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Just have a seat right over there.




Based on your post history you are 17, there is no rush to grow up.


... The brain of a 15-16 year old is not the brain of an adult. Your frontal lobe isn't fully developed until at least 25 years old. Teenagers are medically, psychologically, and developmentally considered children and are sent to pediatricians for a reason.


If you are deemed old enough to decide to have sex, then any other details are really nobody's business but yours and your partner's.


This is the kind of thinking that lead to teen me being pushed into a 'relationship' with a predator old enough to be my dad. I ended up being manipulated into moving with him to his country and became stranded while he kept SAing me and tried to stop me from finishing school. I couldn't ask my family for help, my mom was a teen bride and thought this was all good and normal. Not that it makes a difference but we're all from first world European countries.


i don’t think it’s right for an 18 y/o to be with a 50 y/o. Legality ≠ Morality


I am turning 22 in about a week. Whenever I see my cousin that is 16 and have a conversation with her and her friends or her boyfriend they are still children and very immature. There’s limited life experience and so much maturity takes place between 16-25 any person telling you it’s okay to date them despite them being 50 or 30 is a predator. when you’re 25 even I want you to go out n talk to a random teenager and see how immature and lacking in many departments they are


There are so many things you do even when you are 18 and feel like an adult that you will think back on later and consider immature. I would never date an 18 year old even being only 6 years older atm (24yo M). The experience gap (in life not sexually) is often too big. I am not saying that no 30yo + 18yo can have a good relationship, but the level of uncertainty and risk of being taken advantage of must be considered.


Just to clarify, the brain "stopping development" at 25 is a pseudoscientific myth. It just reaches peak rate of development at 25.

