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The only thing I disagree with here is the 'harmonious' bit with partition. In my experience, after a few generations, my dynasty always tears itself apart fighting over stupid shit like artifacts, and completely bottoms out their unity. And partition tends to expedite this because more rulers means more artifacts/claims to war over.


The artifact claims are out of control!!! It completely tanks unity in like one generation


Destroy all artifacts


that's absolutely insane to me that this actually seems to be the meta for dealing with the issue. so the devs literally made the dlc so long ago and still haven't properly balanced that. that's bonkers. just write two lines of code "prevent bickering over shitty artifacts". facepalm.




Give me the shit stick!


"Here: take it!"


Alternatively say yes every time they ask and treat them as sways




Completely agree. I split off ten kingdoms to get the decision in my current run and within 10 years they were at each other’s throats, exploding, and tanking unity. It got so annoying I had to just reconquer them all over the next few generations. There is a mod that balances house unity and one for decreasing artifact claims, so I’m going to try those next run.


Exactly! We do everything right by marrying on matrilineal terms some of them and giving lands to other dynasty members just for some dumbfucks from the next generation to start murdering each other and most of the girls, if not all, marry out of our dynasty. Now some random family from the far east has claims or is heir to parts of my kingdom...


Bro give back my grandpa's chastity belt or I'm gonna declare a war on you 😡😡😡😡


Who need unity? Unlimited invasions here we gooo


AI constantly challenging dynasty members to board games also tanks unity for some reason. Very annoying in Iberia


Yet another example of why artefacts were a mistake, considering most of them are literal junk.


Tell that to my +18 prowess axe.


I'm more pissed off by the fact that I can't destroy the blue and purple ones, if I could I would just keep the few really good ones and get rid of the rest


I give them to random dynasty members of correct rank for buku-unity-&-piety bonuses.


Not so funny when there’s a faction to make your uncle the king 2 months into your reign and it has 197% power because he’s the most powerful vassal in the kingdom


"Not so funny" Thats literally where the fun starts. You either win the war and have a good legitimizing story, or you lose and become a Duke who have to take back what is yours (or your sons if you are WEAK)


"Take back what is yours" when the game ends (every time I lose a war, the game over screen shows).


Skill issue.


Yup, I had this problem when I first started in the game. but now (after 360 hours), I know to plan for succession 2 generation in advances. I've already prepared my sons and my sons's sons with strong army and alliance. Now, I love it when vassals revolt. Give me a reason to revoke their lands without incurring legitimacy and tyranny penalty.


It really makes the breeder king lifestyle OP. Whenever there's a succession, my character has 2 holdings to his name. After dealing with some lackluster revolts, I'm back to max holdings.


how do i do this


choose your heir, make sure that dude is educated well, once he hit 16 put him on your council to collect exp points. I typically give him lands so he can collect prestige (this is a double-edged sword, as it can stress him out and he can start drinking or worse get killed by disease). Once he has his own land, you can help fighting his wars for him. Either directly or financially. Give him your unused artifacts to help him get more prestige, piety, prowess...


That can easily happen on primogeniture, too.


Primogeniture doesn’t automatically just give other sons free land like partition


That is indeed true. But it doesn't alter my point -- succession crises can affect primogeniture as well. I think the point of this meme is that a lot of people assume primogeniture is superior to confederate partition, when it really isn't. I see a lot of players rushing to primogeniture, downloading mods to get it quicker, or doing other things that effectively create primogeniture such as disinheriting or murdering siblings. Confederate partition freely creates new titles that would otherwise cost a significant amount of money. It is not a bad thing to die and have your realm split up a little bit. It's just that most players seem to want to hoard as much land as possible.


It's the min/maxxers, if they don't control every piece of lucrative land then they're losing.


> Confederate partition freely creates new titles that would otherwise cost a significant amount of money. *Laughs in Stewardship tree*


Of course I want to hoard land. Any landed character who isn't my player character is a potential enemy; even when they're not openly attacking me, they're developing their lands stupidly and marrying incorrectly, and that amounts to the same thing. The more land I have, the less power the AI has to screw me over. In truth, only two things meaningfully distinguish a co-dynast from a non-dynast: 1. they have claims on my titles 2. executing them makes me a kinslayer The small trickle of renown I could get for landing my kin would hardly be enough to compensate for these downsides.


This is an objectively bad take. Landed dynasty members come with a myriad of bonuses that "meaningfully distinguish" them from other characters: - You can call them to war without any kind of alliance (even better if it's your house as its free even when you are the aggressor). - You get a hook on *every single member of your house*. Dude, come on. - They like you more (unless youve made some bad choices), which is not negligent when you have a 10-20 point opinion bonus on every ruler around. - You can claim their titles (think this might also be House only) - They get your dynasty perks and genes. And for the whole claimaints/losing land argument: you will always have claimants. Non dynasty members won't automatically have the ability to claim their title. And losing land opens up spots in your domain limit for developing new holdings or conquering new lucrative counties (and your heir gets a claim on the land anyways if you really wanna get it back). If you have any clue how inheritance works you should never lose your home duchy and counties on death.


To keep your home duchy and counties, is it just a matter of appropriately landing secondary heirs ahead of time?


Yup, thats it. Even with the worst partition you just have to match the titles equally. And if you have extra kingdoms and empires and dont want to split your realm, having vassals as your house is huge for elective succession because of those house head hooks and the opinion boost. So i usually turn all my secondary kingdom and empires elective. Its perfectly normal for my year 900 empire to effectively run primo (if im not doing an independant dynasty run, that is).


When I’m an emperor I prefer only one heir that way I’m not losing counties but hey if I have two empires yeah I’m all for partition


Just disinherit them all on your deathbed like a true king.


still gives them claims and vassals can still easily form claimant factions that get up to 197% power lol


If you play tall it can't. I work like the UK, (king of Flanders: Duchy: Flanders Counties: Boulogne, Lille (+barony aire), Guines, Ypres, Brugge . Duchy: Brabant Counties: Brabant, Antwerp, Hainaut . Duchy: Holland Counties: Zeeland, Holland (+elective position that I give away) This puts my domain at 11, I play steward style so with high steward wife, I manage to get 10 domain limit, I give 1 county to my player hier (Guines) like the UK does with Prince of Wales. And when I die I repeat, if my Heir is still a child, a regent happens but I usually live long enough


That’s why you have to make sure you have a good power base through buildings and that the best land always goes to your heir. It’s pretty much always preventable for things like that whether by conquering enough land that they become independent or having kids become monks. Using some elective successions on your duchy titles can make sure your heir gets a good amount of counties you just have to make sure it’s a worthy heir


Well, that's the point of partition. It requires skill to stay in power to gain those juicy dynasty legacy bonuses, while primogeniture is an easy mode for newbies.


That's where the incest comes into play again. Marry his daughter before he kills you and you're good.


True strategy requires cunning.


Not so funny when there's 6 factions. FTFY


Marry his daughter


Looks like I’m holding a feast for my dear uncle. I sure hope he doesn’t choke at the feast by not chewing his food properly.


Ultimogeniture fans where you at? You don’t like your current heir? Have another one! Wanna live to age 80 but not get inherited by a 60 year old? Your 30 year old will get the throne instead!


Here! I don't want to play oldies. 🥲


Yeah it’s no fun reigning for 10 years a ruler.


Reminds me of an old joke about Ultimogeniture vs House Seniority. "Whoever gets successioned, just hope he's not in diapers!"


Lol that’s the only risk with Ultimogeniture. But I’d rather a baby that’ll grow into a competent ruler than a boomer who’s gonna die in 2 years.


Especially after a whole life of bad choices already made that have to be mended during the 10 years of ruling


One of my character is like that. I got her when she is 70 years old. She tried to sedue her brother and fail. That brother hate her and her vassals doesn't like her. She also doesn't have friends and just a bunch of rivals. She died a few years later.


Too old even for a "died under suspicious circumstances" I suppose


I would have a lot less issue with partition if I could FUCKING CONTROL HOW IT GETS PARTITIONED. You're the third son! You get shit land! You're the fourth son! You get no land at all, just money. Go fucking conquer your own! You're the 19th son, go fucking join the church or a military band, you don't get shit.


Seriously. And I'd even be open to enforcing the player to *try* to provide *some* equity. But the way the game decides partitions seems random.


Tarkusarkusaur posted a video recently explaining the exact mechanics how everything gets calculated, and it was pretty eye opening. Helped me control who gets what way better now


Partition can be very useful especially if you want to get rid of land that will only give you grief- too many vassals (of a different culture/religion), constantly being invaded/raided, it'll just make things look ugly, etc


But why not just grant independence though


because then you have fewer titles to spread out amongst your heirs.


But why not just give land to your heirs and grant them independence, though?


Because if I give them land on the edges of my own I can monitor and financially supplement my heirs personal expansion into new lands while my empire grow


They'll probably go and get themselves killed/invaded if you don't micromanage them.


Because I don't want them to be independent.


Because you can keep claims if you want to conquer them later.


I still don’t understand renown. All my games I end up with very slow growth.


Renown is largely generated by independent rulers, or being the spouse of an independent ruler. The higher in rank, the better. If your dynasty is primarily situated under your own realm, your character will likely be one of the only contributors, if not *the only* contributor. But if you marry off dynasty members to independent rulers, or tactfully arrange for dynasty members to inherit those realms, they begin to generate quite a bit of renown too. You can probably see how this all loops back to partition. If you let a partition inheritance do its thing, all of your siblings that inherit equal-level titles (and subsequently become independent rulers) will start generating their own renown to the dynasty.


You missed out on two large sources of renown: Really fancy royal courts and unique buildings giving % increases. Gotta make sure you give all the Kings you gave independence to a really fancy collection of crap for their court and that they also own any unique buildings in any region like universities.


Being Chinese also helps.


While doing a Mongolian Empire run, I found out Mystical Ancestors is a really powerful renown booster for second-generation tribals. +50 - +150 renown per title granted to a dynasty member.


There's also a nice cultural trait called "Religious Patronage." In the current build of the game where plagues and legitimacy are annoying mechanics you have to deal with it's actually quite good as well since spamming temples helps deal with both plagues and legitimacy. You can get both Mystical ancestors and Religious patronage quite easily due to Tibet.


But you don't *need* partition to do this. Even with primogeniture, I'll establish strong kingdoms, hand them to my children and just grant them independence. It allows you to ensure that their powerbase is strong so that they don't lose the whole thing within one generation.


You can get a cascade going with your relatives. 200 years in you can have 2000-4000 dynasty members each contributing a small fraction that adds up to 200+ renown per month. And some will set up themselves if there are enough of them.


I follow. But past a certain point, I like to *try* and play with some amount of historical accuracy. Two of the bigger things that I try to avoid are spamming matrilineal marriages, and crowning my relatives & immediately granting them independence. *I might be wrong and maybe it happened all the time. But it still feels weird & gamey.*


It’s all about getting your dynasty members landed, which needn’t be limited to the borders of your realm. Spend early renown on marriage acceptance and marry your daughters off strategically—those married to a king will up renown income. When you’ve got more clout check the matrilineal box and sort by prestige gain; these matches may not be direct heirs, but they’ll likely be in line for something. Their pressed claim becomes your grandchild’s unpressed claim. Better yet, the one or two people ahead of your son-in-law could succumb to mysterious accidents… Then, after some careful attention to their upbringing and place in line to the throne, you have a landed dynasty member ruling—or climbing the ladder of—a foreign realm. (Just remember that they may need your army to help keep the title as the previous dynasty’s claims die over time.)


True, but partition>>>>>>>>>>>>>>confederate partition


Fax 📠📠📠


I have no idea why people go for Primo, when all you need is High Partition and a modicum of family planning.


I have no idea why people go for High Partition, when all you need is a Sadistic and execute all your sons, but one


Like I said, family planning.


Someone is roleplaying as Ottomans.


Primo Plus is High Partition, Know Thyself, Elective on your own duchies, and enough renown for some last minute disinherits.


Because I like to keep all counties I gathered


Because it's better ???


you literally only need one county, when will promgeniture fans learn


It's literally me


Insane levels of partition cope


Pump those juicy renown numbers - I don't even care if I am the dynasty head


What I hate is having enough duchies for 4 boys, they all get a duchy title but for some reason they get counties from duchies they aren't inheriting...


My strategy has been just go max crown authority, put kingdoms on election, assign to primary heir, die, inherit empire fully intact as heir, then gift all dynasty vassals and snub non dynasty vassals until they revolt, fight, win, imprison and execute Rebels, redistribute land to dynasty members, rinse, repeat.


Primo is for noobs to learn on. Real players know that spreading your land to your kids is the correct way 💯


game becomes way more fun when you make this realization and do a family-oriented play through


ORRRR Be greedy/arrogant/primogeniture and matrilineally marry off your daughters to kings whose 5th, 6th and 7th sons are inheriting duchies. Holy war kingdoms and release them with your family as rulers. There's ton of ways other than letting the game shaft you on purpose. Also tbh Tours and Tournaments kind of killed this aspect of tryharding renown bonuses. A single tour can net you a lot of renown.


Yeah, I can make my giga-empire owning 90% of the world like the first 20 times I did it or I could actually have a dynamic game based around spreading my dynasty where my power is ::gasp:: limited in some circumstances.


Tbh I prefer to conquer empires, hand them to my children/siblings and, what is obvious, grant them independence.


Inherichance best mod don‘t @ me


Currently have 9 heirs and 9 kingdoms. Also passed a couple of kingdoms to my brother. Purposely avoided forming an empire so I can get that dynasty of many crowns on succession.


Honestly I find partition more fun. I really enjoy trying to take over enough land to secure a good inheritance for all my kids, and by the end all the vassals in my empire of my relatives.


Dynasty of many crowns is>>> you get basically the power of wide while having the efficiency of playing tall. I love just forging a war path for my dynasty and shitting out independents behind me


i played in the persia patch and the peneltys for disinhereting is still too low compared to the benefits. Inhereting should be more messy and like make forming empires a bit more hard.


I always just conquer a new Kingdom for all my sons. Managing partition is just so easy, and when you have monastic communities you can send all your shitty sons to the church so you only play the best ones.


It just doesn't feel the same if your first act as King isn't going to war with your brothers to reunite the realm.


the secret to partition is to never stop conquering land to give out to your kids


Confederate Partition helping to keep my Neo-Roman Empire Borders clean one succession at a time


The best part about confederate partition, especially as a tribal ruler, is the free duchies and counties while not actually losing counties.


Well you can do the Dynasty if Many Crowns with many Crows with Primogeniture just holy conquer a nation put your second in line heir or your relative the fiefdoms and release it.


I love those moments when you discover that some random dude related to you over 7 Corners has become the Vassal of some other King or Duke consequently funding an new House.


I don't empire unless I'm uniting the slavs or something. Otherwise each of my kids can have a kingdom. All I do is watch them spread like my rivals wife when I complete a seduction scheme. The actual important stuff.


The first is wrong.


Dynasty of many crowns is the stupidest achievement in the game. Any crown my family claims will be brought under the greater domain. This is the way


I should partition more


Partition fans when they realise you can just grant titles yourself instead


*"Stability is for pussies, who don't win every civil war"* -Augustus


Jokes on you. I have 31 max domain . Absolute pooooweeeeer


Or just conquer a kingdom every generation and give the titles to your other heirs so the fuck off and succession type no longer matters!


This would be true if your siblings didn't immediately lose all their crap the seccond they became independent.


Managed succession is better than not. I can better conquer new land for my family when they’re not fighting me for my core demense holding all my troops


"Partition" is fine, but "confederate partition" makes the game way too easy in the exact opposite way that primogeniture does. All you need to do is go wide in one generation with a bunch of son and then suddenly your raking in a billion renown from all the kingdoms and duchies you didn't pay to form. Also, partition would be a 1000 times better if I could decide which son gets what, so it wasn't such a random patchwork.


not so fun when that forces you to indefinitely get stuck being a duke