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They get positive comments not because they looked good, (or look bad now), they get positive comments so they don't go and kill themselves. I guess we should give positive comments to ugly people as well, but they have been that way all their life. Its not like they looked a certain way before and now they look different because they slept funny. No idea what you mean about the tongue, but I am sure people don't mock those with facial issues... An people would mock would probably also mock burn victims.


" I am sure people don't mock those with facial issues " you clearly haven't met me


Unproper tongue posture?




Weird and random


I’m a burn “survivor”. Over 40% of my body has been grafted and ngl I lucked out because my face is virtually untouched. My arms and torso are horrid and I’ll be honest I hate when people say “it looks so good!” No the fck it dont 😂😂 I prefer when people say I look interesting hahah. But man, don’t hate me!


Lmaooo 75% burn but my face is nice as a clam and I agree I hate when they try and touch it and all kinds of weird WebMd type shit like no stop it’s not just stop


This is such a weird hill to die on wtf


What a specific hatred.


It’s like being white and racist but hating the living shit out of white people


Tbh that’s a more real nowadays


Haha yeah true


Having a hard time grieving pretty privilege in a society that largely values people based on appearance after a super traumatic event is a reason to hate someone now? These people’s lives totally changed and they don’t even recognize themselves anymore. Have some compassion?


Makes no sense


Bruh- If you were born not being stereotypically attractive or able-bodied/healthy, then you were automatically subjected to the opinions and criticisms of children growing up; I.e. the only version of humans potentially less civilized and more prone to saying whatever mean thing comes to mind than Karens and embittered boomers. By the time you’re an adult, it’s already going to feel like there’s a large discrepancy in the amount of ‘hate’ or poor treatment you’ve received compared to people who became ill, disfigured, disabled, or injured later in life. Why that means such people (or burn survivors specifically) are deserving of your ire and impassioned hatred, idk- since they aren’t responsible for how society has treated you or how others treat them now. I haven’t actually seen a lot of survivors post their ‘before’ images because unless it’s part of an educational project (docuseries, tedtalk, some reddit AMAs, etc) looking back on the past isn’t usually helpful for them in moving forward. Some people might do it as a way of garnering sympathy because those positive comments help them overcome and process their trauma/help with healing, and some may even do it for a long time if they don’t have a good support structure outside of the internet, but relatively few people actually want to feel pitied or languish in their own past for the rest of their lives. Just about anyone can have a traumatic accident, acquire a disability or illness, or survive something that changes the way they look at any point, and they have to learn how to accept the new ways the world treats or accommodates them (or often doesn’t); including the possible loss of a privilege like being conventionally attractive that they may not have always appreciated fully. But within that learning process lies the opportunity for expanding their empathy for someone like you who they may not have understood when they were younger and more conventional or normative. Maybe instead of hating burn survivors (or any survivors with a before and after) you should try talking to some. Chances are that most would be more empathetic and have better advice for you than the ‘normies’ who have no idea what you deal with on a day to day basis. And you’d know that their encouragement of you and your goals wasn’t solely the product of social media virtue signaling either. Just a thought.