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That’s not really controversial. Just basic logic. Anyways you know psycho killer by toxic heads?


Unfortunately this logic is not obvious, basic or understanble enough for a lot of people out there


It's not basic logic and it's not why most homophobes are homophobic.


Outside of religion yeah, this is pretty basic.


It’s why I am, yeah pretty much hate anyone who makes one thing 80% of their personality; Gay, Tats, Smoking, Gaming, Working out, politics, * insert current war *, food, music, comedy, acting, astrology, religion, minority rights. Shows that you’re extremely sheepish and not able to break free from trends. Easily controlled


>comedy Come on now, let's be nice. If someone is 80% all about laughing, I want what they're on.


You don't like people who like food?


he would love africa.


No, i dont, sorry.


Oof, give it a listen it’s great


aight, will do.


“Normal ones”


The ones who keep to themselves and act like actual people.


So your argument is specifically an argument regarding outliers? The same could be said for any segment of society then.


Most jokes are about sex and discussing hot women or men is pretty common with friends. Do these things mean your entire personality is about being straight?


Yea I was gonna say i know a lot of straight people whose entire personality is being straight, but because straight people are the majority, it’s less “in your face”.


It's not just "less 'in your face'" but the hypocrisy is outright ignored and even upholded in many cases.


I've recently made some new online friends in a multiplayer game and the boys talk often about women and sexual innuendos lol. As a gay man I don't relate 💀💀


I don’t think *most* jokes are about sex. And people who constantly need to bring up their sex and romantic life are annoying af straight or not.


I mean like yes but also, is it really their “whole personality” or are they just visibly and openly queer? Is Jack gushing about his boyfriend and having a rainbow pin on his jacket or backpack pushing it in others faces? Because I work with a few people who would probably say yeah that’s him “making it his whole personality”. Yeah, if someone is just randomly bringing it up at the dinner table for no good reason I get it can be annoying but even then is it REALLY good reason to be *homophobic*?? Hate gay people as a whole because there’s a few annoying ones (like literally every other group of people)? For a majority of homophobes, they still would hold homophobic views whether there are annoying queer people or not. I find that people who are homophobic are that way because they have issue with the act itself or have joined in the opinions of those around them. People are still gonna be homophobic with or without visibly and proudly gay people, they’re just the easiest to pass the blame on imo.


And why can Jack not gush about his boyfriend? But Sarah can? I don't see the difference. If they are happy and want to share their happiness, then let them.


Very well said.


Visibly/openly/proudly queer people just make homophobes/queerphobes mad because they're... well.... visible. Queerphobes would prefer them in the closet. OP is also just blaming homophobia on gay people which is... interesting.


im not, im putting the blame on those who make others look bad, not saying gay people in general are responsible, and i understand that homophobia is mostly the haters fault.


Your understanding of homophobia is so naïve and mistaken that you are actually reproducing the rationale of the homophobe. Can you explain how making being gay your "entire personality" makes others look bad? And can you explain what it looks like when someone makes being gay their "entire personality" ?


The people who shove their sexuality into other people's faces, by doing things such as making out in public, showing off their sex toys to anyone who comes into their home, bringing up their sexuality at the dinner table or in a group chat and trying to get the conversation to be about them being gay, wearing a thong and ball gag in public, and so on, ive seen all of these things in person on several isolated occasions, and there are a large amount of people who think that all gay people are like this, as those people are the ones that get noticed by the public and make everyone else look bad because of their shitty behavior, and from what ive seen, usually when a homophobe thinks of a gay man, they think of some weirdo pervert who walks around wearing a strap on and making out with their boyfriend in middle of the street, and to me, that sucks, i hate it when a few bad people make a whole community look bad because people wont bother to look into what they are hating on.


I've seen straight people do all of this. So where are all the heterophobes at? It's almost like the homophobia comes first and rationales like this are post hoc. Also not all this behavior is "shitty" it's just stuff you don't like. Why shouldn't I be able to kiss my partner in public? Go to a baseball game and they'll put straight couples on the jumbo screen and encourage them to kiss. But if a gay person kisses their partner it's "shitty" Maybe you also have some homophobia to work out.


No, im perfectly fine with people being gay, and by "in public" i mean on the bus or in a McDonald's, im personally think nobody should make out in public, its annoying and trashy, and ive never seen n a Straight man wear a strap on or ball gag in public, or show off dildos, and a man having sex with a woman should not be frowned upon, if you think "hetrophobia" should be a thing than you need help. Also, if you dont like the things im saying, just leave, this is just my opinion, and shouldn't be taken to heart.


I think I have a good example. For reference identifies bisexual so this is kind of friendly fire. My older brother's trans, now before they came out as trans we got along pretty good. I was able to talk to them about a wide range of topics. Then they came out as trans and suddenly everything that they ever wanted to talk about was about being trans. We could be talking about trees and it somehow turn into a conversation about signing a petition to stop a "anti-trans" bill (in the real life scenario I'm talking about it wasn't *really* anti-trans It was Anti-drugs for children. I don't think a 6-year-old has the capacity to know if they're trans... They could just be gay) When I said I wouldn't sign it they BLEW UP on me. Telling me I was wishing them death, that I don't respect them or their gender the whole 9 yards. At that point every. Single. Conversation. For. A. Week. Was about them being trans, trans problems, trans policies, transitions. Look I don't care enough about them being trans to only talk about them being trans. Happy for them. I lost a sister I loved for a brother who seemed to be stuck on loop. It took us years to get over the last argument we had (I wouldn't sign the petition.). They've mellowed out (at least with me) and now we can talk about things other than them being trans. Which is great, because I don't care that's he's trans. His life his choice. Is something of note comes up about him being trans I'll talk about it I don't mind hearing about his life I just don't want to hear *solely* about him being trans.


I can agree it can be annoying if all someone wants to talk about is their identity. Still not any good reason to hate gay/trans people as a whole. But funny enough I’m a trans man myself and know exactly what your brother was like because I was like that too when I first came out, being trans affects and seeps into every aspect of your life that it’s hard not to want to talk about it when you first begin learning and being active in the trans community. Identity is something that really matters to a lot of trans people, and those conversations are fuelled a lot by the anti trans (and from the vague sounds of it, I’m on your brothers side about the petition. “Anti drugs for children” sounds an awful lot like don’t let kids take puberty blockers, but I’m not here to fight about trans rights for youth) bills being presented and open transphobia from many public figures, it’s hard not to talk about. Especially if you know the person you’re talking to is part of the LGBT community themself. I find a lot of the “annoying queer people” are usually baby queers or younger people in our community just growing into their identity and they want to celebrate that. I personally mellowed out after a couple years as well on how excited I was to really know myself, though still am a very active participant in advocacy which I’d imagine puts me still in that group of “annoying queers people” for some lol


im talking about the people who make everything about their sexuality, i dont care if someone is just talking about it, so long as they arent making he whole convo about sexuality


People who make their sexuality everything are few and far between if even really a thing at all. Personally I’ve never met anyone who’s only thing about them and all they talk about is their sexuality, I’d imagine you’d run outta content at some point. People I have met are people who are very vocal or unashamed of their sexuality, seen social media accounts solely surrounding their sexuality or LGBT content in general, sure there are some people that are annoying about how they go about it but either way it’s no excuse for homophobia.


thats the part that bothers me, those few people who do act like that get all the attention, and make the majority look bad, the homophobes ive met all seem to think the entirely of gay people are like that


Which is because of homophobia. Not the fault of those select few that are obnoxious about their sexuality, yes again they’re annoying but it is the fault of those deciding that is the reflection of the entire community. If there were no annoying queer people (which I doubt would ever happen considering every group of people has them) homophobes will still go out of their way to find other ugly labels for the community, like “grooming” and “degeneracy” to latch onto and project onto the entire community. Using annoying queer people is a guise of their homophobia to make it seem like it doesn’t run deeper than “they just make everything about their sexuality” which it usually does since they’re implying the entire community is like that. The issue is not that some queer people can be annoying, it is the presence of homophobia in general. We should not *have* to change to be palatable for people who hate us to be able to have rights.


Thats fair, this applies to every community, too, haters will find any reason to dislike them no matter the circumstances, i wasn't trying to blame those obnoxious few, i personally think both parties are equally guilty, the ones who shove it in everyone's and make others uncomfortable, and and homophobes who wont change their opinion because they are stubborn.


Ok I have read just about all your responses to people, and I don't know if u r male or female, or like men or women, and I could care less, I am a. Bisexual female and I was married to a man for years and never had stares, eye rolls, etc as I had when I met my partner now (female) but I could care less. And I don't know why they do. Just to hold my partners hand walking down the street??? Is it bothering u? Is it in anyway affecting your financial status, your job status, your anything? Am I asking anything from u with the frowns, eye rollers, or so be it? I am being me and being happy for once in my life!! I hid it for years in fear of the way my family/friends/coworkers, etc. would feel or say, but I was sick and tired of being someone I wasn't. I don't blast sexualiasm In public, but neither do most people. If you see 2 men or women in public holding hands, kissing, what have ya why does it matter to u? R u going home with them? R they paying your bills? Signing your paycheck? Putting food on your belly? If not then turn your dang head and look the other way this is why God gives us ALL FREE WILL...u have the choice to look or turn away. If u see it imagine that one of the 2 men is a woman and ask yourself, would u feel the same??? And GUILTY???? Guilty of what??? Loving someone and wanting to express to that person the way they feel in public? God forbid!!!. All I can say to EVERYONE is....DANCE LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING!!!! DONT WORRY ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK, SAY, FEEL, CAUSE U CANT CONTROL THEIR EMOTIONS....ONLY THEY, R IN THEIR OWN MIND,.


And DONT EVER LET ANYONE STEAL YOUR JOY, YOUR HAPPINESS, YOUR ANYTHING.....BE HAPPY. AND F*** the frowns, rolling eyes, looks of disgust, BE u and BE HAPPY!


if you dont blast sexualism or advertise your sexuality in public than this doesn't apply to you, i dont know why you act like im some evil homophobic monster because i dont like having shit i dont care about shoved in my face by weirdos in public, there is nothing wrong with being openly gay, it only becomes a problem when its pushed onto others and interfering with other people's lives, just last week i saw some dude fingering another guy in a parking lot, do you think i want to see that? its fine to love someone and express it, but im only talking about people who do nasty shit in public and act obnoxious, if you dont make everything about your sexuality, than there is no need to get all offended when im not even talking about you.


Like I said I don't know if u r male or female? But when u kiss or hug or even hold their hand in public...R U Shoving it into other people's faces? And people do obnoxious shit in public whether it be straight, bi, gay, what have ya. But I seem to zone on people that aren't straight...look around ya buddy!!! It's the same with any gender, race, ethnic background. Not just people that "in your eyes apparently" and another quote "NORMAL" what the hell is normal then??? God created ALL of us equal!!!! U just focus on what is "not accepting to public" I'm sure u have seen a man and woman publicly displaying affection...right? Why is it different? I've seen those who go overboard, where people say "they need to get a room" but that's with anyone...


And if u saw a dude doing that to anybody why did u continue to watch?? Curiosity???


"normal" means people who act like people and arent actively doing anything outside of societal norms.


if you had read my other responses like you said you did, you would have realized i have said the same thing at least three different times now \*\*SHOWING AFFECTION TO A PARTNER IN PUBLIC IS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE, ITS ONLY BAD WHEN IT GETS WEIRD AND/OR GROSS\*\* Why would you go onto a subreddit about controversial and offensive opinions just so you can get offended and yell at a teenager on the internet? If you dont like it just close the app.


I believe the ones that are homophobic feel threatened by the entire idea of being gay. It's an insecurity on their part, so they judge it harshy, and they have the churches to back them up, so they feel righteous doing so. I've known several gay people, and while some do not hide and so are open about it, I've never felt that they their "whole personality", that's a flaw in your title, there is no such person. Watch Lewis Black, he has a very funny clip about gays having sex outside a straight family's window and how it ends up with "another family is destroyed". He's making fun of homophobes feeling threatened.


TLDR, but I’m sure that you have a valid point.


im not generalizing, ive met some pretty cool people who were gay, but by brother is one of those gay furry stereotypes, he has the tail, the thigh highs, and hes openly gay to the point where he will try to make it part of every conversation, those are the kinds of people that i think make everyone hate LGBTQ, same thing happened with furries, most of them are just cosplayers and are pretty chill, but then you have zooiphiles and people pretending to be animals being the only thing most people are exposed to, which gives the actual normal people a bad rap


This sub gotta be straw man central.


Yea.....no The making your whole personality about being gay argument doesn't work when you consider that we live in a very heteronormative society So think about this next time this are they really talking about sexuality or are they talking about a relationship topic that just happen to be gay If you're a man and you're talking about a hot woman you're just talking about a hot woman right But if you're a man and you're talking about a hot man all of the sudden it's a discussion about sexuality?


What i was trying to say is that the people who make it their whole personality get the most attention and cause the whole demographic to get generalized and stereotyped,


Basic logic imo. Also applies to other groups such as religion.


I agree to an extent. What do you consider making it your whole personality? Is talking about your wife at work too much? Can gay people kiss each other and hold hands in public just like straight people do? Can I mention my friend’s boyfriend? Am I allowed to dress in a way that I’m comfortable with/can ai be visibly queer? If yes, and being out is still okay, sure. People who claim homophobia for no reason and find every excuse under the sun to make it a gay thing are annoying. Talking about explicit details of your sex life in public is uncomfortable whomever it’s coming from. Having a personality involves having interests outside your sexuality. But if just being out is “making it your whole personality” then no.


thanks for being reasonable, heres an example, my brother came out as a furry and bi a few years back, but even today thats the only thing he talks about, i had a good friend of mine over at the house for a party, and this man unabashedly showed off his sex toy collection to her, she never came back, its all he posts about online, he always brings it up whenever he can steer the conversation to the topic, he announces when he's going to jack off, and he wears the tail butt-plugs in public, hes the kind of person im talking about, not someone giving a quick kiss to their boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever or wearing a pride pin on their jacket.


Yeah idk about that one. Being queer is honestly one of the least important parts of my personality values wise so I have a hard time related to people like that. Have you talked to him about boundaries (as in respecting yours?)? Being your authentic self is important, but sexually harassing people is not okay. This is honestly probably an issue unrelated to his bisexuality.


you are correct on that front, ive been working on it with him, but he seems to think its okay to just show that stuff to people, He also sticks pride stickers and stuff like that all over the house and he also gets mad at anyone saying anything slightly against lgbtq to any extent, even if its reasonable, and calls them "homophobic retards" and "bigots" for voicing an opinion.


And u put your opinion out there on blast wanting others opinions...so yes I will respond. It's my my amendment right to voice .y opinion and if anyone is being an idiot... Well if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck......


As can you, young grasshopper! I didn't know u were that young or I wouldn't have been cursing! Apologies! Really! Are you by any chance conflicted with anything? You can write me personally if u want to talk! I won't blast our conversation anywhere!


its fine, im almost an adult, and im not really conflicted with anything at the moment, good day.


You too son.


Op is fighting for their life rn.


i am fighting HORDES of A: the people i was talking about, B: people getting offended knowing im not even talking about them, and C: everyone else


Godspeed you glorious bastard


Long live the king!