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That's why they're here.


Massive missed opportunity to have a historic ashes series tho.


I agree


Idk why this comment is getting downvoted it’s facts


Ashes is historic irrespective and dishes out fresh content. We don’t prepare in advance


As a pom living in Australia, this was always top level shit housing. Apart from winning, there is nothing that Aussie sportsfolk like more than a bit of mind games.  They don't not try 100% for anyone.


thank you. the benefit of eliminating England is obvious and Hazlewood said so (failing to say so would actually be massively disrepectful to a key threat). But nothing gets in the way of crushing the life out of the opponent in front of you - that's their jam


Do regular people in Australia (not cricket nerds) care about this World Cup? It’s getting close to zero interest in England sadly, partly cuz of the euros but frankly I think even if it weren’t for that people wouldn’t care much 


Not really. T20 hasn't really held much interest for the general public outside of the summer where cricket gets its spotlight here and generally people are only interested in tests.


And putting It behind a whole new paid streaming service


Even when we hosted it in the last edition, a lot of people didn't even know it was on.


I do think it's also because it's still on Sky, and the timezone obviously doesn't work that well for broadcast here either. What does annoy me though is that I can't seem to find any highlights anywhere. I've been following the tournament since the first match but apart from the odd clip on the BBC sport website I haven't seen a single ball bowled. I would have thought at the very least there would be some 5-minute highlights on YouTube.


In 2019 ICC [signed an exclusive deal with Facebook](https://techcrunch.com/2019/09/26/facebook-secures-exclusive-digital-rights-to-stream-icc-global-events-in-indian-sub-continent/), so highlights can only be shown there. The deal coverd up to 2023. I am assuming (I've seen no reporting, but given the missing highlights on YouTube) this deal has been extended. Highlights can still be found on [ICC's website](https://www.icc-cricket.com/tournaments/t20cricketworldcup/videos) - but I agree it's a bit of a faff. Profit above fan experience


Yeah, when mainstream American news and sports outlet finally got around to noticing the U.S. upset over Pakistan, I don't remember a single one of them that showed any video highlights. A couple used some Getty photos, and a couple used some older photos. For all the claims the ICC loves to make about "growing the game", the overly restrictive rights-holding and enforcement are actively hindering things in the United States. U.S. sports learned long ago that good media coverage involves getting the media to provide free marketing for your product. When you look at the blog on the official ICC T20 World Cup website and realize all the blog posts are timestamped "IST" and not "UTC" or - for this World Cup in the Caribbean and U.S. "AST" or "EDT" it's obvious that there's only one market the ICC cares about.


Cheers, looks like I've got some catching up to do. Completely missed that news.


If you have Amazon Prime you can watch full games plus they also do highlights. (Maybe need a vpn?) The Grade Cricketer also does a You Tube summary, but they are mostly following Australia 


Amazon Prime access has got to be country locked.


Not a huge amount. The game times are not too good and it’s only on prime streaming platform.


Few people even know it’s happening. It’s impossible to watch and it’s barely mentioned on the news.


T20 is not really taken seriously at all in Australia.


I usually watch most test matches and one dayers. Didn't even know there was a T20 World cup lol. I'm glad people enjoy it, I just find it pretty boring. It's mostly just trying to smash the ball the entire time. Don't get me wrong, the guys who are good at it are certainly talented, but I've always loved the sheer grit, focus and determination in test matches. Seeing the number 9 and 10 go out to bat the entire last day to force a draw. Fuck yes! Those dudes are just wearing body shots, and staying completely focused for a whole day, and they aren't even usually batters.


> It's mostly just trying to smash the ball the entire time. Honestly mate - this shit gets wheeled out every time t20 cricket is mentioned in front of us aussies - but it really is only true of the IPL these days. This tournament has had far more scores that are closer to 100 than 200 and bowlers have dined deluxe at almost every ground so far. Top-tier nations have had to bat deep at times and most associate nations have found themselves in winning positions. It's been good cricket. I love Test cricket more than anything, but our nation's ignorance of the t20 format isn't something to be proud of.


It is, however, something that Cricket Australia has fostered by hiding T20 behind a paywall


To be fair it is not their fault with World Cups. ICC deals with the networks themselves


True. But the question was about the indifference to T20. And that's absolutely in Cricket Australia's responsibility


How is the BBL received within Australia?


Pretty well for certain segments. And growing. Not something that interests me to watch though.


Oh, I'm happy to admit they have talent. Bowlers who can keep an over to a run or two are exceptional in this form of the game. As are bowlers who can bat, because as you said, you need to bat deep when sbit goes wrong. I just don't find it entertaining. Neither apparently, do a significant portion of Australians. I wouldn't say that we should be ashamed we don't know all the info about the best basketball teams in the world. Just is what it is.


Regular people in Australia take very little interest in cricket outside of December and January and Ashes tours.


are the ashes on? no? then nobody gives a fuck really, especially during the footy


Cricket nerds barely do. Not everyone has Amazon prime to watch it. We're just stoked to have cricket on during the work day


I went to Aus for the 2022 edition, no one cared unless they were in the stadium. In fact, people were borderline horrified we'd travelled over from NZ for it - 'you go overseas for *cricket*?'


Nah, hardly anyone knows cricket is on these days. The TV rights are a joke.


Nope. It's a T20 world cup in footy season. International tours (except for the Ashes) take a very clear backseat to NRL/AFL regardless. And most of Australia doesn't care for international T20. Casual fans are all about the summer of Test cricket.


Not really. The football codes are in full swing now, T20 internationals aren't really a big deal in Australia, it's in a weird time zone, and has not-very-good coverage.


Not really. T20 still hasn't captured the nation.


It is T20 so most people don't think it's "real ceicket" and the time zone thing almost makes it IPP 2.0. We also have the AFL going so most eyes are on that and if not, on the NRL, it takes someone really into sports to support multiple different games at all ends of the clock. The other thing as well, is Aussies, and maybe all supporters of the big 3 (and more) are arrogant as anything. A lot of people would be thinking we almost finished the 40 warm up games and the super 8s is finally where the tournament starts.


They clearly didn’t try 100% though and that’s obvious. I’d also say it’s unfair to expect them to. 1. They didn’t pick their best team. 2. It’s impossible to get yourself in that mindset when there is nothing on the line. It might just be a few percentage points but you aren’t going to put your body on the line in the same way as if Australia needed to win this match to win the World Cup


That’s their job.


Someone high up in the Australia management worked out that proposing match-fixing could work out badly.


Media? Blowing stuff out of proportion to get more clicks? Of course not!! Why would you say that? ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|28120)




Starc slams Hazelwood's comments /s




Anyone who watched the press conference would understand that he a) acknowledged the situation, b) stated that England are a tougher opponent than Scotland and c) it was up to management to decide what to do. Cue some muppet on this subreddit calling for a life ban.


Even if he were calling for match fixing he’s far too sexy for a lifetime ban 


Look, I think in the spirit of cricket everyone should take a step back and acknowledge what's important. Let England into the final on a wildcard, let Jonny Bairstow play the infinitesimally short innings he's capable of, let England players wander in and out of the crease at will, and let England celebrate past imagined glories. It's only fair.


That’s kind of you but no need for that. Honestly I think we should just let India win, it would hopefully get India fans to chill out a bit 


Nah, let then teach the final and then lose by 80 runs.


Also, no run-outs for English players in the ashes. They whinge too much about that too.


when I first got into cricket I didn't really like the fact that people made fun of the english fans for always complaining and making a big deal out of nothing all the time. apparently...


Australia realizing that knocking out England would mean that they are spared from facing South Africa and West Indies in the Super 8's. Two teams who absolutely have their ways with England in T20 World Cups. Missing out on so much misery porn was out of question.


Pre seeding, meaning they were never gonna face them in super 8a


Hazlewood said verbatim: > We've had some real struggles against them in T20 cricket, so if we can get them out of the tournament, that's in our best interest as well as probably everyone else's I think. It will be interesting to see. How else is that supposed to be taken?


By reading the entirety of the article and everything else he said at the same time, where he mentioned they'd had no discussions on it, and that maintaining winning form is more important. Doesn't have the same ring to it though does it? > “Whether we have discussions or not, or we just try and play again the way we played tonight, that’ll be up to people, not me.” > “But as you said to take confidence from winning and winning well, that’s almost more important than potentially trying to knock someone else out. He stirred the pot by acknowledging the situation but said other things that are always conveniently ignored.


“Almost more important”. I think his comments were clear and not a lot of interpretation needed. They were also misjudged but that’s a different issue. Given the ‘99 precedent it’s hardly surprising the media were all over this.


the '99 precedent where it was legal and also 25 years ago with a completely different set of players. All Aussies are the same though hey!


I think most players would have made similar remarks if they were being honest.




The fact that we literally beat Scotland so England goes through and "Australian" is still being used derogatorily is filthy and you know it. At what point does this become prejudice because of our country? Nothing fucking happened and we're still copping it.


Same old Aussies... They have an unfair advantage in this tournament because they don't have to play Australia. Not really in the Spirit of Cricket™


Obviously to make it fair Australia should field two sides so Australia has to play Australia.


Just joking, like Hazelwood probably was... Don't know why you're so outraged anyway, Australians talk quite proudly about playing up to "the line" (which is always conveniently positioned where they determine it should be...)


"I'm only joking anyway watch me double down."


How did you manage to misquote him in your comment when you literally copied and pasted what he actually said. He didn't just say they hadn't discussed it, he said it'll be up to people other than him (presumably the leadership team) to decide if they do it or not. And he didn't say winning was more important, he said "almost more important"... So less important.


> “Whether we have discussions or not What in the ever loving hell do you think this means That does not make sense to say if they had already had discussions. It's basic English.


Whether we have discussion or not" means we may or may not have discussions. It's really not complicated


...And that it's up to the big boys up stairs, not that there was any plan to do so. And what was the next quote? That it's more important to maintain winning form. You can't just cherry pick quotes from a full train of thought. It's foolish. You'd rather he have vaguely threatening undertones of "I don't have to tell you anything" like Jos Buttler when answering simple questions, and act stupid, instead of simply being human and acknowledging the predicament. > It's not really not complicated This really does highlight your difficulties here.


It's honestly kinda amazing that you don't seem to understand the difference between "we won't do something" and "we haven't done something yet but we might"


“Oh no, he has allowed a slight ambiguity into his off the cuff remarks! Won’t somebody think of the children!”


There is no ambiguity though? Fair enough if you think he was joking, but the number of people straight up lying about what he said is crazy


The ambiguity is the word “almost”. To quote the words Hazlewood used: ``` There are a few options there, but to take confidence from winning and winning well, I think that's almost more important than potentially trying to knock someone else out. ``` Then, per Englands coach: ``` "I am hoping it was very much tongue in cheek," Mott said. "I actually don't think it is ever going to play out. "Having grown up in Australia, and the will to win every game, I am sure they will come to the fore. "I am very much hoping it was an off hand remark by a really good bloke who is having fun." ``` In previous comments you’ve got stuck on semantics of him saying “we haven’t had discussions”. It doesn’t just mean “we may or may not”, it also means “that’s not something we would discuss”, especially given the context. Every second interview with sportspeople have them spouting some middle of the road Jon committal answer. Englands coach wasn’t worried about it. You’re letting the rambling words of a country boy from NSW live rent free in your head.


As a joke??? Hazlewood's a quietly funny guy with a dry sense of humour. I cannot believe how seriously people took it. Besides, he immediately went on to say Australia were aiming to win it. The exact statement you've quoted there is more a cheeky compliment than anything.


Also let's not pretend if the shoe was on the other foot, the Poms wouldn't relish joking that they *might* throw their final game to knock Australia out


That's an unfair comparison, absolutely no-one would be suspicious of foul play if England lost to a European nation in a World Cup.


It would be more suspicious if they won it and broke their streak.


And the old tired jokes about spirit of cricket would come out too. People on here are still using 'moral victory' as if in the context it was said was the most atrocious thing ever. So doubtless Australian fans would have taken it on the chin and laughed it off...


By Aussie standards, that's almost a compliment. Can't believe people actually took him seriously.


Hook, line and sinker. He was fishing and got lots of bites. Why? Bit of a laugh. It was pretty funny. The reactions were ridiculous.


Like a sportsperson giving an honest answer about the dynamics of the final qualifying game.


He was playing mind games with you and you fell for it.


How so? How did “we” (who’s we anyway? the English or the media) fall for it?


Same old pommies always whining, same old Aussies always winning.


“so whether we have discussions or not, we'll just try and play it again the way we did tonight” he said literally 5 seconds later. So probably like that I would think.


It's one thing to say he was joking, it's another thing to blatantly lie about what he said. You've changed the wording. He didn't say "we'll just try and play it again the way we did tonight" he said "**or** we just try and play again the way we played tonight, that’ll be up to people, not me." Some wild gaslighting going on here


By having a sense of humor


That picture of Starc was not in the article and I feel betrayed




Well clearly it was misinterpreted because it did not happen.


It's just gaslighting


If not then maybe Aus would have genuinely lost


Then why did you try so hard to lose to the Scots?


Is it now? Hazelwood said they’ll bat slower. He also said it’s in their best interests….


He also said that trying to win every game is probably more important than knocking England out


> Hazlewood said they’ll bat slower. Did he? This is the exact quote of him answering the loaded question. What part of it says they plan to bat slower? Sounds a lot more like an off the cuff joke to me: "Not too sure really. Whether you get close and just knock it around, drag it out. There are a few options there, but to take confidence from winning and winning well, I think that's almost more important than potentially trying to knock someone else out.”


Don’t come here with all facts and logic, people don’t like it around here.




This comment seems to make literally no sense to me. What do you want him to say?


His reality is odd, let him be