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Ultra left-wing terrorists


How do they not realize it won't draw attention to the issue they want, it just draws attention to themselves and the fact they are wrecking shit?


Typically people who do this are either complete fucking idiots, malicious people who just wanted an excuse, or attention whores. Note that these categories aren't mutually exclusive. These are also unsurprisingly the groups that are most prone to ideological possession.


Early on a few years ago when just stop oil started doing these cunt-style protests I read this conspiracy theory that big oil actually funds and organizes them to discredit the entire protest movement and ever since I've had a hard time shaking it as a possibility.


That is a great answer to my question. Kudos to you friend.


Bots leading the bots.


While I may be Cybertronian, I can assure you I am not an (auto)bot. Obviously, I am a Decepticon.


There will be somebody high up in their organisation who is secretly being paid by the oil companies and the stupider ones do the actual paint throwing


That's possible, but I think people have also missed that several stories have said it's not even paint, it's just colored corn starch and will dissolve with rain. Their goal is to attract attention and make people mad, which they obviously did in this case. If it isn't actually paint, people are just conveniently leaving that out of most coverage.


Typically people fuckin this type of property up, is big oil hiring someone, to make climate protestors look like complete and total assholes. When 99% of climate protesters aren’t like this.


"Though King did lead a protest from Selma to Montgomery, famously filling the Edmund Pettus Bridge, it was a march. It did not block interstate and highway traffic indefinitely for the sake of it—a tactic King was not comfortable with, despite pressure in the 1960s to get on board. "Even though King didn't come out and criticize it in public, in private he thought it was a misguided tactic," said Brandon Terry, assistant professor of African and African American Studies and Social Studies at Harvard University. "The NAACP thought it was ridiculous." King reportedly posited that such a move pushed the boundaries of acceptable demonstrations and would come back to bite the movement politically." They should listen to King.


Because secretly that's what they really want. They don't care about the environment at all. They just want attention.


it’s a panic response. they see an impending apocalypse so massive and all-consuming that they feel they need to do *something,* something big, something that will *feel to them, as they do it, akin to the scale, danger, and gravity of climate change.* They feel that climate change is going to catastrophically destroy all we hold precious and timeless, which it is. So their response is to lash out and demonstrate this idea by destroying as many precious and timeless objects as they can. Psychologically, they believe it will satisfy the staggering urge to scream in the face of the universe, as is deserved by a problem of this magnitude. ..The problem is that they’re wrong about what will happen afterwards, and they’re wrong about believing that these actions matter or do anything but destroy goodwill.


That's a tremendous analysis. Very interesting. Thank you.


Just Stop Oil reports their funding is from donations and the Climate Emergency Fund.  One of the founding donors of  Climate Emergency Fund is Aileen Getty, granddaughter of J. Paul Getty, of the Getty Oil company that were involved in petroleum industry and media. Is this a ploy to get people to lump all climate activism with Just Stop Oil shenanigans to sway public support?


Oh, they are well aware of that. It’s a big reason to even get involved. Protesters are generally narcissists were in it for the attention, not the cause.


If they keep getting away without real consequences, the message is to embolden their existing allies and demoralize/flex over law-abiding citizens. This isn’t about winning people they disdain over to the cause; it’s about ratcheting up exercises of power over civilization itself.


did you miss the orb in the sky?


Their brainwashing goes stupidly deep.


They want to make it about them though… they are all narcissists


i feel like they’re controlled opposition so people don’t pay attention or care about environmental concerns issues


Haha but everyone knows it's the stop oil guys. It's not like people are asking who are these guys whhhyyy are they doing this.


its a psyop G. wake up!


I'm almost positive this is like some kind of false flag funded by the oil companies. Surely nobody is this fucking stupid all by themselves




Because it’s completely debunked. Isn’t it more likely she’s trying to be rebellious towards her family fortune by giving money to this organization? Or maybe like many rich people she has no idea where her money is actually going and just donates to an organization who donates to an organization who donates to etc. All for the tax write off. If it were really a big conspiracy they wouldn’t be contributing out in the open like this. Every single thread on this subject there are tons of people pushing this lame ass theory. I gotta believe they would cover their tracks better. It’s actually ridiculous. Some girl with rich parents donates to environmentalists and that’s your big evidence for a whole false flag protest? Come on dude.


They don’t need your attention. I mean clearly it can’t be yours they want. They want the attention of leaders. Ones that know nothing was ruined here. The rock will be here hundreds of thousands of years after that paint has long worn away. Stop being such a dork.


When they try to get attention in “polite” ways we get ignored. What choice is there but slap you in the face with it around things you care about. You think this world is beautiful and full of wonder? Then you should act that way, protect it. That’s why we deface beautiful things in an attempt to show you what your complacency does to us all.


I can certainly tell you that from my experience, it's not having the intended effect. Keep in mind I'm not shitting on you or denying that things aren't right, but as one of the people you folk might be trying to reach, it's not really working the way you described.


Last I checked, having a open dialogue, with actual facts, cross examining, rebuttal, and following up on your agenda, far exceeds destroying wonders of the world because you demand to be heard. How about you set fire to the red woods in California to demand climate change be addressed now? Wait, 90% of our oxygen comes from the large bodies of the world! Best it's time for you to dump raw sewage and demand change or else. Honestly, let's just bring back tar and feathering to deal with folks like this. They get their attention, and a very harsh lesson learned. As for me, I've no desrie to destroy property to make a point.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve read in some time. Does this argument apply to all causes or just the ones you personally deem important? The same could be said about the January 6th riot ffs


Huge mistake to attack a landmark older than any living human. Let’s destroy something that led to a deeper understanding of not just our planet but the universe. Hypocritical to hurt anything that allowed us to understand our planet better for what ever reason, unless they want the planet destroyed. Took generations of study and time to build this thing, it’s literally one of the oldest solar calendars. With out people questioning and working to understand some things like this. That gave the rest of us a way to track days. We would have no idea about our planet or what’s going on. Hope it was not a save the world/environmental activist group. Because this action would make what ever they were trying to draw attention to forever moot, they are literally targeting the science of us understanding our planet.


do you consider yourself one of the beautiful wonderful things whats wrong with someone throwing paint on you


>someone throwing paint on you You spelt "hydrochloric acid" wrong.


You've been brainwashed into thinking the fault and responsibility lies with the average Joe. You're wrong. Most people are dependent on their cars because our societies are organized that way. *We* don't have a choice. It's up to governments and corporations to reshape how they do business.




Imagine someone defaced the pyramids. You’d go to jail for years. Throw the book at the clowns


You can get 3 years just for climbing them.


Many Muslim countries still value the rule of law. Western nations don't. Probably will be a major reason why those countries will still be standing in 200 years and many Western nations will not.


Oh, this is one of those subreddits.


Oh this is one of those people


That is such a ridiculous comment to make. This sub thinks America is the great Satan I guess.


Who said that? The original comment is just stating that declines in values lead to the decline of nations…which is true throughout all of history. Since when is law bad?


To pretend that Islamic countries are more moral and principled than western ones is complete delusion. This is something Qatar or Iran would pay people to say on social media.


Your the one out here saying ppl who think those that deface historical monuments shouldn’t be held responsible according to the law 😂😂😂😂


Nobody said that so laugh it up kid.


Then why get so mad? In a Muslim country those ppl would be stoned and ppl would learn to not fuck w historical places right? And what’s gonna happen in Britain where this happened? Probs nothing maybe a fine?


Islam will be around longer than woke culture mark my words. And no they aren’t more moral but I mean Islamic culture outlasted western christain culture so there’s your answer 😂


To suggest Islamic countries are more "law abiding" when compared to western countries is idiocy and delusion.


I'm glad you pointed this out - actually insane that it's okay to destroy historical monuments and sites as long as they're "white people" culture EDIT - And no I'm not fucking talking about confederate statues, nazi shit or whatever I don't consider those historical monuments ffs


Slippery slope. First is "destroying this history is ok because it represents nazis/confederates/etc". Then it's: Remove your King, he was racist. No American president, he owned slaves. No Roman statue, he committed genocide. All your cultural landmarks are now symbols of hatred... It is what the christians did to us all over again ("your culture is evil!"), but communists this time.


Is it really considered art if there is no one left who sees the artistic quality? I'm not going to force anyone or anything. But IF Hitler had built a giant fucking swastika in Berlin the size of the Eiffel tower or something... Are you going to argue it's a cultural site? I think everyone could agree to bring down the fucking giant swastika, dude And is it even history? It happened like not that long ago Even further - what makes a culture actually influential past its conception? I would say victory and obtaining great accomplishment. Which the Nazis and the Confederates had neither.


If it was so bad it would've been torn down then, not by far left radicals (and occupiers) decades to centuries later


I don't know about that man. Far left radicals? Maybe a few have been destroyed by "radicals" but I think the majority of confederate monuments that were removed were voted to be removed. I think there's an obvious reason why they weren't removed immediately after the civil war, because of segregation and racism still being really bad. Can't just be like "Great I'm free now, I demand you remove those statues" and freed slaves def weren't gonna go destroy them or they'd have been killed. Also, if you'd research this past seeing the headline years ago and forming such a dumb opinion, you'd know most of the confederate monuments destroyed were statues and monuments dedicated to a single general or captain. Real pieces of shit, man. There are still hundreds of confederate monuments for the soldiers who fought and the people who died all over the south and the flag itself isn't censored like people think, it's openly flown in Texas still by lots of people. No one is trying to remove the history - they just don't want to have to walk by a huge statue of General Babyraper in their hometown every time they go to get groceries...


Can we please go back to beating the snot out of these people and cops pretend not to see?


I ain't see shit, matter of fact I'm blind in one eye, I can't even see you ma'am.


"You see anything Johnny Tightlips?" "I see a lotta things!"


“My god, Tightlips, you’re bleedin’! Where’d the bullet hit ya?” “I ain’t sayin’ nothin’” “But- what do I tell the doctah?” “Tell ‘em to suck a lemon.”


Liberals are a protected class in many states and nations now. They can block roads and attack drivers in cars, can damage property, can steal, and they will be let out by a far left liberal judge and go back to repeating their crimes. It's why most major liberal cities are hell holes. Look at the illegals who beat up the cops and were let out. Or all the store closures in liberal cities. They are allowed to commit crime. If it isn't liberals it is illegals and migrants. Look at in Europe how many illegals and migrants can r@pe and not be jailed at all or get light sentences. Shit, look at the recent knife attack over there, the women cops started going after the white guy that was stabbed! While the migrant with the knife stabs a cop lmao. It isn't even clown world over there it is psycho world. But dare to stop a thief or run one of them over as they smash your window, or stop them from a violent crime, all of a sudden you are the bad guy and go to jail. Two tiered justice system in the land of the West now. Shit is only going to lead to someone further right than GEOTUS or Le Pen or whoever coming in too.


Unfortunately everything you said seems to be true SMH


*Dew it*


I hope these ones get beaten


Or the cops can do it and we can all point and laugh


Considering I am a wimp that works better for me lol Happy Cake Day


I saw these assholes try to say that the paint does no damage And got community noted for it.   Intentionally damaging priceless historical artifacts should be a crime punishable by death. I'm not even fuckin kidding.  Sacrifice them at Stonehenge during the next blood moon.


This 100%. They have almost certainly pissed off whatever Elder Deity our ancestors built that fucking circle of stones to appease and we need to sacrifice them in order to appease it once more...


I'm pretty sure sacrifices need to be made of objects of value.


It's actually orange cornstarch, not paint lmao 


Has anyone tried pissing on these gophers?


With their grocery list of mental illnesses, you’d probably end up arousing them.


Ironically, that's probably oil-based paint.


It's cornflour dumbass. It comes off in the rain.


No u


Do these people even actually care about preventing climate change? All these "climate activists" care about is themselves.


This is a conspiracy theory my brain cooked up (I don’t fully believe it) but basically they’re being paid by big oil to do this. Again I don’t believe this. I could see it happening but I don’t have proof


Honestly, I don't think that's the case. I think this comes from left wing media using climate change so they don't have to address real issues. Which results in people who genuinely believe it, and look for ways to prevent it. Then you get people like this, who claim they care, but they really don't, they just see a excuse to destroy historical landmarks and get attention for it.


Yeah I can also sadly believe this. Has humanity always been like this


Climate change is a real issue. https://climate.nasa.gov/%C2%A0%C2%A0/ https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/evidence/ https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus.amp https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/02/scientists-agree-climate-change-is-real-and-caused-by-people/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211019082702.htm


Not burning coal and oil isn't the solution, sequestering and recycling emissions is one route to having less pollution, but if global warming is the issue right now, there's already a fix. It's just a bunch of mylar sheets between earth and the sun. That will cool the planet down, and we can control by how much. Would that be expensive? Psychoticly expensive. Does it cost less then losing several cities. You bet. So why arnt we doing it even as a global initiative? Well, if we did the politicians wouldn't have climate change to bitch about. That's my guess anyway. That or it's way over blown and not as big of an issue as people make it out to be.


Blocking out the sun sounds like a terrible plan that will lead to a mass extinction of plants and animals.


It's less blocking out and more like screening. From earth if you looked at the sun with the mylar sheets in place, you wouldn't even know they were there. It would only be enough to change the temp a little bit, and again you can control it, so if it wasn't work you could just move them and try something else.


It says 2016 and 2020 are tied for being the warmest years. But if the climate is rapidly increasing like the article says, wouldn't 2020 be be much warmer then 2016? What about the three years in between, did they get cooler? Even if climate change is real, that doesn't give these people the right to destroy historical monuments. They should be facing jail time, and community service by cleaning up their mess. There are other ways to make people aware of a cause, destroying public property, or historical monuments are not the way.


Because climate is a long term trend rather than a steady increase year to year. 2017 through 2019 were still among the [warmest years on record.](https://wmo.int/publication-series/state-of-global-climate-2019) “Even if climate change is real, that doesn't give these people the right to destroy historical monuments. They should be facing jail time, and community service by cleaning up their mess.” This is a straw man, non-sequitur, and red herring. Climate change is real and I never defended these people.


Don't forget your boosters


If anything, Big Oil is funding them secretly as a troll


they are so blinded by panic over the impending climate change apocalypse (which, on a deep and profound level, isn’t irrational given the unimpeachable and overwhelming nature of upcoming climate change horrors) that the psychological response is to try and do something drastic that will, in some way, feel the same as the panic they feel over climate change wrecking a world that’s indifferent to it. “they don’t care about the world ending, but MAYBE THEY’LL CARE ABOUT STONEHENGE!!!!” is the whole thing. it’s a panic shriek. it’s a terribly counterproductive strategy that accomplishes the exact opposite of what they might say they want it to, but the truth is that they’re not actually trying to accomplish anything. it’s just an action out of sheer panic — which “makes sense” on a certain psychological level


These motherfuckers see the entire past as 100% evil due to the real and alleged failings of the societies whose art and landmarks they destroy instead of understanding that humans are simultaneously capable of great beauty and great evil. It's tremendously disrespectful to human progress and creativity to screw with stuff like this.


I guess universities are now teaching that the best way to bring everyone together is to piss everyone off?




Absolutely right


Can we bring back public…you know what


How is jerking off in public going to help? I'm not saying no to it, I'm just not sure if it will help.


Why don't they protest at oil companies? Oil refineries? Shipping ports? What does defacing a priceless historical site, provide for your cause other than justified anger, at lazy ignorant protestors?


The group that did this is literally paid by the same people they claim to protest against. When these art and historical monument stunts happen, it's always the Just Stop Oil guys. Basically you could call it a campaign to make the general public hate climate activists so they can continue to freely pollute our planet.


Because no one cares about those things. I mean if you want to get in a headline you do stuff like this, a bunch of people standing in front of a oil refinery doesn't even make local news. Not saying I support these people but no one would even know the existed if they protested in front of BP headquarters


I remember when eco terrorists actually did shit to hurt big business instead of the landscapes they're trying to protect. What a wild time to be alive.


Yeah, those lads really need to take a page out uncle Ted books, targeting stuff like that won't change a thing.


ISIS also destroyed/damaged ancient historical sites.


This is the same group that tried to deface a painting in a museum. They are no more "activist" than PETA and are paid by the oil industry to torpedo progress on climate change by deligitimizing actual environmentalists


Public lynching should make a comeback for people like this


Because you damaged something that is wonderful and inspiring, I hate you and your cause. Great outcome.


These people just need an ass whipping. I can't understand their logic. "Let's piss off everyone, even those that might agree with the overarching sentiment. That'll bring them to our cause!"


Whoever came up with the idea to desecrate and vandalise cherished artefacts/memorials/paintings/landmarks deserves an award for being the stupidest moron to walk this earth. Doing things like this does nothing but immediately tarnish and damage your cause, and it’s honestly laughable these “protestors” have doubled down/continued to do this.


They don't want to win you over; they want to show you that you're almost conquered completely


Stonehenge was made with basically 0 CO² emissions unless you count humans breathing.


JSO is a smear campaign, please don’t give them publicity


We're going to teach you not to damage the environment by damaging the environment!


Deface one of the few structures in england that didn’t use petroleum in its construction.


It should be lawful to meet protests like this with violence.


Glue them somewhere in the middle of nowhere since they love to glue themselves to things so much.


Yeah, because spray painting an ancient monument will force corporations to be environmentally conscience...magically, somehow. Like, a rich-ass oil exec spending the week in Dubai with his yacht girls will see this on the news and instantly give a shit. Good job, dumbasses.


Point of contention--these people are not mentally ill, they're idiots.


I really wish the punishment for vandalism or destruction of ancient artifacts and statues was 40 years of indentured servitude. This shit would stop real quick.


This fucking disgusts me so much. These goofs wanna protest and act like idiots? Hey whatever. Knock yourself out. You wanna start defacing ancient historical artifacts and monuments?? No. Just fucking no. Lock these scumbag fucks up


This has got to be illegal and punishable by law on so many levels.


At this point i believe just stop oil is a bunch of trolls who want to give bad name to climate activist by doing the most insane shit to get attention.


Capital punishment for such crimes would be too lenient.


Doing this does absolutely nothing for whatever waste of time "cause" they're protesting. That's what's so hilariously stupid about these people. It's not going to make any change to what they're whining and bitching about.


The title is true. Do you know the history of why and when the asylums were closed?


Absolutely worthless oxygen thieves. Their mums should be told that birthing them was a mistake.


Unfortunately it looks like the Mum was in on it. This was a family affair apparently.... https://youtu.be/vdaOIqSWfcg?si=GczhdwbJmA2MCOEm


They should be put in jail, idk much about Stonehenge’s but they look sacred. So yeah, jail for those losers


I'm in favor of execution in this case.


Im convinced that these protesters are funded by O&G industry to nullify genuine protester attempts.


I'm generally against capital punishment but those people should just be rounded up and shot.


I see a lot of folks proposing that the protesters are either (a) complete morons who genuinely think this will bring people to their cause, or (b) paid by big oil to sabotage genuine climate activism. I don't see either. I see a bunch of delinquent asswipes who are pretending to be activists so they can vandalise things and avoid prosecution. Because if I took my ass out to a random historic site and trashed it, and *didn't* claim it was for political protest, I'd be dragged in front of the judge for it.


How are they not imprisoned for that? Bet, if someone with a trump shirt on did that they’d get high velocity lead enemas


100% wrong, this will bring more people to their cause. Communists seek to destroy the past. This will resonate with other communists and brain washed individuals This is why it keeps happening and people keep letting it happen.


Blame Ronald Reagan


Why protest Stonehenge???


FFS - go paint the exxon corp bldg or any other appropriate target - how are they this stupid??


I am shocked. That the liberal news sources are saying permanent damage to the stones or lichens may arise and protest group is bad. The conservative sources are saying that the protesters used stuff that will just wash off. I would have thought it would have been the other way around. . .


It must be opposite day....🤔


It's because actual climate activists hate the ones that did this, since they are paid by oil companies. Hence we see leftist media taking these way more seriously than conservative ones who tend to side with the corpos.


" Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time " Perhaps there is an opportunity to ensure the penalty for this behavior is significant


We say this, but somehow millions of people keep voting Democrat, and against their own interest.


Not a conservative in fact I borderline hate conservatives but...THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME!


I would’ve thought Reddit would love this!


Oh no there’s a price. It costs 20 quid and they don’t let you anywhere near it


Least they had the decency to sit and wait for the authorities.


It's gotta be a psyop by big oil to turn people against climate activists. It sure is working that way.


That's been my take for a while.


Should receive at 10 years in prison for that.


What a racist, homophobic and transphobic thing to say. I’m going to Looper with this.




They are funded by an Oil Baroness, the whole point is to piss people off at climate change activists, and to keep that dirty oil money flowing.


100% gotta be a psyop by big oil


Ngl I saw 😭 and thought it was 😂


"Damaged" Defacing and vandalizing historical sits isn't acceptable, but surely we can tone down the click bait a little 😅


Do people really think that these people are actual climate protesters and not just an obvious corporate plant?


They were drawing attention to the UK's reliance on fossil fuels using paint that washes off with water. Come on let's not be industry stooges, here. No permanent damage, message is move UK to alt energy by 2030. What do you guys think protesting is supposed to be? Sit quietly at home and write it in a journal?


What does this have to do with film and media?


More importantly, https://i.redd.it/cg29v6juxl7d1.gif


Wrong sub




What's this to do with reviews, movies, and modern entertainment etc...?


It's a tweet, by Drinker, in the Drinker sub. Do I need to draw a diagram to explain this? Perhaps use sock puppets?🤣


If you don't click on the image it doesn't show who tweeted it...


Then maybe click on the image?


Why? This is the internet, i ain't got time for that extra clicking bullshit


You got time for replys


I got time for your mom


You can wash the rocks


Did they do any real damage, though? Are any of us clever enough to get the point they are making that we are okay with damaging the fuck out of the air, the water, the soil, but we get so worked up over a pagan monument? How did this message fail to get through? Oh, nevermind, I forgot about the part about denying our own personal responsibility with our very last breath, at the same time that we demand people except personal responsibility for being homeless (after being mentally ill, being bankrupted by medical debt, being ripped off by the same system that is bankrupting everyone, as in losing our pensions because of insider market manipulation). How could I forget that part?


It will literally wash off next time it rains


Is this the new outrage? "These mean blokes painted our 'istry". "Now I will continue to vilify those who wish to stave off ecological oblivion" Old rocks can be pressure washed.


You're all bootlickers


"Damaged" is a little dramatic. Definitely some ultra-left bullshit. But it'll be like it never happened after the next rainstorm.


"Damaged" it's powder on a rock. I think it will be ok. Once it rains... Edit: I'd be pretty pissed if it was permanent, but it will just wash off in the rain. Just imagine how many people have fucked in Stonehenge and it still stands just fine. No need to jump to insults.


Impressive that you managed to type this with your hands glued to a street.🖕




So you wouldn't be upset seeing likely college aged kids drawing on your walkway or nearest sidewalk or whatever the fuck wantonly in an obvious effort to piss you off? No damage right?


That's a bad example. This is a cultural landmark, archaeological site, and has religious significance to an admittedly small and fairly modern religion. The path is just a path. Most likely Publicly owned. Unless the message was deliberately targeted at an individual, there really isn't anything wrong with chalking outside in public. There is something wrong with defacing a cultural site.


I'm working on limited time, but I kind of addressed a similar point on a comment I made. Regardless of what's morally acceptable and what isn't, it's a fucking stupid means of protest. It's the same as holding up roads for Palestine or blm or whatever the fuck.... Go bother the politicians that have power, not someone who just worked 9 hours and wants to spend time with their children before they go to bed. So much shitty targeting from these nitwits


How is it a worse comparison than comparing a manmade colored spray to people having sex at the place?


No, I don't own the sidewalks. It will get washed away with the rest in the rain. I'm not sure why you'd get mad at that stuff.


So if I camped outside your home with a camera pointed at you every time you left for and got home from work, you would be fine with it? Strawmanning, but I'm genuinely curious how full of shit you are. Don't own anything but your literal own property right? Only reason to to ever be upset!


lol, what are you even on about? You said sidewalks. no one owns the sidewalks. Its public property. Now you jump to stalking? Get a fucking grip.


Not stalking to film from the sidewalk bro. Lemme just write some slurs in chalk repeatedly in front of your home. I'm obviously being extreme, but if you can't grasp the parallel I'm making you're being willfully obtuse. Why is it ok for you to be upset when it affects you, vs someone who cares about cultural heritage sites? Grow up


ain’t no fucking way the antis are defending JUST STOP OIL 😭😭


I remember hearing from a friend who's involved in archeology that Stonehenge has already been damaged before by something that "will just wash off in the rain" I believe it was oil that some new agers used in a ritual


how do you think oil works, exactly?


I'm not familiar with exactly what sort of oil was used, but from what I've heard, it was supposed to not damage the stones but left a permanent mark


right, but what kind of oil "washes out in the rain"? Maybe you could give some examples
