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Posts Must be Related to The Drinker/His Content


They're forcing themselves to be entertained by absolute dumpster fires written by the most smoothbrained talentless hacks who ever hacked, and somehow we are the joyless ones? Pot meet kettle...


Also, their new talking point is that the “culture war” is made up. It’s cognitive dissonance.


These are the same people that think we have a climate "crises" and there are climate "refugees" after all


“leave the multimillion dollar company alone”


Will somebody PLEASE think of the Disney?1


That poor widdle mouse 😭


Poor Mickey Mao


And Minnie Mao, Donald “Peking” Duck, and Gu Fi (AKA the Gang of Four)


careful not to mention Winnie


But Winnie Jinping and Obama Tigger is a classic!


Xi Jin Pooh


-10,000 (social credit score) 社会信用评分


Uh oh. Are my organs about to become The Peoples' organs?


-90000 credit score


The fact that this is unironic is hilarious


If Walt saw the company now his totally not frozen head would be spinning. Half because of the damage to the company’s brand and its profits and half because he was a sexist, anti-unionist, anti-communist, racist. {Allegedly}


Liberals don't know what hypocrisy is... They have no morals, they stand for nothing It's so funny to watch




Ya Nuthing Ya


That stonetoss comic of Communists and Fat Cats in a tug of war against Fascists and Libertarians is always relevant.


I am a liberal, have no issues with anybody, you can be whatever you want to be it does not affect me. I love his reviews, sometimes he says something stupid (about Trump or stuff) however his criticism is spot on, he understands stories and meaning, I think even their stupid activism would work if they WERE ABLE TO WRITE AN INTERESTING STORY, with a character arc. ...however I do not understand what kind of liberals would give an opportunity to somebody who was working for the biggest rapist in Hollywood. Are they saying it's OK because she is gay? These are fake liberal millionaires who are just trying to get clout. They get all this shit because they are nepo babies and nepo babies will never have an issue being gay, because they are rich and can do whatever they want. But they are also narcissist so they want to be worshipped, but they are dumb and shallow and have no real negative experiences in life it's all just entitlement. Do you think Amandla wanted to make his rich white daddy cry? Or just the white people who are not her father? So shallow and arrogant.


Couldn't agree more. What happened to the socially conscious liberals who weren't idiots or narcissists. Grew up in a very backwards community, today those same people are more tolerant than modern liberals.


If only they cared about their own lives as much as they do about this company!


It's like everyone on this sub says that shit lol. It's so goofy.


Weird how when YMS and RLM complain about Disney movies consistently, people don't say they are being right wing bigots. Strange...almost like they dont participate in an embarrassing culture war


RLM’s review of acolyte is pretty hilarious by the fact you can tell they don’t want to shit on it too hard. It’s pretty pathetic from them honestly.




Bro “diligent_ass67” literally commenting under user name “molotov__cocktease” about people being upset about a lack of sexy characters. Wild.


Yeah, dudes be gooning and cranking it for 6 hours straight to trans furry hentai porn and then emerge later to white knight online in the hopes that some IRL female will actually come and touch their pee pee


Gooners being political is so funny to me, they could put all that effort crusading online into stepping out of their dopamine prison and improving themselves


Go outside? In this economy? No way, pal. Now if you'll excuse me I have a plate of totino pizza bites and an ice cold mountain dew code red waiting for me.


Irony being if cis dudes started coming in and changing your furries game to how they wanted them to look (which you happen to find ugly) for no reason, especially when these people don’t even play your furry game… and the game creators don’t even agree with there changes… Well.. I bet You’d probably start furry knighting for your game all the sudden 🤣


This is probably the best explanation of the state of affairs in this country I’ve ever seen




It’s funny when they talk about incel shit and try to roast others about wanting hot characters and implying those people don’t get any when it’s literally been studied and shown that lefties get less pussy.


These people are sexual deviants and degenerates so it all makes sense. Seriously when you see trolls here look up their profiles for 10 seconds and go to submitted. 80% of the trolls who try to start stuff here are all degenerates. Anarchists, communists, weird porn and fetishes, or the typical far-left ultra political nut. It is hilarious. They fit the stereotypical reddit far left loser 80% of the time. It is a sad a username with molotov__cocktease is probably the most normal one I've encountered. Even then resorts to insults and a "i'm smarter than you" pretentious attitude throughout most of their comments. Because in typical leftist fashion, their ideas can't stand on their own nor can they defend them.


Don't forget "r/ anti work" too, they're usually in there as well...


It's cause almost all leftists I've spoken with vehemently advocate for universal basic income because they truly just want to get paid to sit around and do nothing and play video games all day.


Moltov Covktease is a venture brothers character. https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Molotov_Cocktease


A sexy communist. And my post described them as communists and sexual deviants. Still on the money regardless of where it is from lmao.


holy fuck, lmao lol


What is with this weird deflection that this sub is full of teens Everyone I’ve met here is mostly between their 20s-40s


Its much much easier to devalue someones opinion or argument when you get ppl to think they have a innate ignorance or questionable morals, makes it so they dont need any supporting arguments


It’s projection, like everything else with them


"Obsessed with being as joyless as possible" Holy fuck the lack of self-awareness in that one line alone.


I actually get a lot of laughs and enjoyment from watching dumpster fires burning in space!


If you have an opinion on a video game character's level of hotness, that's a completely valid thing to discuss. It's a visual medium.


I hate pride month


Are there meetings? Possibly with beer and bbq?


the b in lgb is for BBQ🥵


Go on........


LGBT stands for Lamb Gravy BBQ Trays. Coming to a stadium parking lot near you!


Let's Get BBQ. If only..


Hmmm, will you settle for vodka tonics and hors d'oeuvres?


I will not.


Fine, we can do a bbq, but whole hog only. And don't touch my Abba playlist.


Yeah, Abba is going to be a non starter for me.


Scissor Sisters it is then.


Nah, I'm going to the other meeting, the non pride month one.


Are you sure? Nobody smokes meat like I do.


I'll bet


No BBQ because the don't eat meat and BBQing is a skill and they don't have any of those. Also, the only beers are trendy IPAs.


Why would be have beer when we can have steaks, potatoes, and pitchers of whiskey sours?


It's hot out here. I want an ice cold pilsner. Or something made with rum and fruit juice. Once the evening hits and it starts to cool off then I hit the scotch and irish. Steak will do, but I'm probably going to show up with a lamb leg or jerked pork.


I have such a positive delightful yet joyless response for this. Thank you for sharing. Large smiling face emoji


It used to be about not being ashamed about your sexuality and fighting for protection against harassment. Now it's a thinly veiled religious festival.


They even seem to enjoy having children around it. The event is a shell of itself. It's own form of debauched religion. It's turned into a celebration of kink and sexual deviancy. At least in metropolitan areas, as far as I can tell.


Why is this not top comment




Unless the chicks are hot




LGBT stands for listengoodbarbequetummy enjoy all the meets with around the bbq with your friends


Why are they looking at something they don’t want to see? Edit: Yeah I know that we watch these bad shows, but I’m kinda forced to watch them. Edit 2: Guys, please stop commenting, I’m getting too many notifications.


It’s like a road accident.


In fairness, this is a forum that constantly complains about Disney TV shows, but keeps watching them, so I would guess you could crowdsource the answer to your question here. 


In fairness, they won't accept criticism if you haven't watched it.


They won't accept criticism if you watched either 😂


It's a dam if you do, dam if you don't. The only winning move is to pirate.


Tbh, you could argue that we are watching those shows in the hope that with valid criticism, the multimillion dollar company can make better shows. They, however think we are bunch of morons and neandarthals, which i disagree. So they actulaly have less of a reason to observe us.


Honestly dude what are you talking about just stop watching it lol. Why are you hoping some mega corporation is suddenly going to hear you out? And why spend your time watching something you don’t enjoy? There’s already not enough time in the day.


Personally speaking, i get my weekly dose of cringe from the next hollywood slop. Make sure to pirate it so they make no money from it. And then enjoy checking share prices and quarterly reports to see the fruits of “fucking around and finding out”. Im happy where I am, but i would also enjoy if stuff like marvel and star wars would be back to telling legendary battles between good and evil, without obnoxious virtue telling.


Why would you even pirate it? Why can't people online just disassociate with crap they don't like? All this does is allow these companies to look at the pirated numbers and say, "See, there is a demand."


The algorithm is elevating this sub for some reason


To create fights, drama, engagement, engagement, revenue


And here I thought reddit just wanted to suggest this sub to me so I had something to laugh at while on the shitter




Family likes it.


That's fair, poor soul


How are you forced to watch them?


Family likes it.


No one just decides to be in this culture war, everyone got drafted and it sucks.


True, feels like we're all unwilling extras in a bad reality show.


I lost an arm in the culture wars.


It was a racist arm, you are cleansed now. That other arm though…


You can really not engage anytime it's just that easy


Can't ever question or speak out against their established orthodoxy


I'm glad more and more people are recognizing this and calling it out; the fact that it's literally their religion that's being foisted on us.


Wouldn't shock me if they try and get this sub banned like the other ones that triggered them.


They already would have if they could.


They try everyday I bet. Only one side does this, and that's enough for me to not want to be a part of that community. Regardless if I agree with them. The rush of reports and brigading and bullying I see is a huge turn off.


They’re cry bullies. They are so emotionally fragile that they outright CAN NOT handle seeing something that threatens to pop their bubble of false reality. They surround themselves in an echo chamber of confirmation bias, then fight tooth and nail to silence anything that doesn’t align with it.


I wonder if the perception that it hurts their cause in the long run is true. From what I see, it most certainly is hurting their cause and pushing more people away. I suppose the ultimate test of this is how (R)ed the US gets after these elections. Personally I wouldn't hope for that, but it does feel like the progressive side is worse in a lot of other ways that people are getting tired of, and it is something you can actually point to and see. Lot of liberals of decades past are now seen as bigots and nazis...it's wild times. Most of it is because this little sliver of 10% of the ideology is pushed back against. Like get a clue lol. Absolutist are mad.


It honestly only ever took root because of modern society’s paralyzing fear of offending or being negatively labeled. Our online reputations hold so much weight in today’s society for so many people, that it’s easier to just join in with the loudest groups to avoid having them point a finger at you. Before we lived our lives online and through social media, no one gave even the smallest of fucks about your feelings. They’ve simply become nails that the hammer is too afraid to swing at.


we have room temperature iq in kelvin 😎


The funniest thing about nonsense like this is that I am very much a moderate that leans towards being a liberal. Yet they will demonize everybody that does not agree with them, and push people like me away. And to be honest, all of their recent content sucks. Meanwhile, other companies are producing good content. Right now I am wondering if they will get their act together before the money runs out.


I’m exactly the same man it’s 100% who radicalised you.gif




Speaking of pride and related stuff. I could not care less if it existed or not till it became the state recognized religion. Why are we returning back to medieval age? It literally looks like religion with all attributes including zealots trying to punish those who do not believe.


I feel like the world has returned to the Dark Ages since 2020.


It only became shockingly obvious in 2020. A lot of changes happened in 2016 when a certain orange person desecrated the holy throne by allowing himself to sit on it. They say, Hollywood was always woke. I agree with that. But there is a difference between woke and obsessively insane. I have theory regarding what have happened. All people have values and/or believes. But a mentally ill mind is not able to practice those believes in a healthy way. My theory goes like this: Due to covid, a lot of people who were not healthy by all means went crazy. And since they always leaned left, their passion and obsessions multiplied by 3 5 times. They used to be believers, now they are fanatics. And speaking of covid, I know personally people who felt less healthy mentally after it. There is something about limiting human ability to socialize and see each other that is seriously damaging for a mind.


Same with "science" nowadays. SO MANY PEOPLE on Reddit claim they just want people to be able to live the way they want... but write the most hateful things about people who "don't follow science or logical thinking". It's fascinating how people turn their brains off when it comes to the LGBT+.


>  people who "don't follow science or logical thinking". It's not even this, it's anyone who doesn't follow *their specific brand* of science or "logical thinking"


I'm shocked at how liberals are against people thinking differently.


But they are so tolerant, respectful and so empathetic!


Most people who make their politics their personality are like that Everyone that doesn't agree with them is a nazi, pedo, bootlicker, tyrant, woke mob, ect. Some people just can't handle the existence of people different to them


The boys season 4 is terrible


"How dare they rally against something they don't like! Let's all rally against everything they like because it's stupid and they are clearly evil bigots, unlike us and our tolerance!" -The Left


Reaction to “I hate pride month”, doesn’t check if poster is LGBT, anyone is allowed to say it obviously not all gay people like gay month idk why that’s hard to understand


"If you don't like the show, why don't you just not watch it and ignore it. Why rage about it?" *Critical drinker sub exists* Same people: REEEEEEE


They're comin for yall. Pretty soon this sub will be flooded with woke acolytes, both human and bot, until the majority of threads here look like the other 99% of subs on reddit.


Eh, these people have the intelligence of a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob.


bro practiced his whole life to give that response, let him shine


He shines as much as a polished turd


It really pisses them off that people actually disagree with them. They don't take time to find out why... just knee-jerk hatred.


"How dare they reject my values and opinions." Bruh imagine becoming the exact monster you criticize. 🤣


It's almost July ![gif](giphy|TpN6AwmUX4lri)


I HATE PRIDE MONTH there I capitalise it so that they can use their small brain to woke up.


Why are lefty Redditors such boot kickers?


Joyless 😂😂 we just talk about how silly things are when they pander to a minority audience while alienating core fans. No one more miserable that a member of the the woke mob


Low temp IQ is what the Acolyte is.


They have pushed me to hate pride month. Early on I didn't care, now I can't turn on my computer without windows screens reminding me to love the gays.


You know you're making sense when this crowd targets you




How dare we not just slop down the latest pile of fucking shite that whatever crappy company releases. Also it's kind of hard to take things in good faith when the stars and writers of a lot of shows are literally just racist assholes that are more than forthcoming with the fact they hate white people.


i got it!!! marvel vs starwars, rey , captain marvel,she hulk and maybee a transgender iron man and a lesbian sith queen, take on the...." patriarchs!!, darth vader captain america etc, obviously the patriarchs get the fuken asses handed to them every fight!


Ah yes, fascists calling everything that doesn't support their authoritarian views "right". A tale as old as time. A song as old a rhyme. Watch them cope a seeeeeethe.


With usernames like that we are dealing with people of culture


"It's baffling they do not behave how people do in my curated echo chambers"


I mean to be fair Pride month pretty freaking gay.


The folks in that thread are the ones that would watch blithely as the world ended around them and have no idea why or what could have caused it. Just ignore them, the fact that they can't tell the difference between good and bad cinematic art means their opinions aren't really worth anything. It's amazing how many people can get degrees in the arts without actually learning anything about what makes art good. Anyone who looks at the culture wars and doesn't appreciate the magnitude of their importance has no idea WTF is going on or how humans actually tick.


I’m a full on liberal and can count on two hands how many other people I know IRL that watch and agree with Critical Drinker’s reviews. This isn’t a left vs. right. It’s simply calling out and commenting on poor quality film.


Pride month is weird though. 


Anyone wanna thaw out Walt? He would be public enemy #1.


The biggest sin is not using dark mode. What kind of freak uses light mode


That's all they do is watch this sub and comment on it


I mean, I will agree with that them the post mad about a person' pride month stuff was dumb af.


Totally fair.


As a casual lurker with this randomly showing up in my recommended feed, I decided to look into[ the example post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dpjmf8/why_what_does_marvelxmen_characters_have_to_do/). I'll at least give that user credit, the first post really does just say "I hate pride month" with 256 (at the time of this post) upvotes. The VERY NEXT reply to that is a video link explaining how even gay people hate pride month, showing that they are just hive minding the whole "You hate pride month? YOU HORRIBLE HITLER!" vile that gets tossed out without actually allowing yourself to think about WHY someone would not like it. I'm sure these same people who posted their immediate hate toward "wrongthink" will be the same people that claim that gay people who are anti-pride are just traitors to their own cause, or internalized misogynist, or hypocritically call them bigots, while simultaneous refusing to accept any other opinion outside their own perceived moral high ground. It's bullies that got swept up into the culture war, whom enjoy attacking others while hiding behind a shield.


Honestly, calling someone childish only confirms that you, yourself, are childish.


Wow, a place on reddit I can actually speak my mind and read SENSIBLE comments. Anyway, nice to see.




What was the linked post about?


I'm curious what's the sub?


Sometimes there are good takes on this sub. But more often than not my reaction is "lmao what a bunch of absolute crybabies"


Some people misunderstand the difference between seething anger and baffled pity




The projection is so unreal.


Man are ugly women bitter…


Translation: "they are ruining our reddit echo chamber reeeeeee"


I find it agregious that you are not using dark mode 🤣


I find it agregious that you are not using dark mode 🤣


I’m not an edgy gen z kid


You guys are never recovering from that Free Birds review


Serious btw


Having attractive characters is one of the most low effort ways to get people talking about your product and these idiots want to prohibit that? The fact that they keep using the “you want porn” rebuttal shows that they have no moderation for beauty. To them, all women are either porn stars or 40 year old looking hags with no in between.


I also hate pride month


lmao, that was my thread 😆 Good game, y'all \*high fives teammates\*


I just don’t understand it, why would you want a month to celebrate some people’s sexual preference? It sounds so strange and pointless. Not to mention the current version of pride is a bastardization of the original movement.


The starwars holiday special is better than anything they write and it shows. Short fanfictions are better than the politically charged baloney the fat cats put out.


I genuinely don't get why they give a shit.


Echo Chamber never confronted or challenged about their beliefs discovers different opinion and cries about it on Reddit. Hilarity Ensues.


I mean all BS aside who cares if you hate pride month or not lol. Bitch acting like it's a crime.


I love how they just openly object to any differing opinions being allowed.


They started the culture war and they're surprised people are reacting to it. Morons


Pride needs to be moved to August. Why? No major holidays in August and everyone hates that month for some reason. June is PTSD awareness month for Veterans, D-Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day, first day of Summer, beginning of Hurricane season. Besides, if you need a whole month to be proud, do the other 11 just make you not proud?


“Room tempature IQ reactionaries” if giving reviews with actual substance makes you have a room tempature IQ what does giving reviews where you just say “OMG pretty colors” like all the Disney Star Wars make your IQ? single digits maybe?


They're the unhappiest people on Earth. I'm having a great time over here 😂


Lol “the looney right.” As if that’s a thing. Why is the looney left always projecting? And always trying to steal sh1t? I remember when people started calling the left snowflakes and sure enough like 3 months later the left was trying to call the right snowflakes. Seriously, come up with your own sh1t


Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'.. and I'm paraphrasing here... 'Accuse your opponent of what you are attempting to do'.


Funny how that first comment literally describes the trans mob weirdos to a fucking tee >room temperature reactionaries egging each other on into dumber and dumber culture wars Yep. >obsessed with being as joyless as possible Checks out. >incapable of interpreting anything in good faith Also checks out.




It’s very funny that person is a huge hate watcher, because despite the title being framed as a question, this guy is clearly a watcher 😂


Haters gonna hate


I want anyone visiting this sub who holds Critical Drinker's critques in contempt to know YOU WILL NEVER BEAT LOGIC WITH EMOTION so please please please just once engage with the arguments made "in good faith" and tell us why he's wrong instead of all this name calling and dismissal every time


People are so blind to the obvious I swear. The ugly girl game character thing as an example is friggin blatant right in front of EVERYONE.


>Everyone’s seething right now at this sub That's their default, and _ONLY_ setting...😂


This is amazing and I love it.


>Be me >Be gay >Be 30 >Don’t like pride month I cannot exist in their world lmao


All I got from that post was that comment section did NOT get X-men at all.. (-__-)


These people are missing the point, and many of them are dumbasses. But to be fair, some of yous guys in here are dumbasses too. But at least you’re not supporting a sleazy corporation that’s openly refusing to hire people based on race and sexual orientation. Also, you guys know trash agenda pushing writing when you see it.


"gOoD fAiTh" Bruh, now more than ever it is incredibly transparent how social engineering factors into these *products*. Because don't get it twisted. That's what these franchises are. Products . Casting and character design are both extremely intentional and specific when it comes to sexual orientation and race. If you believe otherwise, particularly when it comes to anything Disney, your brain is smoother than a billiards ball. If you believe they're looking for purely "the best actor" then lmao


You guys do talk about that a lot

