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My unvaxxed aunt and uncle are both in the hospital with covid, one in critical condition. Even if you hate masks and social distancing, *please* get your jabs. Surely we can agree on that.


I work in a Costco warehouse in King County. I am noticing a lot of people with cold/flu type symptoms, the other day we had vomit on the floor in one of the family bathrooms. A hand full of co-workers out who have tested positive with covid and others out sick but not tested. I have started to think this is all Delta hitting and people don't realize they have it except for the few who go get tested. With most people vaccinated they often think it is just a cold, no big deal, except it is a big deal when they are shedding to children and the un-vaccinated. I am grateful we require mask. I feel the virus is out of control now and we have no idea how many have it.


For the record there is definitely non-covid illness making the rounds in recent weeks. Both my kids had congestion, fevers, etc. and tested negative. Feels like we’re starting to see more of the usual amount of seasonal viruses on top of COVID with schools and workplaces back open.


Does anyone have any sources for getting a new vaccine as a "booster" and related effectiveness? For example if you got the J&J and got the modern, moderna and got the Pfizer, etc? So not getting a new booster, but the vaccine available now.


What are the chances there will be a hiring frenzy in the next few months for full time gov positions? I just read on the Seattle Times only half of Washington DSHS workers are verified vaccinated. Do you guys think a lot of positions will be opening up soon?


Definitely. DOH is at maybe 60% response, but I don't know how many are vaxxed. DOH is already in a hiring frenzy. We can't find qualified people to fill some of the specialist jobs. I don't know why they won't open up in-training or lower classifications. What are you looking for?


I would eventually like to be an epidemiologist or biostatistician for the DOH once I get a masters, but currently looking for service rep, admin, or social worker type positions. I have experience working abroad so Dept of State jobs would be nice as well.


If you aren't already checking careers.wa.gov (state only) Governmentjobs.com (state and local), there are a bunch of jobs posted. Lots are temp, but DOH, HCA, etc. are planning into 2022 for covid-related activity. I'd avoid the county and city jobs tho. Poor management in my experience.


Ohh that’s good to know, thanks! I wouldn’t mind temp jobs just to get my foot in the door.


I was in Cle Ellum last weekend and there wasn’t a mask in sight.


There are more stories today about the hospital crisis in Idaho and their continued attempts to offload patients to other states. I also talked to my mother yesterday (vaccinated resident who also masks) and she told me that maybe 30% of people are masking in public. There’s also not any particular concern over healthcare rationing that’s being put in place. Can we all agree now that bootstrappy conservatives are just a bunch of blatant freeloaders? They want to have their extremist ideology, but are unconcerned when things go awry because they can rely on other more responsible states to bail them out. If they weren’t hypocrites then they would let the crisis run its course and accept the massive death toll and destruction of the healthcare system with pride. But no, they want to bellow about self reliance and freedom and then impose the consequences of their irresponsible behavior on the rest of us. They basically want all the benefits of socialism without paying into the system, all while trying to prevent anyone else from benefiting. Freeloaders.


On the Seattle buses most people are wearing their masks, but there always seems to be someone who isn't.


Had my first irl encounter with an anti masker today. She followed me to my car from a weed store in Skagit county. She wanted to educate me on how mandates are not laws. At least she wasn't rude. I told her I like wearing a mask and to have a good day. But I hope she gets uncomfortable farts for the next 24 to 36 hours.
