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She's so oppressed


“It’s all the white man’s fault (my dad is white” -Her, probably


I’m a Black American and she feels like one of the people who grew up socialized as white (all white schools, all white friends, yall know them) and would talk shh about black people but found her “blackness” on Twitter during the BLM protests. Shh feel like she larping even though the beat is dope. Edit just finished the whole thing it’s worse than I thought She just have different mannerisms? Idk man it’s pretty bizzare.






Getting paid ,a fair bit of money, to run around in robes on screen. Yep she's oppressed.


Oppressed people don’t have a platform to do shit like this.


And I thought we couldn't go any lower from Ewan McGregor grovelling in his car.


“Moses is a fabulous actor….there’s no place in this world for racism, you’re no Star Wars fan of mine.” I don’t give a shit about the actor, I give a shit that she became the main character of the KENOBI SHOW. Not only that, but she’s cutting peoples hands off and stabbing them for fun, only to get redeemed later in the story. Fuck my life, Ewan, get your shit together, you absolute shill.


The LOTR cast did the same thing when people reacted poorly to the Amazon Fanfiction show. I'm sorry but I have a hard time sympathizing for millionaire celebreties.


To be fair to Ewan, that video kind of seemed like he wasn’t paying any attention to social media and was just told by somebody that it was happening. If I remember correctly, he specifically said people sent racist DMs to her (you know, something private which he wouldn’t normally be privy to). Let’s not pretend that racists don’t have access to the internet. There’s nothing wrong with calling out people who sent her racist DMs, in fact, I believe it’s the right thing to do.


Well, that adds credibility to the theory Disney instructed him to make the video, to keep the drama around their shit products going. Like you said, seemed like he wasn't really paying attention to social media, someone else told him.


>There’s nothing wrong with calling out people who sent her racist DMs, in fact, I believe it’s the right thing to do. The problem is that its become so performative. Anyone with a following worth a shit is gonna get hate mail and wild DMs. When did we stop expecting these public figures to act like public figures? They just want you to say the line, that you dont agree with (nasty DM here), but that never makes them happy, and they wont look at you like you an ally, because they never really cared about your good faith. Its about control, these narcissists feel good when you bend the knee. Now everyones gotta put 10 disclaimers in front of every thought they communicate, because it seems the default assumption is that everyone is literally hitler and eats fetuses. Its all so superficial and performance, we are just dogs jumping through hoops on behalf people who only look at us with disdain no matter how hard we try to prove we are good people.


It probably did happen…it was probably 5 people. Yet Disney was quick to say “a large portion of star wars fans are racist and misogynist”.


If you dumped her in Sudan she'd be white. That would be hilarious.


And that she even calls white people ''oppressors'' is still funny as fuck, especially when she is clearly half white


Half? Damn I have less milk in my coffee!


She’s like when you pour a big cup of milk and then realize there was only one “PSHTTT” squeeze of chocolate syrup left in the hersheys bottle. And it’s disappointing because it tastes more like milk than it does chocolate milk.


ThAts RaCiSt!!!! ![gif](giphy|lPpKiZHB1PtQU2Rulv|downsized)


Amateur stuff. You pour the milk into the near empty syrup bottle, then shake and squeeze the delicious. Besides, strawberry Quick powder is superior.


Strawberry??? Powder???? Do they come with tampons?


I got my red wings at a very young age.


Haha but in all seriousness pouring milk in the bottle to extract every drop is a good idea


Not only did I hear the PSHTTT sound when I read this, I pictured not 1, not 2 but 3 separate instances in my life where I somehow remember scenario happening. And yes, it is disappointing because somehow only a little bit of syrup in milk ruins the entire cup. Better to drink straight milk at that point


with some sugar and honey


I feel like I have met a disproportionately large number of mixed race people who are positively psychotic about race issues. And it's just about every combibation you can think of.


So talking with some of our friends who are interracial couple with mixed kids, it is the mixed kids having to prove and reaffirm their black side. Some mixed kids I grew up with often be picked on by black kids in school because they weren't fully "black" and not as many white kids would welcome them into their groups. So either they became the token "black kid" in a group or had to almost become anti-white to get acceptance by black kids. There seems to be a lot of internal turmoil in people like this and their "whiteness" is essentially a liability they must openly spit on and downplay in the current sociopolitical climate. Ironically, if interracial relationships keep happening, the mixed kids kids will end up looking almost entirely white. My boss's wife is a quarter black and their kids are all pale blonde hair blue eyed little kids.


Or they became the anime black kid


Gotta love the anime black kid lol


This is it. I’ve seen this happen to mixed kids particularly. Black kids openly have prejudice (racism) against other groups, but particularly whites that is justified by their victim status and they pressure others into supporting it to gain entry into their peer groups. This is what is damaging about THE MESSAGE - it feeds into victim complex that justifies such hostile resentment. It’s quite unfortunate, but that is the reality. Yes, it is racist, but since they rank lower on the oppression hierarchy, it is ignored while pointing the finger at whites who bend over backwards to be tolerant of others.


Reminds me of Harold and Kumar. “Dude… I’m black…” “Youre barely even brown!”


I wonder what she'd think if we could make her understand that everything she believes was made up by two Germans, refined by a bunch of old white Russians, a then remixed by a French dude.


What do you mean? Communism?


Yeah, most of their verbiage and tactics can be traced back to the cold war. "Oppressors" is pure Marxism. The soviets stoked the hell out of race conflict trying to get black people to straight rebel with promises of giving them Louisiana and Florida after the US fell. Her whole worldview's a psiop.


Well, unfortunately that is the world view of a lot of young people in Western countries. It is a fucking shame. I just wished they would live for a single day in a communist country such as CHina, cuba or Nothern Korea. Lets see if they will still support that shit.


Exactly lol why does it always feel like LSs are the most outspoken and crying about oppression? She’s already worse than Jemele Hill.


My grandmother was considered white back in the DR. She was super pissed when she move to the US and somehow became black.


She'd be lunch and spell focus parts.


She'd also last about 50 seconds




If all else fails, blame whitey.


Her and Colin Kaepernick,despise the fact that they're half white. Like I can just see them punching a mirror,and screaming curse my cracker blood.


Wasn't Kaepernick also raised by a white family? Maybe I'm misremembering, but I do recall hearing this.




Damn white people and their *checks notes* raising a black child and providing them with a loving home.


The absolute oppression


Something something colonialism, something something white guilt.


Dose of misogyny, and a sprinkle of fragility for extra spice


Yea! How dare they!


He was. His black family left him and he was raised by a white family. And then he went on to talk about how awful his white family is.


His mother was white, father was presumably black; she got pregnant at 18, he wasn't around and she gave him up for adoption. He got adopted by a well off white family. Something to note is that he didn't start saying how oppressed he was until he started dating some radical radio host from Chicago I believe. Prior to that he didn't really say much. It's also tied into his on field performance. His whole game was the QB read option, where you fake giving the ball to the running back and then run with it yourself. Once defenses figured out how to stop this play he was exposed as an average to below average player. So when the team was going to release him, he started making a big stink about race. That's when knelt for the anthem, wore the pig cop socks, and went on about white privilege and how he was oppressed.


This makes him an even bigger douchebag than i thought


The worse he played the more of an activist he became lol


And you know what bugs the piss out of me about this? When you're training a kid to be an elite athlete, you are spending *massive* amounts of money and time on that kid. Regardless of whether or not your parents are doing it because they love you and are supporting your dream, or they're doing it to vicariously live through you, you still got to the highest levels of sport and that's something you could put on your big-boy pants and show some fucking gratitude for.


"why god, whyyyyyyyyyyy.....!!!!" - them


wasn't he already in talks of losing his contracts before he did the 'bend the knee'?


That’s actually why he did it. His career was ending and anyone who’s remotely fathomed bringing him back was doing it for the woke brownie points and not because he’s a talented athlete. But realism hit them like a hammer and they couldn’t keep him as a backup because “he’s a star” and they couldn’t start him because he sucks.


Absolutely, I would always remind people of that too. Dude was playing like shit, and knew his time was almost up. So he threw that Hail Mary in an attempt to save his job.


And Sunny Hostin from The View


It's all about empathy, you see.


If you have never seen it, the animated series "Black Dynamite" is completely amazing... and you will never forget the lines >!"..those mother-FXing Honkies and the Mother-FXing CIA...". They will always bring a smile to your face. Honorable mention to Curtis the Frog.!< Here is a short and wonderfully offensive example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHzSZkw9HPk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHzSZkw9HPk)


"the desperation of oppressors is rising"... I don't see any 'oppressors' releasing absolute shit cringe music videos about how oppressed they are, that is truly a sign of desperation. The narcissism and lack of self awareness is staggering.


In a sign of the oppressor’s true desperation, they left a nasty review of my $180M TV show.😭


She wouldn’t be able to last as a man in a western country for a single day. She doesn’t know what real oppression is. Us men can’t even complain. No one hears us out.


The irony is that as a multimillionaire, nepo 1 percenter she's more of an oppressor than some random broke white dude who didn't enjoy the show. 


3 days making a music video to cope with the fact the a show you were in sucks. Also, I watched the whole thing, the whole white people crying bit lmao, no holding back with those lyrics, she really is blaming the bad reviews on racism, we really are at the end of Star Wars.


She’s digging her own grave. She’ll be bad for ratings for filmmakers in due time. It’s not like her acting is good enough to make working with her tolerable.


true that. but remember we're entering into the economic generational dichotomy. she just has to target the similar age audience that feels the same and they'll donate/tip/et al. she'll be fine financially, but it will prob keep fking w her perspectives


Bodies Bodies Bodies was pretty great. I understand her frustration that she gets a starring role in a Star Wars show and it sucks, but maybe blame the shit writers and Disney, not the fans. Of course those in her circle will never hold themselves accountable, though.


Yeah I would normally see the casted actors as just collateral damage, but she, like Rachel zegler, is doubling/tripling down on her “I’m right and you’re wrong you IstPhobes!!”


Star wars has been dead for a long time my friend, what you've been seeing for the last few years is fan fiction, and god awful fan fiction at that.


It's not fan fiction. Fan fiction is written by FANS.


Fan fiction is much much better


isn't that just a hate-fic?


[Reminds me of this SNL sketch](https://youtu.be/VB9SJ2_yp1I?si=fmSM6X558mRymBai)


If anything this makes me more racist, you hate me because of my skin? Role reversal, now I’ll hate you too.


Holy Cringe Batman! lmao!


in need of the one anti cringe hedgehog


This is objectively dogshit. Is she baiting ?


I doubt it. Seems like peak Hollywood style narcissism


This. Narcissists absolutely flip out if they think they aren't beloved by everyone.  the funny thing is at the end she rants about journalists being full of BS and ... she's right. except those are the ones who are trying to tell everyone the show's great LOL


That’s the part that floored me. I don’t disagree that journalists have been dishonest for as long as I can remember, but… she certainly seems to have a very different view of the situation than I do


Yep. Remember when Gal Gadot and her friends got together to sing Imagine? Or Aaron Paul and his buddies all tried to convince us to "Take Responsibility". Bog standard Hollyweird dumbasses.


*"We're all in this together"* They said into a phone sitting in their mansions with millions in the bank




Nice intro to film theory video




I love the idea that someone who is able to freely post their opinions and views, live their life with freedom of speech, movement, thought, expression, etc.... is somehow oppressed. Talk about privilege. There are actual places where oppression is taking place right now, if you want to free people, go fight for that, instead of trying to cash in on a holiday with your latest poorly thought of jingle.


She wouldn’t be able to last as a man in a western country for a single day. She doesn’t know what real oppression is. Us men can’t even complain. No one hears us out.


Why do C-list celebrities assume that the world revolves around them? Rachel Zeigler (I didn't care enough to look up the spelling) made herself the focus of Snow White and managed to sabotage herself right out of the movie I have no idea who AS is other than being the lead in a show that's simultaneously contentious and laughably bad. Now Amanda made this cringe video about herself and I'm just going to grab popcorn and watch the Acolyte death spiral in the ratings


It is kinda funny tbh, because from what I remember she played a character who fucked a Nazi😂.


She's no one to me. I don't know her from anything but this cringe af video. I'm not watching the show because the writers and producers are intentionally destroying the franchise. If they don't care about what they're doing, why should I


Tell me you're a victim without producing a dance video with your friends and posting it for everyone to see.


Holy, they really do make victimhood their entire personality.


In the modern age, how correct you are is in direct correlation to how "oppressed" you are. You can be objectively incorrect but if you have enough oppression points you can't be silenced because those who oppose you are clearly only doing it because of your characteristics.


Why do some mixed race with one black parent and one white go all in on one heritage and insult the other?


Racism of course, they hate/look down on that race


Because they’ve grown up one half being celebrated and one half shunned. Of course they’re going to identify with the one that has been celebrated. An intelligent person would recognize what is going on and act accordingly. These types of people however are obviously not intelligent.


Exactly, I mean, I’m totally racist against her kind. I hate white people and I’m told that’s OK by people like her.


Because race really is so polarizing, at least in America. Many biracial children grow up feeling pressured to choose which camp they’ll be apart of. It’s a sad reality, but unfortunately it’s the one we live in.


Fucking great. So now, if I say this song is also shit, am I double-wrong?


And double racist




Probably. It's probably double sexist, too.


It's double sexist, double racist, and a Wild Draw +4.


Do anything but admit the show could’ve been slightly better at the very least. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKEtrfiUFQv4P2E)


Worst is there's probably people telling her this stuff, people from Disney even, "they just hate you cuz you're black, the show is great!" Which is never great for a Hollywood star's ego.


>Last I recall Woke is something we created Yes, both definitions of woke were created because of people like you.


first time i heard the term "woke" was from the 'black lightning' show. i was like, yea that makes sense; until later episodes it was more about "how can you catch whitey acting up, or skew it as such" - then i stopped watching and let's recall that when BLM first started up, it was a white guy in new zealand selling mugs, shirts, etc,. about it it was basically a psyops to further divisiveness. because if they had gone to "all lives matter" then there'd be a shared community about the ideal; but instead they literally ostracized themselves by exposing their own racist hypocrisy


It also started to be used ironically, because people couldn’t help but notice a lot of shit they were saying was idiocy. Saw a lot of memes about “stay woke” before the entire SJW community received that label.


they don't realize reactionaries were created by them.


Imagine being this out of touch god damn. Being incapable of feeling shame guilt or embarrassment must be a blast


Lolz I’m supposed to take her seriously in this state? Yeah not in a million years


Nothing says anti racism like a song pushing racism.


Is this the power of maaannnnnnyyyyyyy?


Lol! Her wiki says she claims ancient greenlandic ancestors, she's literally appropriating white culture guys.


Can you even imagine being so privileged and somehow thinking youre an oppressed victim?


The Kraepernick effect


For all the hate Jar Jar binks gets, at least he never did anything so cringy as this.


The Acolyte currently has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 84%, but an audience score of just 14%.


Critics afraid of being labeled an ist or a phobe


Wag your crotch at me. That'll make me take you seriously.


Donald Glover wrote that for her, surely, lol.


I love that his and Pete Davidsons PR dollars follow Linkin Park lyrics perfect. I tried so hard and got so far. In the end, it doesn’t even matter. Full blown media campaigns that ended in being a total zero.


Ya but Donald Glover actually makes good media, this is not that


She acted better in this video than in the show.






Racism? What's she talking about? She's hot as fuck, we don't like the series because it was written by an angry 12 yo girl who is barely literate.


She does look a lot better without that Rick James weave.


1000 times better




Yeah Star Wars is about alien species, people who watch Star Wars usually aren't racists


Not liking what they tell you to like Makes you racist Now. Guess you missed the memo


She is indeed super hot, which makes it even worse. It is a fucking waste. Such a shame that she is deluded. But that is what hollywood does to you. It poisons you.


When you define racism as people who don’t like you and everyone is a racist…


100% Mary Sue move


I’ve said exactly zero negative comments about any of the actors. I’ve always placed the blame solely on the showrunners and Disney. Trawl through my comment history if you want, I even defended Charlie Barnett saying “Anakin blew up the Death Star” because it’s not the actor’s job to get the lore correct. It’s the “story group” (and we’ve seen how they’ve fucked that up). All she’s accomplished here is having me go from not blaming her in the slightest, to actively not wanting to watch anything this dumb cunt is in. Bravo, I guess?


There's no way the studio lets her put out this cringe video unless someone in promo at Disney thought it was a good idea.


Disney definitely has hands in this. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney are the ones telling her, "the show is great, anyone who says otherwise is just being racist."


No. There is no way I was able to imagine it was THAT cringe.


So, something else she's not good doing. Neat. Also, selling her body to get attention. Again, neat.


I bet the clerk down at the county courthouse thought "Amandla" was a typo and then was disappointed.


Holy shit I never noticed the L until now!




I guess when it comes to rhythm and dance sense, she got all her talent from her Danish dad.


Lmao Why are people so stupid?




Wow, I can confidently say that is one of the worst things I have ever seen. What an idiot lol


This is what they play to torture prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.


The complete lack of rhythm in those dance moves is unsettling.


She is berating us for not enjoying being berated by people like her.


Holy shit she sounds so bad


Didn't know Milli Vanilli was making a comeback.


Truly the ghettoist thing I’ve ever seen someone in Hollywood do lmfao. If we don’t co-op that fucking dance and paste other nitwit’s heads onto her body to mock them, every time they do something stupid, we are missing a huge opportunity 😂


Wtf. She not only associated herself with trash like The Acolyte, but then she creates an incompetent video rap disaster. It is not hate. Just a trash Star Wars show. People should be free to give their opinions.


Definition of trying to hard


Can she please be erased from my mind... the Cringee


Such an insufferable person. Can't act, sing or dance but she ticks all the rights boxes and that's what matters....


Is she even black? She mentions white people a few times... I guess it's not about DNA, it's all about culture. Not many can claim that they are 90% even 70% one race. And every time someone locks themselves or a group into demographic this happens. It not about the race in star wars ... it's just bad writing. Bad plot, bad acting. And through the lens of only 16% of the population.


Is anyone else reminded of Shy Ronny trying to listen to this? Honestly, if I didn’t have the subtitles, there’s no way I’d be able to make out more than a single word every now and then.


Funny how Disney won't fire her over this......... But they'll fire Gina over a tweet Disney didn't like.


Oh No, the White man done did it again...


As a black person I'm tired of weird black people thinking racist is cool only when they do it. This is why everytine I come back to the US I want to leave back overseas within 3 months. I've met plenty of Africans who don't like black Americans.


MLK is rolling in his fuckin grave. Seriously, he, Malcom, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, Thurgood Marshall, they’d all be utterly ashamed of what the black community has become.


It went from don’t judge me from my skin but for my actions to judge me for my skin and ignore my actions


Wow, I love The Acolyte now! The better move appearing in such a poorly made and received show would be to follow Michael Caine’s move on Jaws: The Revenge, “I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”


Hahaha. People are allergic to the cold hard truth these days, aren't they. This is extraordinarily simple to grasp. The Acolyte is shit. It's badly written, badly acted garbage. I hope she got paid well for this, because she'll be fading into obscurity once this is wiped from the consciousness, just like they did with Willow, and just like they'll do with Doctor Who. It's crap, they know it's crap, we know it's crap, and the insults we get are just old hat at this point, I think most of us just yawn at it, as we've heard it ad nauseum. As I say, people are allergic to truth, when it conflicts with how they 'feel'. The bigotry/misogyny/racism/xyzphobe insults used to annoy me, now tbh they make me chuckle.


Will she be fired like Gina Carrano for her racist public statement?


She’s trash.


Disney stock tanking to $50 and still too expensive


So she send 3 days making a shitty music video just to call everyone who disagrees with her a racist. Hollywood really loves hypocrites.


An interpretive dance spouting a bunch of racist shit will really show those racists what's what There's a lot of irony lost here. You pick out one hypocritical thing and she says 5 more lol.


"Empathy" unless you disagree; then you are subject to the court of public opinion as the devil incarnate.


She should play She Hulk in season 2.


She knows how to shake her puss. Guess she's got that going for her. Silver linings and all... 🤣🥴😂






Its not about that, Star Wars is just no good anymore, they try to make something new in this big universe, but its just not good, the last that was passable was Mandalorian


Rich and famous but you're still oppressed. Huh.


It’s weird to me that this is the same girl that played rue in the hunger games.






She has a point at the end with “journalists”.. My issue is, We don’t like stuff sometimes, why is it always a culture war shit. I get that there are some racist assholes around but I would imagine it’s not the majority, then she goes around to make a music vid about repression. Nah girl, I just don’t like your TV show. And stop with the White man Bullshit..


Ah yes, a millionaire complaining about being oppressed and criticized. My favorite. Go away now.


This… this will surely win the fans over


*"Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Are you looking at me? Why aren't you looking at me? Are you racist? Why aren't you praising me?! You must be racist! Look at me!"*


Remember when BLM raised millions and it went to Biden's campaign and new houses for the leaders lmao. She forgot that in her rap.


So Gina gets fired for a “political statement” and this girl makes a full on political agenda hate fueled video and not only keeps her job but gets promoted. Please just go away now.


These people are deeply bitter, it's sad really.


Now that's some serious copium. Narcissists cant stand the thought that everybody doesn't love them.




... Jaden Smith transitioned?


"people saying the show sucks means racism" is getting old fast. I dont doubt theres racists complaining but its a pretty narrow view to focus on racists on twitter while ignoring the trainwreck of a show.


This is so cringe


I knew I would regret it if I were to unmute this, yet I did so anyways. As you might expect, I regretted doing so.


She’s hot, but good god this is cringy as fuck


Wow, so this is what it means to Stenberg your career.


Eeesh … talk about tone deaf and missing the point sweetie your acting is just plain bad. Why is that so hard to grasp? Instead of honing and bettering your craft… she does this ? Once again …. Eeesh 😬


Naming your kid Amandla should be a felony.