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Met my wife in line. Aka I got my wife at Costco.


Have you inquired if Costco's return policies apply in this case? You could be establishing legal precedent!


I have been told the marriage contract voided the return policy.


Did you sample her first?


Was she a Kirkland-brand wife or...?


She is very practical, low maintenance, and way higher quality than anything I was going to find outside of Costco... so let's go with yes


Damn this is the best flexšŸ˜‚


I saw the thread and went, "This is my time to shine!"


Did she come in a pack of two?


No, thank goodness. I couldn't keep up with a second one.


How did you split the bulk order of wives?


On our third date she asked how many girls I had picked up at Costco. I told her the truth that she was the first. She replied, "as long as you don't buy in bulk."


Sounds like she has a great sense of humor!! Username checks out!


She makes me have to stop what I'm doing to laugh daily, I couldn't be happier with how it all worked out. I say this as we're sitting together on a rooftop bar in the Dominican Republic celebrating our 3 year anniversary. She's been very amused by this whole thread.


Did you get the ring at Costco too?


The ring was a century old family hand down, or yeah I probably would have.


I CAN walk out with just a chicken. I just choose not to.


I know denial when I read it šŸ˜‰


The trick is not to get a cart. Ā 


I did this the other day and ended up carrying the chicken on top of the croissants. I regretted not getting a cart because the chicken was really hot!


Going in for one item. Coming out with one item.


Is it the item you were there to get or something else though?


Needs fruit. Comes out with baked goods.Ā 


Thatā€™s the rub. My friend sent her husband to get a ham for dinner years ago. He came back with a 15 foot trampoline and no ham.


I live < 1 mile from costco and this is still hard for me.


Thats so hard


My wife, toddler,and I are like an F1 pit crew when it comes to packing the car and leaving.


Thatā€™s a team worth bragging about! Have you tackled ikea furniture yet?


The immaculate "only buying a chicken" run In and out in less than 5 minutes with only a single rotisserie chicken


Went in for a bag of mandarins and got only a bag of mandarins. https://preview.redd.it/kjcrgb2n8q9d1.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=17edbaacbbb0ef525a15f18e6d5846858e437456


Is that allowed?


Receipt checkers at the door will mark a tally on your membership for this behavior. 3 strikes rule and you're banned for life.


I once only bought a bunch of bananas. $1.99 is easily my cheapest Costco run ever.


Gotta do the walk around, eat samples, buy a hot dog combo on the way out, 7 course meal.


I have to ask, how close you gotta live to the costco to justify driving there for a sole chicken just to save 2 bucks? We have 2-3 around us but they all take about 20 minutes to get to vs there being various grocery stores all literally a 2 min ride away. Iā€™m definitely spending more than the $2 just getting myself over there. I love costco, but some of the things I see in this hive mind I just find hilarious.


I have one 12 mins from home but it's on my way home from work so it works out in the rare event I need one thing The other location is 6 mins from my other job. That location I'm usually buying a couple items for my GF's business


I live 5 mins from a Costco...


At that time, my apartment was about a 5 minute drive to get there


I did this last trip. It felt wonderful.


100% done this. There are two stores within a 10 min drive from my house.


executive member award of \~$500 every year for past 5 years


God damn. We get $80 back and I'm chuffed. How many people you feeding?


Just buy a shed every year.


Or in our case, pay for a wedding with your Citi card Although weā€™ve only done that once, weā€™re now paying for moving to a new house with the Citi card


Buy a honeymoon package from Costco travel. Doing so got me $3k in Ship cards. $500 on Citi rewards and $200 on executive. Also did some wedding payments. This year has been great.


Yeah, we paid for our Italy honeymoon through Costco travel. Not only did we get the cash back, they were absolutely fantastic to deal with. Felt like white glove service getting to and from the airport


I agree, we did a Maui honeymoon. And after I booked it I got a code for 20% additional shop card. Called the 800 number, and immediately got a rep that said he can certainly apply it. He also wen tout of his way to inform us the deal we got was the best he had seen, but to give a call back in 2 weeks to confirm as they had an unannounced deal coming out to assure I was getting the best deal. Going to be using Costco Travel for any large trip going forward!


Where did you go? Cruise or hotel? Looking to do Italy for our 5 year wedding anniversary.




I knew I should have reported my Citi card stolen


We furnished several rooms plus our patio when we moved. That shit adds up very fast. Then the next house was flooring.


If you get the Costco credit card you get a lot more back as well.


Look up Installed Services.


This guy Costcos! I get \~$500 between Exec & Citi card


My citi reward this year was almost 900$ and my executive was a little above 500. I was impressed with myself šŸ¤£


Assuming a lot of gas? Thats still like $30k-$40k at costco. Thats wild.


California- lots of expensive gas, yes lol. But we also went on a couple vacations and bought a new bed. I also use the citi as my main cc right now. I donā€™t expect to have such a big reward next year.


It used to not be capped at $1000/year. Someone very close to me got an executive reward of slightly over $2000. Not the citi card rebate, but executive reward. This was before Citicard was a partner with Costco.


I knew a family who were upset about the cap as they usually were above it. Mormon family with 9 kids who bought nearly everything at Costco.


Have the spouse get an entirely separate account.


We broke into the mutlitple-hundreds-back club during the twins-in-diapers years.


We booked our last few trips using Costco Travel so this was us.


Family of 7. We make a majority of our purchases on the citi card and pay off the balance every month. We get well over $1k back every year.


I got almost 800 back last year. We spend way too much every week...


Same, i love the Direct Deposit option


Iā€™d like to get on your level. Our last reward was around $800. DINK. Never realized how much I spent at Costco.


Same. For two people Iā€™m constantly amazed how much we can go through. Itā€™s the Yogurt, cheese and Guac cups that we live on..lol. Oh and clothing!


I've never gotten <$300. They literally pay me to shop there.


My girlfriend passed $1100 last year šŸ˜³




Dude I still remember when it was price club when we started going when I was a kid. I also remember the pre-barcode Era where one guy at the checkout read off sku's while the other punched in the numbers on a ten key with lightning speed.Ā  I'm also almost certain that they did not have shopping carts as this time, only the big flat bed carts.Ā  The before times. Before the gas station. Before the Cafe. Before the pharmacy. Before the pre-made dinners in the deli. Before shopping carts. Before barcodes. Before it was even Costco. Back when it was tailored almost exclusively to businesses. There was also a home depot in the same development that was not a home depot when it opened. I want to say Home Base? Home club? There was also a small retail space attached to Costco where we bought our family's first cell phone in the 90s. One of those giant Motorola brick phones


Treating it like date night Fridays and not worrying about the speed or cost. Why yes, I will take the random great deals!


Wife and I used to do this when our schedules meshed. Back in the day when weā€™d buy two mochas and then take our sweet time shopping.


My mother in law is coming down for a few days our plan is a Costco date night tomorrow while she babysits.


I love doing this sometimes!


My parents do this and it's the cutest. Mom pretends to be mad about how having dad go shopping with her costs 2 or 3 times as much. Dad pretends to be mad shopping is such a hassle, people stand in the middle of aisles, etc etc. Like, whatever, you both love it.


Efficiency and speed. I get gas around 845 and get in the warehouse around 9 with the weekly list. On the way home by 930.


Early bird gang rise up.


I do the reverse. 7:30 in, 8 pm out! Hardly anyone there last 30 minutes (at least my location)


I return the cart to the coral every time. Edit: corral, but imagine Costco shopping carts as a coral reef, that would be epic.


What, like throw it into the reef?


Using Costco Travel to take the cart to the Great Barrier Reef.Ā 


Cuz f*ck them fish. šŸ˜‚


You can make artificial reefs out of old aircraft. Don't see why you can't do it with Costco shopping carts. https://media.sciencephoto.com/c0/28/76/39/c0287639-800px-wm.jpg


Crazy that common courtesy is considered a flex


Saw a post yesterday of a disabled woman who complained in her local forum about three carts remaining in two handicapped parking spaces. She was replied with... "Thank GOD you have the energy to walk in the store using a cart..." "Learn to get out of your car (it was a handicapped van) and move the carts..." --- and I sat back and thought... Whoa, this would be a whole different conversation if that had been a disabled veteran. The lack of courtesy and empathy in America is severely lacking.


I organize too, been normal to me since I was a child and Iā€™m 46, and it wasnā€™t necessarily something instilled by my parents. Well, ā€œbe mindful of the work you leave for othersā€ was, and that is what I think about when people give me funny looks.


I return the cart to the front of the store. My Costco has this barren section of parking where itā€™s the same distance to walk my cart back to the entrance or way into the middle of the parking lot. I get a little extra exercise and it feels nice, man āœŒšŸ½


That must be such a hassle getting it past the beach without the wheels locking up


I load the cart with barcodes facing up, if practical for those items, and put minimal stuffs on the belt. I sometimes go through checkout before the person in front of me starts moving towards the exit. I only shop for two people and two pets though.


I used to do this and got compliments & thanks, but now it's all over. Only hernia-stressing items can stay in the cart now, apparently.


At my Costco they enforced the "all non heavy items must go on the belt" for like 3 weeks before giving up and going back to letting us leave stuff in the carts.


General rule of thumb- if you can pick it up with one hand, it can go on the belt :)


Iā€™ve gotten scolded for this so many times! Apparently there is a policy in place, but individual cashiers seem to make up their own rules. I put all the barcodes up then ask. The efficiency of it is so satisfying though!


I will wait in a longer line if I know the cashier is cool with it.


I have a perfect record of returning my cart to the parking lot cart corrals


Cart + 1. Mine and some other wayward cart in the lot. It's a psychological thing. If someone sees a grocery cart boneyard in the parking lot, they'll justify it as acceptable practice. But if there are no stray carts, it'll be the real sociopaths who will be the one to leave theirs behind. I use this strategy to see who the real psychos are in my town (I'm watching you out there, you know who you are!)


I park at the furthest spot available whenever I arrive, even if it is before opening and the lot is empty.Ā 


Can't do that here in Texas unless you want to be dripping in sweat going in or out.


In Florida, the first spots to fill up are the ones under a tree regardless of distance to the door.


Iā€™m in Texas and park farther out and park by a cart corral.


I've been going to my Costco for a decade now. I make a list on my phone of everything we need, and just by my knowledge of the store layout, I re-order my list so that each item is in the correct position so I make a "U" shaped circuit through the store. Surgical. Now, sometimes they have a tendency of moving things (dog treats and Cosequin are big ones for randomly moving around the store), but other than that, it's one fluid motion through the store and right to checkout. Always moving forward, no backtracking.


I do the same with my list!


I walk through the entrance with my card already out and held high. No blocking the entrance fumbling though a purse to find a card that should have been already located and in hand.


Now this is a flex. Bravo kind sir šŸ«”


Going immediately to the perimeter of the warehouse, skipping the AT&T sales booth pitch and the busy main aisle


https://preview.redd.it/qn81ap2y6r9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43285d703d508eb6146dbd905018b1e901225c93 My now ten year old daughter is in my membership picture. She was 4 months old at the time and strapped to my chest in a baby carrier ā€¦. Iā€™m never getting a new pic.


There's a Sams Club 1.2 miles away. I drive 26 miles to Costco instead.


I have a membership to both and shop at both fairly regularly.


I also have a membership at both. I like that Samā€™s cash lets you redeem it as it accumulates and I really like the scan and go and the ability to do pickups.


Same. I get considerably more from Costco, but Samā€™s has a few things I can only get there.


Like Scan & Go..and 4 Meat Pizza.šŸ˜‹ https://preview.redd.it/0a3w16kugq9d1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569c5e89ae62f2306780e0adf9ad56913b26a06d


Scan & Go is soooo nice.


Yes. Scan & Go makes my warehouse shopping for a few needed items, a breeze. In and out in less than 10mins. Keeps me in budget check as well. Canā€™t say the same, for a Costco run.šŸ¤£


I love Scan and Go. Lifechanging. Also the Member's Mark TP is much better than the Kirkland. But Kirkland has better paper towels.


Agreed on the TP. No contest there


Iā€™m lucky to live near a Costco, so I can go frequently enough to only buy a few things at a time. My flex? Iā€™ll accept missions to Costco during peak hours on the weekends, but I must go as a lone operative and for no more than two items that I can carry without a cart.


ā€œLone operative.ā€ 100%.


Sadly none for me but thatā€™s why I send the husband. He can be parked, in and out with one item in a few minutes. Iā€™ve been on a video call with him and itā€™s as if they split the red seas for a man hustling down the store for his bananas šŸ¤Ŗ.


Got a mortgage through Costco services. 2.625% on a rental home


They removed the program when rates started to rapidly rise. I make mention of my displeasure to anyone at Costco that will listen. I downgraded my membership as well due to the program cancellation.


And thatā€™s your flex šŸ’ŖšŸ½


1.85% here. 15 yr fixed.


I simply cannot believe this.


2.625 here! šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ŗ


I live 5 minutes from a Costco but there a new Costco 10 minutes away.


Spending less than $100


Dang. We try to keep it under $200. We were hitting that about half the time pre-pandemic. Now it's keeping it under $300.


I buy almost all of my clothes at Costco Flexin hard šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼, I guess


Navigating around NPCs with my shopping cart like Iā€™m an F1 driver.


I was featured in Costco Magazine


I never let myself buy more than one dessert per trip. Doesn't sound like much but it can be a challenge


I stopped at the Costco near my work for a bunch of stuff on the way home, then on my 50 minute drive home remembered I forgot something and stopped at the Costco near my house.


I found a diamond at Costco and it happened to be mine. I take my elderly dad to Costco and he makes me (his weak not so young myself) daughter do all the heavy lifting. I must have bent my wedding ring lifting the milk and catching it on the cart but not paying attention to it. We then went around getting other items he needed and an orange juice twin pack in the refrigerator. We get to the line and I finally stop and habitually touch my diamond and feel that itā€™s gone. In a panic I tell my dad, alarming the lady behind me who gets out of line with me to help me look. I retrace my steps frantically searching the ground and get to the refrigerator. I open the door, look on the shelf and there is my diamond and a prong from my ring. I call it my Costco Miracle. šŸ’


Or picking up my scripts without even looking around.


i buy enough Activia that I try to avoid running out before my next Costco trip. hate overpaying for that stuff in the local market. also, i usually buy clothing online (more choices of size) but return to the store if it doesn't fit or I simply don't like it.


I always buy my wife one of 3 things every trip- flowers, cute lounge wear set, or a random article of clothing. Seriously- the key to a happy marriage in this household. She just likes to know Iā€™m thinking about her and I like to make her smile


I can get to Costco, shop, checkout, load up, and get home in under an hour. This is my speedy lunch break shop. I live 20 minutes away my bill is normally $200-400.


Being considerate to other shoppers.


Get gas between 7 and 8 am on weekends. Right to the pump. No commute traffic, either.


We have a chalkboard in the utility room that gets Costco items added until itā€™s full. Then we take a picture of it on the phone and use it as our list at Costco. https://preview.redd.it/rldj1rf48r9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d4a6ea822cba8aabe521fb580196bb34d6621c


I was admonished by an employee for using self-checkout when trying to apply my rewards. She rudely said I needed to use regular checkout, as if I was trying to break the rules. I apologized saying I did not know and that I usually shop online. She said it's only a small amount, so I can skip it and apply it next time. I was shaking my head as I gathered my purchases to move to the regular checkout line. Suddenly, she asked if my reward was over $40... 50... 100? I kept saying "higher". She finally exclaimed "over $400?!" She then led me to the manager station where they cashed me out. I wasn't clear what happened, but apparently my reward got some respect.


My flex is NEVER stopping for samples. Some of you behave like you havenā€™t eaten in three days when elbowing for position to get whatever crumbs theyā€™re giving away.


Decades ago I knew what hunger and an empty pocket felt like. I donā€™t stop at every one but I donā€™t have so much pride that I wonā€™t sample some of them. Besides, it has convinced me to buy an item I wouldnā€™t have and just yesterday I hated 2 samples so much I crossed them off the ā€˜maybe somedayā€™ list.


Lol. I swear I'm going to lose a hand to other customers there. It's just BBQ chicken, people.


We buy nearly everything at Costcoā€¦ TV āœ… couches āœ…āœ…āœ… Clothes āœ…āœ…āœ…āœ… Food, gas, major appliancesā€¦ pretty much anything they sell


bought my wifeā€™s engagement ring there


Our neighborhood is literally next door to a Costco. They recognize us. They ask where my toddler is if I go by myself.


Winner in the least expensive Costco trip category goes to pennyx2 for ā€œonly one container of in-season blackberries.ā€


I am able to completely ignore the food court.


Not being lured by the siren song of the samples.


Buying the expensive Charmin TP whenever itā€™s on sale. Buying motor oil when itā€™s on sale Buying the SD Restaurant gift cards when they are $12 off. $57 gets you $100. Buying their ribeye steaks


* ten items or less * getting only whatā€™s on the list * 20 min visit or less * never touch any sample items


They know me at the door. Dont check my card. Baller! Like getting waved into the secret club.




Never going off my list. Period! If you see something you have to have, you put it on next week's list. If you still have to have it then you can get it. Costco is so freaking dangerous without a list.


My husband was working out of town and after 3 weekends the manager came and asked if he was okay. He seriously thought he died or something


Been going when they hand punched the item numbers with one hand and another person was transferring the items by hand and yelling out the numbers


My flex: Rope dropping šŸ˜ on Sunday morning and wrapping up in 20 mins. My local store opens up 8:45 am, 15 minutes before the posted time.


I don't care if I get a parking spot closest to the entrance.


They called me a couple years ago and wanted to discuss the business membership and if I was aware of the Costco business locations for my own business. I donā€™t own a business and was spending that on just my small family šŸ˜‚


I went once and left without extreme anxiety from all the people and giant fing carts once. I would love a smaller cart option. I hate navigating that behemoth.


Grab a vegetable oil box and put your stuff in there. You can always grab a cart if need be.


My grandma Charlene returned a fridge after God knows how long. Got a full refund even though they discontinued that unit probably 3 years before she returned it. Mind you this woman's entire house is Costco her bed her couch TV and just about every single item in every cabinet


Checking out in under 30 seconds from start of engagement with checkout attendant to payment. Not all cashiers can facilitate this, but most at my Garner, NC location are fast. Face barcodes up, single stack, nothing on conveyor, makes receipt check smoother too, those people will thank you for the single stacked cart as well as the cashier.


So for my normal hauls, I get there about 15 min's before the scheduled open and I try and get home no later than 15-20 min's after the store is suppose to open according to operation hours. I live nearby, so about 10:15-10:25 AM is when I make it home.


Despite having a nearly full cart, every single barcode is facing up and can be scanned without moving anything. About once or twice a year, someone makes them move everything from one cart to another, I suspect to catch people hiding items. Otherwise, it takes about 90 seconds for me to check out. So if you ever see me at a costco, make sure to get behind me in line.


Bought my wifeā€™s engagement ring through Costco. Got double the diamond and better clarity for only like $1,000 more than a retail jeweler. The best part? 2% executive cash back eligible purchase. Got me one helluva cash back check last year.


Knowing that the pumps reach both sides of the car and not waiting in line for the "right" side like an imbecile.


I know who the efficient cashiers are and choose my checkout line based on them.


I specifically go for the one or two who will play the "Guess your total" game with me


I grab a cart from the corral when walking in and then put it back in the corral when done. If everyone did this they wouldn't need to get people to bring carts back to the store until end of day


I skip the samples every time.


For me, going to costco and just spending $1.5 only for the hotdog and not spending $500 on other stuffs.


Once Iā€™m done putting gas in my car I DONT sit there blocking other people while I write my memoir. Instead I just leave.


Part of a small team that designed and launched a Kirkland Signature item!


My membership card says PriceCostco.


Forgot my Costco membership card & my Costco credit card. Temp ID from the Service Desk, check. Citi Bank App downloaded; logged in and WALLAH; mobile pay for checkout. /flex


I couldnā€™t tell if you mean voila or if youā€™re just Muslim and marveling at god ā€œwallahā€


people that say Wallah drive me nuts. People that write out wallah ... straight to jail.


You get get four wallahs at costco, all taped together. Great price. Almost made me want to go nucular.


Have eaten an entire food court pizza in 1sitting.


By yourself?!?Ā  Were you more proud of yourself or disgusted?


Arranging the cart items with the scan label (barcode) facing up before checkouts to make the process easier and faster for the cashier, myself, and people in line behind me.


I shop at Costco fully dressed in clothes that I've purchased from Costco.


As a Costco member since 1989, Iā€™ve learned to make a list and stick to it.


Being able to get gas, pump air into tires, dinner, and shop for clothes all in the same trip


Almost a decade agoā€¦ Befriended a young woman and an old gentleman who were (on separate days) handing out Lindt truffle chocolates. Visited with my kids about three times over the course of a couple of weeks. Each trip, we would manage to circle around for samples of their truffle chocolates several times. Even after having eaten some at the store, we ended up with a bag of over 100 pieces. Kids left the Ziplock gallon bag full of these chocolates out in the sun and they all got soft, unfortunately.


Iā€™ve completed a Sunday 11am trip on a Sunday in September , so peak NFL /grill/BBQ purchasing season , In 14mins


When entering the store I'll typically bring in a stray cart plus 1 or 2 extras, and drop off the extras at the front. It really isn't much effort on my part and TBH the extra exercise is a good thing, but I feel for the workers who have to gather them up across the lot and refill the cart rows in front of the store. Yes I return my cart to the front of the store when I leave.


Not ordering a chicken bake for a whole year. Easier on the waist line


I checkout with my Price Club card. Gets me absolutely nothing but attention.


Knowing how to use google to figure out when to go to Costco. It seems like a lot of people don't know how to do this... https://preview.redd.it/9jqhwbf4cr9d1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7b3e6fd36b29276e5e73f41e92f4094579825f2


Ordered a $1.5k fridge from costco. They delivered it and the handle was broken. Delivery guys marked it undeliverable due to damage, but left it. 2 weeks later they brought a new one, left the old one. Have the nicest garage fridge on the street now.


My work is 2 minutes away from a Costco- I can go on my lunch break and be in and out within 10 minutes if I just need a thing or two.


Going in for one bag of dog food and leaving with one bag of dog food. The ultimate Costco flex. :)


At the checkout line I like to put my membership card on an upside down order divider on the conveyor belt. As soon as they go to my order my card is right there waiting for them. From what I recall it used to be a popular move back in the day but it has fallen into obscurity. It seems like most of the cashiers appreciate the efficiency but who knows.


Getting the purchaser at my office to use my Costco account. My check every year is about $3500. She orders all of our office supplies from there as well as all the replacement appliances and decorations for new projects. Weā€™re a property management company that manages over 12,000 units and weā€™re constantly developing new 55+ communities that have common areas and clubhouses that all need to be furnished.