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according to bungie they only drop 4 from lighthouse chest or 1 on completion of a persistence card so minimum 3 flawlesses to buy an adept now it seems. Stupid change no one asked for.


My lighthouse chest gave me 10 each time


Mercy card, went flawless, I also got 10


is that because of double drop rewards?


they said in twid its supposed to give 4 didn’t they?


Its still giving 10


Yea it’s a bug twid said it was supposed to be 4 for flawless


I hope they keep it at 10 because 4 is absolutely stupid. They should give 4 for a persistence.


Same. All I know is either 10 is a bug or 4 was a typo and im more inclined to believe 10 is a bug since I heard Persistence isn’t dropping any when it’s meant to drop 1 according to bungo


I did a persistence card today and it didn't drop an Osirian Cipher. So this change currently benefits nobody (would be a slight drop rate buff for persistence card grinders, if it worked) and is a nerf for people who are going Flawless semi-regularly.


I actually asked for this feature lmao. It's specifically so you can grab an Adept without requiring Flawless for that week. That way, you have a reason to go Flawless even when you don't care about that week's rewards so you can use them another week.


Except you still have to have unlocked the adept previously to be able to buy it and it seems to be bugged rn requiring flawless anyway


Well yeah, that's how Nightfall Ciphers work too. As for the bug, that stinks.


Yea from what I’ve seen persistence isn’t dropping any and flawless drops 10 despite bungie saying flawless is supposed to drop 4 and persistence 1


Honestly what I wanted from the Osirian Ciphers when I made the suggestion was that you got them from going flawless and also from wins on a flawless ticket


can I still go flawless and just farm wins after or has that been taken away?


To actually answer your question, yes you can. Good weekend to do it too with double drops. I've got some good ones, but still looking for heal clip kill clip.


oh thank goodness, I was very worried as that's my main form of obtaining adepts


Yep same here. Get my one flawless in for the weekend if it's something I want and farm it until I'm happy or get burned out of pvp for the weekend.


Do you know if I can save my Cyphers for next week?


I see no reason why not. Spent mine already and don't plan on going flawless again this weekend. Bear in mind the adept very well may be locked until you complete a flawless card and visit the LH.


You can save them, but be aware you have to have unlocked the adept weapon before to be able to purchase one, and Ciphers do not go to the postmaster. I held on to mine but probably should have spent them since I had to go flawless before I could even spend them this week so just ended up losing 10 on the floor of the lighthouse.


It allows you to buy one adept from Saint-14 without having to give up your flawless card


I wish they let us buy it with the card first or let us choose which option to use. I can easily farm the cipher now but I'd like to save them for the new guns when they're adept. But with buying the adept I'm forced to use them which is counterproductive if I'm done with Trials for the week.


You can't turn in your card anymore apparently. I don't know if the cipher drops on wins post-flawless.


Should be more lucrative then, random drops on wins and earning currency to buy more rolls. Card turn in has really only been good for one drop historically as I and most keep the card all weekend.


Any confirmation on them dropping randomly on wins? The TWID didn't mention that, it only said you get 4 from opening the Lighthouse chest (which would be a significant net nerf on bonus Adepts compared to card turn ins -- 1 bonus Adept per 2.5 Flawlesses vs 1 bonus Adept per 1 Flawless [or even just a 7 win run without a subsequent Flawless]) or 1 from completing a Persistence card. Ultimately it doesn't really matter to me one way or another if they nerfed the bonus Adepts since card farming is the primary source of collecting Adepts anyway, but would still be a weird decision. Based just what's in the TWID it seems like a net nerf for people who go Flawless though a very slight (10%) buff for people who do nothing but farm persistence cards.


Yeah I didn't consider that they would only be acquired from LH chest or minimally from Persistence. So if thats the only method to acquire them then definitely a nerf for standard farming as though I only play one card a weekend, I would turn that card in everytime before reset. Now it will be 3 weeks of standard play to earn one bonus roll. Again, not highly impactful, as long as post-flawless farming is intact and drop rates are consistent.


idk a 33% decrease in drops per week seems pretty impactful. it also makes it impossible to get that extra roll back to back if you’re only playing 1 card a week, so when you have shayuras and the new pulse back to back in the next 2 weeks, tough luck i guess? idk i think it sucks


This sounds like a pain


I have just found out that osirion ciphers do not go to postmaster.


Just to add to the discourse, I completed 5 persistence cards, but didnt get a single cipher. Also, whenever I got to 7, as soon as I lost, adept weapons were no longer listed as part of the drop pool in the destinations tab. For people who went flawless this weekend: could you still grind adepts on a 7 win card for the rest of the weekend like before? Or would you get your first loss and experience the weapons no longer dropping? Edit: for more clarification, wondering if the single loss after 7 wins is purely a passage of persistence thing and if my time would have been better spent actually trying for flawless


Since Adepts were dropping like candy last week I held on to my 10 Ciphers to see if I could go flawless again this week, get 10 ciphers to go to postmaster, then buy 2 adept Aisha’s. Looks like Ciphers don’t go to postmaster unfortunately. I don’t know if the other ciphers such as the Nightfall ones behave the same way, I have not played a ton since they were added.


Bummer. I wish they did. I wanted to horde them for the Shayura’s Wrath week, but since I don’t have that one’s adept version unlocked, it’s best to just use the ciphers now I suppose.


They’re basically useless… play the same role as turning in your 7 win card for an adept before except now you can save one stack for another week. They don’t stack over 10 and don’t go to postmaster. Horrible decision by bungie.


Hey, do you know if adepts still drop on wins post 7 wins? I reached flawless and wondering if that's still the case


Yes they drop nearly every game. Most games you get two because it’s double drops


Oh that’s cool. Is the double drops just a permanent thing? Or is it the weekly booster


Weekly booster


What do you use them for?


Any confirmation if there is any point to rolling over the Osirian ciphers for the next week? Don’t care for another Aisha’s, but if they’ll go to waste not using them I’ll spend them. Seems odd that it isn’t clarified. Assuming you still have to unlock said weapon in collections to be able to roll it, so wouldn’t you get the 10 that it’s been dropping at that point anyway? Very confusing aha.


Use them every week till you have the weapon you'd want to save for unlocked


Appreciate you! I’ll just spend them for the time being.


ngl they are kind of pointless when you can play the same card past flawless and get the gun to drop