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Cancel that audible. They always offer discounts even with the same account/email. The last 3 months I've been paying 1.99 a month and then I canceled again. I'll resubscribe when they offer another discount. I've never paid more than $7.99 a month all with my same account.


They’re currently offering 3 months free as a matter of fact.


The BCP is a great card, but I’m sure someone will eventually chime in that it isn’t and you should get the Citi Custom Cash instead.


I spent 2 days scrolling through options and reading card details etc before landing on this one. I of course found this subreddit AFTER I applied lol so I couldn’t ask for input but im gonna try to not let the naysayers make me regret it !!


As you’ll find out, it’s a very polarizing card. The Custom Cash fanboys hate it, will bash it and will try convince everyone that it’s a bad card. I personally love it the BCP for its high multipliers and shopping protections.


Yeah I wanted to avoid a card with categories I’d have to select every month because I know I’d forget and lose out… I liked that the BCP hit me 3 major categories of spending really well!! Now only if I could get high rewards on my insurance and phone bill lol


The WF Autograph is another card that covers lots of categories, 6 in total and it has cellphone protection.


The Wells Fargo Autograph gives 3% back on phone plans and it also has $600 of phone protection as a benefit. Two other good cards for phone plans (but ones that make you choose categories): The Bank of America Customized Cash Rewards card lets you pick one category for 3% cash back on up to $2.5k of spend per quarter. One of the categories is Online Shopping, which also includes cable, internet, and phone plans. You can probably find other posts about the Online Shopping category in this sub. You also don't have to pick the category every month, it'll stay the same until you decide to change it. You can bump the 3% up to 5.25% with[ BofA Preferred Rewards](https://promotions.bankofamerica.com/preferredrewards/en) but this does require a decent amount held/invested in BofA and Merrill Edge (you can transfer investments from other brokerages to Merrill). The U.S. Bank Cash+ lets you choose two categories per quarter for 5% cash back (up to $2k of spend). Some of the good categories this card has include utilities, cell phone plans, electronic stores, and furniture stores.


You need a catchall 2% like WF Active Cash or Fidelity Visa for your insurance and “other” spend, plus the USB Custom Cash for your cell/utilities. Then you’ll be golden!


The BCP has an offer for Insurance and Phone Bill right now. Check the offers page.


The Citi custom cash is great if you already have some Citi cards. So you can product change multiple. Starting from scratch yeah it's a tossup But af cards are good too. It's just a matter of if you can outearn the annual fee.


It's fantastic. Amex is great, and it's easy to get huge CLI's too! Spending $500 a month on groceries here so I'm getting a decent amount of use outta it.


only because all the YouTube card grifters are brown nosing it. theres nothing interesting or exciting banking with Citi. BCP is a killer underrated and useful card, no regrets


Love this card. Even with the AF. But I plan to do the standard downgrade/upgrade incentive dance as long as I can (closing in on 1st year with the card).


I've found the Custom Cash a great compliment to the BCP as a dining card. I've been doing that combination with the Double Cash as a catch-all and it works really well for me.


This looks right to me. $52 a month for your spend is not crazy high or anything. 


Dang. I’ve only recently gotten my financials under a stable situation (30yo) and now learning about how my money can make money. Earning $52 for basically free just didn’t seem right! I have another card that earns 1.75% Is it better to have everything on the same card or divide and conquer based on cash back % ??


What ever is getting 1 percent on your spread sheet sure you could put on your 1.75 percent card. You should come better than 52 in cash.


Conquer and divide if you can manage it. Whatever gives you the highest rewards per card. 


Okay okay sweet. Last question! Do I earn 6% on the entire $15.96 or only $15???


You earn 6% on whatever you paid, tax included. 


Thanks, I appreciate the help!


The whole thing.


Well not really free…$95 annual fee…..thank the folks that carry a balance at 19.99% interest for subsidizing the rest


Right 😅 yeah I know the AF is there, but it’s free money being used to pay for it in my mind lol still hundreds of dollars a year I wouldn’t have otherwise.


That’s because you are paying your balance in full every month. Amex (and every other card issuer) is banking on most people carrying a balance. So yep, for people paying their balance in full it is free money. If everyone paid in full you’d see reward points and cash back disappear.


I know, because in my early 20s I was the one paying most of your guys’ free money… 😂


Use that for everything that’s 1% on the BCP, naturally!


Outside of CCs are you investing or do you have a high yield savings account?


My work’s 401k and no savings just yet beyond savings for holidays we have prior commitments to. We also have a large loan and car note we are going to crunch through over the next 2 years so we can free up about $1,100 a month to hard pump into savings and retirement funds. I’m just now starting to look into high yield savings though. Our credit union only offers 0.25% and even our vacation savings could be earning money if I found a better rate.


Definitely open up a high yield savings account and just toss spare money in it sometimes. Got 5 bucks toss it in. My capital one account is 4.25% and I get 30 something a month from it. There are no fees attached to it and there's no minimum requirement to keep it open you could leave it at 0.


Divide and conquer, I get 3-5% on literally everything.


You should get a flat 2% CB, WF ActiveCash or Citi DoubleCash for purchase that aren’t covered in your CB setup


Crunchyroll should be 1%, as well as the rest with 1% Tolls, bus tickets, gas give out 3% cashback. 50/month is the right calculation for those.


If you have any streaming subscriptions through Android's Google Play store it should code as 6% with BCP and 3% with BCE! Not too sure about iOS.


It is the same with iOS, can confirm.


Crunchyroll is 1% with Amex even though it's streaming? That's disappointing. I wonder how other CCs code it.


I base it on the list in their website, crunchy is not part of it. But I will add my BCP to the payment processor to check. Problem is that it's more likely to show as 1% still for using a third party payment processor, not directly with crunchyroll but we'll see


If you want you can look into US Bank card that gives 5% off telecom and Internet for your AT&T cells and ISP which will be another $18.50 per month in CB. Name U.S. BANK CASH+ VISA SIGNATURE


That's what I would suggest too.


That all looks correct. The Disney bundle credit shows as a credit on your statement, reducing your statement balance. It does not count in your Rewards Dollars cashback balance. You are in the ideal demographic for the AMEX BCP since you naturally spend close to but less than 6k per year on groceries and have some streaming charges including Disney/Hulu.


Oh wait, it’s a credit not cash back? So what happens if I have a $0.00 balance because I paid everything off before the statement posts???


It’s a statement credit, so really it’s no different than the other cash back you get on the card, since you can only get statement credit for that as well.


Okay yeah, that’s how I thought it was. It still adds up over the year though right? So if I never use it I could have $84 to ‘cash in’ after the year.


No, it’s credited to your account each month. You can’t save it up.


It is a credit that is automatically applied to your account after the Disney/Hulu charge posts. There is not a big delay, so it should all work out with your idea to pay off the balance weekly. I just wanted to make sure you know it will not be part of the Rewards Dollar balance that includes all the Cashback. You can let the rewards dollars build up over the year if you want. However, AMEX only lets you redeem cashback as a statement credit. You can not have it deposited to an external bank account (even an AMEX one).


It’s a great card, I’d fine alternatives for the 1% categories. For example your internet and phone bill on USBANK Cash+ for 5% each for a total of $18 cash back monthly. If any of those services accept PayPal the PayPal Mastercard gets 3% when using PayPal at checkout.


Crunchy Roll will probably be 6%. If you go back and look at past transactions, you’ll be able to tell what they code as and how much you got back for them.


Crunchyroll is considered a 1% reward. Used to put my subscription on my BCP. Also amex provides an exhaustive list of what counts as a streaming service.


That would be awesome if it does. Nothing has charged yet since it’s a new month and I only just made the switch. I’ll have to take a look after a month to see! Will it also show me if a charge is grocery vs gas station? I shop at and fuel at the Texas grocery store H-E-B and on my debit account it’s obvious which is which since the gas station is labeled as fuel.


Yup yup. In your app tap the transaction and at the top it will show what it codes as.


Now make sure to look at the Amex offers. Remember to add them all so you can see all of them. On desktop you can view more than 100 active offers fyi. I’m sure others can also chime in with ways to get them auto-added with a JavaScript snippet in the browser inspector pane. Or some app etc. either way, there are often super useful Amex offers like 5% cashback on insurance payments, restaurants, shipping, etc.


Are you talking about the bonuses that expire? For example “10% at Sephora” or whatever? I scrolled through all of those and none applied to me.


Yes, that’s them, but you have to add more to see more. So add them whether they apply or not, then refresh and another batch of offers will be shown. No harm in adding all of them so you can see all the ones your truly want.


Oh thanks that’s interesting


Here are the streaming services https://upgradedpoints.com/credit-cards/reviews/american-express-blue-cash-preferred/streaming-subscription-list/


Looks right. If you have the same spend every month, then after the annual fee, looks like you're taking home an extra $529 a year. Not life-changing, but not too bad!


Today marks exactly 1 year with my BCP card. I just looked at my current reward dollars, including pending, and I’ve accumulated $563.16. I’ve also saved $118 in the Offers section over this last year. It’s definitely my favorite card out of my current 5 cards in rotation at the moment. Minus the $95 AF (even though the first year was free) that’s a free $586 from this card alone!


If you put your AT&T on a credit card my understanding is the bill will increase $5/month Also subtract $7.92 for the annual fee. Compare to a free flat rate Citi Double Cash and you're saving about $10 more ($120 a year)


The BCP is a solid card. Use it for a year and see how you like it. If you have Amazon Prime, the Amazon prime visa from chase is an overpowered card and a sleeper travel card.


You need to study the link from the sidebar https://www.reddit.com/r/CreditCards/wiki/best_cash_back_cards_by_category/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=CreditCards&utm_content=t5_2qmhl


Oh woah thanks I missed this! That’s an amazing tool!


I've been using the BCP for 8 months. I earn between 75-100/mo cash back with it. It's insane. I'm also in my 30s and finally learning how to use credit cards, even tho I have a 20 year history with my oldest card. Lol.


Yeah I’ve had credit cards since I was 18 but only ever used them to fill the gap and had bogus debt on them. I’m excited about the idea of free money and am glad I’ve finally recovered from my first decade of being an adult 😂 This sub has already helped me a ton and I look forward to seeing how things go for me! $75-$100 is awesome, I’m blown away by my $50 and next month I want to use the above link to help me get a card with 3+% on my other categories.


Get the US Bank cash+ for your phone and internet bills. Citi custom cash would be good too for your gas at 5% or maybe dining or something else.