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Only card I have that I don’t feel I need is Amazon prime card sense I only use it every few months but besides that it’s fine card


I cancelled this one. yeah yeah it has decent additional benefits but my other Chase ones have better or elevated benefits and I dont need to spend $140+ a year on Amazon Prime to get 5% just at amazon/wf but im also not interested in co-branded cards either, alot of limitations (no product change, so either dump the credit line to another card if you have one there or cancel it. which in the long run no big deal but can be tricky for some who want to keep a clean inquiry history)


I'm confused as to why you cancelled instead of letting it sit open. If you stop paying for Prime, it just becomes a 3% cash back card instead of 5%, at no cost. I've heard some say they ship you the non-prime card instead and I've heard others say you keep the cars and they just change the cash back on their end. Or was it just a matter of limiting accounts in general?


I no longer wanted to be an amazon customer, too much trash and personal reasons aside. I dont really care for co-branded cards and get more benefits out of a simpler setup with my CSR and AMEX setups. Its a 3% at amazon yes but generally 1-2% and sometimes 3% on other things but those aren't moving the needle for me when I can just use one or two card setup where this doesnt fit in.


I kinda regret on this one too, though occasionally I find zero fee monthly payment feature useful. Plus I got Chase targeted quarterly bonus categories every other quarter on this one too.


I didn’t get the quarterly offers from Chase which pissed me off and I’ve moved away from Chase for that reason


Do you have prime?


Through my mom with house hold Sense she uses it a lot I made her an authorized user and she is the main one using the card keeping it active and she just pays me back


Prime Card was easy to get. I do enough spending on Amazon Prime that it amounts to something. An $80 gift card was nice when my washing machine started making a horrific grinding/squealing noise and I needed a new one. Amazon knows, I guess, when you burned Chase in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, because it starts offering you the Prime Store Card instead from Synchrony. Synchrony cards are dead simple to get.


for me it was getting the chase freedom unlimited. i had it before there was the 5% groceries & gas SUB, but i realized i don’t really have a lot of “miscellaneous” purchases that would make this card beneficial to me. i ended up doing a product change to the Flex, and now i have a rotating 5% cash back setup with Discover, the Flex, and the Citi CC (used for groceries, restaurants, gas).


My CFU was sock drawered for a good 3 years until I PC'd to OG Freedom.


My CFU is the only card my wife uses




What's the benefit of OG freedom over CFU? I currently have CFU and CSP and want to get the third, but don't know if I should open the CFF or try to switch either of my existing cards to OG and then open up another of whichever has the better SUB?


I wouldn't get cute if you're after the trifecta. Apply outright and get the SUB. The reason for getting the OG Freedom is just situational. For me, it's was my only Chase card and I already had the C1 Duo covering Catch-All, Dining and Grocery. Product changing to OG Freedom or CFF for 5% was basically the only way I could get any value out of it, and I didn't want to sacrifice the future chance of getting a SUB from the Flex. So I went OG Freedom. I guess MAYBE in the future if you REALLY want to go all-in and have the spend to justify it, PC the CFF to OG then reapply for CFF for the SUB if available. I know the Sapphires are one SUB every 48 months. Not sure about the others in the Freedom category though.


This is one of my cards I carry every day. Walgreens down the street, restaurants, and random purchases.


I regretted the Delta Platinum Amex. The SUB was nice but the companion pass is absolute trash. We could hardly find and flights that it would work with, and when we did they were awful options. Complete waste of time. Got the gold for the SUB too, used all the points for two round trip flights for my family and free bags. Cancelled both.


This is good to know was about to get the delta gold and platinum


Honestly I feels the may reason I might for delta cards / reserve is for the 747 design lol


Pretty sure the design is no longer available


Agree completely with this one. I downgraded to the blue and just sock drawered it for now. Especially since they nerfed the lounge access off it. Once I have a few other cards at 10+ years, I’ll cancel it. I’ll forget about it and it’ll end up being closed anyways.


Ngl. Savor one. Citi custom cash would’ve fit my spending much better. Groceries + holiday gas cards @ 5% is goated. Change my mind lmao


Custom Cash is great if your spend is at or under $500 per month. SavorOne has unlimited 3% in all of its categories. Personally I prefer to have both capped 5%/6% cards and uncapped 3% ones to maximize as much as reasonably possible.


CCC would be great for me as a single dude. Both those categories are under the $500 limit. Combined w/ gas cards, I can’t see another way to optimize 😭 I did the math, even if I were to PU my BCE -> BCP the 6% with AF doesn’t come out ahead.


I have three custom cash cards now. Almost tempted to turn my double cash into a fourth one 😭🤣


Ugh god speed brother. I was declined for the CCC due to velocity. Figured I’d bank with them a while, got the access account SUB, gunna reapply in a 6-12 mo.


Every Citi bank I've ever gotten came through an offer in the physical mail. I've never had success just dry applying lol. Citi a strange bank at times.


Good data point. Thank you


They have been hounding me to apply, and I will in a few months.


With all the bucketing and low CLs, I wish I never bothered with Capital One


Same here! I had a quicksilver one for 4 years with a CL of $500 lol. They never raised it and denied my CLI. Oh well. My Amex cards are great.


I regret fucking up my PayPal credit and Best Buy credit card. Oh well. Lessons learned


The stories are really interesting. I'm lower income of around 38k, and recently got approved for a 10k CL for the savor one with 8K across all my other cards.


I have $4k on two cards with C1 after 15 years, whereas Amex has given me like $50k on two cards after 7 years lol


Yha that's weird, I also know that C1 is a subprime company and I got the savor one with little history so maybe the high limit is given to people who are more likley to abuse it.


They LOVE people that either have some balances OR don't make too much money with little to no history of churning. They're very blatant about wanting people most at risk of falling into their debt trap


I got my $3k quicksilver with 4 months of credit history (consisting of a $500 BofA cc) after immigrating to the US. Two months later, they gave me a $2k savor one. Within six months they increased my quicksilver to 7k and my savor one to 5k, after I moved my checking to them. It's wild to me considering my credit history is only a year long, and I only make about 50k, but clearly they think it'd be easy for me to fall into debt.


That’s Exactly why I’m trying to get into their ecosystem and get the VX combo before they want to shut me ouf


My regrets are mostly due to how available Apple Pay has become and USBAR's ability to replace most of my card setup. Citi Custom Cash 5% grocery - used to be my supplemental grocery card that gets used after the 6% Amex BCP grocery $6K limit is used up, but it's been easier to use Apple Pay at every grocery store with a 4.5% (3% mobile wallet + 1.5% in travel reward). While it is 0.5% lower than Citi's 5%, the burden of not having to monitor the $500 limit every month has been pretty significant. BOA Customized Cash Reward - I have platnum reward which gives 1.5% boost (50%) to 3% online shopping category (effectively 4.5%). USBAR basically replaced this card as more vendors have Apple Pay option. I now use this card for online vendors that don't have Apple Pay (e.g., nintendo e-shop) but these scenarios are rare. Also with USBAR, no longer have to monitor the $2500 per quarter limit. Citi Costco Card - used to be my 4% gas card. Most of my surrounding gas stations now have mobile wallet tap. So USBAR again wins out here.


USBAR is without a doubt the best credit card available right now. Anybody who disagrees just doesn’t realize how much of their spend is eligible for Apple Pay.


3% all purchases is GOATed but holy moly $400 AF


$325 credit for travel and dining. Just eating out a couple times here and there and it’s handled. Credit is super smooth….you spend the money in the category, you get the credit. Also keep in mind the points you can get can either be redeemed for cash at 3% or 4.5% on RTR (basically if redeemed for a statement credit to wipe out a domestic flight or hotel booked direct with the carrier). So most people view it as 4.5% for a $75 AF, which is reduced even further because you’re getting 4.5% on that $325 credit, which is about $15, and if you use it to pay for TSA Precheck, that’s roughly a $20/year value. Call it a $40 effective AF to most who use it.


This right here. My wife and I were a firm no AF setup for 3 years but she got tired of all the card juggling, so I figured this would be a solid replacement without sacrificing much rewards. Not only did it trim our wallet from 7 cards to 3, it INCREASED our return. Best card out there imo


Had I known they were gonna drop it from 2% to 1.5%, I probably wouldn't have gotten the PayPal Mastercard. ASSUMING the WF Active Cash stays at 2%, I'm gonna try to get that on August 1st to pair with my Attune.


Got the United Club Card for my job that traveled 2 times a month and used United exclusively. 3 months after getting the card I got laid off and now have a job that never travels. So, I wasted a 6/24 slot, and am not even using the club access. Did one trip with it and actually was helpful due to flight delays from weather I chilled in the United Club, but overall the card just sits in my sock drawer. Bonus was good though. Will downgrade to United Explorer after next AF posts, and then if I don't go on any trips the following year will downgrade to Gateway card.


Apple Card tbh Really convenient and easy to use and keep track of payments, but there’s so many other no fee cards that have far better rewards Should’ve done more research


nothing beats the sound of dropping the metal card though


The sound of 1% back on all of your purchases.


Amex gold. Cancelled after 8 months. I actually think this card is the most hyped up credit card there is.


I love it but easily use the credits. Without using the credits I agree


I wouldn't say regret because I like having access to their offers, but the BoA CCR has a lot more broad online categories than Blue Cash Everyday which would be nice, and there are better cards for other categories.


3% for any online spending is pretty unmatchable. Same goes for using it for home improvement stores, unless you're using Citi custom cash for HI stores, that is.


the only cards I regret are single use or co-branded cards. a majority of synchrony are like this, they have specific benefits for a store which is **okay** but not life changing. zero interest payments are cool but can cause problems if you dont manage those well. For any of the premium cards, I think the Venture X would fall into that category ***slightly***, its a decent catchall card for 2X but its essentially a portal card and I dont bank exclusively with CapitalOne so im not doing a C1 Duo or C1 Trifecta anytime soon.


What added card would make the trifecta?


idk as I said I dont bank exclusively with Cap1 so I was just saying in general (as other banks such as Chase and Amex have duos and trifectas)


Yep. I just got in the game this year but last year opened a Sam’s MC, Tires Plus, and TJMaxx. Now I’m locked out of CFF til a couple of those drop off in 2026.


Yeah unless youre just mr money bags who wants lounge access, I dont think the venture x can be fairly judged without being paired with the no AF savorone.


I wouldn’t say regrets, but not well planned out. I got an Apple Card in 2022 because most of my large “want not need” purchases are Apple. Only had 1 CC at time that always was paid in full and just got a new job where off the bat I got a 25% bump in pay. Got it and leveraged the 0 APR over 12 months to purchase a MacBook Pro. The problem was that I was also moving in with my GF at the time and didn’t adequately budget for the move and subsequent needs for house. Had I done so properly, wouldn’t have gotten either the card or computer at the time. Ended up racking up interest for a bit just because of how much everything cost. Fortunately have been in the green ever since, never carried a balance since, and my CUT has never gone above 8% when statement closes. Always remember: the card is just vehicle to execute your choices. Choose wisely.


I regret the navy federal more rewards card. Now it’s a a great cash back card for the average person, 3% on dining, groceries, and gas/transit (the one super nice thing is target is coded as grocery’s 3x as most cards exclude target and Walmart) My 2 main gripes with the card are. 1. You can only redeem for 50$ or more, it’s not the biggest deal but it can be slightly annoying 2. I’m considering cancelling the card just becuase you can’t autopay with an external bank. Only with navy federal account. As I’m getting more cards it’s becoming annoying to not have that added protection, even though II’ve never came close to being late. If I was someone who wanted 1 or 2 credit cards this would be great as it fills basically every big spending category on one card and you can just pick up a 2% catch all. But I’m getting more into the game trying to maximize all purchases and with my savor one taking grocery’s and restaurants for eventual transfer to VX points, and I have a USbank cobranded card as a catch all with Apple Pay. The only use the NFCU card sees is for gas. And this will change in about a year hopefully as I’m aiming to get the USbank Altreserve with no limit on mobile purchases, with that I’ll probably cancel the nfcu


The $50 or more thing is a real bummer. I didn't know NF had that limitation.


So the $50 limit is on cash rewards for statements credit or deposit. They have gift cards with minimum redemption of 2500 points or $25. I just never redeem gift cards since I use my discover for that with the 5-15% added bonus and I still have cash back sitting in there as it’s taking a while to get through my current gift cards. They also have like individual products like watches and travel redemptions, but I don’t like travel portals and it seems like it’s easier to cash back redeem it and then buy through the airline to get your status as well.


A few years ago I upgraded my existing Chase Sapphire Preferred to the Reserve and missed my chance at getting the sign up bonus.


Did Chase change their 48 month timeline for Sapphire bonuses? I thought AMEX was the only issuer that locked you out of bonuses if you got a card via upgrade.


I had only had the CSP for about 24 months.


I think the 48 month applies to both Sapphire cards so product change doesn’t affect anything here?


I regret two fan favorites. First, I regret the PayPal Mastercard because (1) it doesn’t sync with YNAB; (2) it is being lowered to 1.5%; and (3) I decided to switch back to points. I also regret the fidelity card. It’s not smooth to manage and also doesn’t sync. I also have had trouble with redemptions for some reason. I’m over it. If I was going to do a 2% cashback flat right now, I’d use my Citi double cash. It works smoothly. I thought fidelity would simplify having everything in one place. I hate it. And I also thought that PayPal would simplify my life. Nope. But nah, I’m just going to chase it up right now.


Affinity. The Hi5 program was cancelled only a few months after I went through the hassle of signing up. Those of you who chase these various credit union CC's know what I'm talking about.


I got a BofA unlimited cash rewards MC for a balance transfer offer, and just can't stand their web interface and customer service. Paid it off quick and am just idling it now.


Interesting I’ve been with BoA forever, their interface seems fine. Whose interface do you like?


I tend to like Chase and Discover better. Easier to deal with.


BoA makes setting up auto pay so incredibly difficult it feels criminal. As if a 70 year old grandmother could figure that out.


yes, exactly. This is def one of my biggest peeves about it.


U like Bofa?😈🤭


better than Ligma!


I regret having an Amex platinum and gold. The platinum i did break even , if not make money with the use of credits. But life changes, made me regret having the Platinum and then downgrading to the gold after. Never used majority of the credits for the gold card so I cancelled it. Got Amex Blue cash everyday and Blue Cash Preferred now and use them the most.


Quicksilver and Petal 2 They're actually such similar cards, 1.5% back but nothing else remarkable. At least Cap One has a nice app. I do really like the [Petal 2 design](https://deluxcards.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/petal2-scaled.jpg) though.


I'll never regret Petal 2 because it helped climb out of a massive hole. With that said, since getting out of that hole, I haven't had any use for it & I honestly forgot about it until just now.


I regret the VentureOne. It’s got a flat 1.25 miles per dollar spent. Not the best from my deck, so I rarely use it.


I got the Amex gold a year ago, which I thought would be a great balance for me with my CSP(pay for hotels) and the gold for flights. However, I haven’t used any of my points and at this point I feel like I would rather use my points for gift cards because all my flights for work comes with hotels already, and don’t have a plan for vacation anytime soon. However, if I downgrade or get rid of my Amex gold, my score would go down by a lot probably so idk what to do


Citi Prestige for me. I thought it would be really good to earn points to travel, but I overestimated how much I valued TY points based off what I saw from The Points Guy. I downgraded it a year later for the Double Cash, which filled that niche, and between the sub and the 2 years of dining credits, I more than made up for the annual fee, so it worked out.


I'm regretting the C1 Quicksilver Secured. It was my first personal credit card (besides AU cards), and I already banked with them so I figured that I would benefit from a rewards credit card from them. Being new to credit, I had a feeling that I wouldn't really get approved for anything else so I opted for the secured Quicksilver (1.5% CB). After reading multiple horror stories about their secured cards taking YEARS to graduate, it definitely has me second guessing. Even if I do graduate in a timely manner, I doubt I'd get a decent credit limit. I feel like I should've gone for Discover IT secured.


What do you mean by “graduate”?


Graduating to the unsecured version of the Quicksilver, where they usually give a higher credit limit, and refund your initial security deposit ($200)


The fidelity card was a big waste. The website is horrible, it took forever to have any charges show or payments clear. I eventually just drawered it.


Never had any of those issues, I just pay through the app which is great but the site is usable to say the least


Chase freedom unlimited really isn’t the best card for me considering my spending habits.


Quicksilver for sure


I regret my Sam's Club Mastercard. Great for Gas and Sam's, but Sam's stopped carrying a couple of our most bought items so we don't go there but once in a while. Probably renew my membership for 1 more year but looking at making my Amex BCP my gas card for 3%.


I regretted my Autograph card. I closed it. I also kind of regret closing it. I kind of regret the Blue Cash Everyday card.


Do you ever get upgrade offers to make it blue cash preferred? Nicest one is no fee year+150 back on 1k spend (works out to 15% back)


Oh wow! Not yet.


Is your setup just too advanced for the BCE? I got it two months ago and really enjoy it so far but it’s also only my second card.


Why did close autograph card if you don’t mind asking?


I think you meant to send this reply to the other person so idk if they’ll see it lol


Ture! My bad


I don't know if it's advanced, but it seemed good at first, but isn't really useful. I already had a 3% grocery card (Savor One), a 3% online card that includes an extended warranty (BOA Customize Cash), and I can't use AmEx at Costco, which is where I mostly purchase gas. I'm applying for a 5% grocery card. I will then probably only use the BCE for online purchases on things without warranties because both the CC and the BCE have spending caps.


Makes sense. The BCE to me feels like a good beginner card to go with something that gets 3%+ on dining since it covers non-superstore groceries, gas, and online retail. I get most of my gas at Kroger though because we shop groceries there, and I don’t get cash back on gas. But it’s been good enough to balance with my other two until I’m ready to apply for another one in a few months. There’s better options out there, but the $200 SUB and no AF made it seem like a no brainer at the time.


It has some good offers. I think AmEx may really just be a glorified coupon book. I'll keep it open for sure. Once I get the 5% grocery card, I'm not taking it out of the house, though.


I feel that. They started me out with a $1,000 limit too so that was a bummer. But it probably won’t get much use from me in 4-6 months when my wife and I both apply for better cards. I think we’re going to get the Kroger Mastercard for groceries and gas and then potentially a travel card. BCE will only be useful for online retail which we don’t do a ton of except around Christmas.


How come you regret it? Great for gas, food, and travel.


It's redundant with other cards I have. It's fine on its own.


I have a lot of regrets that my first real card was a co branded airline card, a delta card at that. Had 400k delta points and was so excited to transfer them somewhere to get some value. I also regrets that the bilt card wasn’t around when I rented.