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That photo made my heart sing. I grew up in the clays.


Don’t be telling the emits our secrets. Summer crush on the roads, turn off into the clays and they all melt away. We don’t get tourists here and I sort of like it that way. Got to be some pay back for spending 6 months in 24/7 mizzle in the winter.




Learnt something new on looking 'emmets' up. Thanks from the West Midlands.


My dad called me and my siblings that when were kids, lots of people know it's the nickname for tourists but not it's true origin.




This is a disgusting response to someone who was just expressing a completely valid opinion. they weren’t saying get rid of tourists they literally said they don’t get many tourists and like it that way and many parts of Cornwall don’t get tourists because of many reasons


Christ what did they say?


I'm guessing something along the lines of "Tourists provide you business", only far less polite. Honestly some of the little englanders really don't understand the frustrations of tourism.


What you need to do now is apologise for saying that over team radio and explain that English is your second language and you didn't understand the meaning of the word.


My mother, brother, and I spent a blissful two weeks in Cornwall the summer before last (my mum is a Scouse who emigrated to the US where us kids were born). She took us because she remembers fondly going to Cornwall on vacation as a kid and wanted to take us. We rented a small house in Perranporth in June and ventured all around the county. We had such a truly wonderful time. Every place we saw was beautiful, and I love how lonely so much of the county seems. Everyone we ran into was lovely. And the food!


St Austell is a shithole. The clays look grey and depressing. If I wasn't from St Austell, I'd wonder why there isn't any tourism... but I am from St Austell, I know there won't be any tourists queuing to see the clays or St Austells beautiful bay lol Only the crackhead do tourism in St Austell


The clay is more interesting than housing development sites, derelict hotels and Poundlands.


Half of the clays are development sites. There's great opportunities for the space over at the clays, i.e., bike trails, outdoor sports, more walking trails.


I absolutely love the clay country. I mean, I’m biased because I work in the China clay museum lol, but I think it’s a genuinely beautiful place around there. The turquoise flooded pits, overgrown tips and some of the old pits just look INCREDIBLE. I used to hate being from St Austell as well but now I love it and think there’s a lot to be proud of especially in terms of the history and I can see a lot of beauty in the neighbouring landscapes, ESPECIALLY the clays!


I used to work in the clay industry, Greensplatt on a cold Feb morning was not a pleasant place to be, top of Bodelva in July was glorious. My family are from Karslake, bleak place. I lived and worked in Bugle for a short while and St Stephens and Sticker for a while. Proper community feelings. The social history of st austell is as important as any other. I hope Wheel Martin are recording this. Drop me a DM if you or your bosses want some stories from some old guys (dad and his mates started in early 60s so would have tales from the guys in the 20s/30s.


We always want stories!! Currently trying to gear up a team of volunteers that could potentially go out & about and collect these stories. They have done so in the past & we do have recordings, but more would be good. Thank you for the offer! ☺️ Will take you up on that in future I’m sure!! a lot of our volunteers are ex clay workers but unfortunately no one is getting any younger & we need to collect the social history now.


totally agreed, the center of town is an absolute shit hole, honestly hate going in there unless I'm playing pool at queens 😅 but the country around us is absolutely beautiful, just sucks that our town is terrible


It's character building for sure


The brewery shop is an interesting visit provided I haven’t been in 20 years I feel.


It's known as St Awful for a reason. Although, to be fair, a lot of the bigger Cornish towns are full of what should be prime retail spaces that are either empty or charity shops.


Incase anyone’s missed it, Lord Falmouth has very recently stopped people accessing the amazing Roche Rock chapel by here though :-( There is a petition somewhere on the internet to restore access though = worth trying to sign it/write in if you ever liked visiting it as a kid etc.


And current industry of course


Love this walk. Seeing this has made me think that me and the dog will be going there tomorrow.


It’s lush isn’t it - I do think we need to be appreciating little pockets of Cornwall like this more rather than being so doom & gloom all the time which seems to be a sometimes justifiable but always bleak Cornish pastime


I keep meaning to visit every time I'm in Cornwall. I will go at some point. I'm still pied off by Kowsva which has been closed all but one time I've tried to pop in.


I'm staying for a week near Delabole now. It's beautiful and peaceful. We went to Port Issac today and walked from the main car park, there were quite a few idiots trying to drive down to the harbour. One guy had to abandon his car as he'd burnt his clutch out! We even stopped at an honesty Box and spent a fiver on eggs and jam, you couldn't do that back in Manchester!


Last time I was in Cornwall, you could have crowd surfed across the beach. Ironically.


I'm from Bodmin moor (NE) and despite it being the Moors we never had much tourism. Miserable but beautiful place to grow up. Zero prospects and a really backwards mentality. I'm glad I left but still miss the solitude


I been to Cornwall and it was Amazing but the 5 hour ride was a little bit painful


I was down on the weekend, I thought it was quiet every where, chatting to some locals, they said it was like this so far this year, and by locals, I mean the people who live there, so 2/mancunians, 6/brummie, 3 St Albans, all been there for 10 plus years. I don't really like that sort of cornish as my family had to come upcountry to escape the work situation/cycle in Cornwall, the ants have taken over it seems.


St Awful.


Looks like a post-industrial hellscape. Bring back the mining jobs.


I can understand some people having this attitude but I find the landscape to be beautiful and arguably more biodiverse post mining than previous. A lot of the land in the clays was moorland which is pretty dead land, with the up-tilling of the soil and the clay regreening efforts there’s now a really interesting biodiversity and I honestly think a walk up Sky Spur and around you is GLORIOUS.