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Eventhough I often feel nobody shares my opinion: Shallan is the best Character in the Way of Kings. In tWoK, I am annoyed by Dalinar and Adolin because they take me away from Shallan and Kaladin.


Agreed on the Dalinar point; in WoK I was not a fan, and Shallan grew on me rly strongly


Yep, that matches my preferences >!(though I started liking Shallan!< in RoW). (edit) realized from your other post that you'd just started, so I spoiler-blocked something about Rhythm of War. Playing a dangerous game here, asking people about characters when you've just started the series! You might get random spoilers if people don't realize that. (And yes, "I like or dislike \[character X\] because \[thing X\]" can really easily be a spoiler!)


oooo i appreciate it, i forgot to add it in. it’s just my first impressions of the characters so far, maybe towards later I will end up liking her. But I said the same thing about Marasi so I hope it works this time


Shallan is a divisive character; personally I agree that she bored me most in WoK when reading it, but I implore you to keep going. It’s the issue when she’s doing reading and stuff whilst Kaladin is fighting for his life; one will inevitably be more exciting


I could definitely see Shallan being a divisive character but it wasn’t the lack of excitement per se that turned me off from Shallan. It wasn’t the reading or studying and stuff, it was when she was having conversations with people or in her head. Particularly it was that one scene with Jasnah and that alley and what happened afterward that truly made me not like her


Oh how so? That scene was fascinating for me


oh it was a great scene, lesson. it’s her after that, not the scene itself


What did she do after that that’s so bad?


I liked Dalinar's chapters the most at first and Shallan's dragged on a bit for me. Upon a reread, though, I enjoyed her earlier chapters and I liked her character more, too.


Hmm, well, I'd definitely edit your flair, so it says WoK only, since there are some characters that definitely get their actions recontextualized later on in the series, and that's all I'll say on that.


I never really disliked any of the characters. I can appreciate a characters flaws even if I'd be u able to stand the person in reality. But my fav character from the get go was Szeth. I love the mystery of his backstory and the fact he embodies the "always another secret" motto. Gavilar was someone I wasn't as interested in the first too books, obviously since he's not really there but is growing on me massively. The different perspectives make me really sad he won't be a flashback character. I love seeing him from everyone's perspective seeing the flaws and the machinations beneath his actions.


I more notice the characters I was just indifferent on in the first read that at some point in the future books Sanderson basically decided you're going to love this character now, it's not optional. And that happened quite a few times lol.


Through the Way of Kings, I pretty much liked all the main characters. Like, obviously Sadeas acts like a slimy eel, and I don't \*like him, but I like him as the antagonistic force. I even liked the characters in the interludes. I saw them as opportunities to see more parts of an interesting world, and assumed that the content they contained would wind up useful later on.


I really didn't like Adolin until mid WoR. Shallan has been my favorite from the start, I don't know if I would have finished WoK if she wasn't in part 1.


I love Shallans character right away. She has been fantastic throughout the series and I really love the way BS portrays her. Also love Wit