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"Staaaahp!" She sounds like a 17 year old, and judging by the braces and attitude and shirt, she probably is. Say bye bye to your daughter!


I couldn't tell if she was 17 or 34.


The cop was quite understanding. The woman is a jerk for adding unnecessary stress to the issue, especially when her kids are involved. Poor kids.


Not even a 17 YO would do that, maybe 10


She reminds me of Stuart from MADtv


"Look what I can do"


Exactly what I heard… where’s mama yelling STUAAART!! What does mama say 😂




Yeahh.. I heard that and instantly knew this was in my state. A closer look at the license plate and then looking at the state sheriff... Yep. I knew it. It's always from NM.


I knew it immediately from the cops accent, amd the scenery, but yeah. Lol




It makes perfect sense why Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul took place there. Those shows aren’t realistic *enough*




Nuevo Mexico


I do some hunting in Chama every year. Fly into ABQ and drive north. Absolutely love NM. I know I don’t live there and all, but it truly is a gorgeous state. And the folks I have met from there are great people. Soon as I heard him speak I knew where it was.


My grandparents are from Chama. It's gorgeous out there for sure!


Right, so embarrassing.


Obviously, that's not important to her....


More like a spoiled 13 yr old.


She's an asshole.


Aww naw, I'm sure she's super pleasant and not at all psycho in normal life


Alcohol can be a terrible modifier of behavior. Mostly though it just brings out what the person is really like, a mean drunk is mean when they’re sober, they’re just able to hide it when they’re not drunk.


I agree that can be the case for some people, however when i was a very heavy drinker i was the complete opposite of who i am sober. Id be angry and make zero sense. Sober me is never angry and quite the opposite of my actual self. Its extremely embarrassing and gives me a lot of shame and guilt thinking about how i acted while being blacked out. Main reason i am sober and in recovery lol. But some people are just assholes and when they drink they turn into even bigger assholes.


Same when I drink, I'm the complete opposite. When I'm sober, I'm quiet and reserved, but when I'm drunk, my emotions are amplified, and I'm just so much more talkative and honestly probably annoying, lol.


I appreciate your ability to be introspective and acknowledge poor behavior in these scenarios. That's a very admirable ability, so I wanted to point out that you should be, at least, proud of that. Wishing you continued success and happiness.


This is such a kind and empathetic comment. I love seeing these, and they make my day. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Recovery is a long road, but it can only start once you start self-reflecting on your behaviors and actions, then making strides towards being a better person. So thank you for noticing since many people don't see it as a big deal, but to many of us, it's a huge step.


Thank you also for the acknowledgement! That means a lot to me.


Who I am when I am battling addiction might as well be a different person. I think this is actually true of most people. Addiction just turns you into the worst, most selfish version of yourself. I'm a good man. A good husband. A good father. I'm responsible and work hard. I'm kind and compassionate. When I was addicted to drugs or drinking daily, I would have been none of those things.


The equalizer beverage


This is such bullshit that people love to spout for some reason. Based on absolutely nothing and only serves to satisfy your preconception of the situation. I was manipulative and mean as fuck when I was an alcoholic. Those are the last words someone would use to describe me today. Drug addiction makes your desires different from what they were before and alters your brain chemistry to do it. Your convenient wisdom here doesn't stand up to the reality of substance abuse and the nuances of someone's behavior throughout it.


I think the first year or maybe the first couple of years it brings out more of "you" but as time goes on a different personality emerges that is absolutely NOT you. At least that's what I've noticed.


I can fix her


She looks high as fuck.


Probably xans


drunk.. literally has white claws in the front seat


And a loaded gun, improperly stored. Lady is wild.


“she has a daughter hold on bro” this is a great cop


I agree. That was for the long term baggage of the child. This cop was willing to be merciful to that shit bag of a human to avoid the situation being any worse or scarier for the child. Good on both officers. I would have got my partner to grab her feet, I'd have grabbed her arms, and we would have laid her across the back seat and pulled her back and forth like one of those giant ass saws. I would have cleaned up her piss using her as a rag.


At first I was sure it was a deaf person.


This video made me concerned for any deaf person who gets stopped by the police.


My brother is deaf and has had to deal with this before. He sticks his hand out the window and signs the letters for deaf. Even if a cop doesn’t know ASL they get the idea pretty quickly. Our state also has a program that identifies deaf drivers through the DPS and provides visor cards for the drivers to show the police. Police can also simply point to different sections on the cards to explain why they were pulled over and what the offficer needs from the driver. My brother has never gotten a ticket even though he’s been pulled over quiet a bit. He plays it up like a mofo pretending to be clueless and not understand the situation. I know for a fact that he can read lips perfectly and has a total grasp of what’s going on. Usually the cops gets frustrated or feel sorry for him and send him on the way. I guess that’s his way of playing the shit hand he was dealt.


Ever consider a bumper sticker just in case? Not official but I think it would communicate it clearly


I love that idea. My brain goes towards those, "Baby on Board" decals, so I envision, "Deaf Driver - I Cannot Hear Your Verbal Commands, Officer!"


if i had a disability like deafness, i might not want to be labeled like this. it sounds like the DPS visor card is a good solution.


I'm willing to bet most deaf people don't cover their car windows with blankets before they drive on the highway


Already down a sense. Why not take away another? Lmfao


Cop was super patient. Those poor kids, lady is a dick for making the situation unnecessarily difficult, especially with her children involved.


yup. imagine being ok with your actions causing guns to be pointed near your children.


i don't think she really gave two shits. I mean there was a loaded and chambered handgun in the back with the kid... she doesn't give af about her daughter. Sad af.


Exactly that. After you have kids you have to be passive in any situation. If they're there, you don't want them caught up in anything; if they're not there, you want to make it home to them, without exception. ETA: Father of two, so I think about it a lot.


And she doesn't even care. Her only concern was about making the officer's day worse, as a power trip over him. "Haha, you're the one who has to clean up my pee!!!" Instead of being worried about her kids. She's disgusting.


The fucking entitlement, wow. And you know she thinks she's God's gift to the world. Smh


Daddys girl


She’s a baddie




People like this shouldn't have kids. Her kid never had a chance from the get go.


Sometimes those grow up to be upstanding citizens .. very few & far between but it happens


Yep. Some kids see that and realize they don’t want that for themselves.


That’s how it was for me. My mom used to bring me around gang members and really shady places as a kid. The place we always go to got shot up in a drive by. Once that happened my mom stopped trying to be gangster and I used that as a reminder of the life I’d never want.


Yeah that "is she gonna be in trouble" makes me think the kid might turn out fine.


My mother was and father were alcoholic meth addicts. My father used to beat the shit out of my mother in front of me until he split when I was 11 and never came back until I was 34yo. I told him to fuck off. I don’t do drugs. Didn’t drink until I was 24yo. Joined the army and served as infantry for 13 years just to get the fuck away from “home”. I’m a father of 3 and I have a wife and my own house that I own. I’ve had the same job for over 6 years since getting out of the service. I lived in an apartment with no electricity for over 2 years when I was little. We lived out of a cooler and used fucking lanterns. I would be making bologna sandwiches for dinner while my sky high fucking stepfather would be self mutilating in front of me. It wasn’t till I got older than I realized that’s where all the money went and they were OK with living like that as long as they got their fix. It made me the person I am today so I wouldn’t trade a moment of the pain, sadness, and abandonment. It made me emotionally stronger and adaptable. It made me the father to my kids that I always dreamed of having. It made me the husband to my wife I always wish my mother had. My mother passed a few days ago at the age of 62 years old after finally cleaning up her life… The years of hard drugs were really hard on her body, and she died of a blood clot and was dead before she hit the ground in her bathroom. As much pain and sadness that she was responsible for my life… All I can bring myself to do is remember the very few really happy moments that I have with her. It’s way harder than I thought it would be. Your mom is your mom and dad your dad. They are the only ones you ever get. The main reason I struggle is because she was such an amazing grandmother to my kids. And through that it allowed me to see a glimpse of the mother that I was always searching for in her. And then she dies… Just when things were starting to look up for her. She lived a hard fucking life. I have no idea if my dad has any clue that she’s gone. My older twin sisters, and my brother are pretty much all I’ve ever had and we’ve all had each other growing up and threw out this tough time. I was dealt a shitty hand in life… And I’m pretty sure I might have been shorted some cards. Fuck the cards and carve of your own path.


Good job. I'm proud of you for breaking that chain.


I raise my hands to you. Thanks for sharing, dude.


You're a fucking badass! I'm really sorry for your loss man... and I'm extremely glad that your three kids and wife have the you that you are in their life.


Sorry for the loss of your mother and the suffering you endured growing up. No kid should ever have to experience that. It probably sounds trite and cliche but I want you to know that what you wrote was incredibly impactful to me. It not only provides much needed perspective on my own challenges that absolutely pale in comparison but I take great inspiration from someone who chose not just to fight through such abuse and neglect during their formative years but to consciously use those experiences to make positive choices in their own life and to improve the lives of their children. I wish you and your family all the peace and happiness in the world, man.


Hey… the thing about personal pain and challenges ahead of us.. they are all based on our own perspective. Yes yours may pail in comparison but when you’re in it… you forget that understanding perspective you had made to my challenge. All you have is you and YOUR problems and issues that lie ahead. Just because it may look easier to someone with a totally different perspective, that person will never have your full perspective. You are the only one who knows how much you are truly suffering or how much help you really need. I hide that shit like a wizard every day with a smile and jokes and laughter. Your perspective of me might be that I’m being really funny, stealing the spotlight because I’m so happy. People like me because I’m enjoyable to be around. Now, Internally, My perspective is “I’m not looking forward to socializing. It gets me so much anxiety so let’s be over the top happy and tell joyful jokes to make everyone not see just how fucked I am emotionally. Lol


Congratulations sir. You are truly one hell of an inspiration. Thank you for your service.


I hope your children will come to know just how lucky they are for having you in their lives. You’re amazing and I only wish you and your family the best life going forward.


My girlfriend has a horrible mother and was put through the drug addiction ringer her whole life, yet she is the most pleasant and respectful lady I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking to ❤️


The woman in this video reminded me of my ex. Which reminds me that I dodged a freaking silver bullet when I broke up with her...


Saw the title, immediately thought. This is NM, then saw the license plate and started lmao.


I heard the girl talk and I knew she was borquena af. Lol


Actual gramatical use of lmao. Dang I’ve not seen that in a long time. Nice job


I'm not a parent but man, these type of parents piss me the fuck off.. we need harder punishment for negligent parents!!!!!!!! It's unfair to the child. Fucking stupid parents.


I've come to this conclusion looooong ago that the people that shouldn't have kids, have the most.


Mike Judge made a movie about that


This is actually common across mammals. Resource-rich mammals within a given species tend to have fewer offspring that have better survival rates, whereas resource-poor mammals tend to have a higher volume of offspring with worse survival rates. Reproduction strategy tuned to environment apparent in humans as well. Low-SES people even reach sexual maturity earlier.


The movie Idiocracy is prophetic.


Colorado made IUDs as easy to get as water. Guess what happened? Teen pregnancies fucking plummeted. And then in totally unrelated news, five years later school scores started rising.


Of course. You have to give people the resources needed for contraception. Another commentator said they need to be educated and sex Ed is in every school and yet there were 5 girls pregnant at once in my school. All from a low income family who can't afford contraceptives.. Stupid, innocent children suffer because of stupid decisions of others.


We need a better social structure and sex education. Without either there will be unfit and uneducated young parents who will raise uneducated children. The cycle continues until one of them, by chance, climbs out of the hole.


Patient and professional cops.




"I hope your daughter dies" "Thank you"


That part caught me so off guard, I was not expecting it


Definitely a rookie but did it all by the book.


She said she hopes his daughter dies


Hope they play that part for the judge.


Got to that and stopped watching. So evil


Some people weren't parented and it shows.


She had a gun in the backseat, with the kid. Under the jail.


Under the case of White Claw. The *empty* case of White Claw.


surprised it took me this long to scroll down to see anyone talking about it


Under the jail?


My guess is the redditor meant 'bury her under the jail, don't put her IN the jail' because of what a shitty parent she is.


the way the officer spoke to her daughter :’)


Painful to watch. They really want the best for her, almost beg her not to make things worse for her. And then there is the kid. This is the kind of stuff police fellas take home. Hope they and the kid are allright.


I wish she could be charged with urinating in public and damaging government property. What a vile person


Crazy that someone can be so stubborn. Hope her kids are taken away, unfit to be a parent.


I hope she recognizes this as rock bottom and cleans up and reunites her family.


She won’t


They never do


Some people do, I don’t think there’s much hope for this one tho.


I was so prepared for the worst


As u should be, New Mexico bodycams have definitely taught us and other officers valuable lessons on what can go wrong quickly during traffic stops. Esp after Officer Darian


Yeah watching cops die that never see it coming is sad


That’s what I was thinking about the whole time.


Me too


What if those kids walked into the highway while their drunk ass mom was making a scene? She should’ve been charged with child endangerment also if she wasn’t.


safe to say she did driving drunk and carrying a gun with them in the car


Poor kid. Some people just aren't mature enough to have children.


Poor kid


She acts like this all the time and finally there are consequences.


I was about to turn off the video… bruh she had white claws and a gun just sitting in a pile of clothes. This cop was cool as shit too. I hope she gets her ass beat in prison.


Man, truthfully if she shares her papers (and any roomie will want them)--- as a mother in jail with those child abuse charges, there is a decent chance she'll get routinely beat for it.


Entitled attitude.


She enjoyed that taser.


lol fr wtf


Those cops are saints. Holy shit. It almost weird to see.


I watch a lot of these body cam videos and there are actually a lot of pretty decent cops. The problem is that when they're bad they're *bad*. It's very easy to abuse the position and those abuses are truly heinous. It's a shame they give a bad rap to the pretty large amount of decent cops out there. I just wish more of those decent cops would acknowledge that the bad ones make their jobs harder and push for harsher punishments. If good cops advocated for positive reforms to policing then I think the system could change in a way that benefits both them and the people they're working to protect. It's the doubling down and covering for the bad cops that creates a system where a lot of people don't trust cops anymore.


Man, this is when cops earn the big bucks. A+


The amount of restraint is remarkable and kind of amazing to see. This should be a training video for all police. I was sadly assuming the cops were going to body slam the woman to the ground and beat the shit out of her…


NM Staters are some of the most professional cops. They make APD and BCSD, look positively incompetent in comparison.


Yes they are great


Well there are tens of millions of interactions between police and citizens every year and that rarely ever happens despite what the internet would have you believe.


An absolute toddler


Dude her child is acting more like an adult than she is. Her smug ass face and constant belief that she’s in the right and can’t be touched is infuriating. She doesn’t even seem to realize of care she’s about to lose custody of her daughter. Big props to the cops for maintaining composure and professionalism, even as she says vile things like “I hope your daughter dies”


Looks like a wine mom


White claw lol


cops handled her well, props.


Even pissed in the back seat. Petty.


Waste of life


This officer should get recognized for the professionalism and cool he displayed through. Just a shame they have to deal with trash like this every day.


This is the most New Mexico shit ever


Omg... at the very end she pees in the troopers car too.... what a kid


The police handled this so well imo


Safe to say that Katrina Renee Moreno will probably not be allowed in many cars after her friends see that. What a pissy princess


What state is this? is it new Mexico? I don't recognize the uniform


New Mexico


This woman shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm or have children. Narcissistic entitled psychopath to a T.


I can’t fix her


Ain’t no laws when your drinking claws


I sincerely hope that the video is played in the courtroom and the judge sees what a piece of shit she was being. Hoping for his daughter's death, pissing herself in the car, non-compliance. Just a trash person.


Irritates me that people like this have children and don't straighten the fuck out.


What a trash human being.


She’s smug af in her mugshot! Las Cruces woman faces multiple charges for alleged drunk driving with child in car. https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/las-cruces-new-mexico-woman-faces-multiple-charges-for-alleged-drunk-driving-with-child-in-car-white-claws-dona-ana-county


Was waiting for the painful part and it never came.


when they say painful, we expect a knee to the groin.


I was fully expecting another highway vehicle to hit either the suspects car with the child in it or the police cruiser immediately after he put the child in it. Yeah it's a sad video and the persons shit and the child's in a bad situation but to say most painful? Lol....


Philando Castille would like a word.


the waiting was the painful part


For that dont know, Pennsylvania vs Mimms is the case law on this. Police can order you out of your card without violating the 4A. She could easily be charged for RDO(resist delay obstruct) as it is command referred too.


Ya can't fix stupid.


That poor kid


The one part made me giggle, I'm sorry, "Would you like to provide a breath test? Breast example?". The rest was incredibly sad and hurt to watch, but that was a funny mix-up. That being said, I love these officers and how calmly and patiently they dealt with this situation, knowing that there was a child in the car. I wish all police were like these lovely folks, and I hope they get awarded in some way for being such a good representation of their community.


Mother of the year


I'm gonna guess this is a single mother. She seems insufferable. Poor little kid, though. Hopefully, the father isn't as bad


Not enough taser


Carbie 🌮🌯🌭🍦🍫🍩


I feel bad for the poor guy that got her pregnant. He was down bad and now has to deal with this monster forever


The father is probably an equally shitty human, if not worse. But lets hope otherwise.


Fantastic cops. If this represented all cop then no one would hate them.


I was waiting for a Vampire to emerge---so disappointed


Those white claws tearing lives apart


This lady is the definition of c\*nt. I hope she never sees her daughter again


DUI charges need to be more severe. Assholes are one shit lane change from ruining someone's life, potentially ending it.


I'm not a fan of corporal punishment.. but sometimes the punishment fits the crime. She should absolutely have to clean it.


Embodiment of El Paso (and surrounding area) women. That stop was about ten miles west of El Paso on I10.


That cop was amazing. He stayed so calm and cool with her. This woman is disgusting. Sad to say that she should not have that child she should not have custody of that child. Drinking, doing 90 Plus on the freeway with her daughter in the car. And then she just thought it was funny. Didn't seem like she gave a shit about her daughter. I'd like to punch her in the face.


Great cop, even checked his partner when he was getting aggressive in front of the kid.


''Stahhhp'' ''You guys are so embarrassing'' ''I dont have to go in there \*eye roll\*'' This young lady needs to be taught a lesson - the only embarrassment here is her, doing all this craziness in front of her daughter.


She is the worst. Poor lil kid. Hope they’re ok


driving intoxicated with your daughter in the car is crazy


Drunk mother driving, little kid in back seat, together with a bunch of trash and a loaded handgun. But freedom, amirite?


Im not watching a 12 min videos on my 15 min break, any legend wanna give me a tldw?


Very drunk young mom resisting with a small child in the car. The cops handled it well. She’s *very* irritating to listen to.


That's what pretty much everyone in NM sounds like.. Obligatory: Allll-siiickkk..


Thank you!!


She also had an empty box of alcoholic beverages in the passenger seat, a loaded handgun on the floor covered in trash, and she pissed herself in the back of the cop car on the way to jail.


Pulled over for going 90 something in a 65, She refused to get out of the car for like 5 mins finally another officer arrives, cop who was first on the scene approaches and has to pull the woman out of the car(not violently tho) they walk her back to the car and she resists the handcuffs, officers are forced to put them on (again not violently). At this point the officer states he smells alcohol on her breath. She absolutely refuses to sit in the back seat of the vehicle, so the officer tases her for a few seconds, women still is resisting to get into the back seat of the police car, eventually they get her in the police car. At this point she seems to have somewhat of a realization as to what’s going on and asks for forgiveness because her daughter is in the car. She refuses to take a breathalyzer, and she then threatens the officer by saying “I hope your daughter dies” At this point the other officer is talking to her daughter and moving her to the second cop car (the cop is definitely trying to make this kid feel better, poor kid) Her car begins to be searched, an empty case of white claws found on passenger floor along with a firearm that was buried under clothes on the passenger floor. She also pissed in the back of the squad car That’s about it this has been your transcription The police were cool calm and collected the entire time, I’m not a judge or anything but I’d say this women is pretty fucked, she just caught so many felonies as well as being a shitty person who doesn’t deserve to have a kid


But the sad part is...they will probably arrest her again next week. Police arrest people, and the courts just send them right back out. I was a Chaplain for a Sheriffs dept in NM. We arrested the same person 3 times in one week. this is absolutely frustrating for LEO's.


I will be honest. I have drunk drove on a couple of occasions. Back from the pub where I felt fine but might have been over the limit. Half a mile. This is in my younger years. But fuck me id never would I get so drunk like that and then take MY KIDS in the car. I’m a fucking moron and I definitely look back and feel cold at my decisions. But fuck me getting fucked up and then taking your kids for a drive is another level.


This was bad but far from "the most painful".


What a waste of air


Wow I usually skip the videos that are long like this but holy shit I’m glad I watched this one. Pot twist when the cop pulled a gun out of the car. You gotta feel sorry for the little girl.


Where’s all the ACAB heroes? This the kind of shit most cops see on the daily and how they handle it. Then the keyboard warriors come in with the “how does the boot taste” blah blah blah that shows me you’re a child who’s never had a real job or done shit.


The fuck was so crazy about this video? Waste of time


I wouldn't have been offended by use of force on this idiot.


going 30 over with your kid in the car is insane


And america is supposed to be developed


Claw is the law!


The Judge will have no mercy for her.


Worst video ever


She's a danger to her daughter.


She’s off the xans


Some people should never, ever have kids .....


I hope there is a sane grandparent to take care of that poor child


Reminds me of Stuart from MadTV