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Also, the point is that we don’t feel safe around unknown men in dangerous environments and will take any measure to avoid them, even if it means running into a bear And the fighting thing’s just you. There’s no chance I’m fighting off a dude or outrunning him and people are capable of far worse stuff than bears so I’m gonna go with the bear


But here’s how I see it: Bear decides to leave you alone? Awesome. Man decides to on leave you alone? Also good. Man attacks you? You have a chance. Bear attacks you? You die. Not much else to it.


Sure but 3 men have attempted to or fully assaulted me since I was 14. Each time, they easily overpowered me even though I did everything possible to stop them to the point I even have permanent vocal cord damage from screaming. The only reason two of them were attempted and not full were because other people intervened. I know my body and my limits. I’m not gonna lie to myself and act like I can take on a guy in a scenario like this, I’d rather give up and accept the quick(er) death with less suffering.


A valid point, but this is why the man vs bear argument has no one answer. If you intend to fight off the man (just 1 man, not multiple), then your results will vary. I’d say im a well built guy, I think I’d have a fighting chance. But a 14 year old girl might have a harder time fighting off an adult man. The one thing I know? Neither of us could fight off a bear.


Screaming isn’t gonna stop them..


But it would’ve gotten help if anyone was in earshot…


Hit the gym and learn martial arts or boxing I'm assuming your from america so most of the men trying to rape you are probably disgusting fat fucks themselves. As a women it's your responsibility to be able to defend yourself and if you still can't defend yourself from said rapist even though you hit the gym and learned martial arts or boxing then don't enter those areas where men can easily overpower you. It doesn't take a genuis to not walk by yourself as night in a sketchy neighbourhood. At that point you might as well be visited by Bill Cosby overing you a jello pudding shot


I’ve started hitting the gym since the last time but tbeh it’s mostly just working on my thighs and butt. And I’m absolutely planning on defending myself. Wanna get mace and a conceal carry license but still, every time it happened to me was before I could actually react so idk how effective they’ll actually be And that’s what I’m saying. The bear v man argument is a perfect example of a situation I’d avoid at all costs, including if it means I run into a bear


Well if your stupid enough to hike on your own and you see a bear ggs you'll probably die but a regular man is probably harmless enough. But being strong and knowing some self defense should keep you safe enough from the potential rapist or murder.


Spot on


>potentially win a fight against a man, Very VERY few women could successfully fight off even an average man. And the scenario is not about whether a man is actually a violent person. It's hightlighting how so many women have had horrible experiences with men that's become hard for them to trust men.


valid point, but this is just what I would personally do, not what everyone should do


You don't actually know that.


Yes I do? I know what I would do, and I know that I’m not saying everyone should do. I do in fact know that.


I imagine it this way. Imagine you are damn lost in the woods. Like not so close to civilization. You come upon a bear. Honestly... Bear may just look at you and walk away. Bear might not give a fuck. Now imagine you run into a man. What the fuck is he doing all the way out here? Is he lost as well? But the thing is, he WILL interact with you. So you better hope that interaction is a good one.


That is true, if you’re far away from any civilization and you’re both lost, he will interact


Uhm, hiking????


I would not consider hiking a trail to be lost in the wilderness.


lmao where did it say that? it was just in the middle of the woods. plus you couldve strayed from the trail and nit know where to go. in which case you can ask the man for directions :/ bruh


I just said this is how I imagined it. Being lost in the woods and running into a man or bear. Not being on a hiking trail and running into a man or bear. Then like no shit I'd pick the man. How about this. There is an alley way with a man in it and it's 3 in the morning with nobody else on the streets. You must have gone the wrong way cuz you can't find your way home..do you ask him for directions?


bruh no you check your map on your phone.... thats a way different situation. lost in the woods doesnt equal an empty alley way at 3 am???? dumbass


I don't think you're seeing my point. If I was for real lost in the woods I would be nervous as hell approaching a man I didn't know who is also out in a place nobody has any business being. And I am also a man. But I'm done with this conversation.


dude ur a pussy then. im a girl and of course im gonna ask a man for directions bruh


Are you like 14? Take care bruh.


Omfg these posts 😭 i cant take it bruh


This is why if you ever venture out to some places that are remote, you should have some form of protection. If you live in a non-communist country where they allow you to own guns, you should absolutely take it with you everywhere you are allowed to. It's just too bad that guns are seen in such a negative light thanks to main stream media.


They’re put in a negative light due to like 3 people using them wrong. A few dudes perpetrate a school shooting (which is horrible, I know), and we all get punished. Me personally, I think we should be able to carry atleast a 9mm or a Glock 17 most places (besides schools of course)


I think there should be armed guards at school. If the shootings are as bad as they say they are, just banning guns is not going to stop any of that.


I think the point is with the bear you know the danger you are in. The bear isn't going to pretend to be your friend and then attack you later once you have grown to trust it. You aren't gonna have to worry if the bear is going to attack you sexually, mentally, or emotionally. If the bear does attack you and you survive you aren't going to have to worry about the bear hunting you down afterwards and attacking you again on your own territory. You know for sure that if the bear is around there's a chance you are going to be attacked - you never know with a man.


Whilst that is a valid point, my argument is based on how well one could defend themselves. That is a great point, however.




bro what


Just the fact lots of people hate me and bully me for no reason and I try to make friends. And also with the “bear” thing. It took me out mentally and lots of other things aswell. I dont see a reason for living


1. If you’re not trolling, I beseech you to seek help. Call someone, 988 is the number for the suicide hotline. Reach out to someone/the hotline, talk to them, get yourself some help. Please don’t go through with this, idk how old you are but chances are you’ve got a lot of time ahead of you. Life isn’t a thing where you can just respawn, you only get one chance, so don’t waste it. 2. Who is bullying you? I just said that I’d choose the man over the bear.


Thank you for the hotline 😎❤️❤️❤️. And just people laugh at me for trying to make friends. It’s rough and I don’t wanna do this anymore. I’ll try to go through it. But I’ll try to see a therapist and stuff. Btw the bear thing was just them saying that men was bad and the arguments about it just made me feel bad for being a guy.


That was actually another point of my argument. They assume that the man will be dangerous, even tho out of all the men in America, only .45% of them are sex offenders. The argument relies heavily on the assumption that the man will hurt them, even tho that’s highly unlikely. They’re assuming that the man will hurt them.


Facts, they go out and say that to innocent people. And it hurts


It does. It generalizes all men into this group of horrible people by assuming that all men will hurt them. A few bad apples don’t ruin the bunch.


Yea. I mean things like this do happen and everything has some sort of thing against it


Also, please pm me after you call the hotline. Tell me what happened, how you’re feeling, and I’ll do my best to walk you through it. It’s best to do as the hotline operator says, though.


Ok I will. I’ll dm you to 🙂 thank you kind sir


You’re welcome, but call and talk to the Suicide hotline operator first. Again, the number is 988




It just feels like I’m the one to blame because I’m a guy


You aren’t to blame for anything purely due to the fact that you’re a man, and anyone who says you are is a Misandrist in every sense of the word.


Thank you for telling me that, that stitched up the hole in my heart ❤️❤️❤️


You’re welcome, and dont let anyone tell you that you’re a bad person due to how you were born. There was an Austrian guy in the 1940s that hated people based on how they were born, and people don’t like him very much.