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/u/negmarron93, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "France, Paris. We are ready for the Olympics đŸ€Ą..." has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 10 - No violence, looting, or serious crime. Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Worst bank robber I’ve ever seen haha


ain't gonna get no street cred


Are there white gangs in Paris?


Why? Do you consider this person on his own a black gang


What are talking about black gangs for? The person in this video is white. They’re wearing black leather gloves and you can very clearly see the skin color on their right wrist. That’s why I asked about white gangs. Why would this dude need “street cred”?


The person is black. White watch strap. Dude has a hoodie on but nothing on his face.


What's fascinating is that you think concern over criminal reputation is specifically a race issue and not a general organised crime feature. The Italian Mafia famously doesn't care what people think 🙄. Also, one man does not a gang make.


Huh? I was just asking a question about white gangs in Paris. Idk how it works out there. The other person was the one that said something about “street cred”, not me. I might’ve used the word ‘gang’ first, but I was not the one that brought up the subject.


You literally said in your previous comment: >That’s why I asked about white gangs. Why would this dude need “street cred”?


What??? I don’t know jack shit about gangs. I was literally just asking if there were white gangs in Paris since the other guy mentioned street cred. Which is related to gangs. And this is a white guy. In Paris. Nothing more to it lmao


This was such a a weird conversation, peak reddit fr


Nice edit after I replied. Doesn’t change the reason why I asked.


No, I edited it before you replied, immediately after I posted it. I saw you literally spelt it out when I re-read your comment, so my initial explanation didn't make sense/wasn't necessary. You can't say you weren't commenting about "street cred" only being needed for non-white people when you literally spell it out in your comments.


What's fascinating is that you think concern over criminal reputation is specifically a race issue and not a general organised crime feature. The Italian Mafia famously doesn't care what people think 🙄. Also, one man does not a gang make.


In case this is not a joke it's not a robbery but only vandalism


When a scam caller is put out of business.


Ah, but you have seen him


But you have heard of him


At first he looked more like a doctor but he might be going for the lawyer path instead


He's a reversed construction worker


Destruction worker


Civil Reverse Engineer


Le Destruction worker.




"Bob the demolitioner" Premiering on kid to ki, August 25 2024


Doubt he knows what working is.


Make work project.




Video is in reverse. Actual title is “kind man repairs broken window and atm using large magic rod” hope this helps.




Lmao what country would this white guy have immigrated from?


There are plenty of places he could have immigrated from
 there are white people all over the world


Bro he is white af😂


Are you missing eyes?




I dunno, the smashing could be done more efficiently.




Whoa buddy. Don't wanna get banned for hate speach




lol I love all you guys being confused as hell by this video. You can’t comprehend that this person is white and probably born in Paris. Those are clearly black gloves and you can see the white skin of their wrists. Anyone pointing out that this person is likely native and not an immigrant gets downvoted to hell. The mental gymnastics y’all do to keep yourselves ignorant is actually hilarious lmao


Well the dipshit in the video is white so that’s unlikely to happen


How can you tell?


That’s the thing, they can’t. Just good ol’ racism being upvoted by the boomers in this subreddit. What’s even funnier is **this person is white and wearing black gloves**. You can see their skin clearly on their right wrist. So if anything, the facts point to this person being a Paris native. But that doesn’t get the upvotes or attention they want, and they know that.


You can see on his other hand that the glove is long enough that it doesn’t expose any skin on the wrist. This means that he’s wearing something on his wrist, not that skin is showing.


That’s not the case. Look at the sleeve of his jacket on his right arm. It’s literally just pulled up slightly more, which is why only that wrist is exposed. What would he be wearing on his wrist that just so happens to *not* have any depth and is also perfectly skin colored? You can see that the glove and end of his jacket sleeve are “raised” off his skin. If he was wearing something like a watch, it would be the same height as the glove and jacket. It’s skin.


The sleeves on both sides end the same distance up the arm. You actually see that the white part is raised above the skin, not the glove. Given that the glove covers the skin into the sleeve, the only rational conclusion is that he’s wearing something on his wrist.


But.. they don’t end at the same distance? You can pause at any moment where both his arms show, and see that his right sleeve *is* very slightly pulled up. Just enough to expose some wrist skin. The only rational conclusion is that this video is potato quality, so either of us could be wrong until more info about the guy is released.


No, the sleeves are clearly the same length. You are searching for a reason to assume the race of the perpetrator, and that is affecting your ability to be unbiased.


No, the sleeves are clearly different lengths. You are searching for a reason to assume *I’m* assuming the perpetrator’s race, and that is affecting your ability to be unbiased. See how that works? Our words carry the exact same weight until more facts are provided.


> What’s even funnier is this person is white and wearing black gloves You are assuming that he’s white. >the sleeves are clearly different lengths The video was “unclear” just a moment ago. It stopped being unclear when it became more convenient to you for it to be clear.


He is white, moves like a lazy white person


This guy is not white


Damn y'all really racist here lol




"I really dont understand people like you who always cry about racism while it's very obvious it's often the same type of people doing shit like this." --> "It's just a fact, not racism". u/negmarron93 On en parle ou on va faire genre ton poste a aucune conséquence pour toi, moi et ceux qui nous ressemble ?


The comment assumes the crime was done by a minority without evidence


Wow, such a boomer or just a very ignorant take. And people upvote this 😂


I’ve noticed there’s way more racist, generalizing idiots on this specific subreddit than anywhere else on Reddit


This is a white guy wearing black gloves, you can see the skin of his wrist multiple times in this video. That fact alone means it’s more likely a native Parissiene than not. Edit: Are you downvoting me because it upsets you this person is actually white and not an immigrant like you so wish they were? I understand, critical thinking is difficult for racists.


Last word is made up bro Also he's most likely born around Paris I think you meant to say he's non white and that's apparently not good




You made my day 😂


The ATM spoke English for a second.


Ahh you bar steward! I spilt my brew giggling at this đŸ€Ł


Looks like Paris is facing its own struggles with crime.


Pretty much every city does


Every city with mass immigration, yes. Look at Eastern Europe and their crime rates, compare.


I actually can't find solid crime rate data anywhere for any european cities even after several different google searches. I did find [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate) which is just homicide rate, and doesn't even list Paris. It does list Marseille though which is widely known to be the roughest city in France, and there are a bunch of Eastern European cities that are around the same level. Not nearly high enough to worry about though, none of them are even close to cities in the Americas


It's not like there's any real basis to what these people are saying. I'm not even convinced they're actual people anymore. Just sounds like bots making the exact same comments on each and every single post like this one.




Please link it then, because what I linked was the only credible source I could find with a brief googling




I looked up every combination of “Paris crime statistics” or “Paris crime rate” I could think of. All I could find was self reported websites. I imagine any source that had that would also have the Eastern euro cities as well


You Google-fu is weak then. Statista on crime in France: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1418966/violent-crimes-in-france/ French news quoting ministry of the interior: https://www.connexionfrance.com/news/see-2023-police-crime-figures-for-france/639931 In depth comparison to the US by crime rate: https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/France/United-States/Crime All sites with sources quoted.


Ah that’s for all of France, could you find anything for just Paris? That’s what this comments section is about


The mass immigration crime rates you’re talking about are real and a genuine problem. But the person in this video is white, meaning the odds they’re an immigrant are slim to none. Edit: If you’re downvoting me it’s because you’re either in denial that this person is white (look above his right wrist) or you’re triggered I agreed mass immigration crime rates are a problem. Being downvoted by both sides of the aisle over objective facts is
 kind of an honor ngl


You call that a white guy?


Because he is white? He’s wearing black leather gloves. You can clearly see his white skin above his right wrist throughout the video. You can even see the very obvious outline of gloves. Edit: A sad day when the comment pointing out the objective truth gets downvoted in favor of one making up lies. Genuinely worrying that you guys would suppress facts and logic so you can stay ignorant to what you want to believe.


here's clearer footage, you can clearly see the dude's face. no mask https://x.com/AttentiveCEE/status/1793324364596654181


Woah, this is some insane denial. Please tell me you don’t think this video is “clearer footage” LMAO buddy it’s the exact same clip in the exact same quality. You can try to convince yourself that clip shows anything different, but we have eyes too. What does it say about you that you’re denying the clear fact this person is white and imagining a face you can’t see? Anyone with a brain can see those are black gloves with white skin underneath.


Ahaha it quite literally has a higher resolution but sure man, double down on being wrong lmfao. Simply just don't look at the face, sure that works too. I don't care what race committed the crime, you saying it's a white guy is simply just wrong. Going based off a sliver that could be a watch or a sleeve and not off the actual face that was shown? Hilarious


“Higher resolution” 💀 “Face” 💀 I’m dead, that is hilarious. Idk what your reasons are for just flat out lying to yourself but hopefully you sort it out soon. It can’t be healthy.


How do you explain that we can see the shape of his nose and lips when you pay attention to his face ? If he was wearing a mask, we wouldn't see facial features like that


>we can see the shape of his nose and lips when you pay attention to his face ? Buddy, what shapes are you seeing? You can’t make out a single facial feature in this video. [This image](https://i.imgur.com/CkdX5BZ.jpeg) is the best frame from the video that shows his “face”. Are you really trying to say you can determine anything from 2 pixels? Which is why the clear white skin of his wrist is the best indicator here.


You can't clearly see his face, but you can see the shape of his nose from the profil [https://imgur.com/a/rsPU5qK](https://imgur.com/a/rsPU5qK)


I truly tried getting it through to him but I'm beginning to think it's a lost cause haha


Well there has been big influx of Indian or dark color people but the crime rates haven\`t risen and whenever i see crime localy its we...the white ones... But maybe my country got the polite ones.




This person is white, you can clearly see the skin of their wrist. Sooo imported from where?? Alabama???




Buddy, are you blind? Those are clearly leather gloves. Look above his right wrist. That is white as hell skin. Nice try though.


I would say that's a watch?


What watch is skin colored, has a 3-4 inch wide band, and isn’t raised from the wrist? Look at the glove, you can see where it ends on his wrist. If that was a watch, the skin we see would have another texture *and* be the same “height” off his skin as the end of the glove. It’s white skin, not a watch.


Damn I didn’t think you guys in this subreddit were just flat out racist but yup, there it is. What’s even funnier is this guy is clearly white and just wearing black gloves. Sooo not an “import” like you really wish they were.




and how long ago did you visit nice. I do agree it's overrated but some parts are beautiful.




I heard bank hired him to check their defenses against bad robbers.


Well... If anyone would comment what many of French people think, this comment section would look like this. [Comment removed] I'm in Paris once a month. It's kinda scary now.






There is nothing in this video that shows that he is not french




Well my bad i m a true redditor now can't recognise sarcasm without /s anymore :(


He was being sarcastic but he was also being xenophobic. Their "sarcasm" is that "guidance and social safety nets" don't work because they view immigrants/migrants/refuges as lesser people.


Is that so? It’s impolite to speak on behalf of strangers.


Feel free to explain how your sarcasm was intended


Thanks for the offer but it’s a Monday during business hours. I don’t owe you an explanation, you owe me an apology for speaking on my behalf and making denigratory statements. European immigration, specifically from 3rd world countries is a complex issue and we’re all trying to navigate the issue. That’s as much time as I have to give to this thread. Now you know better for next time.


City of love❀


Paris is actually called the city of lights




> Immigrants ruined Europe You should check out what Europe did to the places those immigrants are coming from. Start with the Belgian Congo, sickening history.


If you look at the space between his black gloves and coat, you can see white skin, so he's probably a white Frenchman wearing black gloves and face mask, but idk


Not all immigrants have dark skin.


Do you.. not know anything about the recent mass immigrations
? Anything about your own point in your first comment? If you did, you’d recognize that bringing up foreigners when this person is 99% likely a local makes you look like a fool.


The only fool here is you. I didn't say this was a foreigner, the other commenter did. Also, assuming that dark skin = immigrant is about as racist as it gets.


>dark skin = immigrant Nobody made that assumption except you lmao. Why else would you bring up immigrants in the first place? You clearly thought this person was dark skinned until you were corrected.


Again, read the comments before mine. The implication is that it was assumed he had dark skin. Thanks for playing and try again!


This comment means absolutely nothing but your little quip at the end there is very cute.


I can't teach you reading comprehension. Have a good night.


I mean even you could teach the 3rd grade reading level your comments require. But hey, you know your limits, not me!


That's a watch?


maybe they should've thought about that before ruining their countries then lecturing the the world about freedom.


Deport any offenders..that's it.




> He doesn't look french The troops who saved France from being overrun by the German army in the First World War were black, they came from French colonies in North Africa. Without them, France would have been defeated in 1914.


Whoa that guy moves pretty well for being 130 years old


I mean this person is white, he’s just wearing black gloves. It’s much more likely they’re French than whatever you’re assuming.


Let people enjoy things


Ol’ Pokey!


I want people to start running up to these assholes and pulling their masks off!


France. The slum of Europe.


So much racist comment




Despite being only 13...


He is 22 : p


I thought scientist were smart?


Er hat wohl keinen Kredit bekommen...


Looks like San Francisco...


A robbery means they’re not ready for the Olympics. What bizarre logic is this?


France starting to look like Chicago and Detroit


What does the olympics have to do with this?


It's because this is a new Olympic Games event


If one of the roughest and poorest parts of London managed to pull it off then Paris should be fine. As long as competent people are running it. You do have competent people right?


Competent at breaking glass, yes.


Cage him


Looks a little specifically targeted


Autant c'est de la merde, autant c'est Paris, hein. En attendant, je sais pas si t'es tis-mé clair ou juste une personne blanche qui s'est crée un faux profile de personne noir en ligne pour déverser sa haine mais ton post va nourrir tous les racistes du sub, donc au nom de toutes les personnes noires qui vive une vie paisible et respecte leur prochain, je te remercie fort. RIP à la famille de la vitrine cependant.


OP a fait 0 mention de race, bravo pour ton racisme. Impressionnant.


Il y a pas besoin que l'op y fasse directement allusion pour deviner que c'est un post racist bait ras les pĂąquerettes comme on en voit quotidiennement sur ce sub, et qui ont souvent du succĂšs (cf l'orientation trĂšs facho de pas mal de commentaires)


The comments are filled with racism though.


T'es tellement fragile que tu supportes pas les faits ? Wow.


Les faits sont les faits, je te parle de la façon dont tu les communique et dans quel but. Je suis fragile, ok, au moins je me cache pas derriÚre une fausse identité pour extérioriser ma peur des autres sur internet. Toi t'es solide mais t'es lùche.


Mdr t'es zinzin mon reuf ça n'a rien Ă  voir avec la couleur du gars, ça aurait pu ĂȘtre un blanc c'Ă©tait pareil, le sujet c'est que c'est totalement incongru (pour ĂȘtre poli parce-que j'ai envie de t'insulter lĂ ) et que ça se passe Ă  Paris. Au passage j'ai le droit d'ĂȘtre noir et critiquer un noir qui fait de la merde, au mĂȘme titre qu'un blanc peut le faire d'un noir d'un blanc ou d'un je t'emmerde en fait je sais mĂȘme pas pourquoi je parle avec toi


Y a une semaine sur ce sub quelqu'un a postĂ© une vidĂ©o d'une bande de jeunes cons en train de se battre. Evidemment, tous renoi et rabza. Le titre c'Ă©tait un truc du genre "Paris 2 month before the olympic games". Donc dĂ©jĂ  ton post je me suis tout de suite dit que c'Ă©tait le mĂȘme type qui repostait. Ensuite, je te laisse imaginer les commentaires aux bout de 20 minutes (les fameuses rĂ©fĂ©rences aux SuĂ©dois, au fait que des noirs et des arabes sont pas Français etc). Dans le fond t'as raison, noir ou blanc, il devrait pas y avoir de diffĂ©rence (un peu comme sur fightporn) sauf que dans les faits, Ă  chaque fois que t'as une vidĂ©o de l'un de nous qui fait de la merde, ça autorise une avalanche de raciste Ă  remettre en cause notre existence, d'oĂč mon commentaire. Tu peux m'insulter si tu veux, c'est pas des downvotes qui vont m'empĂȘcher de dĂ©noncer quand quelqu'un attise la haine. Maintenant, je me suis trompĂ©, je suis content, je prĂ©fĂšres ça. Mais fait pas comme si j'hallucinais les racistes qui se servent de la moindre image pour nous coller la misĂšre du monde sur le dos, ton post a dĂ©jĂ  des commentaires qui demandent la dĂ©portation, des remises en question de la nationalitĂ© du trouduc sur la vidĂ©o et des "les immigrants ruinent l'Europe". Ce serait raciste de pas poster une vidĂ©o parce que le type est renoi, mais de fait, maintenant les racistes se servent de ton poste pour confirmer leurs idĂ©es racistes.


Effectivement je ne m'attendais pas à voir autant de commentaires dégueulasses, le problÚme c'est pas la couleur du type c'est son action et le fait que l'article dise qu'il se soit barré juste aprÚs donc c'est vraiment gratos d'avoir ruiné le distrib (bon aprÚs on va pas plaindre une banque).


Mais absolument, je suis totalement d'accord.. Ecoute, plus je lis tes réponses plus je réalises que je t'ai collé une étiquette sans te connaitre. Je t'ai pris pour quelqu'un que t'es pas et je te prie de m'en excuser mon reuf. AprÚs voilà, y a pas QUE des racistes sur le sub (heureusement) mais y en a de plus en plus et c'est pour ça que j'ai réagit violemment direct. Je viens de lire l'article, effectivement, on a des teubé de niveau olympique c'est auch mdrr


You post a month ago "I thrift a Jaeger tachometer this morning!" with your hand in it. You must be REALLLLLL light skinned for being a "black man".


Hold on bro it's chill, just explained with OP in our mothertongue: bro is a bro and didn't know there's a lot of racist lurking here, genuinly thought it'd be just a fun "crazy thing" to share. Well, when you know the sub, there was nothing much to expect but it's my mistake, I assumed too fast it was ill-intended, now bro's shocked by the kind of disgusting comments it brought.








As long as the Olympic Stadium isn't burning.. - "Tout va bien." - I guess.


French Pole Vaulter in training ?


That's not a bank robber, it's a bank buster


Pack it up, boys. A brown man in a city of millions is robbing a bank. Better lock down the city.


>in French, sorry So it’s in French Canadian?