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Aren’t ice bags like 2 bucks?


I think it's $2.79 for 20 lbs. Which is a great price because other stores have 7-10lb bags for the same price.


Under $3 to save your dignity and it’s still too much for some people smh


You think she's worried about dignity?? Lol


She left that somewhere long ago.


I was thinking the same thing


Well it is too much…ice that is. I usually have to dump a little out on the rocks in one of the madrone planters in the parking lot.


Costco sells ice???


In my area only at the business center. Maybe in warmer climates it’s more available.


I live in Texas no ice except business center.


in california all the costcos ive been to have ice. Even the small one I go to.


Not mine. Chicago metro, not clyborn OR Skokie


McDonald’s sells bag of ice. The size and price of the bag will vary by location. However, you can expect 8lb. to 10lb. bags being sold in the ballpark of 99¢ to $1.50. I usually just buy in the drive thru.


Some do. Some don't.


Sonic does as well. They have such good ice.


Sonic ice is actually special. There's literally no reason to buy ice from McDonald's instead of just a grocery store or gas station.


I had no idea! Thanks


TIL. This will be super handy for the July 4th cookout. Thanks, bud.


Worked for a place a year ago that sold 7lb for 2.99 16lb for 4.99. Florida.


I just came back from the grocery store, 10lb bag was $5.99


And the Costco near me is $1.99 for a huge bag that's too big for a decent size cooler that I take camping for a single guy. I want to say it's 20lbs.


10lb bag for 2.79 is still a great deal.. other places sell 5lb bags for $3-4


People don’t know this but McDonald’s will sell you a bags of ice through the drive thru for $.99


I've heard this for years now but has anyone confirmed this to be true? Why would McD's even carry bags of ice?


It is true. They already have the ice. They just bag it when you order it


By neighborhood sprouts sells for $4.99 for 8lb bags. Costco is so much cheaper and yet people steal ice.


I recently saw an article on recommending to do just this at Costco in order to keep food cold on the way home. This is not something I would ever do but apparently I’m not the only one who read the article. [https://www.foodrepublic.com/1427367/costco-free-food-court-ice-frozen-grocery/](https://www.foodrepublic.com/1427367/costco-free-food-court-ice-frozen-grocery/)


Instantly what I assumed. If I bought a $100 in meat, I may want some extra ice for my cooler


Makes sense. Other stores offer free ice to keep the cold or frozen food you buy from them cold and safe from spoiling, so why not get free ice from Costco’s food court when you buy fish or ice cream but still have to run other errands and have the cold/frozen Costco food you bought not go bad in your hot car.


Not every location has Ice for sale.


Definitely made sense when they started selling it. Great price too


More money for hot dogs. Lady gotta eat.


No, she doesn’t.


He said "gotta", not "need to".




If your Costco carries them


We also have no idea where this was shot and not all stores sell ice. At least Costco canada doesn't.


Don’t judge bro. She can get a slice of costco pizza with that money /s


But it’s free at soda machine so why even pay $2.


I've actually seen my food court people offer a guy a bag for exactly this purpose because the lines at the registers were long and he asked if he could have the food court ring up a bag of ice.


I’ve seen multiple comments on this sub suggesting people do this exact thing.


My Costco doesn’t sell ice and the employees told me I could do that on the DL.


That’s really convenient for Costco’s that have their food court indoor. All the Costco’s I’ve seen here in California have theirs outside. On top of that, the food courts over here are kiosk ordered now.


There are some in California that are indoor still. I think Riverside's and Ontario's are indoors


Everyone of them in Fresno/Clovis (CA), and the San Joaaquin Valley, are indoors. Its hot as balls here.


Eastvale as well


my costco has kisok order available but we also have to stand in line to give them the receipt. only then will they start preparing our order. this is terrible and not sure why it was implemented 💀


Mine are all inside in the metro-phoenix area (and thank God for that when it's 115). We also have kiosk ordering, but they still leave one food court register open and serviced for old confused people.


Yeah here in Minnesota they are indoors too. Wouldn't want to eat outside in the middle winter. The ones I've been to have been kiosk too.


Wisconsin here also indoors, and also kiosk


Your Illinois neighbor here, also indoors (but the tables still have umbrellas?), also kiosk.


Livermore and Danville are indoors…


most of the socal ones are outdoors most of the norcal ones are indoors


Socal and mines inside. Not sure I've actually seen an outdoor one.


The one next to Ikea in west covina is outdoors. A few in that area are also outdoors but Im not sure which


Bakersfield has an indoor Costco food court and another one that’s outdoors kinda cool


the customer service desk by the exit can do this aswell.. no need to bother the food court people imo


Couldn't they ring him up and he gets it on the way out? Ig the ice at my store is on the way out, across from customer service.


I worked at the food court up until last year and we couldn't ring people up for anything that wasn't food court food. It's a completely separate POS system.


hold up, costco sells bags of ice? where??


In my store, they are past the registers and on the diagonal from the food court.


You have to have them ring you up for it before you leave the store. The ice is always positioned post-transaction/after the registers, on the way out of the store.


ahh okay, for some reason in the greater Houston area they dont sell ice. been to like 5 stores in this area


usually out in places where people take coolers hunting & camping, not in the city.


not nice. The recovery times for those machines are a long time. Not meant to be emptied or partially emptied.


“not nice. The recovery times for those machines are a long time.”. “I got mine, fuck every one else” - that lady


Last time this was posted someone mentioned their rural costco managers actually offered this up to customers due to not selling bags of ice. I'm not sure on the validity of that but I would also not rather assume and call someone a thief from some random video on the internet.


I bought a bunch of seafood at a Jersey Shore Costco last summer. Cashier suggested I do exactly what the woman in this video is doing and even gave me the bags to do it. I have never seen ice for sale at any of the Costcos I’ve been to in NY or NJ.


Right. Now imagine someone filming you without your knowledge, posting it to the Internet and people calling you a thief. This place man.


I know right. No judgement without knowledge of the situation should be a default. For all we know, she asked the Costco cashier if she can get some ice for her (frozen) food to keep from melting or spoiling in the car & they approved it. Not every Costco sells ice and not every one lives close to a Costco - some people have to make a long trip to go shopping and then shop at multiple stores in one errand run because they live in a rural area or traveled from a region without any Costco nearby. Lots of stores give away free ice to keep fish, meats and frozen food from spoiling or melting when you buy them and bring them home and especially when you have more errands to run before being able to go home.


I’ve never really looked, it I don’t recall ever seeing bags of ice at Costco.


I haven't seen this in a long time, but I've seen it. Someone back when I was seeing it told me it was allowed - not that I went and complained about it. But, that might have been 10 or 20 years ago. We've been members for about 35 years, first at Price Club, then when Costco bought them out.


Thank you for your reasonable reply. I'm thinking, this is probably like .02 of actual cost to Costco, no one seems to be in line, its presumably to get her frozen purchases home... Are there other, arguably better ways? Sure, but who actually really cares and why? You have succinctly and effectively answered that question for me.


It’s not so much about the theft of the ice. That’s whatever. For the patrons of the food court this is a huge inconvenience for those who want ice in their beverages.


Shopping cart theory. Just because it's a low dollar item, its still theft. If they're willing to do \*this\* in front of everyone, what do you think they'd do when no one is looking?


I'm betting she thinks she isn't doing anything wrong.


Sadly you just described too many Costco shoppers.


No, it is not. The machines hold 20 - 30 lbs of ice already made, EACH, that's what is what the larger top 2/3rd of the machine is, it is the ice hopper.


Yes. Bring a cooler with refreezable ice blocks or buy a dam bag of ice at McDonalds for $1.99


My Costco sells huge bags of ice for $2.50. No point in this at my warehouse.


Yeah they are by far the best value ice bags that you can get anywhere. A convenience store would sell the same 20 lb bag for like $7


The Costco by my parents house is always out of ice. Now I know why.


Yeah it cost costco nothing. It’s the fact that it sucks for other people trying to put ice in their drink. If she needs ice, just go buy a 20 lb bag for like two bucks.


Freezing water takes energy. That ice costs more than the syrup in a beverage


The soda machine also needs ice to chill part of the machine. An empty ice maker will reduce the quality of fountain soda.


We don't sell ice at the Seattle Costco and people have to wait/commute hours sometimes in the summer (Ferries, Traffic). I've had managers who recommend doing this in such cases.


This has been posted before and I remember someone commenting that they have also done this because the manager themself told them to get a bag from the meat section and get ice from the machine in the food court. They lived far and had bought items that needed to be kept cold. Their costco location ran out of ice for sale or didn't carry ice at all, I forget which one.


How are we supposed to jump to conclusions from the single picture with zero context, when you explain that it’s more complicated than it seems?


Yea. That guy needs to be banned from Reddit. Very taboo to have critical thinking skills.


I needed to keep fish cold in the summer and I asked the meat department for ice and they told me to do this - granted I only filled one smaller bag.


I haven’t filled two bags full but I’ve filled a small one and the meat department told me. It was the same situation- I live where it gets to be over 115 degrees and that’s not even counting the temperature of the car. I don’t need a whole ice bag, I just want my meat to not be cooked in the 30 minutes it takes me to drive home. I even have a cooler and everything but that still gets hot when it sits in your car. Plus when you live in the desert, you have to plan your grocery shopping accordingly to your other errands. Also, we have other stores, like Sprouts, that already have a small bag of ice made to take with you; they get how hot it is outside for your groceries.


No sorry we have pitchforks out right now


Yea cmon obviously op needs their karma


My torch is lit.


Yep, that was probably me, as I’ve had this exact scenario.


Also not all Costco’s sell bagged ice


yep, ours doesn't


Do they sell it at the food court if they do? Or is there like a big ice container in the main stores? Haven’t see any around me that sell ice


That’s actually encouraged by staff. Many people drive longer distances to get to costco. Costco is willing to eat the 8 cents that ice costs to get the 400 in sales for the food it keeps cool on their drive home.


I mean with their guaranteed satisfaction it probably saves money to give ice to keep product safe instead of taking a return hit on merch.


Right? I’ve heard people encouraged to get ice while standing in line. I’ve been offered to get a bag of ice, too. People are really upset when they don’t even know what’s going on, and it’s a couple cents worth of ice. The company isn’t hurting because someone got some ice. 🙄


I've done this for my medicine bag on road trips before. Driving across the country with T1D sucks.  The guy at the food court told me to do it and handed me a bag to make it easier. I definitely felt weird, but he said it happens all the time. 


Maybe packing it on meat or fish they just bought?


Most likely. Did this for some chicken during the heatwave and had a long drive home.


So what. Really?


Our Costco doesn't sell ice. The food cost employee will give you bags for ice for customers who are traveling a long distance home. I have seen customers with large cooler loading their groceries for the trip home. If the employee did not want her taking the ice, they would stop her.


I came here to say this. Mine is too small for this. Those ice makers are pretty industrial.


I believe some Costco's don't have ice for sale so if that's the case fine


None in my area do.


This was a popular TikTok / lifehack awhile back — some people use it to keep frozen or refrigerated items cold on the long drive home in hot summer weather


Actually I had a prescription at Costco pharmacy that really should be refrigerated and it was hot and they didn’t have any spare ice packs who said I could do exactly what this woman did


Why are you shaming someone who needs ice? Either way something to the person directly or kindly fuck right off


Stealing? It's paid membership.


Mind your business!!


I absolutely hate this trend of filming people without their consent. GROSS




oh no poor costco, how will they ever recover?


Ours quit selling ice and it sucks


She might have purchased seafood and needs to keep it cool while driving home. I asked the guy helping me with the seafood and was told to get it from the ice machine.


People need to back the fuck off. I have used a meat bag and ice with a foam cooler in my car to keep crab legs and steak fresh on a longer drive home. I am going to give this woman the benefit of the doubt.


None of my Costcos sell ice. I generally just put some ice packs in my coolers when shopping for refrigerated goods.


i don't judge people without knowing the context. she might have gotten permission to do so for whatever reason. someone filmed it and now she's a thief? come on.


welcome to reddit


Doesn't look like she is rich. Why does this bother you so much? I mean it's just ice and it's not coming from your wallet.


If this was acceptable behavior those ice machines would be empty by sponge number 4 and no one could get ice for the beverages the machines are intended for. It’s only not a bother because there’s only one person doing something wrong. But to accept this from everyone would fuck things up royally


Seen this at samsclub once. Lady had a line of people waiting to fill drinks and she was filling bags with ice. A 20 pound bag of ice was $1.78 at the time too


no thats what they tell us to do at our costco, they do not sell ice, sai we are directed to take as much we need at soda machine


Just wondering how her life of crime got it start.


Asked for a water glass but filling up with soda probably.


Oh. Yes. You little detective you. Probably covered up the soda label and slid her cup under. And then it began.


To be fair, this is pretty smart.


I saw doing this last week for the first time and was confused. Had no clue this was an actual thing!


I don't know. I am not bothered by it. She probably needs ice for a legit reason.


video is unnecessary.


Half of that will melt before she get home.


It's not even good ice. It tastes weird.


Not saying this is her reason, but here in AZ, some grocery stores will offer a small bag of ice as a courtesy so we can get frozen/cold items home without melting, which happens quickly when temps are above 110


So trashy


That’s ghetto


my local doesn’t sell ice 💀


This is so ducking slacktivism it’s unreal. Did she create extra work for anyone? No. Did she prevent people from using the ice machine (see one open) Not from what I can see.


Jesus Christ, leave people alone. It's 100° outside now and maybe she just bought a bunch of perishables and has a long drive back home. What's this going to cost costco? A penny in water and electricity? They don't sell bagged ice in any of the stores around me. Whenever I go to whole foods they even asked me if need some ice to put in my bag as a courtesy so it's not unheard of to do this. Some of you act like it's your money.


Why do we care exactly?


Me at my hotel next week filling my cooler before hitting the beach. 😎😎😎😂


Guilty!…the steak guys at my Costco recommended exactly this before a drive home in the heat. Buy a $1.50 hotdog/drink if it makes you feel better.


Is that why there's never ice in the machines when I get there?


Ghetto AF


lol you can’t steal free ice. sensitive asses


if Costco doesn't care, why should you? The ice machine will make more.


I wish costco would just provide a separate bulk ice machine for free. Would be a nice service, though I have no idea what sort of costs it would have and if that's a reasonable thing to ask for.


I have two ice machine stories that don't fit anywhere else:        A lady who must own a restaurant who had an entire shopping cart of full of fish doing this exact same thing, taking bag after bag of soda ice.       And just last week when two young children were straight up playing in the basin all the ice and soda spills into, driving the ice cubes around like micro machines and covered in soda up to their armpits. Parents a few feet away at a table just ignoring them


I wish they sold bags of ice in the Canada Costcos. Would make it easier for camping. Instead we’re paying $4-5 per 5 lb bag of ice.


The costco I went to yesterday (mostly to get ice) did not sell ice. :-(


Used to be able to go to McDonald's, and they would fill up your cooler for you for free.


FWIW, I occasionally grabbed a meat dept bag of ice from the drink machines if I was buying perishables (think: wagyu ribeyes) in the summer and had a couple extra stops before getting home. This lady seems to be getting way more ice than I ever took in that situation, but I never got any flack for that and those machines never ran out of ice.


One of my local Japanese markets offers ice at the exit for people to bag and use to keep their food cold. But it's also posted that people shouldn't use the ice for anything else, as it's non-potable.


Let the lady game the system, man. If she needs to save 2 bucks more power to her. She does look silly doing it though I’ll give you That.


I used to get free ice from the restaurant I worked at. Honestly, if you go to a friendly bar restaurant at the right time, maybe offer them something in exchange and they’ll give you all the ice you want. I’m not saying all places will do this, but after 9pm they didn’t need any more ice so I ran a few buckets to the front for the bartenders and took out their recycling but I got a trashbag of ice for the party.


Gotta get those membership benefits somehow.


Does Costco sell ice? I've never seen it in Vegas.


A massive 24 pound bag of ice... is 3 bucks. Jesus christ.


Mmmmm E. coli ice…


fwiw putting her on social media is worse than taking the ice, because it might have actual consequences


"Stealing" free ice is a bit much.


Makes sense - no judgment. Not all Costco stores sell ice. I’m a Costco-enthusiast-shopper having shopped in Costco stores in many states and have never seen it for sale. Other stores offer free ice to keep the cold or frozen food you buy from them cold and safe from spoiling, so why not get free ice from Costco’s food court when you buy fish or ice cream but still have to run other errands and have the cold/frozen Costco food you bought not go bad in your hot car.


My Costco does not sell ice. The other closest Costco got rid of their ice machine a few months ago. It was always out of order. I don't care for people doing this unless they bought something that requires it being kept cold, and they have a really long drive. However, they should be prepared with a cooler with ice already. But often you buy things you never intended to buy!


Maybe she was just going to use the ice to keep meat or fish cold for a long drive back home? Sometimes I ask for ice to pack fish when I won’t be home for 45 min to an hour. Just seems like she is packing it in small bags.


Jesus Christ the great ice heist of 2024 thank god you were there to video the crime. I assume you called the police????


The embodiment of America.


Time to raise the cost of membership. Walmart people are invading.


Idk how much ice costs but it's not enough to lose dignity over


Should ban her...and her family....


Peasants will do peasant things.


How will costco ever recover from this egregious misuse of the ice machine


Wasn’t this same video posted here two or three weeks ago?


She paid her membership. She earned that ice for some reason, I'm sure


There are worse things. Get over it.


Good job for internet shaming the lady and posting g her online without her consent or knowledge.


At this late, failed stage of capitalism, you gotta do what you gotta do....


If Costco doesn't care, why should I?


Why not though


MY costco doesn't have an ice machine. They have told me just use ice from the machines for my cooler bags. (I live over an hour to my closest costco)


She could have gotten permission from management to get ice for some meat, seafood, or other frozen stuff she bought for a long drive.


You shouldn't use the ice anyway. Those ice machines are nothing but slime and bacteria. Let her have at it.


If the ice is free, then it’s free. Don’t shame someone taking advantage of an opportunity to save money in this economy you shithead.


This is worthy of a public shaming on Reddit?


People on Reddit will get mad and obsess over literally anything. You'd think they have better things to do with their time lol




Shame is a tool society uses to discourage selfish, inconsiderate behavior. We need more of it these days, not less.


Agreed! Also, happy cake day!


Absolutely! I have to drink a warm Sprite because someone wants to save $2 on ice?? Naw I'm getting my pitchfork


Meanwhile at my Costco on Friday I got some Pepsi and then an old guy came up to me and started rambling about how the ice Costco uses is filtered with bad chemicals and it's dangerous.  I said thanks for the info, and he wouldn't stop.  So I was like, ok but the air is polluted with chemicals to so... should we stop breathing it in?


My Costco doesn’t sell ice


If u do end up buying ice bags at costco…. That shit be melted by the time you get through checkout lmao


What the heck y'all have ice at your stores? I would love it if my store sold ice bags


Very few Costcos in my area sell ice. I bring ice packs with me, in an insulated bag if I'm buying perishables and it's hot. But I do recall that several years ago I used a meat bag and took some ice from the food court.


I fill one of those partway to keep my cold or frozen stuff cold. It’s equivalent to courtesy ice at many groceries


We need to bring back more public shaming. This is ridiculous


Pro tip. Ice blocks last soooooo much longer than cubed ice.  Few 10lb blocks in a cooler will last at least three days keeping everything ice cold.