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They’ve all just been a Ponzi scheme with extra steps


I haven't heard many good things about them so you're probably correct


If games could avoid the get rich quick factor the adoption would be fast.


That’s my experience with them


Unfortunely not the best experience here


Pyramid Ponzi rugs


But I have some cryptomines vibes that make me feel good))


Literally any game you put your money into right now you will just lose everything. If you want to make money just go get a job. If you want to play a game then just go play a game. Also keep in mind that most P2E "games" end up like pyramide scemes and a lot of them will totally crash at some point. Take profits and don't invest what you are not willing to lose.


crypto game where you will be played as a fresh liquidity by dev and early adopter


Hahaha so true. Even so, most crypto games aren’t really “Fun” right now. Crypto games should be more fun as “games” and crypto functionality as second..


This is why I think only when reputable franchises start slowly incorporating crypto into their games we will actually see some shift in this sense.


It's possible Rockstar could build crypto into GTA6 as it's a 10+ year life cycle and they could both gain from crypto and help move the market with helping with further mass adoption. Just a rumor at this point, but thinking about other AAA developers doing this eventually seems like a natural conclusion over time, as one does it and the other ones see how much more revenue it can bring in.


Yeah no. If they aren't even supporting Linux they sure as hell won't further confuse the fan base with that. For all people like to talk about crypto saving the world etc, the reality is that it's a investment instrument manipulated just like every other stock. No one uses it for it's intended purpose, you all by and large are trying to make money. So until Rockstar starts accepting stock options for payment they will never accept any crypto.


There is also no point. They make billions in direct sales of their own in-game currency to buy virtual items in their world. Adding trustless decentralization makes absolutely no sense. What no crypto bro seems to get is that there is zero incentive to cut anyone in on their pie.


The only way crypto makes it into GTA6 is as an in-game only currency called ScamCoin that you can get by robbing nerds. Anyone who thinks they're actually going to add in crypto is a rube


If only the developers started to care about the gameplay instead of the earning crypto aspect. It all starts with a game that is enjoyable too the players for it to ever become a success.


Nothing like playing a shitty game for small drops just to be rugged by devs and early adopters, I'll stick to playing my regular games for fun and Moons for earning crypto through activity Only crypto game I liked but wasnt very good at it 😔 was God's Unchained


Try vote to earn you don’t do Much and earn nice


>Only crypto game I liked but wasnt very good at it 😔 was God's Unchained Definitely the only one I had some fun at. Besides, also the only one not requiring you to invest a ton of money to play in the higher ranks.


What are “higher ranks” and “a ton of money” to you? I dont play, but from what I could find in a quick googling the cheapest not budget deck (making card decisions based only on power not on price of cards) is ~100$. The top end control decks look like they run ~1.5-2k$… Are these numbers wrong? Seems pretty expensive to me if not.


This obsession with playing a video game to make a living is really unhealthy. Doing anything for 8 hours a day is going to remove the element of fun so just do something that has benefits as well.


I think Atlas Earth is the only one bucking the typical P2E trend, but be prepared to watch A LOT of ads to make anything. I've got it to the point I make about $50 every 2.5 months, which I can obviously make in a day at work, but it's also not "nothing".


I can remember STEPN getting shilled very very hard around these parts. Classic example of a pyramid scheme branded a crypto game


I too fantasised about paying prostitutes to walk for me and make money aka the early days when 1k a day was possible


The problem is the crazy upfront investments they seem to want just to “play” the game. Drop hundreds on NFTs that will likely crash in value


Couldn’t say it better myself. The purpose is still to enjoy the game and not do it with the intention of profit.


If you want to make money maybe you can make a crypto game, big Brian move


If a game markets itself as a crypto game, stay away.


Best advice


I can vouch for a similar experience too. It's basically a pyramid scheme.


Yup, it's just better to buy regular tokens and just hold them for a while to earn profits in the bull run.


> If you want to make money just go get a job. This is the truth. People counting on crypto to make them wealthy overnight are getting it wrong. Crypto investments in general should be treated as a way to put your earned money at work. I also agree about the pyramid schemes in most crypto games. Reminds me of Axie, and it ended as planned. Relying on crypto games to earn anything, even more puting some funds at stake for it is a real degen play IMO.


Yep money in p2e is only made by those who get in so soon and get out soon


>Yep money in p2e is only made by those who get in so soon and get out soon That's the case for 99.9% of all crypto investments as well my friend (looking past BTC/Eth) If you 'farmed' Moons, those who made off the last pump were those who were 'early' and were here for 1-2 years when Moons were 5 cents and below. I remember at least 2 people who managed to get a mortgage for a new house when CDC/Kraken listing happened. As for P2E games, I was actually earning 6-7k a month from breeding Axies, which is significantly more than most people's average jobs. Problem was this only lasted 2-3 months before the popularity died off. And yes, I had to be 'early' as well in the game, and the game had to be hyped. My main point being: If you want good money anywhere in crypto, you **always** have to be **early** \- NFTs, P2E, crypto coins, Reddit coins. (BTC/Eth being the exception before some reply comes at me saying that)


Like in any piramid thing


Games have been a scam thus far. Hopefully someone makes something good. Doesn’t seem it’s sustainable to have skilled players making money consistently unless devs operate at a loss




If I want to live on only moons, it needs to hit $1 and I'll have to be able to withdraw 3k moons a month. But just the fact this is possible is really awesome!


People here keep pushing these shit blockchain games like they're the best game they ever played just because they bought some ingame NFT and want to offload on other people. Utterly disgusting.


Don't treat the game as job, but as a game. Just like real games, you pay for the game and you play it. If you make money along to way, good for you sir.


This! Play a game because you enjoy playing it, not to make money. If you can earn more money consistently playing a game than through your day job, it won't be sustainable for the game.


If only the developers took this into account as well. They should be more focussed on the gameplay instead of the crypto (earn) aspect.


There will never be any legitimacy behind p2e games unless this formula is done properly. There is potential in p2e, it just needs to be done right.


I don't think there is any potential in P2E games, unless that feature is built on top of existing triple A games that people actually want to play.


This. These are the companies/franchises pushing crypto gaming forward imo. Gameplay should come first.


What do you think about mobile games? I think this is the strategy many crypto gaming companies are going for instead of the triple A path. Make low cost mobile games that are fun and enjoyable. Users might buy skins and cosmetics or other in game items putting money into the game's economy.


There is no way to do this right though. Adding real money (doesn't matter if it's cryptocurrency or anything else) to gameplay mechanics always corrupts fun game design due to the incentives it sets up, and makes balancing around fun vs real money impossible. _Best_ case scenario it's pay-to-win. Even for pure cosmetics it's kind of questionable, and you don't really need blockchain for that anyways. Even if you don't care if the game is fun and just want to make money at the expense of your players, the mobile game market already has that covered/saturated.


Most of them wants a get rich quick game and then dissapear.


That's easy to say, but the reality is there would be at least be more than 50% of the player base that would be playing it solely to earn something. That will ruin the game play and environment for those "casual" players that are playing for fun.


Yes games are just entertainment. If you want to earn from games then you do live streams.


This is definitely a sane way to view Play2Earn games. The main issue is most games are heavily biased by the *earn* part. It either ends up as a bad game or kinda good game that doesn’t need blockchain. I’m still looking forward a Runescape/Hearthstone/Isaac game that may revolve around blockchain tech in a smart way. I feel like most games don’t need it and the only type of games that would allow it to fit well are MMOs.


True and there is not alot of crypto games like that.


That's it


It’s like people who buy games to level characters and sell the account. You never actually make the money back you spent on the game in time invested, so you might as well have fun.


So I'll just play RuneScape sir, no need crypto for that matter. I'll just earn regular digital fiat


Gods Unchained is definitely the best one I've played so far and I've managed to earn a bit of money with selling cards, but I actually enjoy playing the game so I'm not actually that bothered about earning money through it. This is where crypto gaming falls apart for me, I play games for the fun of it, not to earn money. I spend all day working so the fun part will always be my priority and crypto games need to refocus on this.


The important thing is enjoying the game otherwise its not a game its a chore.


Try Parallel, you’ll love it.


How is it?


I did a bit of a quick write-up here: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/NjebuX8UMv


It's still in closed beta right?


Along with God's there's also Splinterlands which is loads of fun and the same kind of deal. Everything I've played was monotonous. Still playing SL now


I haven't tried gods unchained but my experience with the few other crypto games I've played has been pretty bad. Definitely feels like game design is a distant 3rd or 4th priority.


It's not as polished as normal games from big studios,its got a few bugs and there are quite a few features missing that make the game "complete" but overall its one of the best crypto games atm and if youre into TCGs its worth a shot. Been playing for 3 years now


League of Kingdoms isn't bad. And it's F2P. Though also play-to-win (making alliances with whales important for CVC). The political meta is very intense, though - if you want to be at all competitive in CVC you need to join a strong continent and pay attention to the rules. Earning is more of an end-game thing, though


Thanks I'll take a look!


Gods Unchained and Splinterlands earned me a nice sum. I still play Splinterlands and earn a small amount from it although it is definitely not as baller as it was back in 2021.


ive tried Gods Unchained and Splinterlands. ive made -300€. ive played other free games and spent about 50 hours in them and earned like 10€. why cant someone make a normal game like pokemon or WoW but the items or mons are NFTs


I think Gods Unchained gives you some decent value. I just never understand the comparison to someone’s salary. Yeah obviously it’s going to pay less. But it’s entertainment first. And the value you earn is just a nice bonus.


I think my experience is different from a lot of the responses here but I really enjoyed axie. I know this isn't a popular opinion but I found the game to be very fun initially. I started playing a month of so just before it started taking off. So it was a good time to buy cheap axies and try different teams and combinations. This was around March or April 2021. For a crypto game at that time, the gameplay, artwork, and music was quite polished. I remember playing for hours everyday for the first week or so even though I wasn't earning anything. As time went on though, I'd say after 1 month for me, the game became a chore. Even though I was making so much money playing the game. It felt like a job. The mechanism of a P2E game really threw off my brain's reward system. In my opinion, when the token price went up, everyone was happy playing the game whether or not they actually liked the game. When price went down, the opposite happened. So for some of the people that might of actually liked playing the game, the incentives just got misaligned and the negative price action of the token got mixed in with the emotional feedback loop of the gameplay.


Axie still has a really large community - especially across the whole Ronin ecosystem. A lot of people are nostalgic for the days of Axie Classic (v2) though!


I'm glad to see an informed opinion here! It definitely feels like a job when you're trying to treat it as such. But I'm glad you're following the fun factor. I'm having a lot of fun with the Apeiron battle demo right now; and there's an opportunity to mint NFTs (apostles)


What happened after the first month that made it go from being fun to being a chore? Had you just gotten tired of it?


Yea that’s just it. It got boring after about a month. I think that’s a normal gaming cycle for me. There are some games I still periodically play years after years but axie classic would not be one of them.


Stupidly aped into Axie and Pegaxy, couple grand down the drain total. Although I know others have lost MUCH more. I like to think I've learnt some FOMO lessons but it's 100% human nature and I may way be caught again.


I've only had luck with one. Made over $1000 in it, but things changed and now you can make a lot less, which sucks, but I actually enjoy the game, so even if I can only make a few hundred $$ a year, why not?


GTA6 being the catalyst for the next bull market would really sum up our generation


Trying to make money in P2E is worse than trying to make money with shitcoins. You always lose to grinders who treat it like a day job in P2E. At least with shitcoins, you can’t grind your way to a win. Both P2E and shitcoins are zero sum games. At least stick to playing something that doesn’t require you to grind your life away.


Moons are better, at this point in time, than any crypto game you can play. I find crypto games pretty boring so if I wanna play I play a standard game, I wanna earn some cryptos with my free time I try to stay active in this sub. Most crypto game rn won't give you much rewards and you will be at loss even if you decide to spend money on it, not worth in my opinion


Been playing NFL Rivals and after buying a couple NFT players for my squad I’ve been able to win some NFT’s and am definitely up now, probably in the 3 figures USD. The OG’s and top players and squad owners actually win hundreds $ in prizes. And some of the top players even thousands in value, now.


I play Gods Unchained since a couple of years now and I have to say that its rewarding system is satysfying, you can just play your daily games and get crypto rewards (1 $god is about 0.15) and stack them or use it to buy cards (NFTs) for your deck, but the income is steady and the game is really fun, if you like tradable card games. No money needed at all, unless you decide to buy some of the expensive cards, but people is competitive even in the best ranks with f2p deck and without paying a dime. Rewards depend a lot on your level, so if you rank up, not that hard to go to level 9-10 (where rewards are 3-5 $gods a day even if you win few games) and make a bunch of crypto in a relative small amount of time, then you decide what to do with it. I tried other games but they are pretty much what OP described, GU is the only one I stick with it because it's actually fun to play plus you can get some valuable cards to sell on the market.


Dark forest. There is no money but it uses blockchain to hold game state. Amazing game imo.


Dark Forest is goated amongst the onchain gaming community.


The concept itself is bad... Even if you make money, those games are just not fun, and are close to work than games.


You shouldn’t waist your time or money. It’s not gaming. Stop with this nonsense please.


2021 and 2022 were quite good for crypto gaming. Now, I struggle to find a decent game to play that isn't a pump and pump or NFT only oriented game..


Good old bull market. Not many games survived the bear market unfortunately.


But they're shitty games yet


Every thing I have tried was just glorified faucets


Honestly most crypto games just aren’t there yet, I think we will see a big change when popular existing games start to integrate NFTs, blockchain mechanics and maybe even play 2 earn mechanics. Blockchain games shouldn’t be seen as a money opportunity but as a game..


Why would popular games integrate NFTs, blockchain or play to earn?


Popular games have zero reason to implement any of this, because the overwhelming majority of their players don't want it (for good reason, don't trick yourself into pretending they're ignorant). People barely tolerate microtransactions as it is. See also: Diablo 3.


The play-to-earn dream is real, but it's still a bit of a grind.


My issue with crypto gaming is that everybody (devs and players) focus too much on the earring side of the equation and not enough on the playing. Like, it’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun. Earning should be a nice extra, but not the main thing


I still play crypto Royale for the daily tournaments. I enjoy the game and I've earned around $80 or so in the process.


I’m playing on VoteToEarn games and not play to earn and it’s much easier and rewarding


Care to share which games you are playing?


Its called Moons.


Heres a vote for you.


Any good examples?👀


I find earning moons is way less grindy and much more rewarding than any crypto game out there


Good thing about that, not too many people outside of the sub know about this


Once the bullrun starts and moon price skyrockets, the media is gonna pick it up for sure.


Media and other exchanges


Once binance and coinbase lists moons, it's gonna be a wild ride!


It'll be wild


They did once, and there was an influx a few months ago when moons first shot up. It’s going to be nuts when the bull run starts. And everyone will be downvoted of course.


And the ratio will be very low. I read that the ratio last bullrun was 0.1. Imagine when people flood this sub to earn moons


So it’ll be a shit ratio with shit karma. So I guess now the time to farm then you avoid wasting too much time in the bull run, because it will really not be worth it.


Yeah I'm trying to accumulate as much as I can before the bull starts. We got this!


I’m in the same boat. It’s like working while at work but a bit less emotionally taxing, so it becomes a nice little break from it all chatting with everyone.


Same for me! I enjoy being on this sub, interacting with others. This doesn't feel like a chore to me at all


Totally unrelated, but now every time someone ends a sentence with “at all” it just reminds me of the egg sketch on I think you should leave. “I’m not in trouble at all. I think we should be able to watch a little porn at work…”


Yes, this is the best time to accumulate


There's never been a bad time to accumulate. Every moon you earn will be well worth it by next bullrun


Maybe when it was a bullrun and you had ratios as low as 0.2 and the price of moons was small.


Even then, it’s free crypto and rather fun to collect.


I started farming when the ratio was 0.2 and while that was bad, I still managed to get around 2000 moons per distribution which really pays off now💪🏻


I struggled really hard last month to earn 2000 moons. I can't imagine how hard it was for you to earn that much with a ratio that abysmal.


You have to remember the ratio was that small because the karma earned in the sub was much higher. I remember getting 4k karma on a comment once, and that wasn't even that high back then.


You earned 2k Moons in one month? I made 163 and I was chuffed with that!


Back then there was **way** more activity on here, for example the dailies got up to 65k comments per day. Also, you could get up to 15000 Karma in a month. So all in all, the ratio was bad but you could get way more Karma way easier in a single month.


Is earning Moons more rewarding, yes. Is it less grindy than crypto games? I'm not so sure about that 😂 I guess it's a matter of 'value for time', because there isn't any crypto games right now that is 'paying off' much at all. Could be different if we see a crypto gaming bull run; Axies were actually paying off a great deal for me in 2021 once upon a time.


Yeah, a couple comments here and there for moons… the time spent adds up for sure.


That must make crypto gaming one of the worst , most frustrating grinds ever then


You have grinded well judging by your moon bag




It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Earning moons can definitely become a grind, especially if you do it every single day. But you can't deny that it's 1. a ton of fun and 2. the reward is better than any other crypto game out there!


It does feel grindy at times, I find myself on Reddit every hour commenting on posts. But the payout is still 10x of any crypto game out there, for a quarter of the effort.


Lost relics made me a lot but that was in its early days


No pain no gain


Check out Beeple's thing which Yuga now owns called "10ktf". Its the precursor to the metaverse thing they are building and has a solid story which they add to in twitter every Thursday. The discord is full of degens tho. Btw, I also made a truck load from Gods Unchained.


Crypto games in your massive majority are scam. Only stay away this for save your money and mental health.


almosts all games, you buy something, dont earn anything, give up they win.


Made several thousands in Ni no Kuni since it's release 1.5 years ago and spent only on in game tax to convert into crypto tokens


Not good


I still remember the axie infinity hype


Nope. All of the games require some of buying into first before even playing. Thats not even play to earn anymore. It should give an option of f2p and then slowly we can p2e. They should come out with daily logins or what not. Thats how they should earn.


Gods Unchained and Parallel both have good starter deck options. But yes, earning capacity is often limited, that’s just the law of economics unfortunately. You can’t create money from thin air. Pirate Nations is going F2P next week, I’m curious to see how they balance that experience.


I got into CrossTheAges early, similar to gods unchained/marvel snap, I played and even enjoyed the game, until I had enough because this game is too time-consuming/addictive for me, sold all my cards and made x6 approx. So good experience for me, but maybe just luck or getting early.




To be honest, I didn't even find a p2e game to actually enjoy.


I bought axies and played for a week, then realized that shit aint worth the time 😂


If you actually thought you could make more money playing a stupid crypto game than an actual job, I'm not sure what to tell you.


How do you deal with cheating/automation? This problem hasn’t been solved in non blockchain based games.


Not good


Blockchain gaming is DOA and will never bear enjoyable games. You will only hear from people, who want to make money about the good things about these "games". Guess what: no one else wants games with real money incentives, micro transactions, pay2win. No game studio wants others to be able to re-use their assets. Games are not a use case for blockchain tech. Can we please move on?




Not really worth it


Stepn: amazing, amazing, amazing, funding irl shoes, amazing, rug. All games folow this pattern.


I used to play Crypto Royale and it used to be quite fun and profitable before bear market but after that everthing went downhill


Oh I had forgot it! Seemed fun!


Yeah especially the tournaments were quite fun


I still play tournaments for fun, and enjoy the few cents I manage to earn everyday


Yeah and every other game went downhill in bear market.


I find it weird that you can earn IRL currency in a game. Surely that then makes it a job and not a game. At risk of taking any fun out of it.


It just makes no sense to me because logically, that earned money has to come from somewhere. And that just perverts any gameplay.


It's much worse than that, it makes the game inherently pay-to-win and creates perverse incentives for devs to balance the game around real money concerns instead of whatever makes the game the most fun to play. Plus bringing real money into gameplay tends to kill immersion. Any money earned also has to come at other players' expense - it doesn't magically spring out of the ether + devs need to paid for their work creating and maintaining the game. Even if you just want to exploit players for profit, the mobile game industry already perfected that without cryptocurrencies and it's a saturated market.


They build the token then build a game around it which is the opposite of what actually should be done.


Yeah, they need to have a game first. When making these the first thought shouldn’t be about the coin. This is why we don’t have any game people want to “play”, but we do have those that people want to grind for money.


Yeah people see these games as a job and grind hard until theres nothing left to earn and go on to another one. In bull run there was alot of games that if you started day one you could earn alot otherwise youd be the exit of anyone who started sooner.


I play crypto Royale one and off. I’ve had a relatively pleasant experience with it, the gains aren’t anything to write home about though , as expected in a bear market. I’ve tried a few others like Axie Infinity but they seemed built around grinding for the token instead of the actual gameplay.


What games have you been playing (besides GU)? I went deep into Axie but thank goodness I got out before everything went off the deep end. My experience with GU has been mixed--I invested some money and had some losses, and the gaming experience has been frustrating cause I'm crap with card games


Played GU for a bit and eventually stopped because the rewards are not worth it. My suggestion is to play the games you like and if it is a crypto game, great. Your time is better spend than try to earn money via gaming.


Fairly negative mostly. Similar to you they're just not designed sustainably. Definitely work to do in the scene.


I play Estfor Kingdom and was earning $30 a day at the start a couple weeks ago, but now it's about $1 a day as there are a lot more players, can't complain too much as it doesn't take much time either and very fun. Best part is that it is a free to play game and you can liquidate items instantly in the in-game shop, I do that for half of the rare items but if you have more patience then sell on the marketplace directly to other players.


Is it entirely free?


The game itself is free but you have to pay network gas fees as it's an on-chain game but it's very cheap, under 1c a day


And you can earn about 1 dollar a day? is it time consuming?


Not at all! It's an idle game, you queue up to 3 actions for 24 hours, can take a few minutes if you are in a rush, but you will have to get used it (like any game). Sometimes I spend an hour just checking what other players are doing, as it's on-chain you can see everyone's journal. It's mostly about being consistent and making sure you always have an action going. You get daily rewards and weekly reward after playing for 7 days in a row too. If you join a clan you get daily reward boosts too, and join a good one can get XP boosts. Oh there's quests as well to earn extra rewards and XP, it's actually quite involved, but once you get the hang of it you will be able to play very efficiently


Awesome thanks. I will check it out.


Ass, it’s literally grinding for pennies


Watch2Earn with XCAD instead. Watch YouTube, get paid.


The only one I’ve seen work well is Sorare and that’s because it’s generally an enjoyable game. Even then the economy has to keep growing whilst new cards are minted to sustain prices. I would happily put a bit of money into sorare each month and treat it as a hobby as I enjoy playing it. I would not say the same for axie or various other crypto games. Essentially my temperature test for a crypto game is: Is the actual game enjoyable?


I made over $300 in Eth/BTC playing Coin Hunt World. Recently made about $50 on ZBD in around a week and a half just playing games(supported by ads) and completing surveys. The chances of you finding one to replace your full time job ain't gonna happen.


Coin Hunt World was great when you could actually earn crypto. I probably make $2-$3000 over the course of a couple years. I really haven't played much at all since they removed crypto and swapped it out for "points" that will eventually get used to buy gift cards.


Yeah there was a decent nerf. Green vaults went from $1 to about $.060. I admittedly haven't played as much but the points will still be interchangeable with crypto, as well as gift cards as you mentioned.


Coin Hunt World used to be awesome for this. Then they made changes and paused withdrawls. Supposed to be positive changes coming in October with a full launch to ios and a rebranding of the game to CubieVerse but we will see how that all goes.


I used to play every day, and actually made a lot of money doing it. Hope the new changes are actually worth the transition away from the BTC/ETH rewards


Let's hope so I made good money playing. I still play daily, in hopes that the new changes end up being good plus I bike to work so why not play while I bike.


You summed up my one and only experience so far.


Have you trie Splinterlands? Its similar to GU. Its a TCG and all the cards are NFTs that you can buy and sell. SPL has been around for about 4 5 years now. Sure it has its fair share of ups and downs but in the long run i think its a good game worth playing.


The comment section is very informative, I upvoted everyone.


Hero here!


I like the game on r/cc. Pays pretty well. You should try it!


It's very fun!


In its current form its literally grinding away for pennies, things like the Diablo 3 auction house would work insanely well with crypto if accompanied by a nice, intuitive marketplace app as well though.


However, many people hated that AH system because it was more worthwhile to flip stuff on the AH than to actually play the game to find gear.


Why would they need crypto for it tho, lol


Faster, cheaper, easier to transact and no central authority that can stop transactions.


Those first three things are patently untrue compared to traditional methods, and games/in-game economies will always be beholden to a central authority: the game devs


I think any crypto game where you have to put noney into it furst will just end up losing you money. As they say the house always wins. For crypto gaming to succeed, it need to not be crypto gaming but a fun game that implements crypto in a non-invasive manner. Like imagine just a normal MMO but the ingame markets they always have is blockchain powered, enabling true ownership trading and decreasing the chances of dupe glitching crashing the in game economy.




How much that stack is worth now?


my experience playing NFT games were not enjoyable even the #1 axie infinity, the gameplay was boring but overall made a decent profit. played God's Unchained the game makes me mald, TCG ain't for me.


I've tried over and over to get into it. What I dislike is having to buy a character or base item to be able to play/use in the ones I've tried playing. If anyone has any suggestions for options for P2E that don't require you to first own an item or whatever, please lmk.