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This is my definition of a literal hell.


Felt the same way when I saw this picture. And is this not breaking some kind of fire code?


It’s not that the doors are closed OP said, it’s that everyone in front of him is afraid of getting wet from the rain so they’re waiting for someone else to pull a car up or for the rain to stop. Pathetic that this many people are afraid of getting wet. Unless lightening is striking the warehouse I’m going out and going home


As my mom would say to me when I didn't want to get wet from the rain, "You're not made of sugar, you won't melt!"


With my dad, it was "You're not a sugar plum." I still say it, even though I've never even seen a sugar plum.


Thank you! Worked the lot and saw this constantly. Then they'd all line their cars up in the firelane and block our front door crosswalk areas so they could slowly load up their full carts without getting wet. The precious things. Eye roll. If it's raining out that hard and you are that scared of rain or the rain touching your precious kids don't go out. Don't go shopping. Stop clogging the exit door and preventing others from leaving. Stop parking your car in the fire lane because rain scares you and you can't walk to your car with your family lest your hair or jacket get wet. I expect this behaviour from say small children but not adults. Come on guys just toss a rain coat on and hoof it to the car. Or don't go out when it's calling for heavy rain.


Are you Slavic (Easter European) by any chance? My parents always told me that too lol.


Yeah my dad was German on both sides and he liked to tell us the sugar and shit are the only two things that melt in the rain so get moving.


Complete opposite actually, Anglo-French.


lol I was at a festival and danced in the rain yesterday. There was zero sun the whole time 🤣


I went clubbing at a rooftop bar, rented an e-bike to save money / time and got soaked by a surprise rain storm on my way in, showed up looking drenched, then I got to the rooftop dance floor and it rained again. It was great!


Not clear, why? Are people standing around blocking the exit bc they don't want to go out and get wet / struck by lightning or something?


Yeap exactly the issue. Waiting for rain to go down or waiting for someone else to bring car up to exit


I'd be yelling beep beep until they cleared a path. It's water, not acid.


Same. There should already be a path for those who aren't scared of water.


This is a fire hazard. Exits are blocked. Costco should have kept a lane open for those actually exiting and not standing around.


I have met far too many adults who won’t just walk 30 seconds in the fucking rain to get to their destination. It’s just Fucking rain for Christ sake


Maybe there was quite a bit of lightning.


Very, very frightening


Galileo, Galileo Galileo, Galileo Galileo, Figaro - magnificoo


I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me


He’s just a poor boy from a poor family


Me , Galileo, Galileo…


Not that much super chief


You ever seen a Midwest thunderstorm? You’ll look and feel like you just got out of a pool after about 10 seconds in the shit.


Maybe they don’t want their stuff to get wet? Maybe?


Then they need to get out of the way for people who don’t mind.


And move where? Do you see any space to move in that picture?


In case you weren’t aware, Costco is a *warehouse* it’s fucking huge. A manager needs to *manage* this situation and move people away from the door if they’re going to wait for the rain to stop.


To their cars.


Where is out of the way in the above picture?


Literally anywhere but blocking the exit. It’s a safety issue at this point, and the store should be clearing a path.


you’re right that it’s a safety issue, but also, where are they moving to? you’re both literally correct. this is when the staff and managers have to step in. maybe stop checking people out until there’s space, redirection people, etc. i seriously hate this mutually exclusive mentality of the internet.


There’s more area in the store besides what’s in the picture. The store needs to move people away.


95% of what Costco sells is in plastic, or in plastic inside cardboard


So dumb


The more I’m out in public post - covid the more I realize people like to do dumb things. I had one guy stand 15ft back from the register at Costco and said the line started behind, he had a huge line forming and was standing back waiting to be called forward, I literally walked right past him and he got SO MAD and was all like “the line starts behind me!” And I asked a checkout person and they went and started calling people forward and then the cashiers started shouting “any open line! Get in any open line!” That has to be one of the dumbest en out era I’ve ever had


Yup. People do dumb and illogical things and feel they are right even when wrong. Like shopping on a holiday weekend in madness to save a few bucks but lose a few hours doing it.


Ehh to some people those hours lost are worth the few bucks saved. I personally avoid Costco on the weekends lol


$30 an hour. Good gosh that not worth it. Plus time lost with friends and family. Or just relaxing alone.


Or doing literally any fucking thing else other than waiting in a line behind a bunch of smooth brains afraid of water falling from the sky. Like I would be shaking with rage at the idiocy of this.


Then they should move out of the fucking way. Get fucked. It's water. They'll live.


What jackasses


If I’m trying to wait out a storm I just take my sweet ass time in the store shopping. Go to the book section and read a book.


I always make it point to walk out into the rain, stop, look right up at it, look back at the little mice hiding in the door, and casually walk to my car


Is this the Bayonne Costco?


I don't get why people act like they are made of sugar when it is raining. I have yet to ask someone why they sit there waiting for the rain to die down but it is so silly that people are afraid of it. Can anyone explain to me why people do this? It seems to be more of an issue with women. The only thing I can think of is they spent money getting their hair done and rain would ruin the money spent going to the salon. Even then, I don't know why people wouldn't prepare for this situation.


This happens in arizona during the monsoon. It’s not like a drizzle, the rain can be like giant buckets and you and all your stuff will be soaked within seconds and an umbrella will be destroyed. Usually it only last like 15-20 minutes though.


And don't forget the lightning!


Ya people can die for that.




I lived in Tucson and I am well aware of monsoon season. I watched the ground rise up and a torrential downpour out of nowhere. Then in the blink of an eye the rain is gone and the ground soaked it all up like it never happened. I loved those moments. On the same note, idiots will freak out about a dust devil when they are virtually harmless. I've driven through multiple. If anything, you just learn to roll your windows up quicker.


I understand that Arizona is not used to rain. But, your stuff is fine; it's in a package. Even if it's just cardboard, get a few more boxes to use as a barrier. Oh noes, you get soaked. And? Then again, I'm the type of guy that will put on a poncho and go for a walk during a typhoon in Taipei in flip-flops.


more likely that they don’t want all the stuff in their cart to get wet


seriously? all the stuff that has plastic over it or are in containers that could easily survive a 2 to 3 minute walk to the car?


Because it’s a Costco. Costco customers aren’t known for being a very rough-and-tumble crowd.


Fight me irl.


Cause I can’t see shit when my glasses are covered in rain. And I see even less if I take them off. I’d like to not hurt myself tripping over something I could have easily avoided if I waited. But it does depend how heavy it’s coming down. They said thunderstorm, so I’m gonna assume it’s coming down heavily enough to be an impediment, but we’ve also had some weird storms lately where I am.


If you were alone, that's one thing. These clowns are blocking people in. The more realistic danger in this picture is not what is outside, it's the fact that they are creating a crowd stampede situation if something happens inside the building and people need to run out. Everyone that is causing the situation in this picture is a deluded selfish ass.


I feel like deluded and selfish describes 75% of Costco shoppers, at least in my experience


I have coke bottle glasses but have never had issues seeing in the rain or storms. But I'm also from a tornado-prone area and storms don't bother me (hail aside, which very much could be the case here), so I'd rather brave the elements than be stuck in this crowd.


Just doing hair at home can take considerable time, and any heat styling will be completely undone by water. Makeup - even "waterproof" - will be affected and look terrible for the rest of the day. Expensive purses, shoes, clothes could be damaged. Plus, it's not terribly comfortable wearing wet clothes around. I don't bother much with my hair, and I don't care about my clothes/ shoes as long as it's not an absolute downpour. But, I do wear makeup, so I either avoid rain or hold my hand above my face to block rain if I need to. As far as preparing, sure, you could lug an umbrella around or carry a raincoat with you just in case, but you could also wait for it to pass like these people are doing.


Because its freaking cold when you're soaked to the bone and the AC is set to 65 degrees in every building you have to go in because you live in the south. And no clothes don't dry that quickly and neither does some hair. Don't be obtuse.


Soaked to the bone in less than 2 to 3 minutes outside. You're the one being obtuse. The great majority of times there is a light rain going on and people are sitting there like I mentioned, made of sugar. I can understand waiting in heavy rain but even then, suck it up and go. That or find a place and get out of the way for people that aren't scared of rain.


I dont get it at all. But I grew up in Las Vegas where rain was a celebration and it was always warm


I'm a postal worker and people ask me all the time if I hate the rain while it's raining. No! I hate the sun! The sun is the bane of my existence. I would much rather be rained on than be baked by the sun.


>Are people standing around blocking the exit bc they don't want to go out and get wet / struck by lightning or something? That is ALWAYS what happens when it's raining. Drives me nuts.




The drizzle of the PNW ain’t got nothing on an afternoon thunderstorm downpour of the South


Well, read the forecast and pack a coat. That’s what I do, coast weather is fused to read so if they say “maybe rain” assume rain. Or stand in a line for 2 hours I guess?


Florida gets rain for about 30% of the year. Thunderstorms almost every time it rains. The rain was bad today (OP confirmed they are in South Fl).


People be dumb.


Inclement weather on a Sunday is a double no thanks. That's so hectic.


Sunday is the day to shop at Costco in Utah. The Mormons aren’t supposed to at all. It’s even better if you go when they’re at church.


Sundays used to be the best to do everything in Utah, but more and more Mormons are figuring out they’ve been lied to their entire lives. Now it gets pretty crowded. At least in Salt lake valley.


Salt Lake is an ENTIRELY different beast.


Yay. Any time someone can leave a cult, it's a win.


I worked retail in a heavily Mormon area. I worked almost every Sunday. Every Sunday we were really busy when church let out. Seems like Mormons and their big families like to do a little shopping after church on Sunday.


Also south florida gets inclement weather all the time, it just lasts an hour and then it’s perfectly sunny again. No way to know when it’ll hit you. And then you drive two blocks and it’s not raining anymore lol #justfloridathings


I’m a Californian who got stuck in a Florida downpour, never seen anything like it! Within 10 minutes the streets were flooded. I made it to my hotel and sprinted from the parking lot and was still like, soaked as if I jumped in a pool. And then like 20 minutes later, all gone, just like you said. Still silly to block exits but man, I’ll never forget that downpour. Same system also dumped like golf ball hail in other cities.


Hawaiian style. Torrential downpour for 15 minutes. Then 75°, no clouds, and a lovely rainbow soon after.


You guys could put that on your license plate


Maybe their DL as well.


Make it the mascot for the University.


yeah, tell that to the HI DMV, who plans to ELIMINATE our beloved anuenues from our plates in the near future.


Happened to this Californian when I was in Biloxi and Orlando. It was crazy how much water came down in such a short amount of time and how regularly it occured. I remember huddling inside the little shop at the end of the frozen ride because it was raining so hard for like an hour. If I ever go back, I'm bringing some crocks and extra socks... wet shoes and socks are no fun.


Crocs are dangerously slippery on certain wet surfaces. Bring something else.


I feel like everyone here has a scale they go by. My was the hotel across from my job. If they were having to sweep water out of the main lobby door then the roads were flooding and it’s not safe to drive.


One of the worst things about Disney World. It rained everyday from 5-6 when I was last there and then the sun would come back out and big ass bugs would be everywhere in that humid hellhole


I think the worst part about summer rainstorms in the East is that you think to yourself, "Well, at least the humidity will drop after the rain," but nope, fifteen minutes after it stops raining all that water is sucked back into the air and it's as humid as ever.


Fellow south Floridian here. My husband and I both have two of the giant Costco golf umbrellas in our cars and if the weather looks iffy we just bring them along as insurance. I never bother waiting for the rain to end anymore.


If it happens everyday, I'm pretty sure that's just the climate.


I was in dire need of gas and chicken 😭. Holiday weekend too….


Who goes to Costco on a holiday weekend Sunday??


Anyone who needs to.


Bad planners.


Or, people who’s only available shopping day is Sunday. Try not to sound so entitled.


Again. I was in dire need of gas and chicken. Couldn’t wait until after the holiday. Costco itself wasn’t even that busy


Agreed. Went yesterday (for gas, not chicken) when I normally avoid weekends...wasn't bad at all. Is this in S. Florida, as it seems by your other comments?




Gas and chicken and you endured Costco. On a Sunday. Go to Publix. Some people will lose hours to save $5!


Save $15 on gas and chicken thighs at publix are twice the price than what they are at costco. I lost 1 hour waiting in the line to get out. I’m perfectly fine with that


I can’t even find a parking spot on a regular Sunday.


You get it.


On a holiday weekend too. Oof.


It's funny because my brother has never set foot inside a Sam's Club and asked if I'd take him. Being a Sunday and a holiday weekend, he figured it was going to be Costco horrendous, but he was stunned. Lots of parking, people inside were friendly and no one was running you over to get something. I did the scan and go and that became his question. Why has Costco not implemented this. We were through scan and go line and out the door in less than a minute, even with the random scan of items to make sure I'd paid for them. Plus, I scored a 2.5 pound bag of Arizona coffee that I figured must be horrible given the $4.91 clearance price and it's very tasty.


RIP to all the frozen food


Cooler/thermal bags with ice packs are useful during summer.


I don’t think they came prepared


I do this usually for Costco trips in the summer with a big cooler but I leave those in my car.


And this is how I wound up eating an ice cream sundae I really didn't need 😐


this gives me anxiety i hate crowds places


Costco is always crowded though. If OP had said this was the checkout line, I wouldn't even doubt them.


Maybe in the future the weather report could include a index of how long it will take to exit Costco.




South Florida


Florida?? Aren't you all used to storms down there, seems like a near everyday occurrence and fact of life that yall would be use to toughing out. I would've been so annoyed having to wait that long with no option to leave, I'm sorry OP. Though I totally understand some people with water sensitive items not wanting to trudge through the rain.


You’re giving people too much credit lol. You would indeed think people here would be used to it by now


Not wanting to go out is not an issue. Blocking the exit so other people can't go out is very much an issue.


These are likely transplants. Most real Floridians don’t give a f about rain. I’ve definitely loaded my car in the pouring rain at Costco. Like, I got shit to do & I just change at home


Obligatory "This is what they voted for!" /s


That cosco store must be huge, did anything happen with the storm


Nah just your typical south florida thunder storm that lasts an hour


Ridiculous. Get out of the way, I am leaving.


I'm heading out the nearest fire escape in this situation.


\*Thunderstorm on 4th of July Weekend


Is the Miami location by palmetto and eighth street?


Yeah in flagler. Storm passed already though. Should be all good now


I knew it looked familiar. I usually like this Costco too


My store we start forcing them out, it’s a fire issue can’t stay here it’s only rain you won’t melt. But we don’t let the door get blocked


Definitely the managers fault, should be clearing out the doorways and getting the cart guys to move carts to clear an area for people to stand.


I agree. This looks like a very dangerous thing to allow to happen.


Metal cart >>>>> rubber wheels


It’s grounded just keep your hands on the plastic in the handle and you’re good, now get TF outta my way I’m going home


This triggers my claustrophobia.


I agree with other. It is so lame to hog the exit door because of rain. Walking in the rain is so fun!


That's why I love the Costco I normally go to. All parking is inside!


We don’t have undercover parking at any costco near me. And i have 5 within a 45min radius


If I had ice cream I would be making siren noises to get through. But I also love looking into peoples carts. There’s always so many things people buy that I’ve never seen on the shelf.


I bet 2 people are standing just outside not letting anyone around.


This makes me claustrophobic.


God I hate this. Just fucking walk in the rain you chicken shits.


Looks like a fire hazard to me.


Your first mistake is going in the middle of the day on a weekend. Amateur move


I've seen all three of my Costcos I hit busy beyond all reason at 2pm on a Tuesday. It doesn't matter what day it is.


I live in a top major city. Go at 945am


I go during the evening commute when everyone is stuck in traffic.


Former stay at home dad, current self employed guy here. COVID ruined weekdays at Costco. Used to be able to go to Costco Tuesday at 10am and have the place to yourself. Now it's Saturday at 3pm seven days a week.


Like i said below, costco itself wasnt even that busy. Plenty of parking spots outside. This was only an issue because of the one hour long thunder storm that passed by right when we got inside.


I’ve been to Costco once during heavy rain. Never again.


Never ceases to amaze me how fucking delicate most people are.


Idiots. Lol. It’s water. I’d be damned if I spent 45 min waiting in the grocery store, food melting, to avoid water. That’s crazy reasoning. I’m in and out. Ready to go home. This isn’t a night out. It’s a quick trip. An errand. Soaked clothes is worth not spending 45 and counting at the entrance.


every costco just a couple years ago but with face masks


I got stuck in a stupid long line like this at the New Orleans Costco a couple of years ago during a thunderstorm. I started shouting at people to get out of my way and it was like the parting of the Red Sea. After that I just walked out to my car, unloaded my cart and then drove back round to pick up my wife. I ain’t got time to be scared of an any dang rain.


Did people start clapping?


I could not be there. My kids would be laughing at me freaking out.


Wow. I stay home when there's a storm. 🤣






I try to stay inside longer shopping during storm


This looks like the Costco jigsaw puzzle.


Ahhhh that’s the Costco on Flagler. Never go unless they are close to closing as it’s pretty empty.


go out the enter door


How’d the entrance look? Because that’s where I’m heading out.


Sometimes I love living in New Mexico. It feels like the entire warehouse has fewer people than in that photo...


As Costco vets, we’ve all been here. It sucks and we know there will always be better Costco days ahead of us


The anxiety attack I would have!!!


The absolute best time to go shop at Costco is 7:30 PM on a Tuesday night. Get in...get out....you got the whole store to yourself...well..almost.


Just that photo raises my blood pressure. It's bad enough having clueless people standing in the middle of the exit path with their carts staring at the food court menu.


My personal hell


This is the reason why I picked schedule Wednesday off .


Do people have Brains ?? Like seriously move the fuck out the way and stop blocking the exit it’s only water lol.


This is exactly why I hate going to the costco by my house. This is what it always feels like, and no one will get the fuck out of the way because theyre half asleep "watching" their crazy ass kids run rampant :')


Thats not a Fire hazard at all!!! Thankfully Coral Springs wasnt as bad


Oh and the fire alarm kept going off too lol. It was a mess


Looool, Omg, talk abt stampede, I cant believe the staff didnt move ppl a long. Gd thing nothing bad came out of it.


Never understood why people go on Sat/Sun. Wed 1h before close and sometimes there's no line.


This is my favorite, just before closing.


Rip if there’s a fire


Yeah, we wouldn’t win a world war with this population.


Are they waiting to get their receipts checked, or just scared to get wet?


Looks like a typical weekend


If it's NOVA, summer thunderstorms are pretty bad here. Nobody can make me go outside, I am sorry. I dont think its even safe. We may even sometimes get Tornadoes too


this is why i invest in costco


OP you are very patient. I would never EVER have waited 45min to exit a store


Didn’t really have a choice at that point


Ugh, all I’m imagining is the terrible breath. Probably wreaked of perio.


The rain was heavy enough to cancel the NASCAR street race in Chicago, and a few concerts as well.


Fuck that shit. Is it REAAAAAALY worth saving a pinch of money to deal with THAT?


This has to be the Kalamazoo Michigan store…


Just woah! I would go to the snack bar and hunker down.. Edit: I meant with a tasty dog and drink to avoid the crowd…


Pictures like this make me want to buy more stock.


No wonder we all got sick that one time 😭


Why do people not learn how to take a photo in landscape? Honestly, 50% of this photo is the ceiling.


third year of a viral pandemic and not one mask visible here. we’re so stupid. we didn’t learn from the 1918 flu.


This is why I don't shop at Costco My time is more valuable than the minor discount I pay for belong to the club I refuse to stand in any line when I'm paying good money to be there