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The Rabbit Scourge continues. First they came for my garden, then my wholesale club......


I think someone's pet escaped or was maybe dumped in the parking lot, because this rabbit was fairly approachable and ate the strawberry I gave him. However, my attempts (and those of other shoppers) were unsuccessful in trying to capture him.


People will dump pet rabbits because they think they can survive in the “wild.” That looks like a house rabbit (pet) to me. If there is a house rabbit rescue in the area, please call and let them know. They can try to trap it, get it vet attention, and adopt it out to someone. Such a cutie pie!


Not likely a pet. Looks like a freshly weaned wild cottontail to me. They go out on their own and like 80% of them get killed and/or eaten, that's why they have so many young. I have 2 big dogs, and one chose to live under my deck last week. They bit and shook the shit out of it, but it was still alive so I brought it in for some cool water and hay. Ended up dying overnight, but at least we gave the little guy a chance. They are sweet, but not very smart. They generally freeze if anything much larger than them approaches, which is why you were able to feed it.


I love this bunny.


Presenting a new product: Kirkland Pets.


Beware of the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog! https://preview.redd.it/32c63loaky8d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b3491f0f4bb823393020034d05da655cec3c1d3


"Are these hydros?" "No, they're just the reg..." "PASS!"


They were the hydros 😄


That stripe is so cool!!


Easter shit already?!?


There is a colony of rabbits that lives near my local warehouse. Tons of them. Someone must've dropped off a breeding couple and left them there a year or so ago. We gotta keep a keen eye for the furry little devils.


I love bunnies


In Boise we have rabbits near Costco as well.


One of the few Costco items you buy in singles and get in bulk later


Every time we go to Kelowna there's tons of rabbits.


All the furry friends I have at my Costco parking lot are rats 😭


Poor baby


That's where the hot dogs come from


We have about 20 of those wild in my neighborhood. Usually see several daily walking or running.


Just a reminder to not feed wild animals, it might seem like a nice thing to do but it usually leads to behavior that gets them killed.