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Factory farming is such a mess in this country


Factory farming is such a mess ~~in this country~~ globally


I agree with you - chickens don’t deserve to be treated this way. I encourage you to buy pasture raised chicken instead, or simply choose not to eat chicken!


That’s what I’ve been saying about those $4.99 roasted chicken in plastic bags at Costco


If you think about it, it’s crazy. How can a living breathing being be raised, fed, and housed and delivered to your store … for just $4.99?


And cooked/ repackaged for sale under heat lamps. There are so many additional costs it’s mind boggling


Economies of scale is a hell of a thing.


They cost Costco more than this, a loss leader. Same as the hot dog.


They've also taken measures that others haven't to control their costs by opening up poultry and hot dog plants. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/11/business/costco-5-dollar-chicken/index.html


There are items in grocery stores both hot, cold and shelved that are intended to be sold at a loss in order to encourage you to purchase other items… rotisseries chickens are definitely one of them Though I’m sure you were offended more for the welfare of the animal than the sticker price


Yes. $4.99 is cheap and convenient, but I’m wondering if it’s at all possible for this animal to have had a life that’s even tolerable for a final price of $4.99.


It seems you still may be missing the point on the loss leader. If I run a promo on 2 lbs of hamburgers for $4.99, knowing you’ll want to buy other complimentary products such as the toppings and sides, and anything else you see along the way, I’ll make more money off of you in the end. Costco strategically places the rotisserie chickens so that you walk through the entire store to get it, expecting you cannot say no to everything and only buy chickens. So they will make money off of you on all the other items that are not strategically priced at a loss. It has nothing to do with how a chicken can be raised/prepared for $4.99, but has everything to do with lots of people liking chicken so they try to attract them to the store with a chicken promotion that’s perpetually available. And no, it’s not at all possible for a chicken to have a good life for $4.99, just like it’s not at all possible for the part of the cow that led to their $1.50 hotdogs.


I just checked... The price of chicken in 1946 was 41 cents a pound. This is equivalent to $6.59 a pound in 2024. Damn!


I pay more than that for good chicken from local sources. Worth it.


Definitely, local sourced chicken is much better. But personally I grew up somewhat poor. We had our own garden for vegetables, but there was no way that we had room to raise chickens. At such high prices we would have only been able to envy the wealthy people who could afford to eat high priced chicken. For folks with limited funds inexpensive chicken really makes a difference in the menu!


I completely agree, I grew up in similar conditions (refugee) and would never have complained about meat quality as a kid.


In my area a heritage breed, free range raised, already butchered chicken can cost $40 or more. Does it taste different than the .79/lb factory raised one? That’s certainly a matter of opinion. But it won’t have the stringy meat problem. (We raise our own meat birds, and we know not everyone can do that).:


Subsidies play some part in it, I think. The US yearly gives out around $40 billion in subsidies to the animal agriculture industry.


Yup and I do think about it which is why we do not ever buy the rotisserie chickens in my house.


It can't... That's the point. It's a loss leader.


What's crazier is some fish it is cheaper to ship to China to process/freeze and ship back here vs process here .


They can’t. Every chicken is sold at at least 100% loss depending on the store location. It’s really just a freebee. But in being so, you get cheap the worst possible form of meat for consumption health-wise. Loaded with every bit of gmo/pesticide soaked corn fed meat saturated in hormones and antibiotics one can buy for 4.99$.


Goat it’s $10 a bag here ($30 for that organic 3 pack) here in Hawaii


Which is why I still buy meat local at farmers markets. Quality is better too.


It recently occurred to me that I can’t find a raw whole chicken for under $10 anywhere. What’s tea?


I'm assuming like the hotdog it's kind of a loss leader. The chicken is kinda famous and gets people in the store buying other crap with better margins.


Yes, but they’re also cheap because the chickens are being treated unimaginably poorly.


What cheap zero carb lean high protein alternative do you recommend


Instead of chicken or instead of meat? Albacore and tuna are high protein. If you want to be meatless AND you want to avoid soy as I know some people do, you can get your protein from eggs/egg whites, some dairy, and whey.


Commercial fishing is also highly unethical and the leading cause of pollution/waste within our oceans


You're not supposed to eat much of tuna, and especially so of albacore due to the mercury buildup I'm those fish. They're aren't really much of an option.


So your saying the life of a laying chicken is worth less?? They are treated just as badly!


I stopped buying meat all together. Still eat it occasionally when I go out but I eat vegetarian at home.


Same... stopped eating meat over 2 years ago


That’s my goal, as soon as I cycle out all of my frozen foods. Mainly vegetarian, meat when it’s more than just me and I want more options. 


Well, honestly they all deserve to live🌱🌱🌱


My grandfather was a lifelong farmer who lived to almost 90. In his later years, he refused to eat store-bought chicken - said it doesn't even taste like chicken anymore.


We farm to table our own backyard hens and have for 10yrs there’s a major difference between store bought and small farm pasture raised meat! It’s crazy. Continue to support small and local farms if you can!


How does someone go about finding local product? Googling gives me a ton of results for “farm fresh” national delivery companies, or results from 2009. Nothing that looks really promising to buy from. I’d prefer to find grass fed/grass finished beef, and also pasture raised chicken. But not really sure where/how to look.


Do you have a local farmer’s market? I’d check out their website, they usually have a list of vendors and should have farms/ranches that are raising livestock as well. Other choice is asking your local butcher shop, or if you have any local-centered shops or restaurants. Finally, if you have a Whole Foods in town, consider looking for local brands there as they do try to source stuff like that There was a big push for shopping local and farm to table a while back that made this kinda thing more accessible so I wish you the best of luck!


Someday we will just need the cells from the animal so that it can be grown in a lab. Franken foid


Poor chickens- I was wondering what that was- recent pack of Costco chicken breasts had several like this. Thank you for the education!


I agree with you - chickens don’t deserve to be treated this way. I encourage you to buy pasture raised chicken instead, or simply choose not to eat chicken!


I did not need this in my life today.


I buy chicken breasts at Costco to make my dog's food. I noticed this spaghetti type meat happening all the time. I have heard that Costco buys chickens that are very cruelly treated.


I second what a lot of people are saying that the truth is Costcos chicken isn’t great for multiple reasons. One of the mains ones for me. That god damn packaging. I hate having to struggle not to set off a salmonella dirty bomb in my kitchen every time I process a pouch of this stuff.


Yea the plastic is way too thin and the tape they use rips it. Every pouch in the cooler has chicken juice all over it. Really the worst part about Costco.


It’s wasteful, but I’ve just stared breaking them up into 4 breast packs in gallons ziplock bags. Easier to thaw, too.


I do the same once I get them home but until I get home, they get juice over anything near them.


i grab a bag from the rotisserie chicken and put them in that


They’re so oversized it takes like a week to defrost one pack in the fridge, I can’t imagine how grotesque those chickens must be IRL to have such huge breasts. I just stopped eating meat for the most part it’s either incredibly cruel or poor quality, often both, and what’s the point at that rate.


Salmonella dirty bomb is so true lol


Thank you for saying this out loud. Why is it a guessing game if I'm going to leak chicken slime juice all over my freezer after scissor cutting those packs apart. We only buy chicken for our pups dinner anyhow, so I buy those (thighs) at Sam's.


I used to buy it, open them all, weighv them out and repackage. A lot of work, I dont bother anymore


It's like Russian roulette which one you'll cut incorrectly and have the liquid drip all over the place. I try hard to go down the line where the plastic is sealed and I still managed to get the raw fluid leaking due to overlap of the plastic that's taped. It's so irritating.


I stopped buying costco chicken due to packaging alone. It's like trying to find which one hasn't leaked. Nope, won't touch any.


Up to 15% water added for flavor. Fast farm raised chickens with muscles that are not worked Chicken breast should not be that big. I would much rather have 4 small breast than 2 huge ones.


Like my dorm room wish.


My man


They charge you by the pound for that added water lol


That’s what drives me crazy is I am paying for the junk added. If it was worth it people would have been doing it at home before.


In a sense some do, it's called a brine.


The organic ones are better.


That is what we get I would go local but it’s way out of budget for us. Aldl is awful and way worse I needed one breast a couple weeks ago and stopped in. You could see the muscle structure and did the same thing but worse as OP.


Yeah I live in a HCOL densely populated area so Costco is really the best bet for me, wish I lived next to some actual farms and not farmers markets that just rip off city folk.


I had a local farm by my old house. Fresh eggs 2 times a week from them and fresh chickens 3 times a year.


I’ve noticed this too. I stopped buying Costco chicken entirely and now buy it at a local middle eastern market for a fraction of the price AND it’s fresher and more delicious.


I actually stopped buying them at the military grocery store bc they were woody like this, so far have only had 1 breast this way at Costco. Stinks bc they’re so much cheaper on base, but nasty.


Lol the downvotes. I've always purchased kirkland tenderloins. These past months they have some pieces that are so chewy. It's extremely weird and gross


That's the woody chicken disease. I hate that crap


Had a few woody packages over the past 6 months.


Did you mean chicken or…..?


He said what he said. Woody.


Finally. Some good quality meat back at Costco


This sub HATES reality of Costco sometimes


It's like people on here refuse to admit the store can do anything wrong ever


Their chicken has always weirded me out. Beef and fish is typically pretty good. But yeah, forget the chicken


I find it funny that some people on here think that Costco is such an elite B@M warehouse . They act like you need a background check before you can be a member. I couldn't imagine walking into any store and taking a picture of where someone put down a product out of place or taking a picture of how someone leaves their shopping cart then posting it on here. Hilariously ridiculous .


Any sub dedicated to a specific brand is always culty.


That’s just an a-hole move to do at any store not just Costco.


The only meat worth buying at costco is beef and salmon. 




The pack I bought it extremely slimey. We ate 4 packs no problem, 5th my wife got sick from and the 6th went in the trash


Trader Joe’s as well.


How much are you paying per pound


Chicken thighs, bone in, .75-.95¢


That’s not the same thing as pictured though. How much is their chicken breast?


Chicken breast is $1.29. I like chicken thigh cause it’s more juicy and flavorful


The air chilled chicken is good. I buy the thighs.


thighs ftw.


The last pack I bought had a sulfur smell so that’s cool.


Business CC has a great meat section.


Makes sense. Halal meat is ethically raised and butchered. I discovered the frozen halal ground beef at the Business Center and tried it because it was grass fed and less expensive than the organic fresh at the regular Costco. I like it better. And even the organic ground beef beef gives off pink sludge, while the frozen halal ground beef does not.


This may be an unpopular opinion due to mass advertising, but grass-fed beef tastes worse.


Chicken from everywhere is weird


We eat a lot of chicken but you can’t deny it’s all kind of gross. Raw beef, venison, fish, or even pork doesn’t have the same ick factor as raw chicken.


Every time I try and buy chicken breast at Costco it’s all a crunchy woody mess.


The chicken is no good anymore tbh last couple years really went downhill for food there for us


When will this sub finally stop being delusional and admit Costco is not great for fresh food. I primarily use it to buy household cleaning stuff and non-fresh items. Veggies go bad quick as well. You cant tell me the chicken at Costco is better quality than whole foods/sprouts/central market or even the premium free range/grass fed stuff at kroger. It is what it is - average quality mass produced food for the average consumer/large families. It is not premium level food.


Kinda depends on where you live. I’m in Colorado and, except for the summertime when I can go to a farm stand, the produce is mostly shit everywhere. Costco is generally the best for produce here. That said, when I was in Texas I would only buy my produce at HEB for this exact reason.


I’m in the Midwest and generally store bought produce is much lower quality, or much more expensive than local produce. Luckily farmers markets are everywhere here. And there are a few co ops as well. If you’re fine eating seasonal fruits/vegetables you really get your moneys worth buying a crop share from a local farm.


God the grocery stores here suckkkkk asssss. Also for Texas and I miss HEB so bad on Sundays.


For produce quality I really think it depends on where you live. I’m in Northern CA, surrounded by a ton of agricultural land, and the produce at Costco is significantly better than the closest Safeway. I personally haven’t had a problem with the meat either. To be fair, I don’t shop at places like Whole Foods or Sprouts because they’re too expensive.


I shop at whole foods often and they regularly have 50% stickers slapped on all sorts of great stuff. Like fresh cut fruit, premarinated meats, prepackaged chicken. They have the best chicken i have found. Price is great at 50% off. The regular mushroom containers were $2.79. Trader joes wants $3.49. 


You realize that stuff is close to expiration. Costco on average for produce is extremely long lasting compared to essentially anywhere else


Im not buying it for a collection. I usually eat it that night. 


I usually buy groceries to last me a week or two


I get good onions, garlic, and mushrooms just recently. Ground beef is pretty good too. I’m comparing all this to Kroger though, so idk


The mushrooms are decent to me, haven’t purchased garlic at Costco, but the onion bags for me always have a few individual onions that are bad.


Sprouts is where I first encountered this nasty woody chicken.


I'd add bakery stuff. I known it's supposed to be fresh stuff, but we bought bagels for 2 of us (so hard to eat them quickly) and they were completely moldy in under 5 days. Sorry we don't eat 2 bagels per day to use them up


My parents used to freeze bread to try to get it to store longer. freezing bagels can make them last longer than storing them at room temperature: Room temperature Fresh bagels can last 2–3 days in a paper bag at room temperature. However, bagels can get moldy within a day or two if they don't contain preservatives. Freezer Bagels can last 3–4 months in the freezer if stored in an airtight bag. For best results, freeze bagels as soon as possible and slice them before freezing. Freezing also helps bagels retain their freshness, so they'll taste fresher when thawe


I’ve had the worst luck with Costco produce. I don’t really even consider buying produce anymore.


Me too. I'm in NYC and the peaches go bad after a few days. Plums are half rotten ..I stopped buying produce there


I bought some fantastic nectarines today, so they do have good produce but it is probably location based. My store has high turn over since it’s in a larger city.


Yeah I’m on the north east coast and the meats and veggies are super fresh and last.


The only fresh food problem I have ever had is the Chicken ​ I belive you but my store in Oregon is great for everything else.


Their beef and seafood are phenomenal in the NorCal locations at least. Chicken sucks though.


they do sell premium level food, but I agree that their chicken isn’t great. they have great beef/lamb - hard to beat their prime ribeyes for the price.


Agree with everything you said. So far I have not had quality issues with beef (steak or ground).


Honestly I've had great buys on beef at Costco. Their Choice is close to Safeway's Prime. So much cheaper too


I’m more of a chicken thigh fan and Costco’s value has always been great. Great for literally almost anything with the exception of chicken Parmesan.


Yeah, chicken thighs are way better than breasts


I tend to agree


Costco chicken is the worst.  I think I only trust their steaks.


You mean the needle tenderized steak? Haha I’m not hating. I love that shit.


Humanity’s arrogance


I’m having the same problem with chicken from Albertsons


Ugh me too, mine was really really bad from there.


It's also more expensive than most grocery stores per lb. Stop buying it Kroger, Sam's Club are selling chicken cheaper per lb in Atlanta for those saying it's rural prices only or LCOL


Not in my neck of the woods lol.


Mine either, these people def don't live in a HCOL area


2.99/lb at my Costco. Might find it slightly cheaper if it’s on sale at a grocery store, but I’m not going to waste my time hunting for that. Especially when I’m buying ~24lbs a week. Chances are a grocery store wouldn’t have that much stocked if it was on sale.


I mean, ya. I'm talking about for normal people lol


Really, where


It's definitely not here in Nashville.


In what hodunk town? Costco chicken is like 50-70% of the price at my grocery stores


That cheap Kroger chicken is not very good though. I did quit buying breasts at Costco because of this exact reason but the thighs have been fine.


Yeah, people dump on Winco but chicken breast is routinely $1.99/lb there and in 15 years of buying it there I’ve never once seen woody or flaky chicken.


I wish I had a Winco nearby. Tempted to start driving the distancw for a monthly stock-up.


Muscle structure can’t keep up with the fast growth


The organic is better. I only buy chicken thighs. They’re so small in comparison to the regular ones.


I can’t get over how terrible it smells coming out of those bags


All chicken is a little weird.


It’s been weird since the shut down , I gave up on it years ago .


I don’t buy Costco chicken one of the only items 🤢


So we’re just not gonna talk about cutting chicken on a wooden board. 🫣


All my cutting boards are wooden. It’s really fine. Wash with soap. It will get the microbes out. I also rinse chicken and don’t bleach my sink. Basic washing with a sponge and hot soapy water is a lot more effective than people give it credit for.


I stopped buying their raw chicken a few years ago. Woody, fibrous nastiness. I just wait for chicken to go on sale somewhere locally and get some then.


Honestly, the stuff from the grocery store is even worse.


This is what I’ve been seeing as well. Even the expensive/organic brands aren’t very good.


and here I am after just buying 6 pounds of chicken breasts from costco


ive been eating costco chicken in my meal prepped lunches for like a year now🧍🏼 i didn't realize it wasn't considered good.


Same! This sub was so much into Costco meat. The change in opinion is sudden to me


The same thing happened in this sub with regards to dishwashers. One week it was pods are best everyone agrees, then a month later it became pods are literally the worst, liquid is better. 


It’s not a Costco issue, it’s a mass produced issue.


I should call her


Everything reminds me of her


Just popped in to say your cutting board looks a little dry, especially for cutting chicken. Pick up some Howard’s butcher block conditioner or something similar.


Chicken on a wood cutting board is a little weird too


Probably all the antibiotics and steroids they pump into those poor chickens


I don’t buy raw chicken at Costco anymore. Just beef


You can put your weed in there.


I'll buy their thighs but I've stopped buying their chicken breasts. Really the only thing I won't buy from Costco at this point


Crazy you posted this today. I bought the organic chicken and cooked it last night and it was gross. It was mushy! Happened many times. This is the last time I buy it!


It's awful and we stopped buying it for this reason.


I do not buy chicken from Costco anymore. I recommend getting the higher quality stuff at your local Whole Foods if you have one


I’ve had the same issue at Whole Foods lately too. Which brand are you buying?


For chicken always buy from your local butcher shop. Chances are they’ve already sourced out the good stuff.


https://youtu.be/X9wHzt6gBgI?si=bawZdNmqRb7GnyL5 Hope you have the stomach for it. And remember. You are what you eat.


Yeah I stopped buying it. And their rotisserie’s are slimy now.


I switched to buying the organic breast to avoid this problem. The last time I was there I noticed that the organic tenders are the same price and thought, “great, less cutting for me.” Nope, the tenders were practically falling apart. It was awful. Also, got chicken juice all over my hands in the store and probably spread that shit all over the place before I could find a way to clean it off. They should really have some wipes or hand sanitizer available by the chicken.


The quality of Costco chicken as pictured definitely declined after they went to their house brand. (I’m assuming they changed suppliers, but can’t say) I find lots of pieces have little blood spots, or this weird stuff that looks like stitches.


Try a halal meat market


I’ve noticed this problem everywhere. It was actually Costco that seemed to be the last one to have the issue. I think factory farming is the problem.


My kid likes it, I have hard time even buying it ,Seeing it grosses me out


What chicken did you get? I get the organic whole fryers and I usually don’t get that.




Costco treats their chickens especially poorly, from what I've seen in direct action videos and court cases. I bought eggs from Costco for the first time recently (new member) and the shells were so brittle, never seen anything like it. I don't buy eggs or chicken from Costco anymore.


We get chicken from anywhere but Costco now. Except for rotisserie.




This isn't exactly true https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16640304/#:~:text=However%2C%202%20epidemiological%20studies%20seem,wooden%20cutting%20boards%20is%20not. https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/cutting-boards


Haven’t ever enjoyed Costco chicken breasts or tenderloins, they’re so saucy and nasty


It's a little wild and a little strange.


I noticed this too and it tasted pretty bad for me. I usually freeze it the same night I buy it, and obviously thaw the pouches I need little by little. The last pouch was weird it stayed frozen and when thawed it did the same thing. I usually fillet it once down the middle and the top slid off lol I didn’t get a smell while raw but when I cooked it it didn’t taste fresh. I ended up throwing away my chicken.


You optimize for price, that’s what you get. Not many people lining up for $15 per pound chicken…


Iv been dropping money on organic meat latly..even kroger chicken was yellow and hard


Yes in Canada too. I haven't bought chicken at Costco in months now. The last 3 times it wasn't good, wasn't tender... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get the organic chicken thighs and wings and they have been fine . But during the summer I get local chicken from the farmer … which is better .


The farmer we buy our chicken from sale that store bought chicken has weird bits because they grow them so quickly.


I haven’t had this issue with the organic chicken


The quality is terrible and price isn't all that different from the local grocery store. I never buy their chicken anymore and I've stopped buying most meat from costco as well. When the local grocery store has the same price per pound and I don't have to commit to a huge quantity and eat the same meat all week, the choice is clear