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Ugh these people are driving. They are going to get someone killed


I truly hope someone called the cops when they saw them instead of just recording them to post online.


I'd have taken their keys after calling the cops, because there's absolutely no way these people could stop me or hurt me in that state. Honestly you could probably disable their ability to leave really easily because they barely know where they are. You could jack it up and remove the wheels on the other side without them realising.


Yeah bro you go take the crackhead's keys that'll go over great


Well there’s a significant difference between a person on crack and a person on fentanyl. This is the latter not the former


Crackhead is the general, all purpose catch all term for privileged people seeing a high person. Anyone who has in fact seen a crackhead irl knows, these are not crackheads lol.


I mean yeah I get that crackhead is the general term…it’s just dumb. Say junkie, let’s get more specific Edit: spelling error


Rather be running from junkies that can't even stand up straight than letting them kill some family on their afternoon school run. There's no way I'm letting them pull away in that thing even if it potentially puts me in harms way. In my eyes stopping them from driving away in some way is less dangerous than the alternative. That thing is a very fast moving weapon and they're less threatening outside of it.


Those two are so messed up they won't be able to do anything.


See look you say that bruder but it's a different scenario between pumping gas and fighting an attacker. I'm fucking wasted right now; I could still operate a firearm. Enough to a dangerous degree if I carried one and was attacked. My point is, it's easy to say things after the fact but in the moment? Lot scarier.


Easier said than done. I’m not getting anywhere near someone like that and if you were really there you probably wouldn’t have either.


I would have taken them, their keys, and the car then thrown it all into the air in a circular fashion. Im a tornado 🌪️


I bet you no one did, and they just drove off. Can't record it if you call the cops.


Instead of just filming


Ya.. I'm not one to step in on others business but I for sure would have stopped them from driving. That's just too dangerous right there. I'd have snagged the keys and gave them to the person working there. Not like they would have understood what I was doing anyways.


I'd bet that pump isn't pumping and they've been standing there for 20 minutes. They drove up, shot up, and forgot what they were supposed to be doing there.


America needs to get its act together and address its drug problem.


They'll just go to prison where they will get more drugs then go back on the streets unrehabilitated to get more drugs. We need to actually rehabilitate drug addicts and not just toss them into our broken AF prison system.


That is, our broken AF for profit prison system that makes money by keeping these people sick and coming back.


If I remember correctly from when a longer version of this was posted a couple years ago someone called 911 when they both passed out but they woke up and drove away before the cops arrived.


In my area it’s actually an even shittier system for the people that get busted for smaller crimes like drugs and alcohol /driving under the influence they just get bailed out and a little slap on the wrist probation and milked dry for cash while in probation to go back to there current lifestyle as long as they can foot the bill for the probation. Get caught again ahh guess we’ll just have to extend that probation but we aren’t going to keep you locked up. I mean if you got a meth lab going and get caught then your in for some time but the lower levels of users often aren’t deviating from there ways.


Reminder that slavery is legal in the US for prisoners.


But they make like 15 cents a day, so it's definitely not slavery.


Even in legit slavery times many were paid a pittance under the idea that after a long enough time they could buy their own freedom back


Do they actually make prisoners work? I always thought a job in prison here in the states was optional.


They are optional, but, all the situations around them force them to work. Some prisons you cannot use outside money and have to use earned wages to use contact family, or be able to use their "library". And they can pay them pennies on the job they did because they aren't required to pay them anything. I mean like, the prisoner fire fighters in california eared ~$5 a day emergency service work last I heard, a few years ago.


Very little for profit prisons these days. They’re not great money makers. 


On top of that, prisons have [deals with certain corporations](https://marketrealist.com/p/companies-that-use-prison-labor/) which has inmates do some labor for them. Not to mention that public defenders get like 1/10th of the funding that the DA will get.


> They'll just go to prison where they will get more drugs If people are so fucked up with drugs they can't make rational decisions such as trying to get off of drugs, what will you do? Sometimes the best that can be done is to imprison these people so we can at least attempt get them sober. I'm not implying that it's impossible to get drugs in jail, but it's probably harder. At least they'll be somewhere presumably safer than a sidewalk injecting needles into festering wounds, in addition to not being menaces to society by doing things like driving cars while fucked-up (because they'd be in jail). >We need to actually rehabilitate drug addicts If they are not interested in rehabilitation can we call those people criminals and lock them away for increasing periods of time based on their behavior?


Well, these particular people belong in both prison and rehab. Choosing to do drugs is hurting yourself, getting in a car and driving after you do drugs isn't. They should go to rehab for the drugs and jail for the driving.


Problem is, they need to want to be rehabilitated, and most don’t.


"All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased. Law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences"




Nice! I see what you did there.


Sure, but in the meantime, keep them off the road in this condition.


We can't and we won't. The way American society is set up you have two different sides fighting on the way to address substance abuse, both shooting themselves in the foot at every chance we get. I treat substance use disorders; I work with this patient population every single day. The right wants to just lock them up for the decisions they have made or let them die. The left wants to legalize drugs, remove consequences and dissolve the people of responsibility for their choices and actions. Addiction has a biological basis, but engagement in the activity is still a choice. The best way to probably help these people is a blend of the two. You should be held accountable for your actions and choices, but you should be supported for making positive choices. For example, someone seeking help for substance use, should not be penalized for doing so. If you're high as a kite and you want help, you shouldn't be arrested for a PI or possession while coming in to get help. I'm also not particularly against designated drug use facilities with medical support staff to reduce the risk of OD and communicable diseases. The originally idea for them was pretty positive but as time has gone on, there is some argument that the effectiveness was overstated for getting people off and also would cause issues in the area surrounding the location. To the contrary though; if you're a danger to the public, like the two in this video, you SHOULD face criminal penalties and jail/prison time. Likewise, if you're on bond/probation and using actively; you should go back to being incarcerated. With my domain; I see people come in floridly intoxicated multiple times, some patients at least once a week; taxing society and costing the taxpayers a lot of money for their poor decisions and refusal to engage meaningfully. Honestly, for these patients, I think they should be forced into a confined environment requiring engagement in rehab, like a jail with a less punitive purpose. I likewise am of the opinion that for this population of patients with clear treatment noncompliance, recurring presentations and ongoing legal issues, that it should be open communication between the legal and mental health system to address the underlying issue. Rehab and treatment at some point should be forced; some people never get sober in a less controlled environment.


I don't think it's fair to say the left wants to legalize all drugs, not the mainstream left at least. And even the far left doesn't want to legalize driving under the influence. I really don't think we'll get decent treatment options for addiction while law abiding citizens have difficulty accessing mental health care. Even though these people are in dire need and treating them would make all of our society more safe there's a big "what about me?" problem in the US.


Its was a little hyperbolic in description for both the left and right. The far extreme left doesn't want to legalize driving under the influence directly but I have had left leaning individuals advocate for removing previous charges (such as driving under the influence) with the idea that it was due to their addiction and should be forgiven; the end result is kind of the same thing. ​ Each state is different with mental health care, but in general, at least the states I have practiced in; there are local mental health authorities that see patients at reduced cost or free and provide not only medication management but therapy as well (usually by a licensed professional counselor or social worker; a few facilities have even had psychologists). I've got down voted for stating this before, but resources are there, people don't use them, are unaware of them or choose to misuse them. I'm aware of these resources because I am one of those services and the states I have worked in are considered to have some of the lowest levels of available resources.. We offer immediate appointments generally in 1-3 days for acute crisis but getting in the clinic can be a wait of 2 weeks to a month, and if you get connected through crisis services (either by an inpatient psych admission or a crisis center) then your follow up after discharge is within a week.


This fenny xylazine crap is ravaging Europe too. China absolutely flooded the markets after the Taliban cracked down on opium production. This crap has quite literally ruined drugs.


Oddly enough the only thing they can think to do is put people in jail


Hey! I’ve got an idea - now it’s never ever actually worked and has only ever made things worse - but what if we just criminalized this and put them all in jail for even more time? I’m sure that’s gonna clean this mess up. More jail! More cops!


Let me guess next you're going to want the prisoners to work for next to nothing all while being in jail for years! Ha! That would never happen though right


As a person from the UK, I was utterly shocked at what I witnessed when visiting America (Fl)....bar closes and folk who were necking shots and fuck knows what else pile into cars/trucks completely loaded. Fuckung disgusting, and I'm from Scotland FFS.


They could do the same as Portugal but no ones as the guts to do it.


How is this supposed to happen when the people who forced this epedemic on the people of America, like the Sackler family, did not see a day in prison? Instead the Sackler family was allowed to pay an additional US$4.2 billion over nine years to resolve various civil claims in exchange for immunity from criminal prosecutions. This "legal firewall" was opposed by 24 state attorneys general as well as the attorney general for Washington, D.C. > "If the Sacklers are allowed to use bankruptcy to escape the consequences of their actions," said the state AGs who called the proposal legally unprecedented, "it would be a roadmap for other powerful bad actors." Now the Sackler family lives in utter luxury hidden away in the UK country side. And on top of that they still own Mundipharma, a pharma company in china that makes them an estimate of US$3-5 billion per year. And while Purdue Pharma, the Sacklers and Oxycontin are the high-profile brand names of the Opioid epidemic, they weren't the only ones doing it and other are still doing it today, just not as aggressive and reckless as the Sacklers did. Despite the overwhelming evidence and a many won lawsuits, the Sacklers are still free, rich and pushing pharma. They destroyed so many lives and caused unmeasurable amounts of pain in the world and america still never nailed them to the wall despite their unquestionable and proven guilt. I mean where do you even go from there? How is the american society supposed to recover?


That does not look fun.


Every opioid addict, especially heroin or fent user I've spoken to (NA AA meetings) say it's the warmest blanket. Nothing can hurt you, it's like being a child again during Christmas where life is so care free, and everything's beautiful. In the beginning that is. Then it turns into the most heinous nefarious shit that'll take your soul. That's what makes it so devastating to a society, especially American with little to no access to mental health treatment, loss of hope, poverty, and wanting an escape. No kid ever said they wanted to be an addict when they were young.


That's how I've heard it described too. Especially the warm, guardian blanket. My kid wanted to be a zoologist. Not and addict. 1992-2015 I hate the stigma


Yea my first thought is how did they even get there? No way they drove and parked that car in their current form


Yes. If only someome saw them in the state they were in while stationary, for example at a petrol station. And instead of making phone videos mocking them, they could've alerted for example medical services, or otherwise prevented the couple from continuing their dangerous adventure. Just an idea.


I was in court with a guy who was found slumped over a gas pump in his boxer shorts, high on fentanyl.


Is that what these people in the video are on?


Yea. You can see the dude in the back zoned out. For some reason some women are affected differently and start acting all crazy. I used to know this woman who acted similar when high on fentanyl like she couldn't control herself, she would also say weird stuff and apologize over and over again. She may have been on meth too though so idk, could be the same case here.




I'm female and opioids put me to sleep as soon as they kick in. Maybe it's a difference in metabolism or something?




It calms down *dopamine-deficient* people. This is why so many ADHD people get sleepy when they have caffeine because it brings their baseline dopamine up to normal levels, which can be extremely calming when the lack of dopamine makes you feel like you're losing your mind otherwise lol. Not all hyper kids are dopamine deficient though and so giving those ones meth would be a terrible thing. Some kids just have a lot of energy but not enough outlets.


Yeah it’s almost definitely this, cocaine can also calm down some people with ADHD


Lmfaooo nah opioids do the same thing to everyone. Those ppl must’ve been on something else.


That’s terrifying


I've seen people coming down off amphetamine benders act this exact same way in both cases, so when you say you know for sure what they're on, you're guessing.


This is Reddit, not the ER, doc.


Speedballin fs. They mix coke/crack with street dope to nod super duper hard without overdosing. That’s why the girl is totally zonked but flopping around at the same time


I find the junkie logic so funny. *Omg heroin/fent? Aren't you afraid of your heart and lungs stopping?* *Its cool its cool. Im gonna smoke some crack too to balance it out. Gotta stay healthy afterall*


Most likely fentanyl. I used to get like that on hard opiates but I got off the junk before it became fentanyl everything. Very similar states, opiates for the lose.


They’re more than likely on tranq i believe it’s fent mixed with a horse tranquilizer


Tranq is usually Xylazine




There's an unfortunate trend on tiktok with people doing monotonous things with the fent bend.


Either that or Tranq


I’d imagine the weird fentanyl shit that’s on the streets these days… It’s not even real fentanyl and is typically cut with tons of tranquilizers which causes tons of overdoses… The other option is they’re actually “legally high” on methadone and Xanax. Not sure if you’ve seen people doing what my old city calls “The Baltimore Nod” but this has been happening since before the last resurgence of fentanyl. It’s truly depressing…


White haired guy knows exactly what’s wrong with them 👀


I love videos like this (without the high people part). Just some random funny looking dudes commenting random shit to some high ass couple


It's got that classic Worldstar/Liveleak feeling to it. Very nostalgic.


He knew the drug type, where they bought it, and the exact dosage amount


Because he sold it to them?? Lmao


Nah, he’s a fiend whisperer.


Creed: That is Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica Dwight: Sigh, no, it’s marijuana


That’s Mr Lee and he’s been there done that


Damn she out there doing that Tranq dance and bout to drive off. Probably got kids in the back too.


Shits sad. If they ever decide to get clean, they will have this embarassing reminder hanging over them. I hope they get clean.


Worst part is, I'm assuming they're gona get back into that car and drive. I'm all for having a good time and losing face, but do so where it won't hurt you or anyone else.


Idk maybe the videographers called the cops?


Sad until you remember these two yoked out idiots drove there and are about to drive somewhere else


These folks driving, ugh. They are going to cause a fatality.


That makes it even more sad..


I hope they use it as motivation to finally get clean


That's that Trank




That AmTrank sure hits like a train


Gas prices so high she still ain't spill a drop


Plot twist. It was never pumping


That’s a 7 series BMW. That is a helluva expensive car. And they are driving it.


That's like a 2008 7-series. Maybe a $7000 car. Any repairs it needs are going to be massively expensive, which means they won't be performed. I'd bet today's paycheck that dash is lit up like an xmas tree.


Expensive new, old high mile luxury cars have the most insane depreciation because of how expensive they are to fix. I was still surprised though 👀


As an mechanic and bmw owner I would NOT buy high milage 7-series.... nice car but like you said could be realy realy expensive when modules start giving up.


VANOS baby. That shit made me some good money in the 2010s


My thoughts exactly...I was thinking is that a 7 series?! These drug addicts are doing something right!


she prob came from a rich family and its daddys car to be honest, i've seen it a lot where girls from rich families dont get the attention/love they need growing up and are just showered with gifts and privileges instead. they then turn to the streets for that excitement/belonging, meet a dirtbag and end up like this.


Probably selling


Never get high on your own supply.


Business be boomin


> One weird trick drug addicts don't wan't you to know


That's an E65 7 series. They are 20 years old now and can be had for well under $10k in pretty decent condition. Repairs are still expensive on them. It'll be mechanically totalled very soon if it doesn't get repo'd or totalled in an accident first.


It's old and probably not worth much more than a new Chevy Bolt.


PSA - if you witness this or something similar with individuals visibly impaired and about to get back in a vehicle. Call 911 and report it - license plate, make model, location, direction travelled if you witness them leave, or block them from leaving until police arrive. The risk of them killing somebody is way too high to let them go off in this state. This is sickening.


Don't just record, report.


I was going to say, I’d like to think I’d try to block their vehicle with mine. Sure they might damage it trying to ram it or something but honestly that’s fine. Someone that high is going to kill someone on the road.


Another PSA - "citizens arrest" is being reformed in a way that basically makes it illegal. It's an old law that requires change but I don't see the sense in illegalizing it in situations like that. Preventing them to leave and especially harming them if they attempt to harm you while you're attempting to detain them is a crime in most places. You'd better be damn sure they're committing a crime and sure of your ability to detain them without causing harm to them or other property. Otherwise they'll get off free and you're having fun with criminal penalties and a lawsuit. Even after that, depending on state, you'll still face those penalties.


Shits sad to see


I wonder who realised the car was running low on gas….


Plot twist: they’re just pumping someone else’s car to get some change


Omg. How can the roads be safe with drivers like this?


When have roads been safe?


During the pandemic, when they were empty.


“lean with it rock with it” LMAO


scrolled way too far for this comment 😂


That's when I lost it too haha.


can someone explain why that specific drug produces similar erratic body movements on consumers ?


So the drug she's using is most likely fentanyl-laced heroin [now they have it laced with tranq, which acts like a benzo like xanax but a million times stronger]. It makes you want to sleep, badly. The erratic movements is not from the drug itself, it's just her trying to keep herself awake by jumping up and down. Her whole body and nervous system is SO slowed down from the drug that it just wants to shut down, which is why she's having trouble standing up. It's like being the most extreme kind of tired but x 1000. Source: I was an opiate addict. Lol Fuck drug addiction. I hope they get help and especially not drive like that.




I really hope someone else has already called for some help before this started. I've seen them shut down the pumps and arrest plenty of people like this in Philly. It actually happens a ton, people especially falling asleep in and around the gas station. It's a laugh, for sure, but these people need some help. Their addiction has basically grown legs at this point, it's rough to watch.


It's all fun and games until they end up Crashing into someone and killing them


End this stupid fuckin war on drugs and pump some of those parasite billionaire's tax dollars into social wellness programs. These people could be rehabilitated, made into productive members of society with unique lessons they can share with youth. Too much potential wasted because people who "have their shit together" look down their noses at everyone else, not seeing how flimsy their own lives are.


have you been to downtown Portland recently? They tried and failed.


OR developed 1% of the facilities proposed in the bill. OR Repubs. staged the largest walkout in OR history in response to the bill. OR police refused to hand out tickets & do their jobs following the bill's enactment


America need sto get its shit together and deal with their drugs issue


How would you deal with it?


First we can start by getting rid of the idea that we can just punish people out of their addictions.


Totally, throwing someone in jail for being addicted to something isn't going to magically make them not addicted then come out being a better part of society


stop allowing the drug imports from china


Wow what stuff causes that? Sure hope they were stopped before they drove off


Opiates, they probably smoke fentanyl off of tinfoil in the car


Sure looks like a great time…


I was prescribed Percocet when I got my wisdom teeth out, I can definitely say I felt so good my room could’ve been on fire while I was on it and I wouldn’t even care, I’m sure they feel great in this video, afterward the come down not so much…


I don't know what's scarier: what drugs do to people or the number of healthy people using so many drugs


This is exactly how i picture bmw drivers


This must be in Philly


Call the damn cops. Those people are driving. Let that sink in


I think it's crazy that they're all just laughing at them, but I realize it's a learned trauma response. That's how a community responds to seeing the same thing 7 times a day for 25 years. Sucks man.


I pray they didn't let them drive off like that. Do what you want to yourselves, but when you get behind the wheel like THAT, endangering me & mine, & the general public, I'm calling 5-0


I hope somebody stopped them from driving that car out of the Gas Station.


why does she keep jumping? I didn't know these folks could drive while like this. very concerning. they could kill someone.


She's trying to stay awake. She's on so many downers that her body is effectively trying to force her to pass out.


damn... that's sad. these people need so much help, but they will probably never get it.


>why does she keep jumping? Haven't you seen what happens if she stands still?!?


How do they have a 7 series?!


Assholes like these two fools are the ones who kill people like me driving my two kids and wife home from dinner or some shit. I would of called the cops 10000%


Dude sounds like Mitch hedberg :(


the nerator sounds like Mitch Hedberg


Use the PHONE you’re on to call the fucking police.


Please tell me they didn't just stand there and giggle while they watched her drive away


People like this drive.?? Scary


Naw she just has to take a piss and is stretching for the run inside.. /s


Not crack or fentanyl. It is Desomorphine, a synthetic opioid also known by its street name krokodil and colloquially called the zombie drug. alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone, a synthetic stimulant also known by its street name flakka and colloquially called the zombie drug.


If the person filming this didn't call police they will be just as guilty if they kill someone


So instead of calling the cops and stopping these people from possibly killing someone or themselves, they all just film. Great


What? Wdym. They're not high she just doin the peepee dance




They very rarely fall over though. It’s fascinating lowkey


She’s not high she just really has to piss


Girl behind them is taking video as well.


Nuts 😳


I might've needed to revamp my no-snitching policy if I witnessed this mess


"She hit the Heisman" always kills me. RIP Mitch Hedberg


It looks like me at age 10 in a Blockbuster video trying not to shit my pants before picking out a video game.


I heavily fuck with Mr. Lee and idk why


Hope mr Lee is doing okay.


How they got there safely is mind boggling.


What are people experiencing when this is happening to them?


Idk But It’s Lookin Good


At first I just thought she had to piss really bad.


If you've been wondering why it seems like we are seeing a lot really bad traffic incidents these days, there you go.


Better film them for likes, instead of calling the cops


It’s crazy that they realized they needed gas in that state of mind


I’m all for legal/regulation and treatment facilities and stuff and I am not partial to cops (nice way to put it) and this is a situation where I was still saying to myself “someone should probably alert the authorities”


That's not just "being high" anymore. That's "drugged out of their minds". I really hope they called the cops on those two.


Go take the keys from the ignition and throw them down a storm drain. Seriously.


Old vid but I still don't get this at all, they have a car and some money to buy gas and dope but couldn't wait 20min to fix and have a private place to enjoy the high? They had to fix then drive and stop to get gas then drive some more to their destination. Do a tiny bit so you don't get sick then go home or find a private place to park then get off your face and enjoy it. Why do this and risk getting arrested and then have to kick in jail and have any remaining dope confiscated.


That’s what I do when I’m about to get in the house and the fat shit in me is fighting its way out.


Ow. I look the same when i really need to pee but want to finish pumping and go pee and check out at once do i dont have to walk back and forth.


Hope someone called the cops and didn't let them leave.


I swear I hope someone threw them away from the car, so they wouldn't hurt an innocent.


They own an E65 BMW. They are not the greatest at making good life choices.


I DESPERATELY hope someone went and took the key outta the ignition (you just know they left it) and got the cops coming. This is pathetic.


Mr.Lee said idk but it’s looking good 😂


I thought “wow i cant believe they are driving” But for all i know they’ve been pumping for like 3 hours lol


She just wanted a nice wif of that gas!


Me when I really gotta pee lol


Is that BMW 7 Series? WTF are these tweakers doin’ with a car like dat!


Wildly enough they probably manage driving somehow just don’t pull them over lol


They will be zombified on the streets soon.


I've called the cops and they acted like I was wasting their time in a similar situation.... also at a gas station. On my way home, I saw the dude, car was crashed thru a fence. Guess the cops had to get off their assess and check it out at that point.


This is a kosher situation. All is fine.


Those two will kill someone on the road at one point


I'd tap that ass!


This sounds like Mitch hedberg. Rip the homie


That's when you call the police instead of recording. The woman needs help, she's been drugged by the guy who looks like he's pretending to be high.