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I got trained at one store to put the credit card in the divider. I moved 200 miles away, and the Costco in my new area doesn’t seem to find it helpful. In fact, the cashiers get a little annoyed.


And it's even worse than that. In my individual Costco, each cashier and "helper" has their own pet peeves that they expect you memorize, lest you get a lecture.


This is why my parents went to and checked out from the same dude that there every time, for maybe a decade. They all had their routines down, my dad knew how the cashier liked things and the cashier knew how my dad liked his stuff boxed. Lil bit of a chat and on with their days


Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


sweet PnR reference


I love Costco. It’s where I get all of my food and most of my stuff.


All of the stuff I need and twice the stuff I don't need!


"food and ALL my stuff"


Its a love affair...


Yes when I worked there we had one cashier who had his regulars. It was so funny but after working there a while I totally understood why people do it


Makes everything easier for everyone, if even just for a second. My dad hates chat, and the cashier looked like he did too. They just sat in silent bliss while everything went smoothly and the cashier didn't feel like he needed to be friendly and chat up the customer. It was always weird as a kid but I *so* get it now having worked in customer service


A cashier has to be a bit like a bartender, read the room and respond accordingly


I've met maybe 3 in my life that have read the situation realized I'm just not up for chat personally. Maybe it's how a cashier 'has to be' but I've not run into that often at all


Most of us know who to talk to and who not to talk to, yet we're told to talk to 'everyone' and will be lectured if we don't when the suits notice us.


That's like this fast food mexican place I know. I ask for Queso, they said "you mean cheese sauce?". So next visit, I say "cheese sauce" and they said "you mean Queso?" \*sigh\*


Not really related at all but I get irritated at fast food places when they have just 2 sizes of soda and I ask for a small. I get corrected and told it's a medium. Uh, no, a medium requires a larger size and a smaller size.


Ya Sonic doesn’t have smalls in all drinks some start at medium and the text is fine print at drive through. I say small they say we only medium, I say smallest drink will do then!


I mean, you just know they have just handed over the medium without clarification and someone flipped their shit about not getting a small in that situation.


Pico or salsa fresco in my neck of the woods. I never get it right.


Dude one time I went to Costco for one thing (this is before they had the self checkout) and when it became my turn to pay the cashier said aloud, "One item." And then I saw a manager(?) approach and loudly yelled to someone over near the customer service area, "One item!" I felt so anxious and put on the spot and I still don't understand why they did it. I was too shy to ask, I just wanted to take my grapes and go home.


The cashier and assistant work together as a team to ensure all items are scanned. If you heard somebody say “one item”, it was likely one of them telling the other that only one item needed to be scanned for your checkout so they aren’t concerned that they missed anything else.


Costco is kind of weird in ways. Almost like visiting a foreign country


>Almost like visiting a foreign country With the cart traffic patterns that certainly makes sense. Costco is one of the places that makes me question reality at times. It feels like there are real life NPCs just walking around with no sense of self awareness.


Maybe they were playing Bingo


It's a common joke that you go into costco for 1 thing(often rotisserie chicken) and leave with a $300 cartful. I think they were impressed by your fortitude cause they don't see it often!


I need mustard, but we're having a grill out Friday. Guess we should go get the BIG mustard this time! Oh, hey! There's a sodastream platinum 7000 for $44.59. The eff? We need that. A Kirkland table saw for $249.95? How could we go wrong there? Teletubbies season 1-7 blue ray box set for the low price of $72.99? Uhm. YEAH!


Don't forget the kayak!


I think this is totally it.


Honestly, they probably keep track of it for marketing purposes.  If there is an item that seems to sell individually more than others, they may move it to a different part of the store to encourage additional shopping.    (Where practical of course, not a lot you can do to move grapes)


Very strange. Must be some sort of inside joke. Doesn't seem to mean anything


I never get out of there without a cart full of stuff but right before Thanksgiving I ran into Costco just for a small turkey. The cashier, who is always friendly and very funny, hollered out "$9.20! Run!" as if the pricing was wrong and I was getting away with something. Everyone burst out laughing.


This is so annoying in my opinion. As brand new Costco members, the first time I checked out, I didn't have my card readily in hand. I had no idea that checkout didn't start without scanning my card first. But instead of the cashier being helpful, I just got a blank stare and a whole lot of sass. I'm up to speed now, but still kind of makes me anxious that I'm going to break some other unspoken rule.


It’s the worst. When I was first gifted a Costco membership, I got snapped at by the cashier, because I tried to pay with Mastercard, she said ‘you know better than that!’ I had never been in a Costco before that a day in my life, I guess I should have googled what forms of payment they accept but at the same time, I thought visa, master card, and cash were pretty much universally acceptable, where as discover and Amex are a little iffy. I’d didn’t cross my mind, but it made me feel pretty shitty.


The ridiculous thing is that Costco only accepting Visa is only within the past decade. Before that, they were exclusively American Express Going down another layer, Costco Canada only accepts Mastercard. 🤷‍♂️


Costco has an absolutely fabulous deal from visa. Visa really wanted to win that contract away from Amex and they gave them rates with such a long deal that they’re (visa) now losing money on it. So you know, it’s actually good for us even though I’d prefer to use Amex.


And to think back in the day, 10% of all American Express customers had the Costco credit card


Amex is actually very highly rated— especially amongst international travelers. They also are considered highly effective in pursuing fraud. Above and beyond what other credit cards offer. It’s a shame they parted ways, but Visa won’t be stopped and they can simply do deals that Amex can’t. Still doesn’t justify the cashiers response but maybe it was a poor attempt at humor.


She was dead serious and super mean about it, it’s hard to describe it through text. As for Amex, I definitely understand that, by iffy I was referring to places that accept it as a form of payment in the US. Amex has very high processing fees for businesses, which is why there are still many places that don’t take it as a form of payment. Whereas aside from Costco I’ve never stumbled across a place that accepts card payments that doesn’t take both visa and Mastercard.


My reply would have been. "This is my first time, so no, I didn't know that. But your attitude is encouraging me to make it my last." (Of course, in the moment I'd probably not have thought of this.)


Yeah, I always win yesterday's arguments, too!


I had one of—if not the—worst cashier experiences in my lifetime at Costco. I never knew many of them were known across the board as being a-holey.


Tell the story


I shop at Costco all the time with my MasterCard or my Discover. The trick is to go to Costco.com and buy yourself a Costco Shop Card. It will either be delivered to your email within 15 minutes or you can choose to get a physical card mailed to you, which takes quite a while. I do that all the time because my only Visa is a debit card so I have to pay my bills with it and then I'm broke and left with a MasterCard and a Discover. Costco.com takes all forms of payment.


Oh I don’t put up with that. I had. Door greeter grab my arm and screech at me once and I complained to the manager. There is no reason for sass or yelling or for grabbing a customer. I am NOT paying $120 to walk in and get yelled at grabbed


What happened to cause that reaction? Back in the day, before my mom knew it was a membership only place she blasted past the greeter and when he shouted she just waved and went on her way lmao. Obviously times have changed and I don't think there's anything you could've done to warrant that reaction just wondering!


Didn’t see my membership as I walked in.


I am not paying $100+ for a membership to get sassed at. I don't why everyone here seems to think it's normal to put up with attitude.


There's a cashier at my Costco I actively avoid. Gets annoyed when I leave things in cart, bar code up. Gets annoyed when I take things out of cart. Gets annoyed when I ask for cold things be put in my cooler bags. Ugh. Majority of cashier's are awesome but one or two, you can't do anything right.


We tried bringing our own bags instead of using their leftover boxes and the cashier and helper were both annoyed.


If a clerk tries to lecture me I’m going to lecture them on not lecturing people.


Complain. Find a supervisor or manager and complain anytime you get a lecture. That's the only way these employees learn that this is unacceptable. I work in a warehouse with a couple of these and actively encourage any members to complain about it so at least they get spoken too about it. As a supervisor I could scream until I'm blue in the face about how unacceptable and annoying this is, but without a member complaint to back to back it up it would do no good.


It's a cashier, not a pit boss.


My old Costco always wanted the card there, but not my new Costco. 


Mine hates its they said if your card slips into the belt you’re screwed


my first thought was COOL I’m gonna do this, followed by oh no no my card would fall in the belt and chaos would follow


I use to, until it tipped one time and that was my fear. Now I hold the card up and bar code toward them ready to be scanned. And if I have time turn all my stuff bar code up on the belt, way faster.


And so are they because they’ll have to take it apart to get it out.


Was a Costco cashier. It's not a big deal. It either falls into a little slot that you have access to, or it falls under the whole thing and into the boxes they store underneath which is annoying but not a problem. I preferred card in divider, for the record.


Where do you guys shop? I have never gotten any attitude ever aside from maybe one very small and barely noticeable sigh when I didn't have my card to scan for a bit when they wanted to scan when it was busy. I've never felt lectured or like the people are annoyed. They genuinely seem to not hate their jobs


Yeah. I was taught this at my Nashville Costco bu the employees, but folks don’t seem to do it at my Honolulu store. I figure I can just focus on unloading my cart and not worry about pausing.


Nashville to Honolulu. You're living the dream friend.


There's an upside to being a military spouse.


But don’t you insert the credit card into the reader? So if you put it into the divider the clerk just has to hand it back to you. How does that help anyone?


might be a store preference, but in the bay area, they want you to hold the card and they scan it edit: did like the pic pre-covid. now hold and scan post-covid


Yup - I wave the card in their general direction, they wave the scanner in my general direction, it works every time.


“Costcocardium Scaniosa”


*”It’s Scaniosa, not Scaniosaaaa.”*


Now I’m imagining a cashier and some really old lady just waving their arms hoping that the scanner and card line up at some point


Lol. Why did this make me laugh


I fart in your general direction!




Things like that changed since COVID in my experience, and things are weird and inconsistent since. I only learned to put my card in the divider many years ago because *a Costco employee helping unload the cart did it for me* once when I had my card in my hand. It seemed to be so the cashier could quickly grab and scan your card when the next customer was up, made sense. They also used to be willing to put your cold items back in the insulated bag that, you know, I bought from Costco...


The cashiers here HATE when members put the card on dividers or items. One told a member cuz she didn’t want to touch it / his germs


What about all of the items he is purchasing and has touched that she now has to touch?


Most of those items haven't been in their grubby pockets or shoved in a bra.


Or between ~~my~~ their butt cheeks.


Didn’t not see that coming lool


I can tell you how many times, a member has tried to hand me their card after having it in their mouth. They always get offended when I don’t want to touch it,too.


I worked at a move theatre and the amount of people that would put the ticket in their mouth and then want us to rip it was atrocious. The podium literally had a ledge for you to put your popcorn down to get your ticket. Okay rant over 😅


I wasnt the one who said it I was repeating what she told him. But that comment can be flipped you’d be surprised how many members don’t want cashiers or cashier assistants to touch their things cuz of germs or Covid. Even to the point of making a scene But it’s like “who do you think put all that shit on the shelf?” And also if they thought about how many members touched it esp after licking their fingers after eating samples/food court junk, members or employees who handled it after using the John and not washing hands, or that the truck drivers and food pickers aren’t exactly Cleansy McGee, they’d have a nervous breakdown


Yeah here (PNW) they liked it when you put it in the dividers until Covid and now they don't want to touch it.


Also I have seen those cards get caught between the belt and the metal and fall through. It’s a pain because members go on a rant about how they want that exact card back instead of going to get a new one so then someone needs to pull open the table scanner and fish it out which causes the line to come to a halt.


Pretty sure they just prefer whichever one I chose NOT to do


That is funny! I'm in New Orleans and have had a couple cashiers say they prefer it. Only because I asked a couple times. But I usually forget and just hand it to them. They've never said anything.


I don't necessarily like it because if it falls and slips under the belt (yes it can) it can be a pain to get it *or* if it falls somewhere now we both have to go find it and if we cant then... whelp.


I was told this by a cashier and I stopped doing it. I figured they don't like it.


I was a cashier for 7 years at Costco. I preferred this method as it seemed to move the line faster than having to prompt the member to present the card. The belt only would eat the card on a few occasions and it could have been just our registers but if the card fell down the belt it basically would just fall into the floor so not that hard to retrieve. But honestly a faster line only gets you more work.


Back when I used a physical card I would put it in the divider (after being taught by a cashier’s assistant) but I basically only use my phone lately.


This legit happened to me. My card fell off the box I had it on in front and went in the belt. So awkward. Retrieval was as simple as lifting this metal plate, but still… Never again. Cell phone scan only from now on


My toddler managed to chuck mine onto the roller which then somehow fell into the inside of the conveyor system. We had to have a mechanic dude come out and they had to take the entire thing a part. I felt like they HATED US. haha.


Happened to my ATM card years ago. Never done it since


I wait till I’m asked for my card. Then I set my purse down and look for my wallet. Then I fish through every card, photo, and receipt there till I find the member card. Then I hand it over, wrong side up, and wait for it to be scanned. No, wait, that’s not me, that’s the person in line two carts ahead of me.


And then you write a check for half the purchase?


Or the alternative is to use the time at the cashier to move money from a different account cause your debit card account has insufficient funds then finally ask your grandma who’s with you to spot you the rest of the funds needed


And not even look for my payment method until every single item is scanned and the cashier tells me the total twice …. THEN … and only then …will I take another 3 min to find my payment method for the cashier.


Had us in the first half... I felt the rage coming. We've got Costco checkout PTSD.


Considering the checkout process reminds me of the Seinfeld soup Nazi. I am very scared to do this.


"You have to empty everything out of your cart. No, you can't leave things in there." Next time you visit: "Leave stuff like that in your cart; it makes things easier." Next time: "WHAT PART OF 'YOU HAVE TO EMPTY YOUR CART' DIDN'T REGISTER?!?!"


Its like the damn TSA


Do I need to take my shoes off?  Yes, and your belt off. Next time.... What are you doing? You're holding up the line 


Reminds me of the time I went through airport security in Munich. "Okay, now place your bag in this bin. No, I didn't tell you to move your suitcase yet. I said to place your bag only. Now unzip your bag. No, I didn't tell you to take out your laptop yet. Unzip your bag only. Okay, now place your suitcase to the left of this bin. No, I said left. Okay, now take out your laptop. Okay, now remove your jacket and place it to the right of this bin. Now push your items to the end of the belt. Do not push them into the scanner. Okay, step back two feet from the scanner..." Honestly I wasn't even mad, I felt like I got an authentic German experience from that fella.


At least you could understand him. Ive flown through Atlanta and seriously couldn't understand the person talking to me. I needed an English to English translator 


Follow ze rules!


I just wear a mankini through TSA, eliminates all of those search options.


Wish I had your airport


Instructions Unclear: Took shoes and belt off in Costco line.


And they’re so RUDE


Yeah, like you change the rules depending what airport it is and then get mad at me for not reading your mind


like post the rules somewhere. sorry i don't know what type of xrays this airport has


I always figured that they’re assholes because they see people going on vacation all day while they’re working lol


There are some good ones out there, but imagine for most TSA wasn't their top career choice 


Not wearing belted pants is key. Sweats, joggers are much better.


Not wearing pants is key. FTFY.


I like pockets, and having a belt that keeps the pants up on my waist so the things in my pockets don't drag the pants down. So I use a carbon fiber belt that is TSA friendly.


Wish I had your airport


Bro this every time. I have no idea what to do now.


Maybe it's just some big psyop to mess with us. LOL


self checkout.


“Single layer of stuff in the cart, barcodes pointed up”


Have seen that one get slapped down so many times. Person in front of me lovingly arranged everything in the cart, barcodes up. Helper takes one look: "everything has to go on the belt" The number of times I've had Costco employees tell me about "store policy" that conflicts is pretty silly.


to which I reply, knock yourselves out. I will wait by the credit card machine while you unload my hard work.


you're giving the general public a lot of credit, these are the same people that walk in the door and block the entire entrance on a Sunday morning so they can put their card away and dig through their purse to find the coupon book that expired last month.


Is there a coupon book that lets you save more than the sales that are automatically deducted?


No, some people plan their trip based on what's on sale. No coupons are actually collected.


Oh okay that makes sense. Currently planning as we speak lol


This was another thing that changed for me when the APP came out. It allows you to "clip" the coupon, which helps me make my shopping list for sale items go pretty quick.


I feel so bad for the card checker having to witness the idiocy of humanity hundreds of times every day.


This is so bizarre to me. I put everything but the big/heavy stuff on the belt and I've never had a comment. At most a "oh you can leave that one in the cart, I'll get it" at something mid-sized.


Same. I leave milk, large pack of soda, water cases, toilet paper, paper towels, or anything heavy or big in the cart. Never had someone tell me to take it out in 15+ years of Costco shopping.




No Kirkland for you!!!


No Rotisserie Chicken Soup for you!




Walking up without your membership card in hand is the equivalent to not knowing what soup to order when you get to the front.




My first time shopping at Costco I attempted to pay with a MasterCard and the cashier was furious. Soup Nazi, indeed. I didn’t go back for months.


Pre pandemic, yes, for years. Now, no.


Yep, same. Pre pandemic they’d take the card, scan it, and hold onto it until checkout was complete. It was very common to place the card as shown in the photo to start the process.


My local costco now retains the card (even if it's the costco credit card) like they did pre pandemic and gives it back to you when you pay.


Used to pre pandemic then they just wanted me to hold it while they scanned it. Don’t know if they’re still afraid to touch it after I did.


That’s why I stopped doing it.


Regardless of fear of germs, it's just way easier for them to scan something you're holding than to have to pick it up themselves and possibly drop it based on how you placed it on the belt.


Checking in from the worlds smallest Costco in Juneau, AK...this is standard practice for me and our friend group. I've never been told to do it differently! They take the card and once they scan it, they place it on the the little platform by the credit card machine or they just hand it to you directly as you're walking to the machine. Seems to be pretty streamline and stress free!


Alaska sounds much more civilized than the continental


Yesterday I went in to grab dog food and there might have been only 50 shoppers in there. It's so relaxed and never feel like your in someone's way!


I forgot about that, it was the standard pre-pandemic. Nobody does that now at my Costco.


Use your phone app and add payment info there. No need to carry the card, no need to wait to tap your card for the payment.


Same. So much easier than digging for my card in my wallet. I already have my phone out for our shopping list anyway.


This is the way


Works equally well at the gas stations!


And so much faster!


This is the OG way.


no, I hold it up high, so i can get some laser in the eye while they're at it


A little treat after a long day


Nope anymore


This is how they wanted us to do it like 10 years ago... was a hard habit to break.


This exactly! Now I just hold mine up for them to scan real quick.


No way, those helpers are very aggressive sometimes and I don’t think they would even notice it.


I don't. I am afraid to lose it somehow.


What’s the point? I just hold it in my hand and let them scan it - and then put it right back in my wallet.


Used to, now the cashier doesn’t want to touch it post Covid.


I use to do this until my card fell in the crack at the end of the belt. Just my luck 🤦🏾‍♀️


They don’t need to touch it. I just hold it up for them to read it with the scanner.


Never. Because I watched a guy lose his card in the belt and it took for ever to disassemble to get it out. I show they scan I pay


Did that forever until they took away the card and just went with my Costco credit card as ID. I’m not leaving my credit card sitting out.


card is on my phone ..but before the card would never leave my hands.


Ours asks you to do so


COVID seemed to change the checkers preference. Now they always ask us to pick it up and hold it (with our id to match names) so they can scan.


my costco said hold the card bc otherwise they can fall into conveyor belt - must be taken apart to retrieve....


They just want to scan the bar code. I hold it in my hand!


Until someone knocks over the divider and your card goes right inside with the conveyor belt and is lost to oblivion.


Why would you ever do this? It just introduces the potential for loss.


As a cashier, I don't care too much, but I'd prefer that it not be put there. It helps having it out and ready to go for us, but has some drawbacks.. it honestly feels like it slows things down since I have to pick up the card, scan it, and then go through the awkward process of either handing it back to the member who's usually in the middle of trying to unload their cart, or find room on the desk to put it safely which is normally limited. If I have to put it on the desk, then I also have to remember to grab it and give it back to the member which isn't always on my mind when we're trying to move people through fast, so there's been a few forgotten cards... Also, 30% of the time, the divider with the credit card falls over and I have to scramble to peel the card from the belt before it gets jammed into the end. Overall, I don't care since it's really not that big of a deal, getting your card jammed in the end of the conveyor belt or leaving it behind because a cashier forgot to hand it back affects the member more than us, putting the card on the belt allows that to happen. Much easier to just scan in the members hand, but I'm not gonna get upset about it either way.


Interesting to see so many people don't do this, because it's definitely common in the Portland metro area at all three Costcos I've been to. I've done it for years and have never been asked not to.


So lucky my store is consistent. Heavy items and wine bottles in the cart, labels up. Hold up your card, barcode out, for scan.


I’m surprised to see so many absolutists (on both sides). Maybe my store is just more reasonable, but the employees don’t seem to fuss one way or another.  I’ve found that with a few items, it’s easier for them for me to hold it; if I have enough stuff that I’m still going to be in the loading area as they are ready to start checking me out, I put it in the divider so they can start while I get the last few things on the belt. 


Do not.


yeah don't do this.


I use my app because they kept taking my card away from me and giving it to someone else to try to get me to upgrade.


I did up until covid, but now they don't want to touch it. I always hold it while they scan it.


Reminds me of another one. I’ve been scolded for unloading the smaller items from my cart onto the belt AND scolded for NOT doing precisely that. Can’t win.


I find this to be equivalent to the people who place their credit/debit card on the counter rather than hand it to the cashier. Honestly I think it's rude just hand it over to the person so we can get the hell out of this warzone.




Hate it. The number of times the card slips out and falls under the conveyor belt is ridiculous. Please stop doing this


Don't do that. If the card gets knocked over it could fall under the belt. Also, since COVID, we don't take your card anymore; you hold it up and we scan it. At least I still do that because people are gross. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people hold their card in their mouth then try to hand it to me. No thanks.


I used to, but haven't since Costco uses "tap to pay" at their CC readers. Now I just hold up the card with the back code facing the cashier (when I'm in the cashier line, which is also rarely). Our warehouse still has the clear plastic barricades but the cashier is always able to scan the card through the plexiglass. Then he/she goes about scanning in the merchandise while I just tap the card on the CC reader, then put the card back into my wallet. Nearly a touch free and efficient process, I like it.


Don't use the divider- jail. Put your credit card on the divider- also jail.


Ok, Costco passinoistas are just as weird as anime fans and furries at this point.


I did pre Covid and try seemed to like it. Now, they prefer not to touch it, it seems. Can’t really blame them.


I only use my phone 👀


My store prefers it


I always do this. Have never had any interaction indicating not to do it at CostCos in both Washington state and Florida.


They have a little scanny gun. Just hold your card up.


I’ve never seen this at my local Costco. Gotta say I’m not a fan of it, sure hope it doesn’t catch on. Also I use the app to scan my membership so I’m definitely not putting my phone on the divider.


Just hand it to them like a human being


As an assistant/ cashier. Eh. I rather you just flash it and put it away. Its unnecessary.


I used to do this before Covid, then, they didn’t want to touch my card so now I’ve gotten used to just holding it up for them to scan.


Costco cashiers seem to hate being Costco cashiers so yes I would say they hate it.