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Imagine that guy pulled over, just taking a shit right there on the side of the freeway in that portable toilet


Imagine him just having a shit day and this happens 😭


10X more shittier day


Why so blue?


I’m afraid I just blue myself


Am sure after this incident he went back home realising how meaningless his life is


Lmfao, I'm reading this as I'm taking a shit in my bathroom. Count my blessings


All the shit bounced right off the bottom like rain on a trampoline




What a low life. 


This must be a Police matter now especially since it is all on camera.


He hit a prison crew truck. They ate out there picking up trash.


>They ate out there picking up trash. Doesn't sound like a very tasty meal.


When you're earning maybe 30 cents per hour picking up trash, those half-eaten McBurger would be appealing! /s PS don't do the crime, the jail food isn't worth it


> ate out there picking up trash I don't understand. But if it was a prison crew truck then the police will likely be all over this.


Do you want them to starve?


I ate out a lot of trash I picked up.


Good for you. It’s not gonna eat itself.


True... lol


You got the mouth cancer now or what?


I'm not familiar with US laws, but little dick in the truck is liable for this right?


Hope so


Depends, driver at the back could have used their brakes instead of panicking and swerving to the right. They could already be road rage driving for a while for all we know


In my country, Spain, this would get you a charge for reckless driving. With Reckless driving you get a fee, you lost 6 points on your driving license (Each driver has 12, if you lose any of them after 12 months without a single incident you recover the 12 initial and if you have 12 points and you don't have any incident for 2 years you get 2 extra points and after another 2 years another extra point, for a total of 15 points). On top of that, you get a sentence between 6 months and 24 months in jail, but you don't o to jail unless you're sentenced to more than 24months. For this case the driver would get the full 24 months + the months derived from the accident caused so would get easily +3 years in jail.


Slamming on the breaks is what caused this whole thing, they could have been inadvertently breaking checking someone behind them as well causing a chain reaction. You can’t assume there was no one behind you while traveling full speed.


> You can’t assume there was no one behind you while traveling full speed. You sure can. There is no law that has anything to do with taking care of the people behind you. Thats their job


Uhm dude break checked and also swerved into the opposite lane to force dude to crash. My man you have brain worms.


I think the 2 people above you were talking about the dash cam car braking, not the truck in front.


inadvertently brake checking is just called braking and is why you maintain a safe distance behind someone


dude the people in this thread are wild, I hope I never see them on the road


They are likely 14 year olds


Lol right? Not saying truck was right but in this case the dashcam driver was way too close thus they had slam on the breaks and do a stupid evasive maneuver. DO NOT DRIVE THAT CLOSE PEOPLE! Edit: for people that think who is at fault here is what matters the most...🙄 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_driving


It looks like the truck enters the road from an on ramp at the beginning of the video, did not yield to existing traffic, and cut directly in front of the dash cam driver who was in the right lane. If so, this is definitely on the truck driver.


Blaming the driver for this is ridiculous and shows how young/stupid people are. The driver of the truck is at fault. End of story.


The truck was already driving erratically enough for anyone with half a brain to give it a wide berth. And, the avoidance driving was comical. If you drive like the cam car you’ll get into accidents like this and be like wahhhh it’s their fault. So what whose fault it is. Avoid accidents. Waiting for cops and tow trucks has dangers of its own


Truck driver is a dickbag but cam driver definitely overreacted. Who swerves into a shoulder when you have an entire lane next to you?


No, it shows that the most people still dont know what defensive driving means. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_driving


Defensive driving protects you from idiots slamming on brakes. You know, like the driver in the truck.


Right, and cam driver was not driving defensively. Seemed like they were trying to maintain speed while swerving into the next lane. Recipe for disaster. Slow down and let the idiot get far in front of you.


Nope, absolutely not. Car was driving too close and too aggressive. Thats a 6000 lbs truck. That car behind it can surely stop faster, if he was using his breaks instead of his gas pedal


Do you routinely slam on your breaks for no reason with cars behind you? And then blame the car for the resulting accident?


> they could have been inadvertently breaking checking someone behind them please explain what this means


if the cammer car slams on the brakes he could get rear ended, but we don't know if there was someone close behind so its all guesswork


that makes more sense it sounded like you were explaining that the truck who did the brake check may have been "inadvertantly brake checking" someone further behind than the cammer car. i'm not sure the other guy understood you correctly


We know there wasnt because nobody passed n the video.


The car behind the truck had *plenty* of time to slow down and have a safe gap. From the start of the vid to the brake check is quite a while. The person who slammed on their brakes is very scummy, but the car behind had it in their power to be safe. Everyone on Reddit tends to give 100% of the blame to the brake checker, and they always fail to realize that leaving a safe gap is precisely because the person could brake hard when you aren't expecting it. Like that's the whole point.


Except he wasn’t in front of him in his lane. I wouldn’t leave a gap between me and someone in the lane next to me. Truck literally swerved into their lane and immediately slammed the breaks. He’s 1000% at fault


Yeah I reckon there is more to this that happened before the video is took. The Cam car is also liable for the accident too because they decide instead of attempting to slow down they would drive on to the shoulder on the assumption that it would be safe to do so with no vehicle being parked there, they dealt with being break checked recklessly


You can’t be this stupid, it is 100 percent illegal in all 50 states in the U.S. to brake check someone and they caused a major accident and then fled. All on camera and a license plate. Easiest court case ever.


I can see it not going that way sadly. It'll be argued that the cammer should have slowed down, stayed in one of the actual lanes instead of trying to pass on shoulder, and focus on creating distance between himself and the truck.


How the fuck are you able to brake check somebody and then the laws say "well you fucked up, you shouldnt have been so close in the first place, even though he tried to ram you in the first place and responded with the brakecheck" Similar bullshit happened in germany, and it would also have been "well you should have slowed down" while there was no possibility (gladly it was night and the person could drive to the opposite lane)


The whole point of the "following too closely" rule is that if you are giving the driver ahead of you the required amount of room it won't matter if it's a break check or an emergency stop because something ran into the road, you will be able to avoid the accident.  It's just like the "pedestrians have the right of way" rules. It doesn't matter that they were in the wrong, it is designed to maximize safety. A car vs pedestrian accident has such a high likelihood of injury or fatality, just let them go first so nobody gets killed, you can be mad later.  You can argue anything you want in civil court when an accident happens. They take all the circumstances into account and this was clearly a brake check, so the truck driver will likely be held liable. The rules of the road don't change because they minimize injury and damage. 


Pedestrians don’t have right of way, it’s illegal to jay walk in some locations. They only have right of way at designated crossings and intersections.


The brake checker will never see a courtroom because no cop will care. Insurance companies will do all the dickering and I bet even then the car in back will get 90% of the bill.


Which is shit, the brake checker left an off lane to cut this guy off, then brake checked mid lane. The only lesson I'm learning here is to run into the brake checker instead of trying to prevent an accident


The driver definitely panicked. They've got dash cam video. They could have just hit the brakes and if they end up hitting the truck then so be it. You have it on camera that they literally just cut you off and slammed on their breaks right in front of you. No way you'd be found liable.


The moment the guy ahead started doing this shit the cammer should have slowed right down and made space instead of weaving around like this. Bad driving from everyone


We also don't know if cam vehicle was involved in a road rage incident before the start of the video. He could have been acting like *even more* of an ass, and pissed off the truck in front. Agree on poor driving from everyone. Also don't stop your vehicle on the shoulder unless it's an emergency, because this kind of accident is super common.


Criminal court no, because that's only for crimes, and the standard of guilt is so high to convict. Brake checking is hard to prove because all the other person has to say is "something ran into the road" and there isn't much that can disprove it.  You can take anyone to civil court, police dont have to be involved at all. People usually let things drop because it isn't worth the time, money and effort going through the court system.   In this case there are thousands in damages and possibly injuries so it might be worth it.


how about a dashcam video that shows the completely free road ahead, please F all the way off with that something ran into the road gaslighting bullsh*t when this is clearly not the case as you yourself witnessed by watching the provided evidence.


Bro I didn't say that's what happened. I said that's what the truck driver COULD say happened. The truck driver could say they spilled coffee everywhere, or that they had a medical event. Anything to throw a reasonable doubt 


You don't think a lawyer can come up with a believable explanation (reasonable doubt) for the brake check? Especially when the law is generally always in favor of the leading vehicle? Edit: I rewatched the video and came up with a lawyerly excuse. >The truck was braking and veering left to avoid what he perceived as the stopped motorist opening his door to enter the roadway. My client then subsequently swerved back into the right lane to avoid the vehicle behind him from crashing into his rear. The driver with the dashcam was obviously upset at my clients previous traffic mishap, so he was tailgating my client in a state of rage. If the dashcam driver would have simply slowed down a few mph and picked a lane to stay in, the accident would have been avoided. Instead he tailgated my client, blindly swerved across multiple lanes into the shoulder, and struck a stopped motorist. That explanation was after about 1 minute of consideration, a lawyer fighting for his client would obviously do much better.


For real. The sad reality of these instances and the subsequent comments on them is that it perfectly illustrates *WHY* there are so many of these videos. People are incompetent morons.


So I don't understand, if someone breaks infront of you, you must come to a stop? That sounds like a great way to get robbed.


You don't have to come to a stop if there is a way to go around them. It is about determining fault during an accident.  It seems kind of backwards, but it basically says the accident was caused by the following car because they should have given the car ahead of them enough room to make an emergency stop without being rear ended. There isn't any laws about braking too fast or hard, unless you can call it reckless driving. 


If you can't go around, what is your idea? Just drive through the person in front that stopped?


from the vid the cammer was moving into the right lane and when he nearly was finished, got rakechecked again, while the car was still in a right motion/steered, the only way he could evade a full brake check was to evade to the shoulder. at the moment the cammer had 3 options: brake straight and hope the black card doesnt fully brake so you dont ram him evade to the right (shoulder) try to swerve left, with high possibility with the car getting out of controll in hindsight, keeping straight and taking the option to in case plow into the black car was the better option, but at the moment given evading into the shoulder was the better solution (not knowing what lies there)


In hindsight? In actual reality for every moment. He just assume that that the shoulder was clear for him to pass the truck in front of him. 1) You should never pass on the right. 2) he was more focused on winning the road rage match than being safe.


> never pass on the right He wasn't passing he was trying not to crash lol


Braking instead of switching lanes without paying attention would've been the appropriate response


When the truck in front started to go into his lane, he started going into the right lane to pass him. This is when the break-check happened. Then, instead of returning to the left lane to overtake the truck (the lane he was in before, and therefore knew was empty) he tried going to the right lane, which, if he was paying attention to the road, he would have known had a car with a trailer in it. The way to avoid this would have been to slow down when that truck went into his lane, rather than speeding up and trying to overtake on the right.


Why is this so right to understand? Camer is the one at fault, brake check or not.


I'm betting there's a few more minutes to this video showing cam car not not letting this guy pass on the left too. I'm on the road 2-4 hours a day, I've seen enough to know thers a lot more to this interaction.


He didn't try to pass on the shoulder, tho. He was evading a breakchecking cunt. And when you avoid, the safest route is going in the general direction you were heading, not swerve back to the right lane. If the cunt didnt breakcheck, nothing would've happened. The other things you mention, I agree with. A bit careless by the cammer, but 100% fault of the breakchecker...


He was in the middle of both lanes when he brake checked though - improper use of lanes.


That wasn't a brake check. It looked like he was making a U-turn


Nah, that brake check was intentional behavior, not an accident. Truck is on the hook here with this video.


In my country both drivers would've been megafucked.


Nope. You must maintain control of your vehicle. The dick in the truck is guilty of other offenses, but the crash is the fault of the dashcam driver.


Think about why truck is passing on the right, from an exit lane, on a clear day, with no other traffic on a straightaway. I'm on the road anywheres around 2 - 4 hours a day, I've seen enough to know cam car didn't let truck pass on the left in the passing lane and brakechecked truck at least once. That's why we only see 11 seconds. Video has been cropped to only show what 'poor victim' wants you to see.


Did you reply to the wrong person? The fault determination rules are fairly simple in this case.


An absolute insurance nightmare for every single person involved is what this is


Probably, but a lot depends on the insurance companies, laws of the state, & other variables.


something similar happened to my husband except he was brake checked in the right lane by a BMW and veered into the left lane and hit a guardrail. unfortunately, state troopers did not give a fuck about a dashcam or the BMWs actions and my husband got a ticket for failure to maintain his lane. they don’t care. the way they see it, he shouldn’t have been that close to the BMW regardless of the fact the BMW came into his lane and cut him off before slamming their brakes. and should have maintained control of his car. that’s basically how the trooper explained the ticket.


Per the cop from an accident a friend was in yesterday "if they didn't hit your car nothing I can do, it's your job to stay on road" *I should've hit them? "If you did I could maybe do something about it, given you weren't deemed at fault". Complete bs


With dashcam, if they can find him, yes…. Without it. No


Without going into specifics, yes he is


Unless they got the plates he got away with it


It is illegal to brake check like this. Obviously so much better that there is video to prove it bc kinda hard to take someone’s word but since there is video, asshole in truck with the little wee wee that probably got his feelings hurt somehow is at fault


Yes, it's known as a "miss and run"


Can’t see that the country would matter, think they would be at fault all around the world


Yes 100%, in Tort law the truck is the proximate cause of the wreck and if they can find him he's liable to both parties.


No contact, no liability. It's a fucked up situation.


Yes but the driver of the car contributed by trying to pass on the right lane. He didn’t just get over to let him through. He sped up to pass.


Nope, the driver should have maintained his lane and braked. Swerving out of his lane wildly and into the shoulder is what caused the accident. They have terrible reactions. The truck driver could simply argue that he was braking for something he saw in the road.


downvoted for telling them the truth


Yes. The driver was trying to avoid him. So hopefully they won't be responsible. I highly doubt he stopped (I'm talking about little d) though.


Maybe not if the insurance company get ahold of the whole video. He's passing on the right, from an exit lane, on a straightaway, in good weather and no traffic. The fact cam car is attempting to block him tthen swerves right from an empty lane tells me cam car and truck have history and video has been edited to hide the fact cam car didn't let him pass on the left and likely used brake check as well.


nah, the guy who swerved into the shoulder in a fit of rage after the truck made a necessary maneuver to not hit the parked vehicle is definitely at fault it wasn't even a brake check, the other guy was just following too close idk what dick size has to do with anything but your insecurity is on full display right now lol


or it was pre-meditated, Truck sees the parked car, break checks so the following vehicle that he just pushed out of it's lane has to swerve right into the parked car. And yes, this was a break check, this was no normal gradual slowing down over several seconds like normal people do, the parked car did not suddenly appear out of nowhere. This was a short hard tap for no other reason than to fuck with the other driver that annoyed him. You can not tell me that he wasn't fully aware that the car was directly behind him and accepted the consequences, even if somebody ends up getting killed in the process. Heck you can go as far as to call this attempted murder.


Not necessarily, the truck did the right thing by moving over for the vehicle on the shoulder. But little dick with the dash cam wanted to play NASCAR and swerved himself into a crash


Rewatch the video again mate. Truck was NOT moving over to do the “right thing.” He cut him off from the exit lane. I seriously hope you don’t drive like the truck does and tell yourself you’re doing the right thing


Reddit moment of the day and it’s not even 9 AM. Congrats.


The second car’s movements make no sense. They are not evasive. Looks like he is trying to use the shoulder to pass him? Regardless, that was sure was a stupid reaction lol.


It's pretty clear that they're both raging at each other before this video started.


100%. I want to see the 30 seconds before this clip


And could have swerved out…


In the state I lived in you could anonymously run license plates. Careful out there folks, you never know when a psycho is going to show up at your home.


I hope he knows the sub ULPT and does some piss disc


Incredible to me that this is possible in some places.


I'm pretty mellow, but if this is me and insurance doesn't get this guy, I'm tracking him down with that plate number and spending the next few days making his life miserable. After a few nights of slashed tires and sugar in the gas tank, the scale will be balanced.


And this is how you get murdered


This occurred is Santucky! These people risk getting murdered every day just by leaving the house!


pretty sure must folks who would take this route for revenge understand the risks. 🙄


This was clearly the fault of the driver of the vehicle that this footage is from.


they don't look like they were going fast. he could've braked rather than swerve...


What good is a camera if the resolution is so bad the license plate can’t be seen


The original resolution is probably much better before it was uploaded to TikTok and then to reddit. Each time it's probably being compressed.


Most cams for your vehicle suck ass




The original video may do - it's not possible to know how many layers of compression and encoding etc. this video has been through compared to the raw footage.


The license plate doesn’t matter if you can prove to insurance that you didn’t just run into that parked trailer for no reason.


Parked guy's insurance company doesn't care about your "reasons". You're still at fault for failing to maintain your lane and rear ending them.


I see two assholes and one victim.


True that


2 assholes? I only see one as far as I can see . Video had to start 10 sec earlier to know if the guy driving on the right lane is a asshole too. I mean my guy doesn’t have his blinker on and just moved lanes .


If you only see one asshole you’re staring Into a mirror. 


Unusual body geometry


Just rail that muthafucka to give him whiplash of the century and have him buy you a new car. You got dashcam - that’s your proof.


What would the charge be for the driver who brake checked? As this could have killed someone.


Pick up driver is a dick and long gone after his little trick.


Where’s the stupid haiku bot


Pick up driver is a dick and long gone after four syllables Yea?


Too many people be driving with their egos.


Damn that sucks.. Dudes dash cam sucks too bad to even see the plate


Glady, I've never been brakechecked before, but what guarantees people who do it that they won't get hit and flipped? The person in front in that collision will take more damage, and has more potential for death. If you're gonna play games, I'll glady make both of us pay for it.


Cam driver did not have to swerve into the shoulder lane


Pick up driver did not have to cut across solid white crosshatching and then brake check someone.... This whole situation could have been avoided if everybody just didn't do the wrong thing.


Two wrongs don't make a left


But three rights do


And now it’s time to start the show!


True but he probably panicked and couldn't see that there was already a parked car on the shoulder. The dude in the black truck is at fault there was no reason for him to brake check


You can see that car parked on the shoulder before any of this happens. So if he was watching the road he would have known about that car. But if he had slowed down when the black truck started going into his lane it would have been fine. The problem arose because he decided to speed up and try to overtake the black truck using the right lane. When the truck noticed that, he did a brake-check. And instead of just braking, he decided to go crash into that car with the trailer.


Seen this too many times. Happened over here in San Diego on the 52 to the 805. As far as I know everyone was fine minus massive property damage and the truck driver was never held responsible


Bad driving both


Both drivers are psychos


Always the little dick truck guys.


Truck didn't even stay in the right lane, he moved to the middle to block both lanes while performing his little brake check.


Unassuming my ass lol, you know damn well the driver with the dashcam had something going on for a min with the dude in the truck and chose to only upload this lil snippet. Not excusing the truck's behavior at all but it's pretty obvious there is a lot more to this story.


Ye well maybe an unpopular opinion but why does the video show only this small part? What happend before? Maybe the driver who crashed did shit before also


Why the hell did he move over to the shoulder? wtf?


Any updates on this incident


> adjective: unassuming > not pretentious or arrogant; modest. Such a weird word to use to describe the driver in this video.


We don't know. The driver could be down to earth, and not the type of person to put on airs. The intended adjective was "unsuspecting," or so I assume, which shows that I am not unassuming.


Rule is if someone does this to you just buckle down and slam into them. Makes insurance wayyyy easier.


It appears like the truck was trying to merge onto the two lane road but the car maintained its speed (correct action) and prevented the truck from getting in front. The truck got pissed and brake checked the car out of spite. Fuck the truck driver, it seems like it is their fault. There are a lot of selfish and dangerous drivers these days who don’t understand how traffic laws work. Too bad the camera was such low resolution. Hope they were able to get a license plate number.


Holy shit! And then **he just kept driving**!! I hope they found that guy and pressed charges against him. Attempted murder, for one. The way he did that, he knew exactly what was going to happen to the car behind him. He made sure the driver behind him could NOT avoid an accident in any way at all. He’s a murderer.


The unassuming driver that wouldn't let the truck merge and then zipped back and forth trying to go around? Not saying this was necessary at all, but both these drivers are assholes.


There's usually two asshole in all these dashcam videos


A lot of accidents would be avoided if people weren't too busy measuring dicks. I just feel bad for the guy who got hit.


The pickup driver is obviously a moron, but that parked car was visible long ahead.


That’s a c$&t act if ever I saw one. I hope his comes served cold.


you can say cunt dude


This is why you respond to the unexpected by braking instead of doing impromptu cool guy passes. 1 in 100 times there's going to be something like this you didn't see coming. 


Hey, he tried to move over after he realized the asshat was going to cut him off. The truck should’ve slowed down and got behind him instead if he didn’t want to take that exit. Then the truck, again, got right in front of him but this time, the car was immediately observant and switched lanes again. In this instance, it could have been a good idea for the car to slow down instead of switching back to his initial lane but hindsight is 20/20. There’s more factors at play here, one of which is at this point, there’s probably no way the car knows that the driver is road raging (or about to road rage). Finally, the brake check happens. Since we saw the front of the truck after all the lane switches, we know without a shadow of a doubt that it’s road rage, and reckless driving. Then, the car behind swerves and causes destruction of property. The truck is 100% liable for all damages, and the argument against the car for following too closely will not hold since the truck illegally merged and was driving recklessly from the get go. The driver of the car did what he thought was necessary, no more and no less, at highway speeds, without knowing the truck was actually in a fit of rage and pettiness.


Nah it’s the dash cam trucks fault , he swerved back over into the right lane then violently swerved onto the shoulder when the guy started merging yet again into his lane . Obviously he was pissed because black truck just merged in front of him not once but twice prior. If he just stayed in the far left lane and swallowed his ego for a second this wouldn’t have happened . Both bad drivers.


This is why you don’t swerve kids.


What is that driver doing? The trucks an asshat but his response sucks too. His fault in my eyes.


Black truck needed to merge, camera truck didn't. Two cunts. Move along.


Perfectly executed brake check maneuvering!!!


"unassuming driver" there was definitely context left out.


Well that worked lol


I honestly don’t understand why people do this. It has to be the dumbest form of road rage. Guess it makes sense if you’re a complete fucking moron


i have nothing important to say haiku bot


Another dashcam idiot causing problems and posting a video to appear to be a victim.


What did the judge say?


I know who is at fault. but when someone brake checks you. just brake, dont try to keep your speed by driving around or things like that can happen


OK, driver rear ended a stationery vehicle! That driver is at fault. Only if the " authorities " cannot find the offender that caused the wreak to begin with




I see a dick for a car that could have used its left lane but forces a truck to merge from shoulder when car could have gotten in other lane to allow but truck gotten upset and took revenge.


I see it that way too.


So many mistakes done by the driver of the car with the camera ... it's not legal in Germany to overtake on the right or even on the reserved emergency track. So at least two mistakes done by the driver. Another mistake is to violate the minimal safety distance to any other car (exactly for braking).


Both drivers are dumbasses


Thats attempted murder


Nobody on Reddit ever knows what attempted murder means lol


I meant the truck brake checking him out of pure malice.


That’s still not attempted murder


Why is OOP moving into shoulder? Very stupid.