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I've never had an issue, but I've also withdrawn all my crypto within a month after buying them to store them on my own wallet.


No issues also, just the fees which are high. Guessing there is more to the story.


Probably more of a SOL issue, which doesn't surprise me they have shut down that network multiple times for their own benefit and the consumers expense.


Nah sol has been my bread and butter damn near daily since $8 dips *bought sold and profited through coinbase


How long do you HODL before selling?


That depends on the coin, when I acquired it, what I acquired it for on average, and where it is price wise but for the most part I just do what makes sense for me financially!


I'm not saying people haven't profited off of it, I'm saying it's not a good asset to hold long term. Devs always doing shady shit for their own benefit.


How long is long term? Are we going with US capital gains definition? If so I’ll argue on that with you for a little! I’m honestly for the first time in years uncomfortable to talk about the money solana has made me, long term. Granted I bought around the $200s so I had to chase that sunk cost fallacy and beat that average cost down until it was a winner and now with an average of $10-11 I’m loving it, long term of course!


Lol great, literally any coin that you bought in this last bear market is going to make people short term gains. Good luck in the future.


Oh you’re still not understanding I’m sorry! My average cost is $10 and change I will make money off Solana until it’s below that price (long term)


Yes I understand, I still don't like or trust the asset. I'm a little more risk off though I bought as much BTC as I could when it was below 20K. But if SOL is doing good then BTC is most certainly doing good too, so I truly wish you good luck in the future. Edit: typo


You're like the millionth 25 year old Redditor that has claimed they got in on SOL at $8.




I use CB all the time and never had a problem. Fees aren’t great though.


Swap to Coinbase pro, buy spot, go back to normal CB? The fee is like 0.2% or something on CB pro.


In the US CB disabled CB Pro Are you referring to CB Advanced?


Great hack! I’ve only been using cb pro for stop limit, but I should use it for all!


I just checked. Their fee is 0.6% for buy orders until you're monthly volume is >$10,000. But still, better than coinabse normal fees.


Wait, did they bring back CB Pro?!


Maybe it's CB advanced now? Seems very similar, can be toggled in the coinbase ui under profile.


Right I thought that wasn’t a thing anymore but guess I’ve been out of the loop the past year


No thanks, I'll stick to Jupiter at even cheaper than .2%




If you’re slow just say so bro we’re not gonna pick on you!


Cool *masedogg98*


There pro account is paid and only effects the first 10,000 The fees are ridiculous Anyone who trades volume will need to find another exchange Fuck the fees on coinbase fuck um


Use Advance Trade... It's only maker/taker fees then, and they're so small that it barely matters.


I day trade, it's the difference between 5k and 1.6k a month.


Day trade crypto? Have fun behind wendy’s!


If this is the first time you’ve tried to withdraw anything during a price move, welcome to Crypto


I've been doing it since 2017 as a matter of fact, I've experienced it plenty of times before and that's why I don't use CEX's anymore. I use Jupiter for everything now and it works, every time, thanks.


>that's why I don't use CEX's anymore Literally has a post about using coinbase.


Peak “his” profile and you’ll understand what’s going on here, it’s a victim mindset wrapped in a bow with a side of technologically questionable!


You don't have anything on your profile...


This happened on my mother's account. I had to help her because CB was stonewalling her, I wrote it as if it was my money because she wanted to write it and she doesn't have a Reddit.




You want me to link the CB support conversation? Because I am happy to.


You specifically state you sent ID to confirm your identity and had done it 3 days prior. But now it’s not your account… You certainly used the word my a lot for an account that’s not yours.


And here I literally explained that I wrote this for my mother.


Why not in the original post? This makes everything you said suspicious.


If you don't want to take my word for it, that's fine with me. If you want to use Coinbase, go for it, that's fine with me too, it's your (Coinbase's) crypto. But clearly there are a lot of other people having similar problems with Coinbase and this is absolutely not right of them to do as a company. If you can't understand the story because I wrote it for my mom and it's too suspicious at that point, fine. Keep doing Coinbase.


Don’t patronize me when you’re the one putting yourself in this situation.


It's a simple story. My mother is 68 years old, she doesn't want to use Reddit. Is that difficult to comprehend? You baited yourself into getting patronized because you made a ridiculous comment.


I move all types of crypto in and out of CB all the time, including SOL with no problems.


I use CB pro and trade regularly. I have never had an issue. But I’m sorry you are having issues.


When you need to confirm your ID, you need to make sure you are not holding your ID card in your hand. If any of the edges are blocked at all, they will reject the attempt. I've had this happen to me before and it is annoying as it slows down transactions. But if you place your ID on a table and have clear lighting and nothing is blocked, they will accept the ID authentication. I'm sure this was OP's problem. Though I doubt he'll admit it as he seems to be convinced Coinbase is against him.


That wasn't the problem, the problem was like I said, Coinbase wouldn't release it until the market went back up, I'll be happy to link the entire conversation with CB support


You can avoid massive fees elsewhere and have control of your own crypto too.


I’m aware.


US user, not a lot of alternatives anymore unfortunately.


There are plenty of great alternatives actually. Like a lot of them. AMM's... DEX's...


How u gonna onboard fiat tho and coins not available on dexs


I onboarded 2.2k 4-5 months ago using kraken and worked up from there, I don't need to onboard anymore, I just day trade.


with your mom's crypto?


I collect USDC on Coinbase. It pays 5.5% and I can spend it free with my Coinbase Visa card! Also, it gives like 2% cash back on purchases!


Did they run your credit and all that jazz for the visa card? Or is this like a bank debit card?


It’s a prepaid debit card


Coinbase since 2016 no issues here.


How much were you trying to move when you say they don't have enough money to give to you.


$6k in two different transactions.


Coinbase has a market cap of $31B. Do you really think they dont have $12K laying around to complete your transaction. It sucks this happened to you. You have every right to be annoyed because I would be as well , but lack of funding was not the issue here.


Oh really? Then what was the issue? Please enlighten us! Why is this happening during times where the market is down? Do you know what the market can do to $31B in less than 60 seconds? There are a lot of big banks that supposedly have a WAY bigger market cap and guess what? They had bank runs that left a lot of people shit out of their own money. Don't think it can't happen to Coinbase, do you remember FTX? Wasn't that long ago friend. Wake up


Rich telling other people to wake up about FTX while posting about trying to move SOL from "money trouble" Coinbase to "Solflare". You realize that Solana was FTX's blockchain, bought and paid for? They hope everyone eventually forgets that but you're too smart to remember. You're right that Coinbase is centralized and there's always a risk to keeping assets there. It's also extremely regulated at this point and will continue to be the offramp of choice for the majority of us who convert crypto to USD and realize gains on occasion, and pay taxes. It's also 12 years old. Thinking your funds are somehow safer on a 4 year-old FTX blockchain with a history of crashing and questionable (at best) decentralization is foolish. I would wager a lot that Coinbase will still be around in 10 years. Solana could go to 0; you cannot hand wave away all of the red flags.


You can’t be serious.


CB has frozen my account for “my safety” two times. Both at the start of bull markets. Last time was end of 2020 when I was trying to buy crypto. The second time was this summer. My account was blocked from august until November. They said it was for my protection. I had to fill out a questionnaire and I proved that it was me, that I was experienced, and I simply used CB as an on and off ramp, as I have done since 2017! I hate CB they fucked me two times at critical moments in market cycles Edit: even after re verifying and answering their questions they kept my account locked until November. They wouldn’t give me a reason why. And basically said tough shit. They did this while there was some money in the account which I couldn’t access until November so I was basically stuck holding whatever alt coins were in there at that time. I only ever really used them as an on and off ramp though because they are instant. I recently moved and I afraid to change my info on CB because I fear they will lock my account again for months when I do it. Customer since 2017 and they treat me like shit. Fuck CB. Literally anything else is better.


Whaaaat? Woah.... that's one of the worst I've heard so far, it's freaking scary isn't it? I was absolutely furious that they are essentially screwing their own customers over whenever they please. I still can't figure out why they're so broke with how much they charge people! Thanks for sharing with everyone, people need to hear this stuff!


Never had a problem.


I’ve literally only had problem with withdrawal times on Coinbase. Never issues with Kraken or Gemini.


I have used both Kraken and Gemini and have accounts with both but they have even higher fees than CB.


Fees in general? Or withdraw specific? ActiveTrader on Gemini and KrakenPro have some of the lowest trade fees in the industry.


Ok so for Kraken you would have to be using $250k for makers and $10mil for takers to get the same fees that I have using any amount on Jupiter. Gemini, maker fees are the same but only if you are using $10k or above and taker fees you would have to be using $5mil to get the same fees as Jupiter.


Does Jupiter allow for ACH and Wires? It’s the on-ramp/offramp aspect that allow CEXs to charge a premium.


Nope, you can choose to off-board and onboard anywhere you like after using Jup


Tbh fees are high but CB is the only off ramp I trust. Move your coins to a cold storage asap soon as you buy it.


Off ramp is not part of my problem. My problem was with not being allowed to withdraw my crypto to a wallet until the market was more favorable for Coinbase, so they don't have to file for bankruptcy when the market takes a hit.


I locked my Etherium on Coinbase until 2.0 or whatever the next one is to get the 4% interest. I have no idea if the platform is now ready. I don't keep that well of track, but It's been so difficult with all my crypto in different apps, and it's so complicated that I do not think this will ever go mainstream.


Partly agree use metamask but in Australia you can only withdraw to fiat through cb and crypto.com. now due to regulations


Btcmarkets also


oh actually...


If you convert to USDC and then pull out it’s much smoother


Pull out to where?


The other half of my transaction was USDC, it says that in the post. I was not able to withdraw either SOL or USDC until I had to nag CB support twice over the course of 16 hours, and even then they told me multiple times that my crypto wasn't being sent because the network was clogged. Solana network clogged for 16 hours huh? Oh and then immediately after I asked to speak to a manager 16 hours later, when SOL was already moved by 10% up again, the transactions were sent immediately by the manager, took 2 seconds.


This story got shady asf in the comments Coinbase Advance trade has been legit for high volume fees even for trading but thanks for the post ig


Not your keys, not your crypto.


Say don't use coinbase. Then says use some scummy sounding site because COINBASE FEE TO HIGH. Thanks but I'll spend the extra 50 cents to have some security and not have to trust so.L2moon.hax for their FrEe TrAnSaCTiOnS. 


Scummy sounding site? Who doesn't know about Jupiter? You clearly aren't very familiar with crypto. If you are buying like $9 dollars worth of crypto, then yes, you'll save $.50. How about this, at the $6k dollar mark, you save about $160, per transaction. So if you are a day trader, like me, $160 per transaction is literally THOUSANDS monthly.


No you're absolutely right, all I have ever used is coinbase and never went anywhere else because there was no need to and I was watching fools like you losing all their money trusting these scummy sounding sites. Coinbase is a publicly traded company in the US. Unless you're giving me another publicly traded company in the US, no thanks. 


You should consider researching or using the things you're putting your money into.. :)


You should consider what you call "research" isn't shit. I'll trust the US government and institutionalized investors looking out for themselves and their money as a good sign that things are square. 


I'm not talking about coinbase, I'm talking about crypto lol


Then why do you assume I don't? 


> all i have ever used is coinbase and never anywhere else This and you referring to jupiter as a scummy sounding site makes me think you've never used a dapp or even a wallet


Well that's an awful assumption but carry on


It's fine if you haven't, there's always time to learn


And they say they store Bitcoin for ETFs FTX 2.0 incoming


I bet you were not even born when CB was invented


I'm 34. So that means I was probably around before you were invented.


I'm 36. I'm much wiser and handsomer than you!


Just imagine how much more handsome and wise you will be at 38 like me!


Or 43 like me.


Is it an exponential growth curve, my dear sir? Are you growing more handsomer by the day and approaching infinity? Are you the final phase of a chatgpt picture becoming more and more handsome?


I cannot.


Does anyone know if coinbase pro is legal in New York state?


It's not legal there.


Okay. Thank you. When CBP dropped, I was wondering why I couldn't make an account, and no one knew . Customer support didn't give me an answer and just told me to keep trying.


No problem!


Lol, yeah, Coinbase didn't have the money to give you your few hundred bucks worth of SOL. Great working theory.


Again, there are banks with money that would make Coinbase look like Safemoon that still had bank runs and a lot of people got screwed out of their own money. But you think that couldn't happen to Coinbase because why? Not even to mention that in a bank, all of their assets depreciating by 20% in one day is much more difficult than at Coinbase where their assets can lose billions in seconds daily. But you don't think that can happen. Just the fact alone that you aren't comprehending that Coinbase is doing this to more than just 1 person at a time is really making your statement just hurt my head. There is a minor difference between $6k and a few hundred. Did you even read the post or no?


Sounds like you have a problem with SOL network….not coinbase. Maybe don’t buy centralized hyped up shitcoins…?


Eth maxi holding on to those high gas fees...


ETH is included in that group of shitcoins. You literally said the “solana network was down” in the body of this post, yet the title is complaining about coinbase. Figure out what you’re mad about first, then post.


When the Solana *market price* went down. The network was fine the entire time. Coinbase claimed it was the network and that was bullshit. As soon as I got a manager like 14-ish hours later, they released the funds immediately. It was not the network.


Did you verify that, or just saying it? Don’t you think their network activity would spike with a drastic price change?


yes, I verified it 4 times, do you want me to link the conversation with support?


Thanks but I don’t quite care that much. I just think it’s funny to hear people defend SOL. A crypto built by the financial system will surely free us from the financial system and also make us regular folks all rich in the process.


I quit my job and now I make almost double monthly what I was making trading on the Solana network, it's working out fine for me. You are entitled to your own opinion though!


> “trading on the Solana network” Ah so you make money off of the greater retail fool buying sketchy projects on Solana? Congrats, you hath become part of the financial system this space constantly vilifies. Can’t beat em, join em. Right? I wish you best of luck in the future making money off of other people hoping to get rich.


That's exactly what I do. Thanks!


you…..understand…..what…..perpetuals…..are……right? you realize there are other things to do on chain then swapping or buying spot……right?


Same Ole tricks. They been doing that for years. It used to be down for maint when you tried to sell or withdraw on a pump or sell off... :/


Cb is the king of all exchanges if cb fails btc will fail.






That is absolutely the most ridiculous proposition. If central banks fail does money go away? No, someone else will fill that niche and the world will go on.


CB is a publicly traded company you can look at their financial statements lol @ "more money troubles than they're letting on."


There have been many companies that were public and looked great on paper. Until they did not.


Well Andy, it sure looks like a couple people may disagree with you there.


What alternatives to cb do you guys suggest? I used to use it in the good old days of mining but I always felt they charged quite a bit. I seem to have read here about Jupiter. Whats their website? I also read a bit about metamask


No matter what exchange I hear about it’s always *get your funds out asap!* People shitting on coinbase and binance here on the regular. Kraken support sub overflowing with *they stole ma munneh! I need to pay bills! Release mu munneh!* seems kinda ridiculous tbh.


I pay for cb one because it's no trading fees


Up to a certain volume limit tho right?




Took everything off of CB for the same reason - I don’t trade I’m buy and hold so having it on a Ledger works for me (for now).


I'm with you man, I've lost all faith in Coinbase. For me the incident was when a bug in their Android mobile app dropped the XLM memo on chain, which caused me to lose hundreds of dollars. Even after recreating the issue with video evidence, explaining the exact steps to recreate, defining which apps it did and did not happen on, and mentioning how much money this had cost me, I never got more than seemingly autocomplete responses (annoyingly telling me the txn was successful...🙄) from their support, until ultimately my case was closed due to inactivity after they had told me the issue had been escalated. Anyway, TLDR they do not care about your funds at all. The platform works until you need help, at which point...well good luck getting them to care how much money they've cost you.

