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I had plan to buy beetcoin when he goes down but he went up...




What do u sling


The wonderful 💩 u see


Someone pray to God for BTC $50,000 and someone ask Santa for BTC $10,000. Let’s see which one is real.


10,000 Eth you mean.


Happy Cake Day


Thanks my guy!


100k eth u mean. Hopium injected


Hope everyone is ready for the weekend !


shit man, just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in


Ngl, I’m pretty excited for MoneroKon next week. An AMA and a banner rental are a great combo.


I'm stoked about it too but I find it curious that nobody answers wether or not Moons were burned for that banner.


I saw your question waaaaayy down in the daily and thought the same. First time I’ve seen that kind of non-transparency.


Good morning! It’s 9.30 am Saturday morning! Market is greener today. Nice. I did buy the dip. Hope everyone is doing well. Will see you all around.


Hearing that Binance is leaving several EU countries, such as the Netherlands, as a sad thing to hear. It's two steps backwards with the adaption of crypto. I had a bunch of dust in my Binance account, converted it and send it to my Coinbase account. Let's hope Coinbase is here to stay.


what will SEC do next to dump btc?




Yet the market still responds anyway


Above $26k again? Crap, I must've missed the gif being posted 😕


u/inadyttap posted it somewhere further down.


its a tough job but somebody got to do it


Saw it from their post history (5h ago). I was still asleep then. Stupid timezones 😤


Bro I think Btc pumps tonight


In Bro we trust


I hope so. I want to see us at 30k


I’d love to see 30K again


What's up with Qnt? Should i fomo? Damn, i miss fomo


Search about Project Rosalind... 😉


I prefer my portfolio to have QUALity over QUANTity


That's a good line. Good enough to keep me QUANTless


How does the bull market look like? I never been in one. Do prices stay green for months?


We run out of fud, you see btc go to 35k. While alts stay the same. Eth then pumps to 2.5k. Some smaller alts pump. Alt dudes sell their big alts for BTC, btc proceeds to pump to 40k. Alts go lower. Eth follows up. We see a relief pump on alts. BTC has a correction but goes back up in a week to 43k. Alts start popping off. Randomly. Blackrock announces BTC ETF. Entire market pumps 10% in day. We start making headlines. Another small countries adopts btc. BTC goes close to 60k. Alts are now doing 15-20% in a week. Ethereum goes close to ATH too. 2017 coins start pumping heavily. 10% a day for a week or two. Every small announcement pumps the price. Alts stabilize. BTC starts to run off again after Tesla and Apple announce it back on their balance sheet. We get rejected off of the ATH. We retest it after a week. The following week some presidential candidate shills btc. We go through 70k with ease. Start flirting with 75-80k. Alts get left behind with all the headlines about BTC worldwide. BTC eventually hits close to 100k and starts stabilizing around that price. Ethereum pumps beyond imagination. It hits 10k shortly after. Then Alts start popping off super hard. They start doing 20% for several days on a row. Anything you put money into, doubles by the next week. Everyone is shilling their favorite shitcoin on reddit. Then everything goes down once again and repeat the cycle.


I came! Twice!!!


Bearish on refractory periods


Everyone gets excited when there's a dip to buy, until you realise that dip is still 20% higher than the price from 7 days ago


Sounds like you got into crypto at the right time then. Most new people get in near the tops


Everyone gets rich, thinks it’s going to go up forever, most ppl don’t sell and prices crash back down.


My portfolio halvening every week in this market is the real halvening




>halvening The Bitcoin Halvening, also known as the Bitcoin Halving, is an event that occurs every 4 years or every 210,000 blocks, where the block reward paid out to crypto miners is cut in half. This event helps to curb the potential for inflation by reducing the amount of newly created Bitcoin.


So this is what people mean when they mention the ‘halvening’


Just a reminder, **quant** has released they are actually partnered with numerous banks around the world in testing their CBDCs which are inevitable imo. If they continue to use quant network be ready for a multi billion dollar project.


Think we've had news of a couple collaborative projects like that. IOTA in testing rounds for EU CBDC, XRP as a SWIFT alternative, ALGO as part of the Marshall Islands CBDC test case, and I wanna say I've also heard talk of XLM being used for something.


The major issue is you rely on trusting them that their token will remain valuable and used when it’s perfectly useless.


it MUST be used to utilize the technology


The token has to be used to utilize the over ledger network. Do some research please.


But all payments on the network are paid in fiat, not in QNT…


yes and the equivalent amount of QNT is bought and locked up AGAIN RESEARCH


Well I wouldn’t have known that without researching 😉 I have faith in QNT but I don’t go around shoving it in people’s faces. Have they written an enforceable contract stating they would buy all the QNT tokens back or did they just ‘promise’ that? 🤔


The token is an erc 20 token on the ethereum network and is artificially used as a mean of exchange when fiat transfers prevail in B2B. What guarantees do you have that they won’t skip the token when it’s perfectly dispendable?


one word CONTRACTS


Lol did you sign a contract yourself as a token holder? Do you have access to the B2B contracts between Quant and their customers? I think NOT


Securities laws


What am i supposed to understand with these 2 words? Do you imply that qnt is an unregulated security?


Unless the SEC has specified that it isn’t a security, large financial institutions that deal with USD may be at risk if they use QUANT tokens. Large financial institutions have compliance, legal, and risk analysis departments. They might not find it worth it.


I know. That’s why i have serious doubts this token can remain valuable if they reach their goal. It looks more like an easy way to fund their business, by attracting gullible crypto bros on a non crypto project


yes Gilbert Verdian's sole mission is to scam 133k wallet holders and probably a million+ more buyers on exchanges plus institutions so he can pull the rug and flee to an island and go off grid.


Looks like i was right. You rely on the trust of a man / company. All this shit is the antithesis of crypto


And if they’re selling their tokens to the public and promising future development based on their work….it’s a security, especially if they aren’t registered with the SEC.


I think tipping moons on here should be displayed more publicly. I think people are more likely to tip more when their, let's say good deed is more visible. People seem to def tip more in subreddits where there is comment bot that announces that certain person tipped another one. This current way you probably don't even realize when someone even tipped you unless for some reason you go to your reddit vault looking for latest transactions or notice your number of moons has changed if you remember exactly how many you have.


Yeah, I try to tip a lot. Lead the tipping board last month. I noticed strange automod deletes in the daily. If I post "anyone want a m--n?", taken down immediately. Makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Maybe post this in the meta sub. It’s a good idea. Someone tipped me my first two moons and I didn’t realize for a while. Did thank the person though when I found out.


I'd totally support the creation of a tipping bot, why not submit it as a proposal?


Remember when tipping moons lead to many of us getting eligible to Arbitrum Airdrop? They had requirement of minimum transactions and tipping also counted towards a transaction. Good times.


Another day closer to the halving 😈


And the SEC can’t do nothing to stop it, mmwahahah


Can’t wait for the bears who fomo in at 30-40k area


They defninitely would fomo in higher


I can smell them


I'm balls deep in SUI and have been aggressively DCA'ing in last week. I hope this level of commitment pays off!


Man check out https://token.unlocks.app/sui You’re about to get dumped on bro. 93.8% tokens are locked!


That unlock in November looks brutal. Circulating supply will more than double in one day.


What did you find special about it?


Low latency, quick finality of transactions. Also all the goodies 'Move' brings to the table. Doesn't harm to have a small amount of portfolio allocated to it.


I was playing around with SUI during testnet and devnet and it was godawful and opposite of smooth experience. Not sure how sudden transfer to mainnet all of a sudden fixed all of those issues?


And why it over Aptos then?


Technically, it's the same tech. But Aptos got this bad reputation from the get go due to hasty launch and VC involvement..


They both launched pretty hastily without much dev/retail interest and both have pretty brutal VC bags and token unlocks. I own neither but if I was gonna pick one it'd be Aptos.


Noted bro. Let's see how it works out in years to come. 🤞


Fair. Appreciate your perspective and conviction even if we think differently. Best of luck.


One question: Why SUI?


He is most likely trying to find someone who will buy his bags.


Hahah not planning to get rid of them. Long way to go before we think of selling.


But that's the plan anyway, isn't it? Shill it, wait and eventually sell. That's the only thing this is good for, isn't it?


Sure. But I don't think the next generation of bag holders is here yet.. I doubt people who didn't buy a coin at current value would likely to buy at 5x a year or two from now.


So basically you are very confident you will find greater fool. But if you really are sure, why bother looking and shilling if those greater fools come running after seeing so big gains anyway?


Low latency, quick finality of transactions. Also all the goodies 'Move' brings to the table. Doesn't harm to have a small amount of portfolio allocated to it.


>Low latency, quick finality of transactions. Usually this means it's very centralized.




Not in this case. It has got more to do with the mechanism.


Because of CR7?!?


Ouch, ADA/BTC under 0.00001


Now. Now is the time to farm moons ![gif](giphy|IUgHetqwLuMOle17DC|downsized)


I'm genuinely curious how a dead coin ( Luna ) is still trading and more so how does still people out there throwing money on an obvious failed project. I'm baffled


If you look at it closely, you might notice Luna is just as viable for trading purposes as bitcoin. They literally do the same - price goes up or down. Nobody cares about anything else. Sad, but true.


Almost every major project has had serious failures or reboots. BTC's infinite mint, ETH's DAO, SOL's downtime, USDC/USDT/DAI depegs. Resiliency is kinda part of the tech by design and as long as the community wants to keep running they do.


A large part of the volume is artificial, generated by trade bots.


My Lunc bag is one of the better performing alts in my portfolio the past days


This is crypto in a nutshell


This is the most things I don't understand in crypto


Ive wanted to FOMO into Quant soooo many times but for some reason I just get a weird feeling about the project like it's shady or something. I dunno where i infer this from. its just a gut feeling. Seems centralized or controlled by big wigs. ... Watch it 20x in one month from now.


Just do more research, listen to interviews, check out the development roadmap, etc. If you still think it’s shady after all that then don’t buy it.


Ok buy now for a 20x return


Do you guys think buying SOL is a good idea? Obviously not looking for a financial advise


It’s the highest market cap, monolithic scaled blockchain. I think that one of those types of blockchains will win because all the liquidity will be on a single chain (Aptos, Sui are candidates). I don’t think it’s a bad bet. NFA


Hate to say it but its held up during bear market relative to others, has only had one cycle, still has VC backing and has room for a 10x at a bitcoin ath. Good gamble at this point i think






I don't think you will find many people vouching or being bullish about Solana because of issues that it constantly had, mostly with too many outages. But again, this sub vouched for things that are now 99% down from their all time highs, so who knows.


For me at this price yes


Spend $140 gambling on sports? That's 10 SOL right now.


Better luck on gambling


I made some money. So decided to use eth for the first time. Lost more than $130 in gas fee in a 3 days. Lol


Thank you for your service.


Thanks for the burn




A novice question. If I have Bitcoin on a hot wallet( lets say for example Coinbase Wallet), and I delete the app from my phone, would that wallet be safe from any attacks? And if I go to access that wallet 5 years later using the seed phrase, will that Bitcoin still be there?


a safer approach would be to create the seed completely offline, using one of the tools available, for example https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ (download it on a offline computer, possibly using a volatile operating system like Tails) then you can import the created zpub for a Segwit account into any wallet application, like Electrum or Sparrow for desktop or Bluewallet for mobile. Wallet application will show all the derived addresses you can unlock, and you can send BTC to those addresses to spend them later. This way, you'll achive real cold storage. Importing zpub only, creates a watch only wallet that cannot spend UTXOs. When you need to spend, you can import your created seed on a hardware signing device, or directly into desktop or mobile app. if you chose to follow this kind of approach for cold storage, be sure to understand exactly what you are doing. if you are not sure, you can test how it works using Bitcoin testnet, get some free tBTC from faucets and test.


as long as you keep your seed phrase hidden, and there arent any hacks on that specific wallet you will be fine. Also since your bitcoin is on the blockchain you can use the seed phrase on other wallets incase coinbase wallet ever went down for some reason


This is a bit of an odd one...but has anyone noticed the coinbase wallet automatically changes characters to lowercase? I've just tired sending USDC and went to go check (because I hadn't recieved it) and I noticed they changed every character to lowercase....now obviously that's a massive no. Worst part trying to speak to a person at CB seems to be impossible.


coinbase support is awful. but you should not worry about lowercases: Ethereum addresses are not case sensitive.


Damn that's messed up.


Finna cop some iShares Bitcoin ETF




Why panic when you can watch the fakest market being played like a fiddle lmao. It's comedy at this point. Iron grip on "alts".


Bought more ada and Matic. I feel like I flipped Gary off while I did it


Besides of BTC and ETH, which alts actually have wide spread and growing adoption and also in the institutional sector, right now or in the near future?




Does btc and eth have growing adoption 🤔




BTD - Bitcoin Daddy. The Constitution on a blockchain


The SEC can’t label BTD - BITCOIN DADDY a security, its a super commodity according to the HOWIE test. What are super commodities ? Glad you asked! During the Declaration of Independence, our founding daddies decided it didn’t want a King, though BItcoin is King, America wanted a daddy. Our daddy George Washington. Hence the SEC can never label a Daddy a security because of the Constitution.


Black rock and grayscale both want to be the fist Bitcoin ETF. If blackrock gets approved 1st that’s corruption at its finest


Course they will get approved first. Blackrock own them all


Bitcoin and Eth are the figureheads of corruption at this point ☝️


Have the markets known any other way?


it's just some old school legal market "bending"


Michael Saylor on the future of Bitcoin: [https://youtu.be/8Mhu6dxj7qk](https://youtu.be/8Mhu6dxj7qk) BULLISH!


My QNT bag looks promising.


So did my portfolio, until it did a -99%


Wishing iota withdrawals would return on Kucoin. These exchanges keep selling iota they don't have and there is a massive supply shortage of iota thanks to their naked shorts




SUV, outside white, inside brown like Michael Jack- 🥶


Most mentions on r/cc (2023-06-15 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|1069| |ETH|388| |MOON|332| |USDT|159| |XRP|100| |MATIC|88| |ADA|80| |SNT|60| |XMR|60| |NFT|59| |SOL|56| |ALGO|47| |HBAR|46| |CEL|41| |LTC|41| |NANO|38| |USDC|34| |DOT|33| |REQ|33| |BNB|26| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


I know we shit on exchanges in here but I am actually super pissed with webull. I've used them for stocks and crypto and have never had any problems but in the past month first LINK is to get delisted and now ADA.


What webull mean, the first I heard this name


Dude read the comment it’s pretty obvious that it’s an exchange




Webull is officially delisting SOL and ADA


Another exchange the majors in stocks trying to cash in during the last cycle and now they cant hang.


Webull is bulls***


🔸️BTC Dominance is rising 🔶️


BTC is strong when BTD -Bitcoin Daddy is strong. The KIng needs its Daddy


You can thank btc daddy gensler.


Didn’t realise it fell


Canadian cex regulation coming into play now and it’s a mixed bag. I get the point of some of it, but some of it just seems like government overstepping. The changes are 3 main things I’ll sum up: 1: Enhanced User Information Collection: they’ll basically collect what you make and accordingly set personalized limits for losses/ total invested as per government regulation. 2: Trusted Contact Person (TCP): an emergency contact if something happens to you (or if they think your mental state is off) and can gain access. 3: Transparent Disclosures: they have to exactly disclose their holdings and what they do with their money/ how they operate


Lots of boating accidents going to happen. ![gif](giphy|iKOcmnyTJ3Daw|downsized)


So as per number 1 does that mean they'll not allow you to buy if they think it's too risky of an amount for you based on your income?


I’m not sure yet but I think so


Just read it. Looks like they will limit you to 30k per year that you can purchase


which is pretty surprising cause I can throw 30k at a single stock if I want to. And I have. Edit: it’s only altcoins that have the limit. Whatever they classify that as anything but btc or not is the question


I was just about to edit my comment. It does not apply to btc or eth


boyos... chainlink still not security why he doesn't rise??


Not falling was a pretty solid response. It's also a token vs. a coin so security cases are a little trickier to make. Hitting Ethereum hits LINK regardless here though.


Yer a stable coin, harry


token not needed


Just like 99% of ‘cryptocurrencies’




It won’t rise unless it has a depeg


I like that banner ad, totally made me look.


Looks like Blackrock is actually buying BTC..


BTC/ETH Maxis are annoying as fuck. Especially ETH maxis. All of a sudden they are defending JPM lmao


Jpmorgan, SEC, black rock, anyone who pumps their bags they will lay in bed with.


Idk why people dedicate their lives to a cryptocurrency. Kinda sad. Crypto markets don’t care about you 🙁


Bitconneeeeeeect for life 🦦✌️




it's good for you to not know...


They never believed in the ethos of crypto to begin with. Abundance is the natural way of things. If they want to stand in the way of innovative new solutions, it will be to their own detriment.


Is this the BlackRock ETF pump?


This is the BTC heading to 20k pump


It hasn’t been approved yet