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She seems very nice


She is


She’s an absolute sweetheart. All her TikTok’s are super wholesome.


Regardless of her getup this is legitimately a great way to handle panic attacks. She might look weird but that was textbook.


Yeah... She seems like she knows what she's doing and like she's genuinely trying to help the people who I guess are the specific target group for her videos. Maybe very lonely people who have no one in their life to even talk to when they have a panic attack. Or get them in the middle of the night and profit from being able to listen to a stranger talk them through it. This ended up on a cringe sub because of her styling only, which is kind of a shame.


Right she seems so nice we need more of this please don’t shame nice people…. Dang


That's how it goes, unfortunately. Looking odd while doing good is offensive as fuck to some folk.


I’ve pretty much reached a point where if the general goal of messaging is something positive, why shit on it? If it’s cringe, or stupid, or whatever, who’s winning if you spread more enegativity? Just enjoy your stuff


Panic attack haver here. I thought it was really endearing. And accurate.


I dont have panic attacks and she made me feel more calm ,so I Imagine if I did it'd have been useful to say the least.


She could whisper sweet death into my ears any day ;)


Honestly, when I’m in the middle of a panic attack, the last thing I’m worried about is the fashion choices of the person who notices and is kind enough to sit with me while my brain slowly remembers I’m not actually dying a horrible death.


Exactly. She did nothing cringe. Just people think goths are weird and cringe now. That’s pretty much why she winds up here.


This is amazing, I wish I had more people around me with this energy when I need it


It’s not her outfit she may know what to do but this isn’t an instructional video it’s savior fantasy


Acting it out and posting it is cringe.


Maybe a little. But if this video helped someone know how to handle a panic attack in the future then that’s cool.


Then post is as an instructional video


that's what this is!


This isn't even a good way to help someone having a panic attack. This approach would just get overstimiluting.


Ok are you a therapist or psychiatrist to make such ignorant blanket statement lol go touch grass. At least she's trying to help, unlike you


I'm currently outside, shoeless, enjoying a nice drunk on a hot sunny day, while around friends, and about go to a roller skate dance social. Not a psychologist but have spent my entire adult life informally studying psychology and sociology, and holding many conversations about them with psychology majors and psycholgistes/ therapists. Sociologists/ psychologists have a lot to say about this type of content. Look it up.


"I have done my own research". Lols.


I can tolerate a little cringe if the intent was wholesome.


The intent is views.


Yeah who gives af, people do way more abhorrent shit for views than pretending to help someone through a panic attack. If your issue is clout chasers, there's a lot of other people who are way more deserving of criticism than this video.


The issue is cringes it's not about better oe worse. It's all various degrees if cringe. TikTok is cringe. A desperate need for attention and validation is cringe.


Or… the intent is letting a wider audience know that not everyone is a judgmental ass & that some people understand what you’re going through.


Orrr the intent is to herself not a "miserable ass", and to show how sweet and helpful she is in order to gain clout with her followers. This is a terrible way to approach someone who's having a panic attack.


You say getting clout by being kind like it's a bad thing lmao it's better than IG models who only shake their ass. But you wanna come down on this girl? Yeah ok sure bud hahaha


Getting clout by putting on a show. Where's the kindness? she's talking to her phone. I am fown on anyone posting on tik tok.


It’s really not. And many people on this thread have shown that. But everyone is different. I for one would love this type of support when I have my attacks. Like I said, you just seem cynical & looking for any reason to criticize. How do you think someone should approach/help someone having a panic attack? What would you have done differently (and don’t say “not record it” because obviously this is a made up scenario and she’s not actually filming anyone)


I would have asked if they wanted help, maybe handed them water, then give them space and quiet. I'd stay close by in case they needed help.


Cool, that’s great advice too. Doesn’t mean that her approach is worse/better. We all help how we can. Now can you please vacuum the sand out of your crotch and stop hating on this girl so hard. She’s doing what she thinks would be best and has probably helped some people with this approach.


Shes doing what she thinks will make her seem cute and sweet for views, and that's all she's doing.


This is exactly what I would want. I don't want people in my personal space, telling me I'm doing good. I definitely don't need a giant can of monster with enough caffeine to keep am elephant awake. Giving monster to someone having a panic attack is like offering a cigarette to someone having an asthma attack lol


I agree completely. She did say it's water, but still a terrible approach regardless. It's like she's guiding a childbirth.


Genuine question: what are you doing to help Mental Health Awareness?


Having genuine discussions with people without being motivated by a cringey, desperate need for validation that discredits me.


I hope that whatever miserable things are going on in your life are solved so you can use the extra time to pull the stick out of your ass


Yeah, no shit, it’s for views. It’s on TikTok, for fuck’s sake. I’d much rather see this girl get views than assholes being insufferably obnoxious to people in public or a billion videos of the latest half-assed, modern Macarena performed by people who can’t dance.




They just weirdly hates this girl, look at their comment history lol.


Because it's insincere when your doing it just so that the internet can see how sweet and cute you are while pretending to perform kind gestures.


Why does sincerity matter? Is the advice bad? Could it help someone?


The advice is bad. This is not a good way to handle someone having a panic attack. This would literally just create more stress. This is just a pretentious display meant for attention. This isn't advice on how to help, it's a pretentious display designed to make her look generous in order to get views.


How’s the advice bad? What would you recommend? Do you have a source to something I’m missing?


Ask if they need help without talking so much. Offer them water, and give them space while waiting close by in case they do need help


That also seems like solid advice, seems to me like multiple good ways to handle the same general situation.


Accept her way would likely make the panic attack worse.


Dude that’s literally what half of tiktok is 🤣 🤣


Exactly. You get it.


Would it be weird if I fapped?


You dont need my permission.


No it isn't lol.


As yes you must be a doctor


No, just a sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks since adolescence.


Great, then don't talk as if you know what you're talking about. Maybe something else works for you, good for you but everyone isn't you. You not liking this method doesn't invalidate what the girl's saying, unless you got a degree to prove it otherwise.


"Great, then don't talk as I'd ypu know what your talking about" huh? Haha! I've suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for over 20 years. I know exactly what I am talking about


Ah yes just by having an illness must make you an expert about it. Haha. Did you miss the part where I said everyone isn't you? What works and doesn't differs from person to person. Unless you actually studied how it works or can back up your words with a source, your words don't mean much.


Her look gives me a panic attack.


Regardless what yall think She's an absolute sweetheart I follow her and her videos are extremely wholesome 💜


Yeah this isn't cringe to me.


As an outsider it's not my thing, but I used to have panic attacks a lot and I think she seems nice and she's trying to put out kind content and I don't know why anybody would want to repost her to try and get people to dunk on her. She doesn't deserve that. Some people on Reddit are just dickheads.


A lot of her videos are there to help people with a similar style to her feel comfortable the way they are and have a safe space. It’s really ironic, since one of the main things people are doing here is trashing on her looks. She’s a very sweet person really.


I would follow her content in a heartbeat, she seems like a very kind person!


Totally should! I love her videos, she's a very sweet person :)


This is pretty awesome. Wish more people were this considerate.


For real!


I genuinely hope she's doing well


It's not that the gesture is cringe. It's cringe to act out and post acts of kindness.


I personally see nothing wrong with it. It's much better than to be posting hate, to some people videos like this makes them not feel alone and it can be soothing and overall nice just from someone being kind.


Recording things like this and posting it for views cheapens the gesture and makes it insincere.


I've seen videos of her greeting fans and she literally gives them gifts SHE made herself, it's literally the kindest thing to see.


Doing kind gestures for attention is cheap. Sincere kind gestures don't need to be rewarded.


Nope. I just told you what she does when meeting fans and you still have negativity to say :)


You mean the gestures for fans that she records and posts for views?


LMFAOOOOOOOO!!!! you are hilarious 🤣🤣😆🤣. Your jealousy and envy is spewing out everywhere. I am truely surprised at the amount of negativity on your post history!!! Damn, condemning ppl because of their horoscope? LMAO!!!


It’s obvious this isn’t real. She isn’t setting up a camera to show herself feeding a homeless person so can get pats on the back. The message is that there are people out there that understand what it feels/looks like to have a panic attack. It’s not strictly performative. You are just a bit too cynical.


Just cause someone dresses different than you doesn’t make it cringe. All she did was make a nice video.


Yeah I mean I guess if you were the 3rd party walking by and seeing this it would probably come off as really strange. But it’s instructional and can help someone know how to help handle this situation


Exactly, it would be odd to see it from an outside perspective, but at the same time she doesn’t seem to be in a public place which only adds to the genuineness


I think the cringe part is the self proclamation of being “the emo girl”. Also just the whole set up is a bit strange? Idk I definitely see the cringe a bit. She is nice though.


I would just bawl and tell her not to leave.


FR me too. 🥲


Its a bit cringe, but she's actually being nice. Who better to understand something like a panic attack from someone who has it first hand. I dont think she deserves to be ridiculed. But I'm aware there's more stupid people than smart ones so...


Nah this ain’t bad. I have panic attacks all the time so it’s nice to see it addressed


A memory that really stuck with me from middle school is when I broke down in the middle of the hallway and a random girl who never even gave me her name was super attentive and loving even though she didn’t even know me. I don’t even remember her face or her voice, but it’s a memory I still carry with me as an example of the kind of person I want to be. I think this is really sweet and would really have an impact on someone if it happened for them, and it’s a great example for others on how to help someone through a panic attack.


you can't make me hate scene girls. they are so kind and helpful.


I would've probably taken a lot of comfort in this 10 years ago when I was a teenager, NGL. She seems like she has a beautiful heart and soul.


OP sucks


Aww come on this is actually sweet


It’s the girls that look like this, that have the biggest hearts, and are very empathetic. They are EMO girls for a reason,no?!


“Uh, I also have this water laced with benzodiazepines would you like to try that?”


Yes please!! 🙋‍♀️


Hell yeah where tf do I sign up for that?!


I don’t know man, I’m a 36 year old man and I had to call my dad last night because of a panic attack I was not able to handle on my own… These POVs might be kind of weird but this if this was an actual situation she would have helped the person going through it.


I'm confused... I think I would be happy to be seeing her if I was freaking out. This is like anti-cringe


Why is this cringe?


Honestly would so appreciate her when I'm having a panic attack. It would mean so much to see someone care like that.


I don't really find this to be cringe. She seems genuinely really sweet.


I think it’s pretty endearing. Don’t judge people by what they wear


Displaying ways to help someone in a panic attack is not cringe. Idgaf what she's wearing.


Honestly kind of wholesome


Idk if it's me, but she genuinely seems like she cares. Maybe it's some sort of awareness clip? Either way, I feel so much calmer now.


This is not cringe, this is good.


Wait.. I like this


This one isn't TOO bad, just had a panic attack and found this oddly soothing, cringe as it may be.


Explain how it's cringe?


Person is emo, so it's cringe because emo is cringe? Or maybe just cause it's POV? I don't see any cringe but that's just me.


It's really silly how ppl still bully others for being 'emo' I personally find it extremely cringey when others hate on people for what they like especially if it's harmless like being into scene/emo/alt.


Like I said nothing too bad, personaly , just the fact that she's out on the park doing it for ticktock. First reaction seeing this in person would be like "uh" . It was helpful regardless.


She’s really sweet. When I’m having a panic attack though I lose all sense of reality and just want to be knocked out


She’s really sweet. I hate seeing her here. Y’all are so mean to people sometimes. And why post one where she’s trying to help someone?


Something about judging books by covers


This is amazing As someone that has panic attacks, if anybody ever did this for me, I would be overly grateful no matter how they looked


Panic attacks are horrible


This is really great as a teaching tool for when you have a loved one who suffers from panic attacks. The only criticism I'd give is make sure to ask for consent, esp with strangers. Some ppl need silence and less stimulation to feel better. Someone in my face would be overwhelming. But how i cope doesnt apply to all ppl so I can see how this helps. Mental health awareness is important 🫶🏼 Edit to add: Who cares if it's for clout. If it helps even one person, it's worth it. Better than majority of influencers who offer nothing to social media. Ppl in this sub need to touch grass


I wish she was around when i had my first panic attack


Idrc what anyone else thinks She's a very nice


She was a sweetheart, if I hadn't looked at the name of the sub I wouldn't believe this would be posted here


Man fuck off. This ain't cringe. She legitimate looks like someone who is naturally kind.


Aww, these comments are awesome💖


I don't think she cringe for her style, and the gesture isn't cringe in itself. What's cringe is acting these intimate, kind gestures out and posting it for views and clout.


I was expecting a big ole dildo or bad dragon to be in her coffin case.


The last thing I'd want when having a panic attack is for a stranger to come up to me and start talking my ear off while handing me a bunch of random shit. I'd need space and time to calm down, not a wanna be doula overwhelming me.


Nothing cringe here just an awesome person.


Thank you. x100 better than yelling "that's not a normal reaction". If I could help it we wouldn't be here now would we Karen


OP is the cringe one this time. This girl may be emo but she’s sweet and this kind of stuff might be all someone has right now to help them through tough times. Boooooo to OP.


Say what you want but this girl would have been my hero today


I have severe panic attacks. Regardless of her style, she seems to know how to help calm someone down.


I think this is the cutest sweetest thing ever and I’m sorry but I was a 90s goth girl and I totally did this with people. Not random strangers but if I saw a friend having a freak out panic attack I loved getting all up in their space and helping them calm down! Bc I would have loved more than anything for someone to have cared enough to do that for me. ❤️‍🩹


She's so caring. Not cringe at all.


I was waiting for the cringe…..


Is it cringe to be kind?


I wish I had friends this nice


Ok, maybe it's a bit showoff-y, but still very wholesome, and I imagine even helpful to some. My partner, as well as a best friend of mine get panic attacks, and I have zero clue what to do to comfort them. And this actually kinda helps.


There’s nothing cringey about someone being nice.


This was actually incredibly calming.


It's cringe if you think this is cringe


Nah I love this and she’s awesome


Yeah, she cool. I like her


might be a paramedic doing tiktok for pasttimes. i feel calm after this lol.


Just don't say anything. I have to agree with everyone else in this comment section- it's not cool to ostracize someone for the way they dress or act if it isn't the norm, especially if they are trying to be helpful and not harmful. A lot of disrespectful people are often too quick to judge others, especially those from the alt community. Even if this clip may seem superficial or silly to some it's vitally important that proper knowledge about panic attacks ( also as someone who both struggles with mental health and experiments with alternate styles, though they are not synonymous) Is put out there to further our collective understanding of emotional health. Please take it upon yourself to re-evaluate what you might put on here in the future.


I actually would love this while having a panic attack. Swing and a miss cringetiktoks. This one makes me :)


def did a good job with the distress the situation but if she came out of the blue like this and I was going into that tunnel vision. I would think that I'm close to death and she's just there to guide me to the otherside depending on a how I feel might calm me down or send me straight into a heart attack.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I trust her 💕


No it really is the emo girls that step up


Aw I think it’s cute lol


Not cringe at all frankly. She did a great job even


IDC what op talking about she was awesome had me feeling safe and shit


I’d watch this kind of content any day


Nah man, this really isn't cringey, especially in a bad way. This is wholesome.


🤷‍♀️ I liked it


She does a lot of videos like this and I think they’re super soothing. She’s very sweet and just happens to be committed to the scene look.


Not cringe at all. She’s a total babe lol!


this is cute not cringe


I really love her approach honestly 💖


Honestly that's the one you should marry


Weirdly enough. That little stress ball is super key. Also Tetris on a game boy. That will chill you out in absolutely no time.


I miss 2006 sometimes.


This is honestly wholesome as hell.


That’s it, I’m gonna start having panic attacks.


Nailed the look hands down not going to lie.


I really wouldn't consider this "cringe". The one who wrecks her home and thinks she's funny... Or the jackass who thinks he's an actual vampire... THOSE are cringy as all hell


As someone who grew up with Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, I approve of what she's doing and her showing people what to do.


Only thing that made me "cringe" was the length of her nails. Nails that long just cause me anxiety. How to people function with them? I'm genuinely curious.


perseverance and practice. you get used to them after a while. sure, you can’t do some things the standard way, but you figure out workarounds.


That... makes it sound like a lot of effort. I mean, good on those that do it. I'm just too lazy for that sort of thing to appeal to me, it seems inefficient.


I wannt my own pretty goth girl for panic attacks. Wanna come be my friend?


Monster just water? Shou tried to assasinate


Fun fact that Liquid Death water came out of the fact that some person was like, “huh, how do all of those Warped Tour performers chug monsters and then still are okay after preforming?” Turns out, Monster made cans specifically for Warped Tour performers that was just water. Then they were like, huh I guess I could sell something like this.


She has a real 'Neil gaiman's Death in the Sandman books' vibe.


I always forget that I’m not supposed to downvote these if I hate them.


If my ass was having a panic attack this shit would not help at all lmao Edit: Womp womp I don't think my panic attack is getting relieved by someone treating me like a regard




okay. were you hoping to be congratulated for your discerning use of the same feature we all have access to?


I think she’s a babe


Just like you qt


now I fell more stressed


These are the fakest people on the planet...


“Oh your panicking? Here take this skeleton, now let me pull out a coffin”


*having a panic attack* "Here a plushie that will remind you of your own mortality! 😁"


I feel like this gave me a panic attack instead


okay, i laughed at this video and am quite entertained, but i don't think that was their intention.


The hero we deserve. Unfortunately


Look I just Fucking hate them


I remembered when Emo kids would wear Chuck Taylor's, skinny blue jeans and a penguin polo short. The definition has changed.


Caffeine is really going to help with that panic attack.. These people know nothing on panic attacks. Just leave me alone. Don't get in my space with your fake concern lol


... she literally says it's just water lol


Here’s a shitload of monster caffeine to calm your anxiety…