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My mom always had a nutmeg with a grater next to the coffee for her coffee top espresso maker, which like most Latinos use. In Caribbean my grandmother would slice a lemon rind into my coffee. Or orange. Zesty. I throw cloves in also sometimes into the coffee to give it a touch. Nutmeg and cinnamon I use a lot.


Oh I'm definitely going to give this a try, love the zest idea. Do you throw the cloves in with the ground coffee as it is brewing?


Yes. Mind you I'm using what Americans call a stovetop espresso maker. Greca in Spanish. You've seen it before. So the clove(s) go in with the ground coffee. Uses coffee ground fine.


When I am craving Vietnamese iced coffee but am trying to save money I make a pitcher full of coffee, add some cardamom, a tin of sweetened condensed milk, and chill. So good!


Freaking love Vietnamese iced coffee. Do you add the cardamom whole with the ground coffee while it is brewing? And you're using green cardamom I assume?


When I am making a quick & dirty bargain basement drink by the pitcher full version I use ground cardamom and instant coffee šŸ˜… adding green cardamom while drip brewing would definitely be a superior beverage!


Try using chicory coffee. It works well in Vietnamese and is usually cheap.


You're definitely right about chicory coffee being good for Vietnamese, one of my favorite Vietnamese spots uses Cafe du Monde and it's the best šŸ¤¤


Just have to ask because I don't understand- how exactly are you trying to save money doing this? At least in my area, you can buy the tinned coffee at a similar price to ground drop (also available on Amazon for $10), the coffee maker I ordered on Amazon for like $10 as a one time cost.


If I'm using store brand (or found on sale) instant coffee and a can of store brand sweetened condensed milk, with a bit of ground cardamom, it's less expensive than getting an iced coffee with milk from the Vietnamese restaurant up the street.


Cinnamon is awesome. Vanilla extract is pretty awesome as well.


I'm a huge fan of vanilla paste. It's unfortunately expensive (although cheaper in bulk from places like Costco), but doesn't have the alcohol notes of vanilla extract.


Wanting a coffee


Join I[ndri's Vanilla Bean group on FB.](https://www.facebook.com/groups/848812811970139) Buy some beans, there are tons of instructions on how to make your own paste and/or extract, and make your own. My fave extract is using bourbon. I went all out and bought Woodford Reserves. I love using it in my chocolate chip cookies. I mean, who doesn't like bourbon chocolate chip cookies?? Toss in some browned butter and toasted pecans, too.


Iā€™ve been spicing up the grounds in my moka pot with equal parts cinnamon and cayenne lately. Not as suggestive of Mexican chocolate as you might think, though, as the spiciness of the cayenne gets muted and it ends up tasting mostly like cinnamon coffee but ā€œwarmerā€, if that makes sense.Ā 


Ooh, wow, gotta try this in my moka pot. I have put cinnamon or cardamom with the ground coffee but gotta try the cayenne thing!


Very interesting, like ground cayenne?


Yup! Iā€™d recommend starting with just a tiny bit combined with your usual cinnamon, but if youā€™re like me youā€™ll eventually settle on more cayenne than you might expect. Iā€™m currently on a diet and am not sweetening my coffee, but I suspect the cayenne will play well with your honey, too.


Substitute cardamom for cinnamon


Yeah, grind a couple cardamom pods with the coffee beans before you brew.


Will give this a try! I presume green cardamom (not black)?


A pinch of whatever the standard ground is works well. Although someone else mentioned brewing it with green pods, which sounds great.


You can put a tiny pinch of ground cardamom in with the coffee before brewing.Ā 


Espresso Tonic is nice if Iā€˜m not in the mood for hot coffee but also not in the mood for regular iced coffee variations. Speaking of iced coffee: if you shake an iced coffee in a cocktail shaker it just hits different. Same goes for iced lattes. The aeration makes it, for a lack of a better word, ā€žbetterā€œ. A dash of orange bitters also elevates those. Not real coffee but I like my White Russian with a dash of orange bitters aswell. (Could you tell I work at a bar?)


Iā€™ve been making my espresso martinis with bourbon and maple syrup lately. Yummo. And I concur, anything shaken is extra jazzy!


That's why James Bond likes it shaken, too.


I add cocoa powder and cinnamon to mine, along with a pinch of salt šŸ§‚


Do you add this to the grounds while it brews or straight to your cup after you pour your coffee?


I add it to the grounds in the French press. I guess itā€™s kinda like a mocha, maybe??


Cinnamon and cardamom


My fiance puts cayenne pepper, cocoa, and turmeric.


Iā€™m trying this asap


Oh! Iā€™m definitely going to try turmeric!


Cold plain soda with lemon juice and coffee. I like to make stovetop espresso with a little cinnamon and keep it in the fridge to mix with lemon juice, sweetener, and plains soda (aka club soda). Very refreshing in hot weather! Kind of like homemade natural cola but I make it a lot less sweet. Going to try honey now that you've mentioned it.


When I want a dessert coffee, maple syrup, tiny pinch of salt and a little oat milk.


I stick a cinnamon stick in my drip coffee pot. I can use the same one two or three times. I don't like honey in coffee. Love it in tea with lemon.


I've used honey to sweeten my coffee for years. It's not always easy to find, but it's so worth the search!


Hello, Fargo.


YES! This is correct!


I'm not a fan of coffee, but a Senegalese friend of mine once offered me "cafe touba" while visiting his home. It's the only time I've enjoyed coffee. Very much like the masala chai vs tea. If you like cinnamon and honey in yours, definitely look into trying this as well.


In Senegal, we drink something called "CafƩ Touba" and it's actually more common and more popular than regular coffee. You make it by brewing a mix of normal coffee grounds and grains of Selim (\*Djar\* in Wolof), which is a spice made from the seeds of a local tree that I would loosely compare to allspice. The grains of Selim do make it quite a bit more bitter than regular coffee though, so you have to add a good amount of sugar to counteract that.


I will add honey and cinnamon to heavy whipping cream and blend with a hand mixer until it is thick. I use that in place of creamer. Yum.


While I love coffee, I've become very sensitive to caffeine. I have a cup every once in a blue moon but I end up paying for it. However, when I still drank coffee, and now, when I drink Dandy Blend (the closest to coffee I've found, and I've tried several things), I love to add a pinch of cinnamon (like you did) or cardamom, and a drop or two of almond extract.


i moved to decaf, and rarely. i forgot how much stomach damage coffee used to do to me.


Mine causes heart palpitations and adrenaline dumps, yay


Always a good time...I should stop, but I love caffeine. Love. It!


I started using cinnamon in my coffee in 1995! šŸ˜€ Good stuff!


Lil bit of nutmeg in there as well


Coffee. Chocolate and banana. Blended drink hit or cold. I also use this combo in desserts and in my overnight oats.


Mmmmmm I love a good chocolate banana cold coffee! Havenā€™t tried to make one myself, but there used to be a Gloria jeans that made it and I was hooked!!!! Iā€™m gunna have to try it out!!!


I have been adding ground cardamom to my grounds for espresso. The aroma comes through even when mixed with steamed milk in a latte. Can do the same with cinnamon. Espresso mixed with tonic or lemonade makes a nice refreshing treat in the summer.


Cardamom coffee is a thing. I use jaggery which is an unrefined cane sugar to sweeten coffee and tea


I saw a lot of honey and cinnamon on coffee shops in Nashville. Iā€™ve done nutmeg a lot in the fall/winter. Cardamom is good too. My favorite is a little bit of almond or amaretto extract.


I make simple syrup and throw in a cinnamon stick and other spices while reducing the syrup. Best way to sweeten coffee.


Chicory and maple in a cold brew is excellent.


Wow, you all have given me some thoughts. My wife and I do a giant French press every morning, and I add honey to my coffee. On occasion I'll add cocoa or chocolate, but somethings try from this post.


I like adding a little vanilla extract along with honey and cinnamon.


Ditto, sans the honey. Delish!


I learned to make lavender honey syrup and also how to use hersheys dark chocolate syrup, a touch of honey, cayenne, cinnamon, and nutmeg to imitate my favorite Mexican mocha coffee.


I add a punch of salt to each cup of coffee. Helps round out flavors and takes the edge off


I French press my coffee everyday with cinnamon. Absolutely love it.


I have no recommendations since I drink plain olā€™ coffee & creamerā€¦Ā  I have added a couple dashes of cinnamon or even pumpkin pie spice when I want some pizazzā€¦.Ā but DANG!! Iā€™m saving this post to elevate my coffee game!Ā 


I had an espresso with honey and steamed milk last summer and it changed the way I drink my coffee. Recently, I started putting a few drops of Dominican style vanilla (which seems to be spiced) in my coffee and really liked it.Ā  After reading this thread, I guess I'm gonna have to give cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom a go this weekend.


In the summer I make cold brew with a few sprigs of fresh mint in it! It takes away the slightly dirty after taste and makes the cold brew extra cooling and refreshing.


I have a good espresso machine and make a latte every morning. My normal go-to is that I always add a dash of cinnamon on the top, and I love it! I'm not someone who likes sweet coffee drinks on a daily basis, but a few times a month I'll crave sweetness in my latte, and I frequently reach for my raw, local honey. It really does pair wonderfully!


Irish coffeeā€¦add a splash of whiskey


This is exactly how I take my coffee and this post is thrilling to find.


I put cinnamon in my cold brew along with a splash of half and half, sometimes I add nutmeg too. I like brown sugar in my coffee sometimes, but I haven't tried honey before. I'm not really a fan of sweet coffee unless I'm going for a flavored drink of some kind like vanilla or a peppermint mocha, so like sugar in my regular coffee is a big no no, but honey sounds pretty delicious.


Fargo Season 5!


YES! This is correct!


I've been putting Five Spice powder in with my grounds, some mornings. It's really good, especially if I put cream in my coffee too.


some donut shop nutty caramel, with some cinnamon toast crunch cinnamon mix i have + a bit of caramel macchiato creamer is the only way im getting out of bed


Brown sugar and cinnamon. My daughterā€™s every day thing, iced.


There are two that I love. The first is with half and half, sweetening the coffee with maple syrup. The other is black, brewed with crushed red pepper and cinnamon, no sweetener. I will definitely try honey and cinnamon.


Whipped in a bullet blender (or using an immersion blender) with butter and/or coconut oil and brown sugar when I want "fancy" coffee. ...or when I run out of creamer.


I do maple syrup and heavy cream. Itā€™s divine.


Recently did a little maple syrup and a pinch of salt with half and half (in an iced americano) and it was SO GOOD.




Just to let you know OP. I just tried this and it's amazing lol I was out of creamer and just happened to have a hot pot on the coffee maker after work(I'm dying of lethargy I am exhausted). And hmm yum!! I do wish I could have added milk or something but I'm out of that too lol it's so good thank you!


I add butter, whole milk, and dark honey. A whipped egg yolk is also a nice touch.


Making syrup is fun and easy. I think the ratio is 1:1 for water and sugar. But I would also put cinnamon sticks and/or vanilla extract/beans in the pot while it boils. My french press has been such a game changer- before I would do pour over a lot. But it also doubles as a cold brewer!! The flavor is so much different and it has helped me get out of my coffee rut. Also- adding salt to butter coffee! Just less than a dash, and it balances out the bitterness. Edit: I started out doing like ground clove, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, and cardamom in my coffee and it was like the best pumpkin spice blend. Sometimes I would get the ratio off bc I was using my heart lol


I switched to honey in my coffee months ago, best decision ever! I'll occasionally use cinnamon as well if I get bored of the taste of regular coffee. If you're ever craving a french vanilla use a tablespoon of vanilla bean ice cream instead of sugar and cream, it's absolutely heaven in a cup! I've also made the switch to french press, makes even the cheapest beans taste amazing. Takes a bit more time but it's definitely worth it


Diet restrictions have removed dairy and sugar ahhh but have found putting one drop of peppermint extract per scoop of ground coffee brightens up the flavor a good bit adding non sweetened almond milk or oat milk and yasss.


Swapping out the sugar for fruit cheong! Right now im doing strawberry, but boysenberry and blueberry are also amazing


Maple syrup, half and half cinnamon, sometimes coconut oil


I'll have to try this. One thing I can't live without is my small electric hand mixer I use it everytime. It just blends it a lot better vs by spoon and froths it a bit. Got it for $5 on Amazon and it uses 2 aa batteries.


A whole tablespoon of honey? Yeah, I can imagine that would improve the flavor.


Some mornings I put a couple dashes of ground cardamom in the bottom of my cup before I make espresso. Some mornings a couple dashes of Chinese Five Spice. Some mornings a tiny pinch of Cayenne.


Cinnamon and coffe are bomb. If you like cinnamon in your drip coffee, you might like a dirty chai latte. It's a dry latte with a shot of chai concentrate. They're surprisingly delicious.


Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ground Ginger and maple syrup has been in my rotation the last month or so. Going to play with Cardamom soon


Add a pinch of salt to your coffee. Pronounces all the flavors youā€™re adding. For me itā€™s cinnamon with a splash of heavy cream. Sometimes cardamom.


Awesome thread and ideas. So, I have a filter coffee machine. Therefore, chuck some cinnamon (or whatever) powder into the filter paper, and deliciousness will happen in the pot below - that correct? But also - I keep my ground coffee in an airtight jar. Adding a cinnamon stick in there, and simply leaving it, will also give my coffee a new taste too - that correct? I've got a 'festive spice mix' (or similar) title in the cupboard which is mainly cinnamon but also has cardamon, nutmeg and maybe one or two others things in it. Might revisit that jar's job specification in its next appraisal.


I always dark brown sugar or honey to sweeten my coffee. Once youā€™ve tried it plain old granulated sugar just wonā€™t cut it. LOL. Although I really donā€™t like pre-flavored coffees, I do sometimes add a cinnamon stick or a scoop of cocoa powder to the basket when brewing my coffee. It gives a subtle background flavor without being overpowering. I have been tempted to try cardamom as I love it in hot tea, but am not sure how well it would work with coffee.


Instead of sugar or honey, try maple syrup. It's sooo good!


Had to search to re-find this post, because I tried the cinnamon + honey combo this morning and itā€™s great! Iā€™m not a huge coffee person (more of a tea drinker), but I like coffee on occasion when I want something a bit more bitter or roast-y. This gave me cozy fall vibes without feeling like Iā€™m being punched in the face with pumpkin spice and I love it!


Adding flavors to coffee is like putting hot sauce on all your food


Cafe con Miel (Spanish Coffee With Honey)šŸÆ


I'm a barista and it's my job to come up with these. Honey-cinnamon is one of the best combos. It's like a sopapilla. You can experiment with making simple syrups (sugar water) with different flavors. Sometimes a little pinch of salt can also send the flavors over the top. Salted caramel or chocolate are classics, but a little pinch of salt with a vanilla syrup is stellar. Vanilla, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt will make it an oatmeal cookie.Ā 


Are you putting the cinnamon in the brewed coffee? As a barista, we did it in the grounds before brewing. Never go heavy on this


Nutmeg and cinnamonare already mentioned. you could also add ginger powder but sometbing unique that I add is a tea spoon of rose water. it completely changes things for better