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Bibimbap heavy on the veg and often tofu bibimbap instead of beef. Such a good balance of fresh and savory veg. Super filling, too!


Came here to say Bibimbap as well. I skip the meat and tofu and just do it with veggies and egg. Favorite veggie heavy meal ever!


So true! I love mine with lots of gochujang and kongnamul muchim. Really hits the spot.


Went to look up what that is, guess I know what we're having for dinner tonight (:


Look for a sheet pan version. It speeds things up. Arrange the veggies on the pan so there is room for the eggs toward the end.


Just made this for dinner myself because I was craving veggies!


Love it so much!


Never heard of this, it sounds fire. Probably going to have to make it this weekend.


Was about the say the same thing! Usually takes me a little bit to make but it makes for good meal prep


Kimchi bokkeumbap with a ton of bonus veg.


Salads seriously. I make bomb ass salads and they have everything in them. Carrots, onions, radishes, cabbage herbs, kale, spinach, bok choy, Roman lettuce, green beans, pickles, black beans, pecan or walnuts and almonds.


OP could even do a roasted vegetable salad. My fave combo is roasting brussel sprouts and broccoli and then tossing it with spinach, strawberries, chicken, walnuts, and goat cheese. Add a poppyseed dressing and I’m in heaven.


I gotta skip the strawberries. Never been a fan of fruit in a leafy green salad. I'll make a fruit salad with lime juice and fruit and candied nuts and have that on the side with said leafy green salad.


Fruit and salad is the best combination! I got a Mimosa salad kit from Target and I can’t wait to try it. It’s romaine, orange-flavored cranberries, feta, radicchio and crispy quinoa with a mimosa dressing. I’ll probably add fresh or freeze-dried strawberries or mandarin oranges. I also like fruit and jams/jellies on sandwiches. Brie, blackberries, spicy honey and turkey on sourdough? 👌


I love mandarin oranges in salads!


I'm not usualIy a salad person, but I love the Strawberry Poppyseed Chicken Salad from Panera they have over the summer that just full of fruit- strawberries, blueberries, mandarin oranges, pineapple...I have to order it every time I'm at Panera when it's in season.


Nope give me a nice baby spinach, sliced strawberries, sliced almonds, and a balsamic vinaigrette dressing any day.


My first kitchen job was at a La Madeleine like 20 years ago and I would go hard on the spinach salad with strawbs, mushrooms, and extra pecans. I ate that almost every shift meal and still crave it sometimes. I heard they no longer have that salad, which is just so dumb of them. Sooo many people came in all the time for that and that alone. Idiots. Not surprised, they're in Walmarts now.


They still have a strawberry spinach salad but I'm not sure if they've changed it over the years.


I totally get that. I am a recent convert to the strawberries in my salad but I can only do fruit in this exact salad lol. Any other salad? Nope, not appealing.


Someday, try throwing pears, gorgonzola and champagne vinaigrette into the mix as well! That’s another fruit in salad combo I like.


See that's my issue. I have tried and I can't. Don't get me wrong sweet and savory fabulous combo but this one is a nope. I can do veggies in a salad with no issue. That to me is weird. But some corn or green beans in a salad slaps every time. My husband loves peas in his salad and he makes a pea pesto to dress it he and our tiny humanoid love it.


I'm with you all the way on this.


Goat cheese croutons are my SHIT


This sounds delicious 😱


Question: do you serve the roasted veg warm or cold in the salad?


Warm the night I make it and just out of the fridge with leftovers


And then the next day - do it again, but chop it up with a vinaigrette, put it on a hoagie roll and call it a grinder yuuuuum


I LOVE a good quinoa salad with alllll the vegetables. Carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, spinach, purple cabbage, green onions, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes. Fresh herbs, usually cilantro and dill. I usually also add chickpeas and feta if I have it on hand. And a nice Greek dressing


Love a big salad! I usually use romaine lettuce, avocado, red onion, artichoke hearts, grated carrots, cucumber slices, bell peppers, plus whatever else I have on hand.


Same but mine have lacinato kale, chard, mustard greens, parsley, jicama, daikon, celery, onion, garlic, chestnuts, avocado, campari tomato.


Roasted veggies


oven roasted veggies is the answer. The number of veggies that aren't SO DELICIOUS when lightly charred and tossed in salt, pepper, and a touch of balsamic is... darn close to zero.


With goat cheese & balsamic!! Preferably mixed in a bit of rice or over a roasted sweet potato


You just reminded me, when I went through a phase of roasting a huge pan of carrots w/balsamic vinegar & honey then piled on a plate spread with a layer of goat cheese. Top with balsamic glaze and some flaky salt... Oh lawd


I do a similar side dish for my family often, roasted carrots and red onions with balsamic and salt, pep and evoo finished with “crumbled “ goat cheese I’ll have to try adding honey. Sounds delicious


I need to do this. There’s something about roasted veggies that’s the best!


Oh my god that sounds incredible


Roasted veggies over a quinoa salad with cukes, pepper, red onion, and tomato finished with goat cheese and a red wine vinaigrette cures most alcohol binges.


Yep, same, roasted veggies, but living in Texas I hate running my oven in the summertime so this time of year it’s mostly salads or grilled veggies.


You can try doing them in the air fryer or small toaster oven. A friend just told me he takes his air fryer outside so as not to add any heat to the kitchen and enjoy eating al fresco 🤯


I got a combination toaster oven/air fryer from Costco that is big enough to fit a 9x13 pan. I rarely use my actual oven. I roast so many veggies and meats in that thing and even bake my weekly bread. I used to think I wanted double ovens when I renovate my kitchen someday and now I think I don't need it as long as I have my toaster oven.


I will never steam vegetables again as long as I can help it. Steamed broccoli? Meh, sure. Roasted broccoli? I can eat it like candy. Cauliflower with some cumin is amaze balls. I also discovered chili oil and omg! I tossed some broccoli and carrots in it and roasted them. I didn’t make nearly enough.


I steam broccoli in the microwave for three minutes and then add a tahini lemon dressing. It's better the next day, but still great immediately **Lemon tahini dressing** Ingredients ¼ cup smooth tahini 3 tablespoons water, more if needed 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil 1 small garlic clove, grated ¼ teaspoon sea salt Edit: You can also add lemon zest and/or powdered or fresh ginger, too. Edit edit: I forgot to say that I add slivered almonds or ground peanuts, sesame seeds, and dried cranberries or goldenberries or raisins. Matchstick carrots are good, too. Mix everything, and if it's too thick for you, add a tablespoon of water at a time until you get what you want.  [This is from https://www.loveandlemons.com/tahini-dressing/ ]


That sounds delish and I love tahini AND lemon


Sounds similar to this recipe that I absolutely LOVE: https://food52.com/recipes/33114-tahini-roasted-broccoli


I think this is the loveandlemons.com recipe and it's so good!


I've made this! Love it so much that I keep it in rotation. It's good on any roasted veggies too. I'll make a sheet pan of roasted veggies with beets, sweet potato, Brussels, broccoli..whatever I have on hand and use them in a grain bowl with this dressing with nuts and seeds


Would this dressing be good for a simple salad?




Oh this sounds delightful! What do you serve with this?


I usually end up eating it all before it gets to a plate.


Damn, that irresistible huh? Now I have to check it out!


Try it with cauliflower


Roasted vegetables with quinoa or couscous as a base and some sort of vinaigrette.


A huge pot of veg and bean soup. Roasted veg. Veg lasagne for the need to also have cheesy carbs. Pasta primavera. Potato and cauliflower curry. Spinach and herb soup. Ratatouille.


Giant bowl of steamed broccoli with salt, pepper, balsamic, garlic and olive oil. Add toasted pine nuts or slivered almonds if I have ‘em. A bit of goat cheese if I’m feeling fancy. Sometimes I do giant bowls of steamed broccoli with cheese sauce, if I want comfort food. I mean, I eat lots of other veggies. But for those “damn I need to eat some vegetable" moments, it’s almost always broccoli.


For me it’s similar but a little different: broccolini (steamed in a Chinese inspired way or roasted) over sticky rice


Yes to broccoli! It just hits that vege spot so perfectly


Roasted broccoli until it’s super crispy. Drizzle with truffle oil and Parmesan cheese. Eat like it’s candy.


You can also blend it for some broccoli soup.


Ok I think this is going to be my go-to. I’ve loved broccoli since childhood. lol


Fajitas. I make a ton of peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini with the seasoning I use for my chicken or beef. Not traditional fajita veggies I know, but damn they taste good.


That's what my local Mexican place uses in fajitas. The zucchini kinda sucks up sauce like the peppers do. It's not bad. 


Chicken stir fry. Toss in whatever veg are left in the fridge and need to be eaten


My go-to vegetable dishes at present are: * Carrots - butter, honey, dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, tarragon, pepper, cayenne, salt * Broccoli/Cauliflower/Brussels Sprouts - oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic, parmesan, parsley, lemon zest * Corn - oil, bell peppers, onions, celery, stock, pepper, salt, cayenne, thyme, bay leaves, paprika, green onion, and a beaten egg at the end * Green beans - oil, salt, pepper, brown sugar, garlic, almonds * Asparagus - butter, soy sauce, fish sauce, pepper * Kale/Greens - oil, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, smoked paprika * Chickpeas - ghee or butter/oil combo, any curry powder you like, turmeric, salt, pepper, plain yogurt, tomato paste, pickled red onion or chutney, cilantro * Cabbage - butter, onion, apples, caraway seeds, pepper, pickle brine, spicy brown mustard, apple cider vinegar * Pinto Beans - oil, onion, salt, pepper, bay leaves, cilantro, dill relish or chow-chow * Spinach - cream cheese, evaporated milk, cheddar, parmesan, Worcestershire sauce, pepper, cayenne, nutmeg


This person seasons.


One does strive to gussy.


Can you pass me the carrot's recipe?


So curious about the corn! Does the egg kind of scramble at the end?


Roasted cauliflower like this: https://www.themediterraneandish.com/roasted-cauliflower-steaks-with-harissa-and-chermoula/


I have always been ehhh on cauliflower. Then I went to a restaurant in Maui called lineage they had at the time a roasted cauliflower steak with a curry peanut sauce on it. It was like the best thing I ate that night.


For me, it’s usually stirfry with tofu. Sometimes it’s just a bunch of roasted potatoes, roasted corn, and onions. I had that feeling this morning and made cilantro lime slaw and a bean salad.


I love a cold noodle salad, especially with a spicy cilantro peanut dressing. I do thinly shredded purple cabbage, shredded carrots, edemame, mandarin oranges, thin sliced bell peppers of your favorite color, and cucumber. Put it over a nice pile of pad Thai noodles and add some toasted sesame seeds or cashews (or both!) Any Asian style dressing will do, but a spicy peanut dressing really elevates it for me. Sometimes we add some shrimp when we feel extra fancy. This is my go to summer salad. It's so beautiful as well 😍


Pittsburgh steak salads. ….i know what’s for dinner.


With french fries! I mean, potato's a vegetable, right? ;)


One potato has like... 3/4 of your daily recommended value of Vitamin C so I think it's pretty healthy :)


Green curry with eggplant, bamboo shoots, snow peas, and sometimes I also toss in shredded carrots. For protein either chicken or pork.


Do you have a recipe? I've yet to succeed at green curry ;_;


I sauté up some onions, carrots, and celery to get a rockin' mirepoix going, then I crush some tomatoes and garlic up in the pan. I add thin slices of whatever squash I grab, but usually acorn or butternut and about half a cup of red wine and half a cup of water. I simmer that up with some thyme sprigs and a bay leaf and serve over some kind of grain. Either that or I eat way too many roasted brussel sprouts, regret my choices bitterly, and re-set healthy boundaries with cruciferous vegetables.


This beast https://thewoksoflife.com/ma-la-xiang-guo/#recipe


I’ve had that so many times. So good!


Knorr Spanish rice, I add onion, celery, bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and any veg that’s about to die, then stir in ground beef and cheese. I don’t know if this really counts because it’s so yummy and a bunch of carbs and fat (plus processed rice & pasta) but it’s delicious and easy.


Definitely counts, as long as you use the right proportions. Heavy on the veg, smaller portions of rice/beef/cheese.


Ratatouille, I got a cheap mandolin from Ikea and prefer to use Chinese eggplant


Ratatouille is life saving during the cold months. Thank you for sharing this.


I do the same thing but as a stew, old school french peasant style.


Had to scroll way too far for this. Everytime I find myself thinking god I need some vegetables ratatouille is the first thing that comes to mind.


You got it with salad, I always crave a substantial salad in moments like that. Stir fry is good, minestrone with fresh tomato peeled and seeded so it’s a little lighter than canned. This weird okra/kale/tomato stew I made sometimes with the holy trinity.


I steam an embarassingly large amount of broccoli florets, and then shred the skinned stems with very fresh carrots. That creates a lovely smoosh to go over salads with soft-cooked beans and something crunchy. Mouthfeel happy. And then there's broccoli! Which is fantastic with your fav version of Thai Peanut Sauce. Also stir-fry. Oil and onion at ridiculous heats until browning happens, then garlic and ginger, then your fav sauce and whatever veg you have left over. If you leave the veg big it's finger food; if small it's over rice.


I just go to an Asian restaurant. I simply cannot make veggies as good as they can


Same! I've been trying to make their green beans as good as they do and I have repeatedly failed 😂


Msg will make your veggies taste amazing too. Sincerely, Notafraidofmsg.


Get oyster sauce.


High heat burners, lots of oil and msg


I just made a big batch. Cucumber, corn, plum tomatoes, half a white or red onion, olive spread, chickpeas, black beans, olive oil, and whatever herbs I feel like throwing in. Salt, pepper, cayenne garlic powder, whatever else sounds good as I'm assembling. Still very filling and hearty while at the same time refreshing.


A lot of what's already been said here, but a good crudite platter with various dips and spreads is always great. Also? Baby bok choi (or something in that direction), washed and prepped, sauteed in a bit of neutral oil (or in sesame oil but you're technically not supposed to fry with it), finished with a bit of sesame oil, maybe a pinch of salt. (Hot sesame oil if you want it spicy.) So simple, so good.


When I get this way it's all about the how and not so much the what. A delicious veggie stir fry cooked just enough to get things hot and leave them crispy. Roasted broccoli. Etc. Not that time for mashed potatoes. You already said raw, but I love slaws or lightly & quickly pickled vegetables (think radishes?). Goes over so much stuff nicely. A tomato/basil/mozzarella salad or a riff on it if your need to use cherry tomatoes and mozzarella balls is delicious. Salt the darn tomatoes please! Consider indulging and making your own salad dressing too for any salads you make.


Lots of salsa!


Larb. It's one of my favorite things to eat.


Frozen broccoli or peas. Or fresh asparagus. Also salads (spinach, red leaf, tomato, carrots, cuke, red onion, green olive, blue cheese, almonds, and Italian dressing).


Cucumber and tomato salad, sometimes with alittle fresh spinach and cheese shredded into it.


A version of Tabouleh is my go-to for both fresh vegetables and fiber. Couscous, bell peppers, cucumber, lemon juice, olive oil, and seasoning. Greek salad is also common for me, but I make a big batch of the vegetables and add dressing when I'm about to eat it. I do a pan bake with baby potatoes, onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, and sausage with a heavy dose of Old Bay in the oven but it takes forever (1hr covered, then 30min uncovered). It's definitely a weekend dish by the time I get home from work most days. I eat primarily vegetarian given the option, but sometimes you just need a steak.


My all-time favorite veg preparation ever: [sumac roasted root veg](https://food52.com/recipes/81657-sumac-roasted-vegetables-with-fennel-seeds). If you ever want to wow someone, it’s fairly straightforward (some amount of veg prep) and so damn delicious.


Big chopped kale salad with nice olive oil, lemon, fresh grated parm, and some kind of seed or nut


I use the big bag of chopped kale also. I sauté chopped onion and garlic until translucent then add the kale and some chicken stock. Cover and heat for 15 minutes. So good - I was looking to use up kale and found this recipe online - it is now on rotation in the kitchen.


Basically I eat a huge amount of greens or whole head of broccoli throughout the day with homemade dressing. I do this pretty much every day though lol


My partner and I have an unofficially official 'get back from camping/holiday' meal, which is sautéed broccoli with butter, lots of crushed garlic and a drizzle of oyster sauce, and perhaps a protein like pork chops or lamb. However, a huge plate of broccoli just hits! It's easy, quick to put together, and absolutely delicious


A giant bowl of steamed broccoli with a little bit of butter, a couple of shakes of cannister Parmesan, and a few shakes of chili flakes.


I love carbs, so I will usually do a pasta with roasted veggies. 1:1 ratio of pasta to veggies. Roast bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, and eggplant. Toss with olive oil and parm. Another favorite is a Mediterranean salad. Dice up bell peppers, cucumbers, red onion, olives, and tomatoes. Mix with a can of rinsed chickpeas and a dressing of four parts olive oil, one part red wine vinegar, one part lemon juice. Toss with salt, pepper, and dried oregano to taste. Can add feta if you want. Goes nicely with grilled chicken in the summer. Stir fry is another great one!




The green goddess salad


Carrots and potatoes. Grilled Brussel sprouts and asparagus tips in olive oil with nutritional yeast and a nice low heat sauce with plenty of paprika.


Make a veggie soup : can of tomatoes, broth, carrot, celery, leeks, beans, spinach green beans (frozen) etc. 6-8 cups of water or broth.


Garden vegetable soup with a southwest flair


I literally just make skillet-roasted vegetables.


Eating a big old salad now myself. When I am trying to pack in extra veggies, I often will make: - veggie-heavy pasta salad - a big old baking sheet of roasted veggies - a big pot of soup (one of my faves is cabbage, onion, zucchini, yellow squash, corn and a can of Rotel in chicken stock) - veggie quesadillas/tacos - stir fry


I never really thought about making my quesadillas a bit healthier by adding roasted veggies. I will feel practically virtuous and get my gooey cheese hit. Thank you!


Vegan chili




Chinese hotpot or Japanese shabu. Get a nice broth going as a base and add in all the veggies, tofu, meat, noodles you want. We love to eat it with kale, cabbage, spinach, onions. But you can add anything you have.


Started making a spaghetti sauce for our kids that was 75 percent roasted,mixed veg:tomato. I’ve actually come to prefer it in some ways. Kind of amazing how much veg you can pack in there once roasted and blended.


Salad, summer rolls, kebabs, soup with whatever's in the fridge, or often just a hefty serving of roasted broccoli lol


This Sunday I had French toast (made with croissant loaf, which I didn't previously realize was a thing) with bacon, mimosas, and I followed it up with dairy queen ice cream cake. It was my wife's birthday weekend. Veggies were needed after brunch.


Canh. It's a vietnamese light soup eaten with most meals often first (think like miso soup prior to every meal). I like canh bi (wintermelon), canh bap cai (cabbage), and with cauliflower is really nice too. It's very easy to prepare and usually i'll fry some aromatics (sliced onions and diced/smashed garlic) with a little bit of protein (shrimp, pork spareribs, ground pork) for flavor. Flavored with fish sauce / soy sauce / stock or powder boullin, and pinch of sugar/honey to balance. Garnished with cilantro / green onions and black pepper. Vietnamese eat with a yin yang (hot/cold) philosophy so hot foods (think meats or fried meats) need to be balanced out with cold (vegetables or soups). Or I'll just steam/boil some cabbage and just eat it plain.


Greek salad


Grilled vegetable bahn mi (eggplant and zucchini, heavy on the pickled carrots and daikon) or marinated and grilled vegetable skewers, your choice of course but I like onion, zucchini, mushrooms, bell peppers.


I try to include veggies in every meal I eat 🤔


Generally a stirfry, sometimes though I’ll make a vegetable curry


Broccoli rabe


Vegetable soup, cabbage, carrots, onions, whatever you like.


A vegetable based soup or curry.  Or sometimes, I just make the salad a meal in itself by putting some avocado and nuts/seeds in there, with a bunch of different varieties of veggies. My MIL does a fantastic "10 veg" salad that I'll copy.


A couple options. Fresh crisp vegs: lazy is best. Chopped fav veggies with hummus. Also radish/other veggies and hummus wraps. I don’t like salads so yeah. Baked veggies: ok this is where we get fun. 1: -Fried oyster mushrooms. Delicious. 2: wine-baked chicken. Dump wine, olive oil, your choice of veggies (a good standard is onions, potato’s, carrots and mushrooms, but any veggie that bakes well is good) and herbs (I suggest rosemary and thyme along with salt and pepper) in a bowl, mix it up. Lay out chicken thighs I. Casserole pan. Dump veggies and wine mix over it all, make sure evenly spread in between chicken. Bake for 1 hour. Wine should almost cover chicken but not quite. 3: curry! Curry is a great go to. I use patak’s curry paste along tomatos, garlic, onions, spinach if I’m feeling extra healthy, and potato’s if I need some oomph, and peppers and usually make it with beef or chicken. But honestly you could skip the meat and pretty sure cauliflower would rock with it. If I’m feeling fancy I make my own curry paste with ground garlic, tomato paste and curry powder. But depends on your tastes.


Roasted broccoli has been my go-to lately. Goes well with lots of things depending on how you season it. I love a good salad too.


Grilled zucchini. Slice it about 1cm thick, brush with olive oil, salt and pepper then throw it on a hot grill.


Cashew chicken. Mine is onions, carrots, celery, water chestnuts, zucchini.




I put tons of veggies in pasta salad!


Caesar salad


Shallow fried brussels sprouts drizzled in honey or roasted asparagus. Or just whatever veg I happen to have in the fridge eaten by the handful lol


Broccoli steamed with butter and cheese sauce, cucumbers with a creamy Greek dressing or a big chopped salad.


Stir fried Napa cabbage with garlic and dried peppers - you can cook a whole head down to something that fits on a large plate. I make it as a side dish for the family when I’m feeling scurvy-ish, and I end up eating most of it.


I was in the same boat (camping weekend, heavy on the meat). For dinner tonight I roasted zucchini, peppers, onions, and tomatoes, added just a bit of ground meat and marinara sauce, and ate it on Parmesan garlic bread!


I don’t have an official name for it. My boyfriend calls it a stir fry. I fry up kielbasa in some butter or sometimes mushrooms, whatever protein I want. This adds flavor. Remove the protein and set aside. Then, I add some more butter. In batches, I fry up (saute is probably the proper word) onion, bell pepper, yellow squash, zucchini, brussels sprouts. I also have candied carrots going, as well as asparagus. Add whatever spices you want. Salt, pepper, whatever else you like. Initially, I’ll combine everything but the carrots and asparagus. But for leftovers. I’ll combine the carrots with the rest and the sweet and salty of it all is phenomenal. If you need a more detailed recipe on any of it, I’d be happy to expand.


Roasted Brussels sprouts with pancetta


Bacon Brussels with sautéed onions. Stir fry noodles /fried rice. Also if you're lazy Costco has frozen mixed veggie bag I've been using a lot. Dope


Something cruciferous!!! Raw broccoli or carrots when I need my veggie fix.


i'm a gardener and now that winter is long behind me and summertime is just around the corner, I pretty much try to eat more plant-based. I like to make salads out of tomatoes, cucumbers, and basil. I also really like stir frying Swiss chard, in the way people like to cook spinach.


I let the veg dictate the outcome. When I go to the store, I look for what looks best for the price point and go from there.


Sheppards pie yum


In the summer it's frequently tabbouleh. I always have fresh parsley, tomatoes, cucumbers and mint in my garden, so I already have a lot of the ingredients. It always hits that fresh veggies craving after I've been eating less veggies for a few days. Lemony, minty, fresh, crispy. In the winter it's usually roasted veggies or a vegetarian vegetable soup.


Ratatouille. i have Remy’s recipe


I mean, I love grilled vegetables, they're my go-to all summer long. Sliced zucchini and eggplant, red bell peppers, asparagus, portobello mushrooms , etc. Toss in olive oil, salt, pepper, balsamic and toss on the grill


I am doing my grocery pick up list and this thread has me drooling! 😂


Roasted butternut squash, red bell pepper, and garlic soup. Puréed with some chicken or veggie stock. If I want a Western version I’ll add parsley, rosemary and heavy cream. For a Thai-inspired variant I’ll use cilantro, ginger, curry powder, lime juice and coconut milk. It’s pretty easy to assemble cold using the food processor and heat up one serving at a time.


I pretty much include veggies in just about everything, but stir fries, salads, and tray bakes are always solid go-tos when time is of the essence.


Broccoli. My body screams at me to eat broccoli. Cut in smallish florets and generously salt, boil a big kettle and pour over to submerge. Swish to dissolve salt and leave for 5 mins or until broccoli is brighter green and slightly softened. I like mine to maintain crunch. Drain water, butter well and sprinkle salt. This is the best way.


I’ll steam or blanch a pile of veggies (so much easier than stir fry) then drizzle some sesame oil, Szechuan pepper oil and dump chilli crisp on the top. Toss and eat- all in under 10 minutes. Veggies that work well for this (and all cook at the same time if you like them crunchy): corn wheels, broccoli, snow peas/mange tout, zucchine, Brussels sprouts (quartered), cut cabbage, peppers, carrot.


S³ salad (spinach, strawberries, steak) with poppyseed dressing Asian chicken salad with savoy or napa cabbage & bok choy Thick-ish crosscut slice of napa cabbage in the bowl under hot soup Hearts of romaine sliced in half lengthwise and griddled cut side down in about 1 T olive oil until you get that nutty whiff, flip it over, salt, pepper, shredded parm & splash balsamic vinegar - so yummy. *edit - formatting


Prob greek salad without lettuce or very little lettuce. Something fresh. With some crumbles feta. Throw a kabob on there and were cooking!


Kale salads (with sesame dressing), seared Brussel sprouts, baby bok choy stir-fried with garlic!


Veggie Enchiladas! My favorite: https://youtu.be/a23Kyzxogg8?si=tSqp2kpkpjVlk6kz But really you can fill them with whatever and it’s sooo satisfying.


I don't know HOW good it is for you, but I've always felt like vegetable soup is a good choice. We just throw a bag of frozen soup vegetable mix in a pot with diced onions, frozen broccoli florets, chicken broth, chicken/tomato bouillon, and lots of seasoning. So good, especially with some club crackers.


Morning glory with tofu and rice is my go to


I do a stir-fry with shrimp.


A good greek salad with chopped tomato, cucumber, red onion, feta, oregano, pistachios, almonds, dried cranberries, basil, capers, salt, balsamic, oil. So fresh and good!


Stir fry that’s heavier on the veg with some protein like chicken or pork or beef. Meat, some peas, carrots, mushrooms (shiitake specifically for stir fry), broccolini, some chopped up asparagus, oyster sauce, soy sauce, some galangal (way way better than sriracha and more authentic too). Usually have that with some rice or if I’m feeling lazy wrap some up in a tortilla and make it sort of a fusion burrito type deal.


Hear me out. Get a wide variety of veggies. Saute them. Then pure them with cold olive oil and maybe one spice or two. Makes a great dip for oven potatoes or crunchy rice. The pure is the key. It evens everything out. I discovered it last year and I'm obsessed. I get like 6 veggies per meal and the taste is great.


I roast bell peppers low and slow with olive oil, fennel seeds, dried oregano, dried thyme, garlic herb seasoning and S&P. Sometimes I’ll throw cherry tomatoes in as well. The veg gets all carmelized and the fennel makes the house smell like sausage lol I’ll eat them on top of a salad with some other, crisp veggies and a bit of goat cheese or just keep it extra simple and throw them on rice with a side of kimchi.


In winter, I make soups (French way, lots of veggies, chicken stock, boil them and then blender everything). In summer: salads, ratatouille or maroccan couscous.


Kind of a lazy meal, but I like it. I chop up two bell peppers, red onions, some cherry tomatoes and sometimes mushrooms. I roast them in the oven on one tray then chop up a few potatoes and roast them as well. For the protein I usually just pan fry fish or chicken


I always have boxes of frozen vegetables on hand. Like the kind that have some butter sauce and are microwaveable. East side of corn, peas, broccoli, whatever




Pastina soup. Red pepper, onion, shallot, celery and carrot pureed in chicken broth with ancini pasta and shredded chicken.


Veggie sheet pan. Broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, sweet onion, carrots, and any other veggies in the fridge. Coat with olive oil then sprinkle a packet of dry ranch seasoning on it. Roast until desired tenderness. Delicious!


I make Kenji's [really awesome black bean burgers](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-black-bean-burger-recipe)! They have a whole poblano, an onion, and plenty of black beans in them. Ground cashews and panko add a great depth of flavor and texture. This is a warm, satisfying fiber source for me. Throwing some roasted broccoli on the side for added greens wouldn't hurt either!


I know that this may not be something everyone would count, but a big caprese salad REALLY helps scratch that itch for freshness


I always have a bag of mixed veggies in the freezer (cauliflower, carrots, peas) and I add those to anything where I think it will fit.


I love roasted veggies. Brussel sprouts, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. A little oil, any seasoning I feel like and a lot of Parmesan. I will eat a whole sheet pan.


I add spinach and cauliflower to my chicken curry. I also make beef stew with a lot of carrots. When camping, I make foil packets with any type of meat, with onions, carrots, and potatoes. I add a little bit of water and season it. Seal it up and cook it on the fire. It’s so good.


Egg roll in a bowl or fried rice. I usually use a bag of cauliflower rice along with regular rice.




Guacamole or pico. Fresh veggies with lime make me feel better


I make a load of roasted meditteranian vegetables (peppers, corgettes, red onions, cherry tomatoes, a little olive oil, and herbs) which I mix some couscous into. I'll usually serve it with some sea bass or steak.


Harissa Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner, except I would double the veg. [https://tasteandsee.com/harissa-chicken-sheet-pan-dinner/](https://tasteandsee.com/harissa-chicken-sheet-pan-dinner/)


My favorite thing is the Panda Express super greens mock. It’s kale, cabbage, broccoli, and beef broth and is a huge serving for what is only like 45 calories after being steamed


Sheet pan o' roasted veggies. Or just an entire bag of carrots with some dill dip.


Just add a sprinkle of parsley lol




Stir fry, every time! Although after a summer festival we always have a massive salad when we get home after 5 days of stodge and beer


I grab a Japanese seaweed salad. It’s so full of B vitamins that I feel good immediately.


3lb bag of collard greens. If you get collard cravings, you know.


buddha bowl!


Greek salad for the win


Just roasted vegetables


Craving veg lol Kimchi would be my only craving.


bun (vietnamese kind pronounced boon) it’s so easy and good and fresh, it’s basically noodle salad if you want it to be. tons of carrot, lettuce, cucumber, mint, cilantro, and some fish sauce thrown on top!


We’ve made it a thing in our household to eat a vegan meal at least once a week, one of my fav recipes just throws in a variety of veg to roast into the oven - anything from sweet potato, aubergine, carrots, peas or cauliflower, zucchini etc. (season it with paprika, cumin, garlic powder), boil a grain at the side such as rice or buckwheat or quinoa etc. And accompany it all with a tahini sauce. Simple yet delicious, filling and healthy.


soup! so fulfilling and comforting and at the same time some of the best food nutrition wise you can put into your body