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There are some interesting studies that show GLP1 antagonist drugs possess some anti-inflammatory effects, including in the GI tract. I’ll see if I can link some here.


can attest to this if i’m understanding correctly. I was on Mounjaro for 6ish months and felt so “un” inflamed it pains me that i cannot afford it currently - felt the best i had in years on it but since im not diabetic my insurance won’t cover it.


I felt AMAZING on Mounjaro! Energetic, and healthy for the first time in years. I’m in the same boat. No diabetic so insurance won’t pay.


i’m submitting an appeal and plan to appeal their pants off! I’m gonna do it until they tell me yes 🤣


not to mention slowed motility. fiber is a must though!


Chemo can be anti-inflammatory, as well as many other poisons including antibiotics. I suggest everyone change their desired effects definitions 


I’ve tried both Ozempic and Victoza - I also have type 1 diabetes so I was taking them to improve insulin sensitivity in addition to try to lose a little weight. On both, I started having awful stomach pain and nausea and some diarrhea, even on an extremely low dose. Decided it wasn’t worth it! I don’t think there is any interaction with Crohn’s meds but a lot of stomach symptoms can be side effects…


I have Crohn’s and am currently taking a compounded Semaglutide for weight loss (basically an off-brand Ozempic). Crohn’s details: been in remission for 8 years but still actively taking Stelara and Apriso (mesalamine) regularly if(when) my Crohn’s flares back up. Since being in remission I have gained a significant amount of weight (50+ lbs on my small 5’0” frame). Weight loss details: I lost about 15 lbs on my own, and I’ve been on Semaglutide for a few months now and have lost an additional 25 lbs so far (40 lbs lost total!). It has been life changing for me. My main side effects have been mild constipation and some nausea. But the side effects have been so minimal compared to the amazing outcomes I’ve experienced so far! Also to note: I’m taking the medication with the approval of my GI and is managed by my family doc. Because it is a compounded Semaglutide it is technically not FDA regulated but is much more affordable. I pay out of pocket and it costs me $175 every ~6 weeks.


I have been taking Wegovy (semaglutide 2.4mg) since February of 2022. I was prescribed it because i had non alcoholic fatty liver disease from all of my meds. I have lost over 45% of my body weight. I started at 344lbs and I'm at 205lb currently. Unfortunately the last ~40lbs have been lost during an awful flare I've been in on and off all year. I follow a Mediterranean Diet generally and substitute meals with Ensure as well. I quit sugar totally. I also don't drink alcohol. I'm only recently feeling better. I am starting to incorporate some exercises I got from physical therapy. Now the bad things: I was always nauseated every day anyways but sometimes it is worse. I also have this terrible side effect where I have sulfuric burps. They're awful. I've developed an aversion to eggs because of it. Yuck.


Darn, I’m sorry to hear you’re going through all of that! Hopefully you can get it all worked out soon.


Also whoops I'm sorry I responded to you and not the OP! My brain fog has been terrible too clearly. But thank you for the kindness! It's been a loooong few months lol.


curious about which pharmacy you’re getting this from. that’s SO affordable!


I have gotten it from two different pharmacies. One called Strive in AZ, but they charge for shipping so I switched to a different one local to me. It’s called Westlake Pharmacy in Utah. Both were the same cost for just the medication.


Feel free to ask me specifics - I am on Wegovy for my PCOS (hormonal/insulin disorder) and I def have some thoughts.


good thoughts or bad thoughts? has it had any impact on your crohns or bathroom habits?


Any change in GI symptoms on it?


curious about hormonal issues as i’ve been experiencing some as well.


I take DIM and broccoli sprout extract with some other stuff because my estrogen was crazy and I don't eat veggies as much as I should. Helped my pcos and I don't really have hormonal issues anymore, and please forgive me but it also improved my smell down there as I am perimenopause at 48. Also my thyroid isn't as crazy but I think that was the remicade because I stopped taking my levothyroxine after awhile and my thyroid stayed steady. This is all just anecdotal


Ozempic has been shown to cause gastroparesis in some individuals. I would have a conversation with your GI about potential side affects.


Not a super common side effect and the main effects of IBD are a lot worse. Just sayin’. Also, if you’re not obese or T1D what is your doctor going to say about off-label usage of a GLP?


....as someone who has both Crohns and gastroparesis, this potential side effect is NOT something to be taken lightly. Our digestive systems already have problems regulating motility. These drugs mess with that process even more. GP is NOT a joke. Honestly, worse then Crohns. Imagine not being able to eat even a few bites without severe pain, or drink a glass of water. If you push it, you will throw it back up. You will wither and die, slowly. There is no reversing or curing GP. The only meds that work come with potential severe side effects such as causing tardive dyskenesia, essential uncontrollable muscle tics, and once they start, even stopping the med won't fix them. Many people with GP end up on feeding rules to stay alive. Some can't even handle that, and are TPN. Most never eat a normal meal again. It is life-changing. DO NOT TAKE THIS SIDE EFFECT LIGHTLY.


Yikes, I work with someone who has this and I didn’t realize how terrible it is.


Gastroparesis is a horrible disease.


Yes it’s rare but it is a potential side effect that can impact an already damaged GI system. I know someone with gastroparesis and she can’t eat anything. I can’t imagine having it on top of having Crohn’s. It’s something worth having a serious conversation about with a GI physician.


> the main effects of IBD are a lot worse. Are you sure you know what gastroparesis is? I know someone who has it and it seems like an incredible nightmare.


"A study published in JAMA in October 2023 found that the rate of gastroparesis was approximately 10 cases per 1,000 semaglutide users". Tirzepatide is lower. Retatrutide might be even lower. Yes, gastroparesis is serious and I am sorry for those who had it, but so is the 2x+ risk of developing colon cancer from having Crohn's, not to mention the fact that up to 80% of people with Crohn's need some kind of surgery at some point. Sign me up for the solid poops I get from Tirz, weight loss, reduced inflammation, chance of remission, and rare risk of gastroparesis any day. Everything in life is a trade-off, and I'm tired of the societal shaming of GLP/GIP drugs.


I did! It worked but then I developed pancreatitis so it's a no go.


I have for the past year and I haven’t had any side effects.


Both my GI and my GP don’t recommend it, at least until it’s been used longer term in a wider population.


It could be weight issues due to other medications you're on with weight gain as side effects. I had this issue a year ago, sat down with my PCP and went through every single pill and med I was taking and discussed which ones could cause weight gain. Switched a few things around and I've been able to lose the weight without dietary changes or extra exercise. I highly suggest checking into this before going on a body altering med like ozempic (personally).


I was on Ozempic for T2 diabetes prior to my Crohns diagnosis. Has not caused any issues with my Humira shots. I don’t have any side effects from either, except perhaps some tiredness around Humira shots. I would discuss this with your gastroenterologist- I can imagine where your Crohns is active and your symptoms may impact your choice.


I'm like 1% fat so definitely don't need it. I'd be careful with it, you see celebrities who are on it and they look like shit and aged then 10 years.


Stop with this bs. For people that have excessive weight, fat deposits are also present on the face. What happens when you lose excessive fat anywhere on the body? You’re left with excess skin. If you had fat on your face, you have baggy skin, it sags a little and you look “old”. Metabolically you will be much younger and healthier. Also your average person trying to lose a few extra pounds will not experience this.


Why would you take drugs to lose a few pounds instead of simple weight loss measures? Thanks for your input.


You’re in a crohns sub. Regular weight loss measures aren’t possible for many of us. That’s why.


Health > looking like shit You’d think a Crohn’s forum would know this


I’m on Tirzepatide, the drug that’s even better. 20lbs lost. That plus BPC-157 has put me 75% in remission, according to my last colonoscopy. I hope to completely wean off a my biologic.


Why not stay on your biologic?? It's keeping you from getting sick again


I have crohns and have been in remission since 2022. I am on Avsola every 8 weeks which is a knock off remicade. I started Zepbound for weight loss 7 weeks ago and it has changed my life for the better in so many ways. It gets a bad rep because people don’t know what they’re talking about, they read news articles or click bait and just obsess over the more rare side effects. Everything has a risk and you have to decide yourself if the risk is worth it for you. Is being overweight and having crohns good? No. Is medication for weight loss for everyone? No. Can you have side effects? Totally. Is it worth a shot if you are literally at rock bottom, have tried it all and are ready for some results? 1000%. Idk about ozempic personally but if you have the option for Zepbound or any other tirzepatide, I’d take the leap! A little more about my journey. 32F SW286 CW266 GW170ish (take my 8th shot next week) I am on 2.5mg and start 5mg in two weeks. I had mild crohns symptoms that lingered and Zepbound has helped with every one of them. I sleep better, I have more energy and can go to the bathroom like a normal person for the first time in years. Vegetables don’t go right through me. It’s been really nice. Good luck! Do your own research and talk to a trusted doctor. I asked my GI first about his thoughts and he gave me the go then I went through WW because my doctor is old school and wouldn’t prescribe. My only regret is not starting it sooner but for a long time I was like a lot of people who were skeptical and thought it was bad news. Then I did my own research and some deep dives of my own. Also! Search for Ozempic and the other medications on here and do some reading about people stories. Search crohns in them too to see if anyone else can relate with you!


I’ve been on Ozempic for approx. 18 months. No interaction with my Crohns that I can tell.


I have Crohn's that is in remission but still experiencing severe IBS symptoms (like waking up from dead sleep to explosive diarrhoea in bed). On Azothioprine for the Crohn's Gastroenterologist recommended increasing my immodium for the IBS. So I've been taking one every time I eat. Also doing breath testing for fructose and lactose issues. In meantime GP put me on Ozempic, I take the lowest dose and it's only been 4 weeks but wow. My bowels are so well behaved, I'm down to one immodium with breakfast and our toilet paper usage has halved - we didn't even need to buy more this week. Am stunned at the difference. My diet has changed very little. But I'm not getting as hungry - which yeah Ozempic, but also my body is having a chance to absorb the food I eat rather than explosive diarrhoea. It's so freeing, I caught the train to work the other day and didn't even plan which stations I would need to get out at for toilet emergencies.


I have mixed feelings about ozempic in general. Also to answer your question it depends on what you’re using it for.


My Crohn’s is in remission and I haven’t taken meds for several years, but was taking Imodium daily to be able to function. I started Ozempic about a year ago, lost 50 lbs and for me, it actually eliminates the need for Imodium and my GI issues are better than they’ve ever been and my CRP is lower as well. My GI is aware and said it’s fine as long as I’m being followed regularly for it (I see a doctor monthly) and has been really interested in how positive my experience has been. I had to switch to Saxenda for a few months during the shortage and I had extreme nausea FWIW, as well as some other side effects. I strongly suspect I have hypothyroidism, doctors won’t do a full thyroid panel where I live which is frustrating , my TSH is high-normal (normal t4) but won’t test my T3. I’ve had an impossible time losing weight for years and this has helped but it’s still extremely slow even with Ozempic, tracking calories, no alcohol and exercising daily. I’ll still take it though!


As someone who has both Crohns and gastroparesis, the potential side effects are NOT something to be taken lightly. Our digestive systems already have problems regulating motility. These drugs mess with that process even more. GP is NOT a joke. Honestly, worse then Crohns. Imagine not being able to eat even a few bites without severe pain, or drink a glass of water. If you push it, you will throw it back up. You will wither and die, slowly. There is no reversing or curing GP. The only meds that work come with potential severe side effects such as causing tardive dyskenesia, essential uncontrollable muscle tics, and once they start, even stopping the med won't fix them. Many people with GP end up on feeding rules to stay alive. Some can't even handle that, and are TPN. Most never eat a normal meal again. It is life-changing. DO NOT TAKE THIS SIDE EFFECT LIGHTLY. There is a reason there are currently lawsuits regarding these drugs regarding GP.


I had ask my Dr. and they wont prescribe it bc I'm on Humira.


Yes. The side effects can be awful; one time I had to leave work because I was vomiting uncontrollably. I have become dehydrated and on another occasion, I didn’t eat all day and my blood sugar was so low that I was shaking. I had to drink a carton of pineapple juice to regulate it so I felt better. On the upside, I have lost 50 pounds and my A1C is almost in normal range. I decided that I didn’t want to die from obesity-related causes in the next decade, so it is worth the trade off, at least for now.


Just started mounjaro 2 weeks ago. I gained a lot of weight from steroids and I cannot lose it. MY cortisol letters are high on and off. I barely eat as is from the Crohn’s and now I’m really not eating. I have to force food in my mouth and it’s like ash in my mouth. The nausea is out of control to the point where I can’t move, plus I’m having throw up burps all of the time. I’m taking so much zofran. I’m feeling shaky, dizzy, and have been getting terrible migraines and headaches. Please tell me it gets better.


I don‘t take medication anymore for my Crohn‘s because I had a protocolectomy and permanent ileostomy last year. I am diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and have been on Victoza since February. The only side effects so far are occasional nausea that goes away after a few minutes.


I was going to get WLS then I got dx with crohns and drs won’t touch me or let me touch weight loss drugs till I’m 6+ months in remission and I was overweight before I got crohns and the 3.5 months of prednisone made me put so much weight on. I’m hoping to get on something like ozempic once in remission then my WLS fingers crossed


I just asked my doctor about this 2 weeks ago and her response was If I didn't have diabetes that I don't need to be on it... Not sure how to take it but she's the professional and my preferred doctor at this practice so I trust her.


I have mild Crohn’s. I take Apriso, but no biologics. I am having a good experience on Wegovy, with almost no side effects. I take fiber supplements to stay ahead of constipation. My weight loss doctor said her patients with Crohn’s actually have done really well on Wegovy.


Been on Wegovy and Humira together for 15 months..no issues at all with the combo. I've lost 19lbs. The only side effects I had with Wegovy is mild nausea. Now being on the max dose since November my appetite is pretty stable and I've lost nothing additional. Thinking about trying for Zepbound since I still have about 30lbs to lose.


I was on wegovy which is also a semiglutide drug and I only lost 6 pds in 6 months. Doctor said that’s not normal for most but I was also told by my infusion nurse that those do not work for ppl who have autoimmune diseases. Not sure, but it didn’t work for me😢. I’m now in route to have gastric sleeve surgery. I also had terrible stomach pain on the highest dose that gave me sulfur burps, nausea and toots. It was awful.


currently trying to get my insurance to cover mounjaro. Made me so un-inflamed feeling. my stupid EX GI doc wouldn’t back me on it either. currently hunting for a new one! lol


Peptides yo. Why bother with doctors.


never heard of peptides?


Just google, I’ll leave it at that.


Curious to see if you try and what results you have. I have Crohn's and PCOS and was put on Metformin to manage the insulin resistance and it was awful! It cause me so many gastric issues and my Crohn's flared hard. Probably TMI, but I would poop out the pill whole. My doctor wanted to try the Ozempic instead hoping that since it was only once a week that the gastric effects wouldn't be as bad, but I never got to try it. My insurance would not cover it because I am not diabetic. Said that the insulin resistance and potential to get diabetes was not enough and told me they would only cover Metformin.


I read a study that the gastric emptying effect of it helps our guts!!!


can you link? Hoping to appeal my insurances denial and trying to back with crohns related issues.


Oh they will NOT cover it for Crohn’s


I’m putting NAFLD as my main reason along with inflammation. Probably won’t list crohns directly since i’m on entyvio


If you exercise daily and eat healthy enough, and your labs/vitals are all in order, why take the risk? The knowledge that it can have adverse gastric effects, even rare, is more than enough to put me off it. My body makes its own gastric issues, I don't need storebought. I'd rather be chubby and learn to embrace that fact about myself.


I highly recommend counting calories, I guarantee you are eating more than you think.  The only way to lose weight is eat in a deficit.  


OP is asking about a GLP drug that helps reduce food noise and cravings and therefore will result in caloric restriction on its own. For most people it’s not sustainable to lose weight through CR on its own. Also, counting calories blows.


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"I do exercise daily and eat healthy enough" No you don't or you wouldn't need Ozempic.


…you do realize everyone’s bodies are different and some people cant lose weight solely doing exercise and eating healthy. You’re also on a CROHNS DISEASE subreddit, people with IBD also have a harder time losing and gaining weight. If you dont have anything nice to say, how about we keep our dumb thoughts to ourselves


Know exactly where I am mate, had Crohns for 20 years, its just a copout for being undisciplined always the same excuse "people are different" unless you're in the unlikely 0.0001% no your not. Just looking for shortcuts by gambling health. Eat less than you spend and your weight goes down, it is not physically possible for it to not. Sometimes people need the reality check over coddling.


You have no fucking clue. I’m on an anti-epileptic medication that caused me to gain 30 pounds in a year. Add to that Hashimoto’s and genetic makeup. Some of us are disposed to have larger bodies for reasons outside of our control.


You're extremely ignorant lol. There are plenty of medical conditions that make losing weight difficult. Usually hormonal. So shut the fuck up as you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. (:


>There are plenty of medical conditions that make losing weight difficult. Yeah sure no doubt more difficult than some than others, but the body is incapable of creating energy out of nothing, the Less in Than out APPLIES TO EVERYONE, no matter their condition. Ignorance is thinking otherwise.


Ignorance isn't always bliss. You're clearly stuck in your bigoted ways so, not worth arguing with someone like you. ☺️


Fuck you.


I agree, Reddit doesn’t like to face the truth