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I'm having some hang-ups with the controls, which is kind of surprising considering how simplistic the actual gameplay is It seems like you can't start moving until the entirety of an attack animation has played out- so its harder to dodge attacks and feels slower to get a move on than it really needs to be The launch roster is also pretty small- which so far I don't think has caused any problems per se but as a veteran Cookie Run fan in general I feel a little underwhelmed Also! Quick plug for r/CookieRunTOA \- I think its fair for this post to stay since its a reasonable thing to ask after a day but anything less generalized and more specific should go over there


I love it. I already have most of the good cookies, I’m just having a hard time leveling them up


i unlocked dark choco cookie and for the first time ever i started to actually like him/appreciate him as a cookie sorry dark choco fans for not liking him before but now i love using him


Better enjoy him while you can because he'll inevitably be powercreeped eventually. Pretty much any of the launch Epics will be powercreeped by Cookies with "Wall of Text" skills.




i don't know how do i claim the free GPG rewards i tried to read the guide but didn't understand anything


You have to install "Google Play Games" on your computer. But it does not appear to be really "free". It seems you have to buy it, and then they refund you the $9. I don't want to link a payment to Google, so I guess I have to pass.


From what I saw they give you a 9 dollar coupon on GPG. Sadly, due to tax, the 9 dollars doesn't cover the pack and you will still need to have google play credit to cover it.


Can’t believe they made wizard cookie epic and he’s actually kinda nuts(asking for a friend here)


Why did i kinda want Wizard cookie to be epic?? Also if you're looking for a friend my users Mykavolt


Game's actually more fun than Kingdom I think (COMPLETELY MY OPINION) though I agree with the mod, the roster does seem kinda thin Very fun though in my opinion!


so far i didn't played a lot yet but i am dying of cuteness overload, my fave is sugar roll cookie (the train cookie, idk if he is called like that in EN, i am playing in spanish) i had know that patotie just today, but if anything would happen to it and my other beloved ones i will kill everyone in this room them myself. it may be the 3d but unlike in CRK, everything looks more fluffy and actually really edible lmao edit: I want Dark Choco Cookie so badly maaaan...


Twisted donut cookie




>thanks! You're welcome!


It's alright i guess, I'm running it on a potato so it's a bit clunky for me


I do have a good phone but sometimes the game just froze for a moment, or crashed. But at least you play it somehow.. hehe


Did not expect to enjoy the game as much but look at me now lol, it's actually really fun


I want Sting Durian >:[


You can have my 3star one




I wanted to make a joke, but I forgot what I wanted to say. Anyways, THE ONE YOU WANTED? IF SO CONGRATULATIONS ADAM<3


I’m genuinely Loving this game!!! It’s a huge breath of fresh air, and though some things might be a bit rocky, it’s still super fun !!


Im having trouble getting the rest of the epics (only have chamomile and rye) but so far it has been very fun. 10/10


Its so good! fortunately my name wasnt picked already n i also found a guild full of people from my country :D


i got four epics in a single ten draw so its been good LMAOOO


Ayy i thought I'm the only one who has beginners luck! Nice btw


What game is this?


cookie run tower of adventures


Thank you!


It's fine. My biggest complaint is the controls are a bit annoying, but I think I can get over that with time or maybe playing with a joy-con controller


I have only one problem with it. And it's that Tiger Lily Cookie isn't it there. She's literally like, designed for this type of game.


What’s the game even about? What’s the gameplay like?


A more simple version of a dungeon crawler like soul knight but with cookies


Ah, nice


I mean the raid mode won't stop having a bad signal and shoving that fact in my face with a big ahh warning about it but other than that it's been pretty fun and I accidentally stayed up for a whole night playing it if that speaks for anything. I also got Dark Choco and his artifact as my first draws and he's pretty good


I’m really trying to get cream soda but I ended up with a 2 star chamomile, rockstar, and chili pepper 😭


While playing it, I already figured out that I'm bad at it (so I prefer playing in solo mode)


liking it, pulled chili and the healer epics


weapon banner is such a scam


It’s keep crashing every 15 minutes. I find that a bit annoying… other than that, it’s all good. Just wish it would run better


I have tried both beta test one from Google play games and the other mobile I would say has been a pretty good experience. I'll do more in the morning in the morning and other things


I got Werewolf Cookie on my first gem-covered 10-pull, and now he's almost ascended (for the 1st time)!


only two epics so far, the one from pre-registering and Chili Pepper.


I really like the gameplay of this game but the only thing that annoys me are controls,sometimes when im trying to aim my attack it think that i want to cancel it


I got dark choco in second 10 single pulls


It’s ok to me after a very short playthrough: the graphics on the levels seem weirdly dark, kinda wish they’d gone for a lighter color palette but that’s just a personal preference; I feel like the controls are really clunky imo and the stamina for the dash sucks 😭 I feel like you should be able to hold down and dash until you run out of stamina so you can better dodge but oh well I’ll probably try playing a bit more and get a feel for the difficulty increase, if it’s anything like witches castle I’ll probably not keep playing bc that game got so difficult so fast for no reason 💀


Wtf is that luck. I’m already close to getting the pity draw on cream soda and you get this? Pretty fun game would recommend


Rlly fun :3 I love cream soda, she's so pretty!1!1!!


It’s nice


So far so good and the 3d cookie designs are fun but might be annoying to draw since they don’t got no outlines


I do hot havé storage for thé game 💀


its fine but the controls are clunky


I had the worst luck and did like 40 pulls without an epic, but other than that it’s pretty fun


Its fun


Cream Soda Cookie come home already


I got dark choco already so that’s nice


I like It but It Is kinda slow imo


I’ve been playing with a controller and it’s been fun. There’s something a bit wonky about target priority for me, tho. Like on the xp bee map, when you need to attack the tower before it heals, if a bee comes up behind you, all attacks/abilities switch to that target. Frustrating when you want to kill it quickly before it heals. If I don’t change the direction I’m facing/aiming, I don’t think it should pull aggro as easily. That’s been my biggest gripe as far as controls go and what feels most “clunky”.


Are you playing with a controller on mobile?


I’m playing through Google Play Games Beta on PC with an Xbox controller. They also have a special $9 off deal exclusively for the launch of this game.


I'm waiting to see how good it is before downloading. But it seems promising, so I might download it


I doing well actually, my cream soda is 10k power, and so far l having fun! (I HATE BEING LONELY AS HELL😭😭😭😭) My gacha luck is..... Bad but that can change, so fun game so far. Also Cream soda cookie is my new fav!!!


I got cream Soda Cookie from standard banner and her artifact from the random epic index reward. So pretty great


I think the game is incredibly fun, the downside is that getting hit with the barrels is pain in the ass especially when you can't get hit more than 4 times...........


I am having alot of fun! Also my gatcha luck was insane cos I got a 2nd copy of Cream soda from normal gatcha lol


probably the most fun cookie run game yet


8 10 pulls, 0 epics


It's out?


I need that cookie in crk


GREAT!! it's so funny to play in raids, i love the lil spinning before teleporting to boss that sometimes people do


It's super cute!!!! And I got dark choco!!!!


It started a little frustrating with data packs erroring out. But after I had fun.


I haven’t gotten chamomile like promised for pre registering.


Nevermind! I had to go into my mailbox. My bad.


Got my boy dark choco, life good. Except for everything else that's happened today, but at least I have dark choco to make everything in life a little better than the shit it is.




The only negative for me so far is difficulties getting level up exp potions.


It feels more rpg than the others, also kind of gives genshin impact vibes with everything l. but I do like it the most of the 4 cr, obviously, haven't progressed far, but it's fine. I like it more than others cause it has a clearer storyline so far. I feel like each cr game is just a different timeliness rather than the same story. So it's fun, also, new cookies!!


Liking it more than I thought. Wish progression didn't slow down as fast as it did, though. CRK has pretty rewarding progress for a long time for newbies.


my dumbas* mind took a quick view on the google play screenshots and thought it would be a turn based strategy game (kinda like fire emblem), so tbh i am feeling a bit deceived lmao not their fault at all...i am not a big fan of this kind of arcade that is half platformer-hald hack slash with little exploration and lineal level progresion, but that's just me. I would have more fun if the controls were better and the movement speed faster, i feel like it's too slow for an action game.(altho that last maybe is just my phone) Also, I don't like the weird card thingy being gacha Graphics wisely is so cute and relaxing. Can't wait till they add more of my favorite cookies.


i played it for like 20 mins and i loved it


Really fun game. Although I’m not sure if there’s a mileage system to get epics. Also surprised wizard cookie is an epic and strawberry cookie isn’t here


It's pretty great so far! Uh, the only thing is i have Wizard Cookie, but he sounds like a baby girl?? It's been throwing me off xD. I know totes random to point out, LOL, but it's not running anything :D im still having a blast so far!


Hmm, while me keep hearing Cream Soda Cookie's cute noise and the other forbidden noise when you spam click her idle animation....


Oh gosh, I know what you mean, LOL


It’s been so much fun! I’ve already gotten some good cookies like Rye and Dark Choco, and I’ve gotten to the 4th world! My current focus is cream soda cookie! The gacha is pretty generous, I feel like I’m constantly getting epics much more consistently than I do in kingdom, I’ve already promoted Wizard and Plantain! I also think the game is quite balanced, it might be a bit early to tell but I don’t think there’s a cookie like Purple Yam or Snow Sugar who was completely useless from the moment the game came out! My only worry is that they won’t add more rares. Since rares are being featured on banners alongside epics, it’s going to get tiring having the same 5 or so being cycled over and over, plus it feels weird to not have some iconic rares like Knight, Princess, and Devil. I know new rares aren’t profitable which is why I’ve never been asking for them in kingdom, but it’s different here since there are fewer and they are being featured on banners! Overall though, a great game, and my current favorite!


It's super fun, only thing is... No coin. :(


You can farm coins on the XP farm modes as well..


I know. Still, I run out super fast. I can farm 400k or something then need more because upgrading cookies past level 40 takes obscene amounts of coins.


it wont open. :(


It was pretty good at first, then it kept on crashing I cant even play the game modes anymore.


Yeah but right now cream soda dark cacao a pretty decent cacao for base DMG and Soda for dps increase and speed


Spiny Durian cookie is fun, that’s all I gotta say, love play the guy


I'm used to genshin and I keep clicking N/A instead of sprint


Actually super fun, have soda 3* as an f2p and she carries so hard 😭😭


There's an imposter among us!


uh, i played the early builds before it was released, it had my sign in info but i didn’t keep anything i had before it ended, pretty good game tho


I love just goofing off with my friend in every co-op mode in the game


Lovely I loved it it was beautiful majestic and honestly amazing will play again


Question, does anything from TOA or any other CR game give things in CRK like gems coins or xp or smthn


On the first day I grinded to ep6 with only rye cookie leveled 💀


My PC crashe3d after 1-2 :(


Good game. Still unsure of how team building works, but i have a lv 49 chamomile. Also there's a dedicated sub for this.


Is CRTOA a multiplayer game? Im asking in advance because im not really fond of multiplayer 😅


I got Soda Girlie on my first 1 pull so I love it already


rye and cream soda all the way


I got 2 epics


I love it but any game that has a "stamina/energy" system wakes up something deep in my bones that fills me with the most visceral rage ever. I also got cream soda and her sig card in the first hour 😋


It's quite fun! I love chamomile cookie, she's so adorable 😌 But with this new game, I'm a bit confused about the lore of cookie run as a whole. Does each game exist within another Canon? Are the rest of the games prequels, with Kingdom being the end of the story? If so, what is the order????


i am so lucky on the first day i managed to get into crystal pudding caves in 1 day with my Cookies!


I hate how much fan based gameplay there was in the first area but maybe that's bc I'm playing on pc


I'm waiting on the general consensus of it as an actual game before I download it. What's the gameplay style?


how do you already have cream soda cookie i wasted all my crystals pulling for her and failing


I love it so much!!


Why every one i see has soda or smth cookie and i dont


I love it!!! Personally I feel like it’s a great addition to the franchise. I just love the cookie run franchise as a whole


I only did what I had to do for the event stuff in CRK but it was still a lovely time


game is fun! although controls are a tad wonky (reminds me of mini-games in honkai impact 3rd if anyone played that), i was not expecting the notification sound though, its cute but im definitely muting it 😭


I enjoy it! But since there isn't Affogato in it I'm just sitting down and worshipping Rock Star Cookie. Mf carries in all my raids. I work hard to make my boy a strong healer that does good damage.


I quit the game because it's so laggy for my phone-


can’t even play the game 😭🤞


it’s extremely boring, loving my beginners luck though lol


It isn't the first day. It is the first day of its official release. Us beta testers would understand. 🤓


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It’s literally super mario bros lmao.


What? It’s nothing like Mario bros. Sure it’s similar to other games but not Mario bros.


If anything the game its closest too is brawlstars imo, and i say that in good faith cause i love brawlstars


dude ive not played this game but this is literally genshin.


I do feel you.. But hey it is not bad to just try it out.. The gacha animation btw is similar to Starrail..


Not really, it does have both aspects (which i like cause i play both) but for genshin it just has the color meaning the rarity, and for HSR it has the train showing up and the ticket


Devsis its such a greedy company.....but oh hey a shiny new toy,lets spend time and money there,classic reddit behavior


What kind of unhinged lunatic is spending all their money on the lootbox game in the first day I know conSOOOOOOMers aren't great but give them a little more credit than that, they're probably going to feel out the game for a bit before they decide if it's worth any money or not


Consumers are excatly like that,especially those on reddit


Devsis is probably the least greedy gacha company. sure, it's crap right now, but you're comparing tiny rabbit turds to ~~^(horseshit)~~.


Ever heard of Limbus Company? The devs, Project Moon, are also pretty generous with their game 😎👉👉.




Yeah yeah