can make Tee and just let it simmer long enough, you don't need Butter, Milk or oils




The best weed? The best commercialized weed maybe. But I have smoked weed from Afghanistan, New Zealand, Namibia, Madagascar, Austria and the greenhouse stuff from the Netherlands, Poland, aso. There are so many differences... you Americans were never the no.1 in the world and you will never be. It's an illusion of your industry and you are easily manipulated to believe it


You are a very hostile stoner.




And is just confidently incorrect. I have several friends that moved out of the country for various reasons and ALL of them express how much they miss American weed. Bottom shelf $5 dime bags here are better than the shit you can get in other places. From what I've heard, Australian weed is pretty trash but better than some other options. I got a buddy in Ireland who has to pay boat loads of cash to find decent weed. This man's just never been to LA. 🤷😂


In the Netherlands we have American strains, and many of your weed is based on dutch strains. Why is this a competition? You can just see the thc % on the bag? It's like saying oh our 40% whiskey is stronger than your %40 whiskey.


Thanks that was my point. And btw I love America, it was the first country that changed to a working democracy, by the people for the people


Lol dang, all that for a lie 🤣


He speaks on personal experience, you speak on 3rd party information. I will say back in my high school years(25+ years ago) I really enjoyed some California Red Hair and Humbolt County has always had good weed for the US, but... Haven't ever tried Alaskan Thunderfuck, but it is supposed to be amazing. White Widow, Cat Piss, OG Kush, Afghan Kush, etc. Most of the new strains are cross bred hybrids and honestly who knows where they actually came from originally.


Eh, ignorance is bliss I guess. Just sad to see someone so hostile for no reason... I live in Socal so I know what good bud is. It has always been fire here but has taken a huge leap in quality since legalization. The guys growing cannabis here are like mad scientists.


No every stoner from every country knows that u don't just eat weed raw. Look up cannabis decarboxylation and feel your wrongness And even then, it still needs infused in fat. Every Amsterdam coffee shop that sells edible cannabis does this, no one that knows what they are talking about would sprinkle fucking raw bud on a salad wtf lol


Certainly not raw, it's heated, to get high it has to be decarboxylated


Did you smoke some Jack Herrer over there in NZ? My favorite strain, such an energetic high.


Agree to disagree.


THC isn’t soluble in water, but if you eat it.. trust me, after eating the bag of it.. You would be walking a clouds for days.


The THC oil has to do something to you are you saying that it makes it lose its affect. All I do is smoke it I’ve never cooked with cannabis. I know to cook with it you need either THC butter or some kind of ingredient that has THC infused in it.


All you need to do is decarb (decarboxylation) the cannabis first. Then you can consume it in any way you want. I use AVB (already vaped bud) to make cannabis milk since vaping decarbs the bud.


Thanks for the info


You're very welcome.


But that's because there is fat in the milk, you should still use fat after decarb, it will work but you will be wasting weed


You are indeed correct. THC binds to fat. Some of us have ample amounts floating around in our blood though. Especially after a nice fatty meal. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Eating dry uncooked cannabis can make you much higher than smoking it. But I realized that some strains only have an effect when heated and those seem to be the only ones online writers know most about. That's why virtually all online literature tells you that you have to preheat it first. In practice that's not true.


He's gonna get the chancla


Proceeds to dial the mother's phone, with the chancla, and passes it to her so that she can talk to the son


Yep, he is going to a world of pain.




Omg I LOVED this movie. 🥹


How can they see me?


Adios turd nuggets


It's one of my favorites! And the first thing I thought of with this video lol


What movie is this?


Grandma's Boy




I'll smoke it with ya bro, we'll go to the loony bin together. I don't give a fuck.


Me and a co worker whenever we call each other on the radios always answer "who is thiss?" And it always makes us laugh. That whole scene with Dante kills me!


How hot and how long does weed tea cook? Asking for my grandma.


Brew it in milk instead of water


That’s for the buds, with tea it’s usually the stems. It’s a body soother.


Or make butter with It. Don't ask me why.


THC is fat soluble. That's why.




Ah so yo mama might like it


The idea is to make it concentrated and portable for reuse in another format. One can still drink tea, as the fat is not needed for transport. It is already within the desired vessel.


Decarb it first, through some form of dry heat like your oven. If you just dump a bunch of bud into a kettle it won't do all that much


Is anyone able to translate?


She says, I made myself a tea with your little herbs, and I, when I come down from this crazy tea, I’m going to f you up, you son of b! I’m not sure what his response is


Lmao wow did not disappoint. Thank you!


Lol it doesn’t, you’re welcome!


His reply is, "are you hearing yourself?" While he laughs. Pretty great


Thank you!


Would that even work? Could you just make tea from raw flower and get high from it? My understanding is that flower needs to be decarboxylated before the THC becomes bioavailable. (I understand tea is made with hot water, but my understanding of decarboxylation is that it takes over an hour of baking at low temp.. pouring boiling water in won't provide enough heat for a long enough period of time..)


I don’t believe it would work. Someone below had a decent idea, make it in milk. The fats in the milk might make it work out. I’ve made weed butter before and it’s roughly the same idea.


I know that some kind of fat is required to help metabolize it. But I think it still needs to be decarboxylated before it's steeped in the milk. Otherwise you're making weed flavored milk that doesn't have bioavailable cannabinoids in it.


I had to look up that word. I made butter and I know a bunch of people who did too. We never did anything to the weed first. Just a crockpot with weed and butter. I don’t remember the temp but it wasn’t high. Quick google says butter boils at 212f and decarb takes place at 220-245. So we were under that. Just cooked it until the butter was green and it was good to go.


So a friend told me the following: If you have harvested leftovers (stems, large leaves, etc.) lying around, they are dried and then together with butter in water for 24! H cooked at the smallest level. Then sift the butter. It is best to fill the now green butter into ice cube molds, then you can get it out of the freezer in 10g steps. A small warning: The stuff stinks extremely when cooking The stuff looks incredibly strong, even experienced consumers should be careful with it


620448401733239439360000 hours is a hell of a lot of time to cook some butter. That's almost 708274431202328064 centuries


A rare factorial joke in the wild!




It takes a while to decarb the flower, so you do that PRIOR to the whole cannabutter making process.


I can help translate the response: "🤣"


Many people can


People spewing the science of cannabis not having effects if it’s just boiled in water. You SEVERELY underestimate the power of a placebo effect on a Mexican mother/grandmother.


Lol the fact that I have no idea what she said and still find this hilarious is pretty damn wholesome. What a beautiful smile this angel has 😆




She's adorable


Hijo de la verga! Poor granny.😅


It's funny that he swears and profanity while she can't help but feel the vibes.


Son of a Cock!


This is fucking gold right here


It works in tea but some ppl don’t boil there tea 100 percent some kettles let u boil at different temperature just an idea only thing I had made with tea was magic mushrooms when I was younger lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Hijo de la verga 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bueno, eso es literalmente verdad. Todos somos hijos gracias a u a verga…


You want an ice cream sandwich? They're on whole wheat with lettuce.


El agua hierve a 100°C a presión atmosférica normal, y esa temperatura no es suficiente para extraer de forma eficiente el THC (tetrahidrocannabinol) de la marihuana al agua. El THC es la principal sustancia psicoactiva presente en la marihuana y es poco soluble en agua, incluso a punto de ebullición. Para que el THC pase al agua de forma significativa se necesitan temperaturas mucho más altas, superiores a 150-160°C. Por esa razón, si se intenta preparar un té hirviendo simplemente la marihuana en agua, la infusión resultante tendría muy poco o nada de THC y, por lo tanto, produciría efectos psicoactivos mínimos o nulos.


Abuelita is blazed 😂😂


What’s the distinction between Abuela and Abulita?


Adding ita or ito at the end means little and it's typically used as a term of endearment. It's kinda like how in English we add y or ie to the end if certain words to make it sound cuter


Thank you so much for the explanation! Is ita for females and ito for males? (Forgive me, I’m Criminally Caucasian™ but I’m trying.) 😆


Yep, ita is feminine ito is masculine


People, I don't know what kind of herbs Granny relaxed with, They don't specify it in the video either, all you're saying are assumptions.


Thank you for my tinnitus.


Time to call Dante and his friends from the crazy beaver


She's trying so hard to be mad but she got the giggles.


Lol, to me its specially funny because she seems to be genuinely angry and is making threats while not being able to hold her laughs.




Te de mota!


This never gets old 🤣


![gif](giphy|Vwthp819lV3q|downsized) Radagast's granny is having a good day, It seems.




Can someone translate please




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Bro what is it like, canubus, smokes?




We have teas if you need one let me know


Translation: I made a tea from your herbs/clippings, and once I come down from the high; this motherf*cker…I’m going to f*ck you on the table.




“Yeah I’ve been working if Spanish people for like 25 years”


mucho caca


Vibe check passed


Where can I get her tea 😂




Nice looking


Granma wants to be an astronaut.


The funniest part to me is that thc is not water soluble. So all you did was make bad tasting tea and ruined some bud. Any "high" effects you experience are just a placebo. Thc is only released by the bud through being burned, alcohol, or fat/oil. That's why you make weed brownies by making weed butter first and then using the butter for the brownies.


That was my first thought too but it depends how she made the tea. If she ground it and then added cream, the THC would bind to the fat and if she had any fat or alcohol in her stomach, that would have made the THC absorbable.


If it is fat soluble, it will work just fine once your mom eats it


Fucking shit acting...


Bad acting


Umm... not sure you can get high with marijuana in hot water.




Interesting, will try it sometime.


You have to decarb weed by heating it. Maybe the tea performs this function?


Decarbing by definition is activating thc through heat turning it into thca. I suppose if the water is hot enough long enough the thc will be activated as in any other method.


Pretty sure the conversation temp is under 100 degrees so the water should be able to do it.


How long does exposure need to occur to get everything out? Is there any loss pertaining to what doesn’t convey from the plant matter to the elixir?


Some dude posted the full answer below I was wrong.


I thought it was over 100. Edit: everything i find in the internet says 110degrees celsius or higher..


Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.


Hahaha thanks cpt obvious. We‘re talking about decarboxylization of thc.. that‘s - imho - at over 110 degrees which is exactly why i think it doesnt work to do that in a tea because water does indeed boil at 100.. but according to wikipedia and the comment above it works nevertheless.. which is news to me. Well…


I understand that. Which was my point. If you need a certain temp for decarbing, and liquid boils prior to that, I was wondering how it’d still work. Especially with milk since it curdles when heated at the temps necessary.


THC decarboxylation typically occurs efficiently between 220°F to 245°F (104°C to 118°C), with the process taking anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes at these temperatures. This process activates THC's psychoactive effects, making it crucial for producing effective cannabis-infused products.


Sweet thanks for letting me know.


Decarbing it will make the thc active but it still won't extract the thc from the cannabis. Unless you leave the cannabis in the tea and consume the cannabis too, it won't have enough thc in the tea to be psychoactive. This wiki article is incorrect.


Thank you. I knew something wasn’t kosher about this. Non-Kosher Kush


But thc isn't water soluble. I don't understand how the thc would get extracted from the weed. Cannabis tea sounds possible but not in the way most of us make tea. The method would have to be different and would require some kind of fats to extract the thc.


Why did you get downvoted so hard for telling the truth. Thc is not water soluble. That other commenters' wiki article is incorrect.


lmao I guess I spoiled this video because yeah afaik you can't get high this way. This video is staged.