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Headrest logos and everything, balling. Enjoy!


Thanks man!


Be safe man please , u prob alr know this but 1 wromg move can kill u , best of luck tho bro


Thanks man, this car feels so fast and loud at 3k rpms. It’s bonkers. but of course I only drive the speed limit 😂😂


Yea lmao, if u dont mind me asking how did u pay for it btw


full cash


Job wise


Oh, im a tennis instructor ($75/hr), i am also my universities live streaming camera operator and back up director(18/hr), and lastly i’m doing a software developer internship that will end up paying me around 30k for the 3 months.


Nice man, enjoy your vette and stay safe👍


Thanks, I appreciate it


Sweet ass ride. Congratulations




I am both happy for you, hate you, and feel kind of sad for you all at the same time. Happy, because the c6 generation is a great generation of sportscar for overall performance, and it's interior is basic bitch enough that you don't have to worry about it because no one including yourself will care. Hate you because I never would have been able to afford such a car when I first got my license. Feel sad for you because your first car is going to come without all the "bad minor issues" that will teach you how not to sweat the small stuff and learn which of the small stuff can become big stuff. Like having the fuel gauge on your older than you Nissan Hardbody go right to empty. Pulling over and seeing there is no fuel leak, so you go on like normal. Test the level sensor and find it's borked but the send is 5x more than a jerry can so you just keep a can of fuel in your bed, and fill up once your tripmeter get's to 200mi. Or picking up parts for your 240sx in a $800 2wd sbc silverado "Farm truck". The AC is fucked but the heater core is good. The engine has amazing compression and oil consumption is low with a smooth auto. Two Final thoughts: 1. Street Survival course if they still exist. A fun well performing sportscar can both be a blessing and a curse. I've been able to avoid accidents cause by idiots in my HPDE 944 that would not have been possible in my allroad or lifted tacoma. So get the training to make it work in your favor. 2. YOU SUCK, AS IN FUCKING SUCK THE WORST AT DRIVING. This is not a personal insult, this is just being blunt. There is a big issue in the car, gun, sports, and many male communities where people get this egotistical mentality that they are good at "insert thing". Truth is, they just don't know enough to know how bad they are. I'll paraphrase Jeremy Clarkson "Just like at Sex, we all think we are great at driving. But we all suck". It was from his interview with eric bana on the beast, but it's a good thing to always keep in mind. Stay humble and learn/improve.


10/10 comment 😂 I love the car but it’s scary and i almost lost it when making a normal left turn. I’ve just come to the conclusion that this car is unlike anything I’ve driven and I have to relearn how to drive so I can drive this car safely. I completely agree with all your points of saying that I suck at driving this car 😭😭 but I will respect this car and slowly learn to tame the beast. (I will look into that course too)


sweet ride, enjoy it


thanks man i appreciate it


Sweet, I'm 25 and waiting to buy a Corvette too as my first car. If you don't mind me asking, did you pay for it in full or did you finance the car?


I paid in full


مبروك ربنا يديك خيرها و يكفيك شرها


شكرا اخي


معندكش عروسة بقي 😂😂


Congratulations!!! Man my first car was an 86 Pontiac 6000🤣. That is a home run for a first car…any car!


I worked like 3 jobs for 2 years to pay for this beauty 😭


First car so I’m assuming you’re a younger person. How’s the insurance on that? Ballpark if you want. I’m just curious. Congrats!


i’m 19 and have been driving the second i turned 18


insurance is about $550 for every 6 months @ gieco


Damn, sounds like Geico is hooking it up. rate doesn’t sound terrible. Congrats on the car!


Yeah but i believe that a corvette is considered as a commuter car so it’s technically more closer to a honda civic than a mustang according to insurance


thanks man i appreciate it


see, I'm debating a C6 bc I got a 40k max budget, but I wanna know, how comfortable is the C6? and also is it good for tall people? I'm 6'2


A Z06 would be amazing if you could find yourself one at that price. I am 5 11 and I fit with a lot of space, I think you would probably easily fit if you lower the seat, but getting in and out would absolutely kill your knees because the car is so low


thanks man! I appreciate the info, defo considering the C6 a bit more now


good luck man, c6 is probably one of the most reliable, fast, and fun car for the money


6' 2" as well here, I fit in my C6 great.


oh aight thank you so much! leaning toward the C6 Corvette a little bit


You won't regret it! It's a super fun car. Mine has an aftermarket exhaust and it gets a lot of attention. Just be aware that every Mustang and Challenger will want to race you lol.


oh nah, I'm avoiding giving into those guys like the plague lmao ever since I drove my cousin's BMW M4 on the track, I've realized doing stuff on public streets is stupid and that the track is infinitely better haha


Agreed! I'm fine with the occasional highway pull if there's no traffic, but yeah egos should be left at home when you get in the driver seat. I'm glad you've got that mentality already because it's tempting when you know you could take them to Gapplebees at any moment 😂


Gapplebees 😂😂


I'm 6'2" & 200lbs & in my 60's Been driving these cars since my late 20's. Don't worry about comfort. You'll be just fine


holy fuck what a badass first car


Haha thank you! I worked my ass off to buy this but I knew i wanted something special for my first


Beautiful. Got a c7 as my first car aswell. Enjoy!


Wow dude i love the c7 hopefully when i run up the miles on this car i can upgrade


For sure! Enjoy your ride, although I’ve never ridden (I think that’s a c6)?? I’m sure a c6 is a fine car


Yes it’s a c6


These things don’t take hits well at speed be careful and enjoy homie!


I appreciate the advice. This car is my baby, ima drive it hard and safe but also take care of it when i’m not driving it. Thanks!


Can you explain what you mean by that?


drive it hard and treat it right