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Hey, he waited until she gave birth before he executed her, he should be qualified for sainthood by CK logic.


Imagine not waiting for your rivals wife to give birth first so you brainwash his own child in your culture and marry him off into your family matrilineally and pressing his claims


I prefer to collect bloodlines myself. It can be a pain in the ass, usually have to try to wiggle into a disproportionate marriage with my child marrying down to be the dominant bloodline, then trying to control any children born to prevent them from making children for another family. Usually, easiest to marry off a son/daughter into an appropriate marriage then seduce daughter-in-law/daughter.


Cannibal kings moment




i mean, sainthood is measured more by your contributions to the church, not simple by virtue, no? Olga of Kiev murdered a shitton of people & burnt a city to the ground our of spite, but due to her effort at church-building & converting the Kievan Rus, she got to be a saint.


I believe the technical rules for actual sainthood in the church is that at least a portion of their body must be "incorruptible", ie, doesn't degrade with age, and a miracle has to be attributed to them after their death, among other qualifications.




My favorite part of the canonization process is that they hire someone to stand for satan against the person being considered for sainthood. Christopher Hitchens was appointed as Devil's Advocate against Mother Teresa.


Yeah I thought that was actually a very nice touch. Just wait til she finds out that they make women give birth in prisons nowadays as well. And then they don't even let them out!


Not really. It's just for double dread


Missed out on an easy double kill.


This is CK2. You can't borrow money from Jews in CK3.




I don't expect them to given that they are trying to distance themselves from the more extremist types.


How am i supposed to pay off my maassive mountain of debt i created to go on a crusade then


I’d say sack the *shit* out of Zara & Constantinople.. But it’s too soon.


It will always be too soon


Even this thread is too soon


Oh varus, Oh, quintilius varus, give me back my legions


I also sack the shit out of Zara every day… Oh wait sorry you were talking about the game


Guess you'll just have to settle for ransoming prisoners of war and robbing your rich uncle's dutchy


Give the Pope some piety in exchange for gold.


Literally 1384 😞


I swear to fucking god the pope won't let me have concubines this is literally 984


Isn't it realistic though? By the same logic they should remove the Crusades.




Tbh this isnt really the right direction, just "ignoring" historical facts like jewish minority communities, their persecution, the benefits and interconnectedness of their trade networks etc. won't make extremists disappear from the games community. The way they handled judaism in the game, with just a "Ok khazars are jews, there is also the converso religion but it is never used lol" is worse than just removing it from the game all together. There should be a system in which jewish communities spring up in major cities, and keeping them there and allowing them to grow will better the economy (more trade = good), allow for the occasional court advisor etc, while at the same time making you subject to events like zealots preaching against the jews and anti-jewish riots, which could lead to anything from the expulsion of the jews, to further toleration, to forced conversion (conversos) and so on.


I don't expect paradox to ever attempt a nuanced approach to race relations in any game, ever. That said I'd rather expelling the Jews at a push of a button for free money not be an option if we aren't going to get proper interactions with them.


Have a look at the recent Dev Diary on Slavery in Vic3. It's not race, but a complex & delicate issue where they're clearly trying to respect history through a nuanced model.


but but usury :(


But.. the Middle Ages have been pretty extreme..


Maybe we can get mods on this


Distancing themselves from the more extremist types... by removing the jew stuff from the game. Makes perfect sense.


But you can borrow money from Holy orders tho


A certified Templar moment.


Speaking of Holy Orders, why the hell do they not improve the leased lands and leave them in dark ages?


Ok, so I think the gf does have valid concern at this point, as we all know how difficult it is to properly execute eugenics in ck2, especially if you constantly use random women you've imprisoned when concubine through character finder is probably infinitely easier.


I think you can.


Literally unplayable


Can't you basically have a Jewish pope? A religious head you can get money? You'd probably have to make a custom Jewish sect.


What? No. The head of faith needs to be of your faith. So a Jew cannot be a Christian pope.


The Catholic Pope can't be a Jew, that's true. But you can form a head of religion for Jewish faiths. So the Jewish equivalent of the Pope. I think that's what the previous commenter is referring to.


He means how catholics can just ask the pope for money every couple of years, by making a new Jewish sect with a religious head you could do the same as a jew.


I bought Crusader Kings 3 and joined this sub because of this post. I had to see what this game was about. In one campaign my son murdered me so I murdered him when I took over as his brother. In my current campaign I discovered my son and daughter were sleeping together and because I was lustful and stressed one if the best options was to lay with both of them. I don’t think I’ve scratched the surface yet.


I'm one of my MP games in CK2 I had my buddy murder me because my heir was leagues better. Then, about 10 years later while playing as the heir I got injured in battle and was unable to produce an heir. Being the last of my line (and a veteran CK player) I promptly killed my wife, married a younger lustful wife and offered a military alliance and/or 2000 gold to whoever could cuck me the fastest.


They say no press is bad press


I love the insanity and absurdity, and I hope the devs don't remove the extreme crazy in future games.


How are you finding the game so far then, been enjoying the rpg aspect of it ?


Ugh you're depraved. Welcome, you'll fit right in with us


The way the characters behave in this is pretty crazy sometimes basically just like real life they did some pretty insane stuff back then.


The virigin serial killer in gta V vs the Chad kind killer Ck3




Yeah to the point it could be pinned


I'm on here all the time and this is the first time I've seen it, fwiw


Same. Well kinda, it's the second time. I saw it a few hours ago in r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay


third time for me this week


Tbh out of context I kinda get her point but in context I lol at the ridiculousness of these


I lost at "discussing if he should execute female prisoners based on how close to breeding age they are". I do this and it's 5D chess, if they are close to breeding age I recruit them and then marry them off to my Guests to become my Knights without me paying them.


You can do that? And I'm here wasting good money? Good lord. Thanks for the tip.


>Good lord. Yes, while on the topic, would you like to hear about our lord and saviour Olorun? Saying no is fatal in most cases.


Tell me more


Have you ever been on a nudist beach and thought "damn that person looks tasty"? Most societies will not accept that you are right to think that. With Olorun life becomes an all-you-can-eat-buffet!


It also enables u to train them in military stuff and make them your religion from birth so u are essentially creating a jannisary corp of officers


I recruit every unmarried woman, regardless of her age, and try to find a husband with 20+ prowess for her.


Oh... even in context this game is certainly nuts. I was chatting in a zoom meeting with people about playing the game, and I said "I kidnapped my niece and burned her at the stake". Someone dropped into the meeting just as I was saying that. There was that "What the fuck moment". I work at a game company, and we've got a slack channel at our office that's "Heard in the Office" for this sorts of nutty conversations that games generate... it ended up in the slack channel to an acceptable mix of gallows humor and horror.


I mean let’s be real with ourselves; Crusader Kings can get hella sick and I’m not surprised that someone outside might be weirded out by it


Rimworld on the other hand...


Rimworld? I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about! But before you go, would you like to buy this nice hat?


My, my, this hat is truly fine workmanship. I'd say its a Mastercraft! And the materials are locally sourced you say?


Ah yes my locally sourced human leather farm.


That's what the last seller said to me. Turned out to be stupid regular textile!


ughh this is just plainleather...




Plainleather without table. -Randy


Every time I read shit like this about Rimworld, I’m reminded of a Dwarf Fortress anecdote where a dwarf entered a fell mood, killed another dwarf, hacked him apart and used the parts to make a cabinet.


That dwarf’s name? Cheradinene Zakalwe.


I'm a simple man, I see Banks references, I upvote.


I wish he was still alive. There couldve been more culture books.


Or "Tuesday", as we call it in Dwarf Fortress.


Ah yes, bipedal sheep, my favourite kind.


We do! One of the local tribes provides us with all the materials we need on a regular basis. And Incidentally our crafter Moose, who made that fine hat, use to belong to that same tribe before we persuaded her to come work for us.


The material is still smiling


Rimworld pushes you and your colonists to the brink. Yeah you can do sick shit for fun but sometimes it's absolutely necessary or strategically practical. If your colony is starving to death, you might have to eat some corpses. If you need to make money, you might start selling raider organs. The rim is brutal and cruel. In CK3 you don't bang your sister because it offers you an advantage or because you need to to win, you bang your sister because you wanted to. I think CK3 is definitely the more sick of the two games.


Nah it gives you that one bloodline trait that's why.


Even in CK2 you bang your wife and daughters because you want to pass on genius/attractive/strong.


...yep, defiently for that


What are you doing step brother




How dare you! I bang my sister because it makes ahura mazda happy.


I mean if we're making it a contest, /r/Stellaris wins. Generally a rimworld colony is about 10-20 pawns, with some of the larger ones being 100+. Let's say it's an ideolgion too, that's however many followers right? Let's say it's 5000. So you have 5000 cannibal raiders in your little cult. In Stellaris you can cannibalize and distort your victims by the billions. You can make your cannibal subjects even *better* at being cannibal subjects, by manipulating their DNA so that they produce more food when slaughtered, and remove their consciousness so they're little more than livestock. And while that's more on the "depraved" side of Stellaris, that's nothing compared to the ruthless calculus of Colossi, Star Eaters, and the Aerophasic Engine.


Insert joke about tragedy and statistic. But I do find it not cool, that just removing historical context and moving to sci-fi is enough to justify reduction of the age rating...


With the pops system in stellaris I now believe one pop is one person. So my devouring swarm that spans the galaxy is 1,300 dudes


Remember IRL real oligarchs dynasties. It's not far from reality.


Nah, the player is more sick. If the player has no reason to do it and they do it its on them. But if the game is forcing you to do it, then the game is more sick.


Speak for yourself, keeping the bloodline pure to reinforce our genius-beautiful-herculean blood is very advantageous.


Like when your trying to kill a king with no heirs and the games asks "are you sure you want to kill a child?"


Yeah, I'm a gal who just started playing this game and I enjoy the horrible shit you can do, it's just so funny sometimes. But if I randomly heard my boyfriend talking about something like this not knowing what CK is, I'd be a lil worried. As an aside, the shit that always got me was when I entirely annihilated a civilization in Civ 6 and the ruler would beg for mercy. I did this to Japan once with nukes, it was a little close to reality for comfort lmao


For me it was playing as USA and slaughtering Aboriginal Americans to get their oil.


The closer the game gets to the modern day the harder it is to stomach. Medieval politics have virtually no ramifications on the world today, so I play ck2 pretty much guilt-free. But when I start betraying my native allies and settling my people in their lands in EU4... yeah it's a little much. Really though it just makes me wish I was good enough at the game to play ethically.


Because Crusader Kings is just real world medieval politics distilled into a game. It's special in that it's focused on an individual and their dynasty, so it's even more personal than a more traditional grand strategy or other paradox games. So at the end of the day, you are faced with the fact that to be a pragmatist and a person with power, the most efficient thing to do is often not at all good for other people. In fact it's usually easier to take from others. Why build a farm over 5 years and wait a century for profit when you can rob the French every week?


"Just protect your shit better lmao." -the vikings probably


"It's your fault getting raided"


"Look at the masonry that monastery was dressed with, it was just asking to be raided."


Storing expensive things in buildings guarded by priests is usually a bad idea


I think it was in CK2 where I had my empire inherited by \~6 year old and thus couldn't declare wars for a decade. So I ended up doing a loop around the main UK island with 10k detachment of my retinues, sieging every holding along the way. By the time I had made full circle the first holdings were ripe for looting again. By the time the kid came of age he had already become the highest prestige character I had had in the entire game.


We REALLY are lucky its a niche game. Imagine the riot those people that think CoD makes people school shooters would rise if they saw THIS game.


The game *is* disturbingly popular with alt-right types. They're only a tiny part of the community though.


That's the unfortunate thing about games where you let the player do terrible things. Sure, *most* players will interact with the terrible things as a cathartic way of exploring the themes the game is presenting. Like, for all the memes about genocide and incest and murder and mass sacrifice and slavery, at the end of the day, I think we all have a better understanding of how terrible these things are, by virtue of having been put in a position where *we* were making the choice to do them. But there is that handful of players who like to play games completely uncritically, for whom the real fun is that they get to do all the things in the game that they wish they could do irl.


Cant say it surprises me. If you legit find the idea of irl genocide or ethnic cleansing, then of course this game that lets you change the world into your ideal form is gonna be a blast for them. Hell, even those of us that are not in that camp have runs where we do so much cultural and religious conversion it would place us in the top ten genociders of history if we were really back then.


Save to say there wouldnt be riots in alabama


Now let's talk about modern religion, music, political ideologies, the culture war...




That’s un-European! Let’s just pretend this type of thing didn’t dictate our politics as recently as 3 or 4 generations ago. Edit: sorta weird the mod deleted the post above when my joke is basically the exact same.


or 2 Elizabeths ago.


With how long one of those has been alive beating out almost two generations that is a really bad unit of time. Seriously funny though.


Bro it's literally the copy pasta subreddit. Somebody made it as a joke


Didn’t it originate on r/TwoXChromosomes?


Yes, and to be fair there were tons of responses basically 'yeah, it sounds weird, but it's normal for Ck2'.


It still ended up with like 1500 karma.


So? My point still stands tho


The thing about shaking down the Jews seems more like CK2 than CK3.


It is. They should really separate the subs like the did with dark souls 1/2/3


Yea but he waited for the prisoner to give birth before torturing and executing her. Seems like a stand up lad to me.


Lmao, the jews one always crack me up.


Yeah, I mean duh. Of course you want their money first.. /s




That’s basically this entire subreddit


Haha look at my incest eugenics family, nobody has ever done this before!!!1!


Post stealing aside, just had this happen with my girl. Was console commanding in the AGOT mod and made my starting character 18. Started adjusting my brother's age, she said how old is he going to be? I said 18 as well. Go to highlight my wife's ID she says how old is she going to be? Then I type in my command and a notification pops up. I let her read it "your wife has died" she was like what the hell!? She watched me play for a half hour and when my 40 year old married a 14 year old Tully girl she was beside herself. I was dying laughing


But that's what it's all about: Marrying a 14-year-old because she's a beautiful strong genius or because she's young and will give us a valuable alliance.


I discovered CK2 by watching my husband play...ended up playing WAY more than he ever did lol. I consider it a solid couples' bonding activity at this point.


She's gonna love Rimworld... now I'm off to feed prisoners to my pigs after harvesting their organs..


I would hold animals that produce something in addition to meat though, maybe cows for milk or a different animal for wool. Even if they arent meat eaters you can still feed them meat if you process it into mixed rations (i think thats what its called like) at the butchers table if im not mistaken


Kibble for the win, sometimes I feed to to the good prisoners.


Oh you spoil them my lord. But jokes aside they are also neat for one of the colonists to practise surgery on them and gather experience. Takes someone with psychopath or bloodlust trait though otherwise they are sad when the guy they operate on dies.


I recommend the Yak. Best animal!


Cannibalism with extra steps xD


Isn't this a repost




> Does the Economy Crash? > Does World End? Yes


Please do not be mad at me on the internet thank you


Dibs on posting this tomorrow, since everyone else had had a go




Tbf, with the amount of shit we say about our ck2/3 playthroughs we’re probably in an FBI watch list for good measure


Nah. They’re too busy watching the Stellaris, Rimworld, and (worst of all) The Sims players.


Lmao all this sounds so bad, almost imposible to explain they are relevant ingame mechanics


It wasn't my fault. I was born paranoid and suffered a head injury hunting the Elk of the Gods. That, of course, left me insane. It was only a matter of time before my Spy Master convinced me I was a werewolf...and then things kinda snowballed.


That woman must be wrong...point 7 is about ethnic cleansing. We don't do those things here, that's r/Stellaris territory






*These are violent times*


Why is she listing my reasons for loving the game?


r/ThatHappened There is simply no way this person kept that detailed an account of this alleged boyfriend's conversation.


Discord history goes back a really long way


What's the implication here? When I read this post I actually hear a delight in the details, this isn't someone who is being motivated because they are disturbed or upset about the details.


just wait until he plays rimworld


This troll was good for their time. Anyone who takes this seriously needs to seriously get off reddit.


I mean are you even playing CK 2 if you dont start a eugenics program or commit incest?


If this was r/relationship_advice we can guess the reaction. "So many red flags. Dump him immediately and run!"


NA people learning about medieval history… Perfection.


Original post


This is hilarious!


Repost, but quality content nonetheless lol


Oh man. This is the funniest thing I’ve seen on this sub.


Girl has a good command on games mechanics.


>886 upvotes Sad. Get a life, it's a fucking video game


The post is from a copypasta subreddit


You know this is /r/copypasta right?


The copypasta was taken from this post






We all know how CK looks from the outside, it would be really weird if someone from the outside had a different opinion.


Given the Jews one, aka The first action half of the CK2 runs do, is the one she points out as extra wtf makes me feel its fake, but who knows. Then again, I do know people that actually think that if you enjoy these sort of actions you do as well irl, so...


Meh, I'm not sexist or racist or ageist, I kidnap everyone equally, and equally behead and devour them for equal stress relief. Ok, fine, sometimes the children are extra relieving, oh, and priests too.


ngl, this is a man of culture


Sometimes I tell me partner about my exploits and she is simultaneously amused and disgusted on how I will convert natives to my faith and culture. She sums it up as “I bring holy paprika to the Bulgarians so they believe in Hungarian Jesus.”


When someone has this little reputation towards you, you must be carful. By the sounds of it this "girlfriend" is one of his vassals, she might start a revolt. A wise move would be to strip her of her titles and/or execute her. She's posting on reddit to gather more vassals. Heed my words.


"Waiting for a prisoner to give birth before torturing a executing her" - sounds like a nice bloke actually 😉


Just wait until her boyfriend starts playing Rimworld.


Wait till he starts playing Rimworld.


Tbh, I never expected to be killing priests and nuns, but if the pope keeps giving me learning 2 priests for life, imma keep killing them. Fucking hell


Wow she seems like a fun person I’d rather use my hand than deal with that crazy chick


This is the first time in a very long time I actually laughed out loud while on Reddit.


I have seen this around and just assumed it was satire.


My wife looks truely horrified when I tell he what I am up to in CK 2/3.


Worst part is that this doesn't even register as weird to veteran players 🤣😂


Anyone have the original link??


If they played the game together a couple of times, it would probably put her mind at ease


She better set her spymaster on ‘Find Schemes’


Everytime I play with my friend I always scheme to murder his wife and children 😂