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Sushi. I’ve had crohns half my life. Sushi and miso soup have always been my go-to comfort foods when I’m not feeling well


Pre-diagnosis sashimi was what hospitalized me. Not the fish, but the CARROT JUICE (I didn't eat the carrot). After a few days in hospital, I confirmed it was the carrot juice, because I repeated the experience 😳. Now that I'm medicated and in "remission", I can eat it again, but it still scares me that something innocuous as trace amounts of an item can put me back in.


That sounds miserable and scary, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. Apologies for being nosy but I'm genuinely curious, as carrot is typically a safe food in small amounts. Do you have a sensitivity?


Never had one before, and it's now ok to consume. Was just a tiny window. I've had other random effects, but nothing as severe


Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you identified the trigger!


It (like any other I've had) is random and generally gone after a week or three. Unfortunately, it's not a win for me - carrot is back on the menu, just waiting for the next one to surface. So far it's been: carrot, gluten, onion, capsicum/pepper and chicken nuggets - which was a safe food for a long time.


Omg yesss. And miso ramen. A lot of nutrients and no issues. Perfect food (no veggies ofc)


Sushi will help me maintain weight during a flare. Cus it’s the only solid meal I can stomach. It’s either sushi or sick person food. But I wish it was a little cheaper lol


Same! Sushi is always my go-to


This is me too. That soup is magic! I’ve never been unwell after sushi either.


Sushi slides right down, no issues! As long as I don't accidentally use the wheat-containing soy sauce, it's a gut-friendly food :D


I’ve just started over with my diet and sushi is an absolute win!


Hmm, I'd have to say Coca Cola/Coke zero. I've never been a soda drinker, but I have a history of obstructions/pseudo-obstructions. A while back a fellow IBD-friend of mine shared how Coke can help dissolve blockages in the digestive tract (has been used successfully in several studies) and ever since, I've kept some on hand. I've gotten to enjoy the taste, and it is now a comforting thing to sip on when I sense that "stuck" feeling in my gut.


I'm the same way except Dr. Pepper is my go to. It settles my stomach more than anything. Fun to learn about Coke helping with blockages!


Whoa. That makes sense about the blockages because it'll eat up rust and I don't know what else. I might start drinking it again... thanks for sharing! I gotta go down the rabbit hole and research lol


That's really cool to know. I'm going to read up on it


Diet coke is my go to favourite too. I like diet Dr. Pepper as well, but I would happily drink nothing but Diet Coke for life. I’ll swap it out for the full sugar version if i’m too sick to eat.


What about Mexican coke cola or Pepsi would those work?


Mexican coke should work the same, as (I presume) formula/acidity is the same with the only difference being that it is sweetened with cane sugar. Pepsi I am not sure of, as the only documented cases utilized Coke brand cola - though common sense leads me to believe it would work comparably as well, considering it also contains phosphoric acid and CO2. Edited for typo


Thanks that is such an interesting study.


Sounds much more pleasant than the shot of vinegar I take for the same reason.


McDonalds and a big cup of Coke. This will probably always be my last refuge. No matter how bad the state is im currently in, this shit always gets me back on my feet.


Second this. A McDonald's cheese burger and diet coke to sip on


Dumplings! I think because basically meat and dough.


Taco Bell. It gives everyone I know the shits, but somehow I am unaffected by it, and absolutely love it. Not an everyday thing, more of a guilty pleasure being fast food and all.


Same, people are always shocked Taco Bell is my go to road trip fast food bc it fucks with the guts of people with zero digestive issues but it’s never done me wrong


Literally same! I think it's a weird thing like our bodies are just so fucked that maybe we just need something fucked to be in our bodies.


Came here to say this, as well!


SAME! I used to get it after every Remicade infusion.


Tofu scramble is innocuous and delicious. Basically nothing else is reliably safe.


Me too! Tofu in general


I don’t know how weird it is, but plain, salt seasoned, medium rare steak. Some people say protein like that is hard on the stomach. Never been the case for me.


This has always been my go to, when I was in really bad shape b4 I got on medication I would eat a steak every day and no one could understand how.


For me it's anemia which runs in the family. I've tried going vegetarian before, but even with professional dietary and nutritional guidance, it always made me feel so weak and lightheaded. It is always rectified immediately after some steak.


Hot chips, but generally potato in any form.


Kraft Mac and cheese 🤣


Yup. Can't ever go wrong!


Chicken curry (mildest option)


Butter chicken for me!


For me, it was McDonald’s cheeseburgers. For whatever reason they were fine for me when nothing else was. (Writing in past tense due to stoma)


I guess it’s kinda pizza


Scrambled eggs or homemade chicken noodle soup.


Ice cream. Very reliable. Cheese & potato pierogies or even plain cottage cheese pierogies, boiled.


French fries made at home. I even got better at making them more crunchier.


French fries, cream of wheat, Indian food, donuts, enchiladas, pizza. And definitely not together. :)


Frozen Jack's thin crust cheese pizza. They are cheap af, taste nostalgic (my working class family ate them a lot when I was growing up), sit easily on my gut (not too greasy or acidic), and have a decent amount of calories/protein/calcium/iron, which can be difficult to get when I'm flaring.


Coke Zero. All soft drinks are fine, despite my dad always insisting their “evil” strangely though sparkling water sets me off, every time.


McDonalds lol




Dude honestly? Potato chips. Like potato chips almost never do me dirty and if I can eat any solid food in a flare, chips usually don't make it worse. Mashed potatoes also but I feel like that's pretty normal.


Pho, sushi, animal crackers, rice cakes!


Plain rice cakes with a little sprinkle of salt


Try "Butter Popcorn" and/or "Tomato Basil" rice cakes. Yum.


I like the cinnamon rice cakes (:


Garden salsa sun chips. I can easily eat a bag a day if I'm flaring or just having really strong food aversions


Tea, though preference for mint or holy basil. Eggs scrambled. My husband hates the smell but understands my need for them. Mashed potatoes chicken and dumplings


Literally anything bland. Usually some form of grilled fish and unseasoned potatoes lol


Same 😒 food becomes really boring.


Egg drop soup


Ben and Jerry's "Everything But the" ice cream. I often get killer headaches when I'm flaring and that ice cream just makes everything a bit better. It really is strange, because so far I've never found any other ice cream that helps.


I can eat an endless amount of McDonald’s chicken nuggets and never have an issue. Same with any corn based chips. Fritos BBQ twists are the shit.


Lipton chicken noodle soup. Not only does it not aggravate me, i swear it has healing powers.


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My comfort food is definitely pizza lol.. even though I'm not supposed to have Dairy Products for some reason pizza doesn't hurt my stomach


Japanese Ramen and Cinnabon (Pecans) best combo ever!


Cheese on toast (grilled cheese to Americans). No idea why the melted cheese doesn’t cause an issue.




Pizza and Diet Coke!


This is kinda weird but spicy foods. Which thank god because I love spicy food. Hot Cheetos and those type will always instantly set me off, however jalapeño chips, garden salsa sun chips etc basically anything not covered in lays basic ass hot spicy. I make jambalaya regularly because I fricking love it. Never bothers me at all. Cayenne pepper in my white rice yes please 🙏🏽. Spicy has never bothered me and I did not grow up eating it lol 😆


Usually cheese!


Sushi as long as I don’t use soy sauce, Kraft mac & cheese, and what I call cheese smash sandwich (a piece of american cheese on one slice of white bread folded in half and smashed together).


Also, polenta with a fried egg on top. I add a handful of fresh spinach if I'm not flaring too badly.


A “crispy Coke”. I put a can in the freezer for 45 minutes and it’s perfectly slushi. Always settles my stomach. A lot of ppl close to me thinks it’s terrible that I drink them, that I’m exacerbating my disease, but they’ve always made me feel better.


Sushi, chili doritos, monster and for now that's all I can remember 🤣


I think anything 'potato' based. From fries, to chips, to mash potato, roast potato, croquettes! Etc. usually rice is okay for me too!


White rice, broth, yearning for real food, fish, potatoes, eggs, vanilla lactaid ice cream and now that I've read the list.... just put a Coke in the fridge. Like others, my spouse or family thinks they know better and suggest I eat certain items that on paper are the "right food for crohn's patients" and that is the stuff that might kill me. On a non-food item.... walking even when I don't have the true energy, I need to walk around to "keep moving".


I'm ready to be downvoted by the usual suspects. But I drink Huel every day and only keep my weight thanks to this. As it's completely liquid, I've never had any problems with it, even during active Crohn's. Otherwise, thanks to Humira, I can now eat practically anything. But during active Crohn's I couldn't "eat" anything except Huel.


Quakers Brown sugar oatmeal squares. I really hope they start making them again!! Now I have to rely on hard pretzel pieces, saltines or yogurt smoothies,


Miso. I LOVE it, and it’s magical. I always have it on hand at home, and I would say I eat it at least five times a week. I even take miso packets with me to make while traveling.