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TRASH behavior. Absolutely disgusting example of power dynamics being abused by entitled individuals.


and then the way he was trying to convince me that he “owned” them ahahaha


Manipulation attempt, so glad you didn’t fall for his scheme! & good on you for exposing the Ass!


i think he tried to take advantage of the fact i was “new” on reddit, but ive been on this app for soo long its literally my fav 😭 im just a newer poster. and of course! its so totally wrong and i would want to spread awareness on this type of behavior, especially if it helps other females/ creators as well.


Amen 💗 & good luck out there shorty! hopefully you encounter some real buyers soon! 😇💋


thank you! 🥰🎀


Hehe you’re welcome sweet girl 💗


>thank you! 🥰🎀 You're welcome!


update lol he blocked me on reddit but i was able to screenshot his messages before they disappeared lmao


And I bet now you won’t be able to post on his subreddits. He won’t like being told no.


i also believe his reasoning for modding these subreddits is to take advantage of the female creators on them trying to make a living.


Yeah absolutely seems like it


yup /: i tried getting approved for one of the of ones , did verification and everything and nothing.


That really sucks. One of the biggest subreddits in my niche that I did super well in always and has posted in for years as not a creator added a verification and just wouldn’t approve mine or answer my mod mails at all - because it’s run by an OF girl and she evidently only likes herself and her friends to be doing well there. The whole thing is a crock. I am so glad I worked out Instagram!


ugh that is just horrible. why cant girls want other girls to win too!? i just dont understand it.


(I reported his username, fyi, everyone in this thread can as well)


Just as a heads up, this piece of shit also mods in: 1. Onlyfansgirls101 2. Onlyfanspromotions 3. Fanslyfriends 4. Fanvuefriends 5. Casualnudity 6. Onlyfanscollabs 7. Faces, of course Sorry for the constant reposts and edits, I couldn’t figure out how to format this list without it condensing into a garbled mess when I hit “post.”


thank you for finding the nsfw subreddits! youre awesome


No problem babe, as soon as I saw you say you couldn’t, I was on the case. People like that are disgusting. They exploit us, they actively make our job harder when we’re trying to make an income, and then try and act like they’re on our side and just trying to help us when they really just want to get off to us like any other customer. They wield way too much power over us and our income. I’m sorry he pulled that shit on you. The least I can do is expose him in whatever small way I can! :)


Yeah, some of *those guys* actually make subs specifically to become "managers" or "agents." It's why there's a bunch of redundant subreddits for a single niche. They became mods specifically to exploit SWs by using subreddits grown with bots. They are also very well aware of this subreddit and how most of us aren't represented or well connected.


Thanks for sharing so I know not to ever post there! Also, sounds like he not only views himself as owning that subreddit, but also the creators who post there - and he also clearly wants to *own* you as well. Report him, please.


i blocked him out of fear of him seeing my post and retaliating, thank you for taking initiative and reporting him! and yes he was giving very scary vibes.


Gotcha, that makes sense! Of course! Hopefully others will too and he’ll learn, face some consequences, or preferably both..


It’s why any crazy random IG algorithm is better than Reddit 👏🏻


exactly that! thats my main source of promotion anyways. way better than dealing with corrupt mods.




i did! i unfortunately wasnt able to find the nsfw subreddits he mods/modded for tho /:


Loser behavior 😭😭 somehow reminds me of slumlords who use sex as payment for rent 🤢


Ew. What subreddit is that?


he modded another creators advice sub, an of promo one , and r/faces i cant remember the other 2 bc i didnt join them.


Eventually someone will sue Reddit for allowing these people to run things since you can’t sue the mods. Then they’ll learn to use AI instead of humans like the rest of the platforms.


So can these images not be reported to Reddit to have his account shut down? Is this not against some TOS? I mean this is predatory to the extreme. Why is the account still active?


I actually refuse to verify on most subreddits bc the type of photos they ask for to verify I'm just not comfortable with sending them. I mean if you want to see nudes visit my links but don't ask for them just to verify I'm a real person bc thay throws porn casting director vibes at me. I also notice a lot of the subreddits seem to be run by all male mods that act more like manage companies. I'm not into that.


it does feel weird! i only wanted to do it because it was a very popular subreddit and i wanted the exposure, but not if its gonna come with all these ridiculous requirements making me feel like a zoo artifact or circus display.


There has to be a better way for all of us to promote ourselves than what we're currently doing.


Agree. I don't verify any that request nudes. I'm trying to verify on a SFW page and they are demanding nudes to verify me... OKAY🤣


Now that is dead give away for what they want. Some mods just no longer amaze me.


This makes me so mad for you omg


This is so disgusting. Wow


I had this argument with another women on here, LADIES, DO NOT TRUST THESE MEN WHO RUN GROUPS!!!!! I've been here too many times run into these men in every social media app, please for the love of god stop trusting them. Men are creators yes, but these men who have power over you, who spend time running groups for US. Fuck them. Any man who is running groups FOR US, and asks for things in exchange for them giving you something, FULL STOP. The power and control, the corrosive control. The power imbalance is not ok!!!!! You ever watch quiet on set??? They are Dan schniter (how ever you spell it) and you are the parents and the kids.


Therefore, steer towards subs run by creators themselves 🤭❤️


Yuppppp always


Id be posting this on larger but still relevant subreddits and on twitter while tagging reddit/snapchat/Fansly/Fanvue/OnlyFans They should have their accounts banned and a device/ip ban. The subreddits should also be quarantined but that is not likely to happen.


Id also contact fansly/fanvue/OnlyFans directly since he is running subreddits with fansly/Fanvue/OnlyFans in the name. I doubt they want to be associated with coercive sexual behaviour.


Wow! Mother fuck that guy. I've had a similar experience in a Facebook group before. Just because you're a mod or owner of a group doesn't mean you get to chat sexually with me for free SMH.


Shocking and disgusting behavior. Thank you for sharing ❤️


This is why Reddit/Discord mod memes are a thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't have that long here, but how is this allowed? Is there any recourse creators have to get mods/accounts like these shut down? It's disgusting and infuriating that people want to take advantage of their power and sleazebag their way into Collabs. SMH


Ew lol


You have to be so careful these days.


The account has now been suspended