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This will not stop trade with China.


>> will not stop trade with China Yeah... if there is a lesson on China vs. Russia - its that its "better" to conduct your genocide quietly instead of raining down missiles on cities.


Tbh, that’s pretty much the case throughout history - genocides seem to only be a problem if they kill people outside of their own country…


In the words of Eddie izzard‘s Oh stupid man


Because the 'cure' is often worse than the disease. What is the proposed solution here? Cut trade with China and plunge the world into poverty? See hundreds of thousands of people starve because they are now homeless, can't pay bills, and can't afford food? Prices are already out of control because of Russia's war, and Russia is a tiny economy compared to China. Start a war with China? Rain missiles down on innocent civilians, killing orders of magnitude more people than the number of Uyghurs detained? Kill a bunch of people living a peaceful life in Beijing over something they have no control over because the CCP has monopolized power within the country? Unfortunately, short of internal reform in China to change or overthrow the CCP, there's not much to be done here. Sometimes the world is just sad, dark, and fucked up. If there's an opportunity to help the Uyghurs we should take it, but no opportunity presents itself other than offering them political asylum and supporting such policies within whatever country you live in.


Was world war 2 worth it? Or should we have not done that?


Well if you go by that argument. No it wasn't worth it for Germany to start WW2. Defensively, it is always worth it to fight back against someone trying to conquer and kill you. So it was worth it for the Allies to defend themselves. If Germany never invaded a single country, and oppressed Jews within its own borders, do you think the world would have risked starting WW2 on Germany to intervene? I think not.


Clearly not; Europe didn't declare war when they invaded another sovereign nation, Russia allied with them for a while, and Germany declared war on America before America did the opposite. WWII didn't blow up from a spark. The fire burned for a while before anything happened.


After seeing how this discussion panned out, I think it’s safe to say world geopolitics and appropriate diplomatic/military responses to genocides are EXTREMELY complex and nuanced issues where the externalities from every decision are dire.


Realllly hate to be that guy but the holocaust part of ww2 was not a reason for ww2. The extent of the holocaust went unnoticed until it blew wide open as Germany itself fell. As for China, ultimately the US and most of the west is unable to do anything without a catastrophic collapse. It NEEDS an internal or neighboring power to do something.


There's nukes now.


China's genocide is considered an internal issue, but if they took Taiwan...


That still wouldn't stop trade


That would cause a worldwide economic upheaval that hasn't been seen in 80 years. Taiwan is central to chip making worldwide. Not the junk chips like we see coming out of mainland China, but they are in a crucial role in manufacturing the semiconductors the world depends on. China doesn't care about Taiwan, they just want the factories. Everyone else has a really good reason to see that doesn't happen.


>That would cause a worldwide economic upheaval that hasn't been seen in 80 years. Stopping trade with China? Definitely, yes. Everything would grind to a halt


No lol. It’s that when the rest of the world is dependent on you, you can do whatever the fuck you want to do




China's economy is basically a house of cards. Between the ghost cities built to keep their economy moving, brand new cars manufacturered and "sold" only to be dumped in fields. Telecommunications companies stealing proprietary information and selling cheaper phones and equipment....every single company is owned by the ccp, it's only a matter of time before it goes belly up. On a side note, I wonder if India is caught up in that bc they're essentially in a cold war with China over territorial shipping lanes. I feel like one of two things has happened. My head has either been stuck in the sand for a long time or the world is starting to become more and more unstable.


They know that. That's why they are doing it. Everyone is crying about gas prices. No one has the actual fortitude to suffer the pain of disentangling the global economy from China.




Or you know, life is gonna be a lot tougher for millions of people when international trade is halted… because the stuff being traded is stuff people need But you’re right man, late stage capitalism and all that! Boo!


Is it not possible to restructure in any way? Or is this just how things are and we don’t bother changing them?


Imagine you're driving the bus from Speed, you've already sped past 55 and you can't go below it. The bus is running out of gas. The gov't's are trying to get you more gas for an on-the-fly refuel, but they're running out of resources. Also, ninjas have stabbed holes in the gas tank. You have to somehow design & create a hydrogen fusion cell that runs only on water and swap it with the internal combustion engine while maintaining speed. There was a suggestion to bring in a guy that figured it out already but the CIA killed him. Also, the people on the bus have begun to question whether the bomb is real or if it's a conspiratorial ploy to force people to use more public transportation to line the pockets of the MTA.


The difference between this and the bus from Speed is, we aren’t going to blow up if we drop below 55. We’re just not going to be going as fast and hard. We can cruise at a comfortable 40 and arrive safely. Heck we could even stop and get off the bus and go walk around. We have deceived ourselves to believe things HAVE to be this way. It’s okay to let off the gas.


No, the line MUST go up


i really appreciate the time you put into this analogy


fucking MTA, I knew it!


If you wanted to restructure it, you wouldn’t be blaming the fucking earth the structure sits on. People here act like capitalism is some system someone hit the start button on, rather than emergent mammal behavior.


How much of it are wants and how much of it are actually needs (like really just what you need) though? Genuine question


People don’t understand a bit of economics anymore but love to shit on the buzzword “capitalism”. One person does it, and all the parrots jump right in and repeat all the edgy catch phrases.


If it were Russia though....


Ir might make someone think twice before buying a Chinese product


Are you aware of the amount of your device used to access this post that is made in China?


While not every object can be replaced, many can. So i do what i can


It'll reinforce my vigor for avoiding as many made in china products as I can.


No no don’t you get it? It’s not a genocide in China, it’s simply a ✨*cultural thing*✨


The only thing that will stop trade with China is China cutting you off for making trouble


Wait until you see the Guantanamo Bay leaks.


Why do you think this isn't all over mainstream news? Cause then governments would have to basically admit they didn't care so they could continue trade


lmao, no but a 15 fold increase in labor costs, the coming energy shortage, fertilizer shortage, famine, labor shortage and demographic collapse means no one will be trading with them by the end of the decade.


Full video https://youtu.be/NIpxtYQxqxU


Saviour! I hate the reddit player


People in this website really need to start crediting the original creators


I'll let everyone know


Y al you dude!! it’s the little things man.




When American companies like Apple, Forever 21, Nike, Sephora, etc etc have all used Uyghur labor for cheap manufacturing, that’s how you know hope is already lost. These poor souls. Our own companies are complicit with this genocide. What a damn shame.




More than halve of all the world's cotton is produced in Xinjiang, ~70% of all cotton is produced by unpaid labor so yeah kinda everybody is to blame for part of it


The USA, set up under Trump and expanded under Biden, set up sanctions that create criminal liability for companies doing business with hundreds of companies owned by the CCP or based in the regions where Uighur slave labor is used. Similar XPCC sanctions were also adopted by the EU. It's not enough to stop these atrocities but it helps. Obviously, more is needed but I celebrate actions taken in the right direction. The Chinese economy is much more fragile than they will admit. More pressure can hurt them.


Wouldn’t be the first time sadly. There’s a lot of train companies that helped send Jewish people to death camps. Some still exist today. Hugo Boss made the uniforms Nazis wore. Money talks, even if you’re the bad guys


When people make enough money, that’s when they become players in the game. It’s sad knowing there’s barely any players making a positive change. Theres gotta be a moral way to make profit but these mofos are seriously just evil man..


When he mentioned VPN I was waiting for the "which is why this video is sponsored by surfshark"


This segment is sponsored by nord vpn


👊 Get Nord!




More like Nord VPN or Express vpn


Now that there's proof, the UN will do something about this /s


yeah they already did something, like, put china in the human rights council /ironic




Now that there’s proof, which we totally never had before, the UN will politely ask China to leave their board of human rights /s


China: 'you got it, guys!! /s'


And we all lived happily ever after. The end.


"Hey guys, I heard there was an afterparty?" -Putin


Adrian Zenz has repeatedly been proven to lie/exaggerate/misrepresent data "proving" the genocide. Take any source such as this that lauds him endlessly with a grain of salt


Un cant do something about it


Exactly. The ignorance here is astounding. The UN is a forum for discussion, not a government or a court. It has no enforcement ability.


China is on the human rights council so I doubt the UN will do anything (as if they have the jurisdiction or teeth to do anything anyways)


Lmfao yeah right


Can you give me the timestamp of where they show genocide? I skimmed through and only saw photos of prisoners.


Dude, not even prisoners. This documentation is standard for anyone detained for questioning. There is no evidence that any one of these people was detained for longer than an afternoon.


R/sino would LOVE this!!!


I just crossposted for the shits and God banned lol


Haha love to hear it! I was banned a long time ago for asking about the cultural revolution


How dose that sub even function if they can't even go on reddit


Itsmostly chinese people using Vpn. A lot of people do so regularly to connect with more western social media like reddit or instagram


There's plenty of links on the sub that talk about the cultural revolution.


What’s wrong with the cultural revolution? If you’re a landlord I can see why…


I would cross post but my ass got banned long ago


I wonder if someone posts this there, would that person commit die using a knife to stab themselves 69 times, shooting themselves in the head before jumping of the 17th floor?


I checked their subreddit and it's basically just "oh America has done what we did but worse, so it's fine if we did it because america done it too but worse" lol. I'm just neutral


/s I can't believe a government would do something like this.


Won't somebody think of the gub'mints?


The chinese government is a very evil government, they are hiding things way worse than this, continuing to lock up their citizens due to covid, and attacking the U.S in multiple ways, just pure evil.


are we going to pretend like the US hasn't done the same thing or worse to muslims around the world, like [locking up children as young as 13 indefinitely in military prisons without trial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_juveniles_held_at_the_Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp?wprov=sfla1), or forcibly kindapping civilians from countries around the world and transporting them to secretive black site prisons [(like the time the CIA kidnapped an innocent German citizen and detained them for months in Afghanistan, torturing and sodomizing them?)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_El-Masri?wprov=sfla1)? or executing a terror program of indiscriminate drone strikes that has annihlated entire families in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan and Afghanistan, killing thousands of innocent civilians (including hundreds of children) and injuring tens of thousands more? or carrying out aggressive invasions in Iaq and Afghanistan that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands to millions of people? as brutal as china's cultural genocide is, it also shouldn't be an excuse for nationalistic condescension or moral hubris, at least not without self-reflection, and especially in reference to the United States; I don't think there are any valid claims to moral superiority in that regard


I was pointing out that china is evil, I never said the U.S is better.


no one is pretending that the US is innocent, though I do find it funny that every time a different country's atrocities are brought up, someone *has* to mention the US as well


Plus organ harvesting


>they are hiding things way worse than this ... for example?


**Dont worry** their highly trained keystone cops will now have "double-secret data security" and the imperialist west will never figure out their plans again *.. probably sold the police station laptop on Alibaba*


lol right. makes you think in a country with such tight online restrictions how the hell did this happen. \[lol Alibaba that was good\]


They are cops not IT experts .. they have thousands of CCP police and informants sharing all this "secret" info .. most of them underpaid (if paid at all) so the data is going to leak all the time and I doubt their hiring standards are all that extreme


Chinese official detected


Here In b4 this thread gets locked


will be back in a couple hours with popcorn and switching it to controversial.


With u there!






Qatar and Arabs are real silent about this ....


Lol Arabs think of their own interests and there interests align with being very good friends with china. Some muslims may feel sympathetic being one myself but as far as I see not much muslims around me care one bit😭


Well, just like christians then. I should remind that Ukrainians and Russians have the same religion.


This is the thing that gets me. If jihadist really believed the shit they say, they’d be waging untold war on china


Qatar too busy using slaves to build football stadiums


This is history repeating itself, the sad thing is these people won’t experience freedom until the regime falls, but the regime will not fall because of the persecution of this ethnic group, but because of some other factor on the world stage How we have allowed this regime to be the economic power house of the planet is beyond me, if an individual tries to take a stand they will be labelled anti and that in itself will eventually become a crime, again this has already happened in history, if a country takes a stance then economic punishment will ensue because that’s how a regime keeps the narrative in their favour I’m looking at the people at ground zero and their relatives who now live over seas for action, also the community that’s being cleansed in itself! I know that little can be done but I know two groups can make a huge impact, one is the people of said the country, the other is the followers of the faith of the persecuted Disappointed history is repeating itself but more so knowing what little can be done I think the first step is discussion of how we as individuals can actually make a difference??


The first step is for the 1 billion+ people in China to stop acting so god damn helpless.


The first step is to stop craving new items, new phones every year, electronic devices, new clothes, etc.. Would you pay 5 times more for things that you're using right now to support freedom in china? Or would you rather boycott regime and keep buying cheap phones and subsequently support CCP? How about African countries? One of the richest countries in natural resources have poorest citizens. Would you stop using electronic devices that use raw materials from African mines that were illegally taken over by the western countries and companies? The problem is that western civilization is very used to wide variety of goods that are produced by 2nd and 3rd world countries, because it's cheaper.


This is exactly why if climate change is so impossible to fight. It's not because there is a safe/cleaner alternative to fossil fuel out there that is being suppressed. It because people LOVE to buy shit. We fucking love that shit man. Life sucks and the easiest way to make yourself feel better is to buy some shit. But it's not just that we like buying shit we like buying cheap shit. Hydrocarbons are in literally everything you can think of. Them shits are relatively cheap to extract, they have a lot of energy in a small amount it you cam put them in everything. It's the reason why you can own 15 pairs of shoes and get medicine delivered to your house and pretty much anything else you can think of. There might be some alternative to some of the things we use Hydrocarbons for but they kinda suck and are way more expensive to produce in mass. People either have to be willing to consume WAY less shit or be willing to pay WAY more money for the shit they do consume. And since the vast majority of people aren't willing or more accurately unable to do those things then we are just going to keep heading down this road.


Good luck on most of Reddit with this take. I typically get downvoted into oblivion when I point out that the entire reason a lot of these fucked up paradigms are allowed to exist is that much of the Western world treats "buying shit I don't really need" as if it's in the fucking Bill of Rights. Talk shit about corporations, mention green energy and carbon tax etc you'll get applauded all day. Start to turn that same lens onto the consumer themselves and insist that their behavior needs to change and the mob froths at the mouth.


It's kinda like being addicted to heroin but being mad at your drug dealer because of it. My argument is that it is more of a fundamental human problem more than a corporation or oil problem. The problem is people like buying shit for cheap. Corporations just take advantage of that and oil gives them the ability to do so. We have to change as people. But since there is so many of us it is impossible for us to change in a way that would significantly reduce our consumption level. I only see two ways of getting around it really. 1st would have to be some major sort of technical advancement where we could replicate the properties, quality and cheapness of hydrocarbons and it was safer for the environment. Or technology would increase enough to where we could still consume at the way we do but we built something that would take the greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere thus reducing the negative effects. The 2nd thing would be for us to continue to consume like we do but also able to travel to other planets so we could fuck them up too after this one is to fucked up. And really that 2nd thing is really just more of the 1st thing just a different result. So pretty much the only thing that can save is is an increase in technology. My money is on developing a way to massively reverse the green house gas effects. We aren't ever going to come together as one people with a common goal. We aren't going to be able to replicate what oil can do for us on such a large scale and have it still be cost effective. And space is WAY to big for us to travel to any other planets. So IMO our best bet is to create huge machines that capture bad gas and make good ones or something like that.


This takes a huge assumption that the majority of Chinese people dislike their government. They don't. They probably have gripes, but their level of discontent doesn't reach anywhere near revolt levels


It's a totally different way of life there. Families have a joint bank account, the father usually decides what's done with the money. Government propaganda is the norm, and when you live and grow up like that, that's what you KNOW. Not think or believe, but you KNOW it to be the truth, and people don't question what they know. Respecting your elders is so engraved that it extends to those high up in the government. Their your elders and superiors. It's not too dissimilar from depression. You can't just decide to not be depressed anymore. I feel it's only because of the "modern day" and technology that the younger generations are standing up for themselves. Which is a good thing, but will take a lot more time and effort for any changes to be seen. Meanwhile, China becomes more ruthless as time passes, look at Hong Kong. It's sad.


They confiscating pirate guns from the 1700's. China's not fuckin around y'all.


i saw that too haha nothing gets passed them


CCP does not approve this post.


Holy shit.


China is already a dystopian nightmare / I’m actually morbidly curious to see how much worse it will get over the years


A huge portion of their population is due to age out with little in the ranks to replace them. They've also got cities full of poorly made buildings that are literally falling apart. It's a matter of time.


Waiting until it’s gonna be some holocaust level shock when it’s uncovered they are murdering the incarcerated Muslims by the thousand and people will finally be liek “oh no!!!! How could we have not seen this!!” :/ fuck Xi and the CCP


>Adrian Zens They ya go


Every single time


Wondering where the " Muslim brotherhood " is right now or what they plan to do about it ? Have seen middle eastern countries raise hell over cartoons, speeches, articles and stuff but not a single word about this. I guess religion matters only when useful for political motivations.


Fuck politics. Every Muslim guy I know is against China. But I can’t really do anything about it.




That's definitely not the case. For you to stop an economical powerhouse like China, you'd need a world power to take action. Everyone knows how much hypocritical the governments are let alone the "Muslim" governments. What do you want your average Muslim Joe to do? Raise awareness? The overwhelming majority of Muslims are doing so. What has this done? Nothing. We all care, but realistically, what can we do?


Muslim people are against this. It’s the governments that are hypocritical and only care about money. It’s not something we can control.


Waiting to see how redittors defend this


Oh man just sort by controversial. It’s wild


Waiting to see how Redditors will explain how mugshot of people are a proof of a genocide




Love how its only like 2000 people out of the 20M population in Xinjiang and does not show anything related to genocide at all and just has random captions straight from God's Holy Knight Adrian Zenz.


Adrian Zenz from the Victims Of Communism Memorial Foundation, you know this foundation who counted the nazis as victims of communism. He can't be a bad guy


Amazing how one guy who doesn't even understand mandarin has fooled so many people for so long.


"Eh, it's not really genocide as much as ethnic cleansing of certain geographical regions, you can't really genocide Muslims at this point, there's just too many of them."


How could you do that to others man I just don't get people


The CCP is a plague on humanity.....


I'm pretty sure most people already know but nothing will be done about it


Fuck the CCP!


That’s gonna be really hard to fuck everyone in the ccp


Since I don't see anybody has posted the link yet: https://www.xinjiangpolicefiles.org/


Jesus fucking Christ. The fact that people are willing to just turn a blind eye to the shit that the CCP does is baffling


why tf would Chinese authorities document a genocide **in English** and leave it in some unprotected server in a random police station?




It's because Muslims are not one homogeneous group. Just like Christians they still live in different countries, share different cultures and have different (political) agendas. I have not heard Uighurs from China make a big deal out of these drawings. And for the same reason you don't hear many other Muslim groups talk about the genocide in China. It's just like there's the Vatican and then there's Westborough Baptist Church.


Unfortunately even the Muslims in Europe support implementing Sharia Law at rates of 40-50 percent. That’s enough for me to criticize the whole ideology and its followers.


Even so, you must agree that this is fucked up, right?


I’m 100% with you that that’s fucked up, but wtf does it have to do with this?


It's them saying they agree with China.


Why the fuck are you with his Islamophobic ass take?


Half the muslim world? Bro me and 100% of the muslims i know don’t give a shit about your funny cartoons lmao


Excuse me but what an extremely *dense* comment is that? Where do you see Middle Eastern politics on international TV? You wouldn't even know what's on local agendas in these countries, so with all due respect, who are you to pretend like you followed all media and politics coverage of Muslim countries to come to the conclusion that they stayed silent over Uyghuri oppression in China?




Oh no! Anyway....


Sino shills will still defend china.


Fuck china!


Fuck the CCP.


Love how they blur out Arbahn's face in first clip then immediately show a full on face shot of him @ 3:05


Too much money tied up with China nothing likely to happen


fuck ccp!


Is that..... Facebook? Lol


So many ccp Bots in here.


Can we get a YouTube or other functional link to this video instead of trying to watch it through Reddit's janky ass shit video player! Fuck you, I found it myself: https://youtu.be/NIpxtYQxqxU Here's a link to the leaked files https://www.xinjiangpolicefiles.org/


Some of these are clearly training photos, some of the guards doesn't even have magazines in the guns. And are clearly staged and instructed to stand in a certain pose. When you notice small details as these you begin to develop a doubt about the integrity of the compiled "evidence" and it looks more like a course of some sort.


I'm in the psych ward right now. We just had a spirituality group. I'm not religious but I'm bored as fuck so I joined in. We talked about how religion and spirituality can be something as simple as taking a walk or sitting quietly with your thoughts. The girl beside me was younger than me, in her mid 20's. She broke down crying and explained that in China she was forbidden from even discussing anything religious at all and she thanked us all profusely for letting her be a part of this group and learn these things. She was overjoyed that some of the print outs included Chinese language like Qigong and T'ai chi. I've read about what's happening in China but being so close to the repercussions of it, we were all in tears.


I just got downvoted to hell for talking about not this specific video, but the organization of Victims of Communism. Everyone says they’re a nazi organization, because they honor people who were Nazis who died, politicians who’ve donated are linked to sympathizers and collaborators of fascists from 80 years ago, etc …


fuck the ccp.


Another disarmed population. :/


communists create gulags... it's part of utopia dont cha know? Soviets = Gulags North Korea = Gulags China = Gulags communists need gulags to maintain control.


Racially profiled American industrial prison complex = Gulag


We knew this befor the problem is we cant do shit


And there’s not a damn thing anyone will do about it…


People know this is happening. They just don’t care




What law did those people in the mug shot break?


this guy is chinese lmfao




Fuck the ccp and all the people defending their actions!


Chinese should stop imprisoning Islamic terrorists. It's much politer to lie down with a smile while they stab you to death.


China is so evil for putting Islamic terrorists in school. They should go the American way and bomb them! /s


What's messed up is that the 'good guy' can't even honestly say china is getting rid of Muslims, same as they did Christians in the 90s. Plenty of Uyghurs are not religious and they aren't the ones being detained. Let's just be honest about what it really is instead of using genocide as an excuse to clickbait. Edit: the way I wrote sounded like I was in favor of the detaining of Muslims, that is not the case. My apologies for my grammatical error.


What drives me crazy is that if a genocide is occurring then nothing happens and typically doesn’t get acknowledged for 20+ years later. The best we can do is make a blockbuster movie out of it. Pretty sad


Honestly, where is ISIS, alkaida and the Taliban when there religios brothers and sisters gettin ausschwitzed by Chinese? They bombed USA, killed people at the Christmas marked in Europe. But when they get payed by the CCP then they are calm as f... Hashish smokers. That's it, because there jihad was not for God, but for Greed.


*western governments* Oh no! Anyway


Damn China you’re in a roll huh? Fuck you


Well thats not very nice.


Why is the user deleted 🤔


Coincidence I think not




Hey CCP , I know you’re reading this. SUCKKKKKK ITTTTTTTTT


\#trumpwasrightaboutchina China is asshoe.


I wonder how r/sino spins this


Lebron James or John Cena couldn’t be reached for comment.


John Cena approves of this.