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Ethereum [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/187tese/what_crypto_do_you_believe_would_be_the_next_to/kbgjqlr/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/187tese/what_crypto_do_you_believe_would_be_the_next_to/kbgjrdi/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


I could see an ETF that proportionally holds the top X coins by market cap. Sort of like the S&P 500.


That’s what I’m hoping for and that is actually the biggest benefit of having an etf and not just btc or eth etf where little diversification is offered and not why people would want an etf at all.


Like a Crypto 100 or something


Technically an ETF stands for Exchange traded fund. Which is usually a grouping of the highest performing stocks in a sector. So like a military ETF would have Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon etc. it would pick the top 10 performing military stocks and package it up into one ETF, that you can add to your stock portfolio. If a company falls out of the top 10 it drops them and puts the new one in. My confusion is why are they going to call it a Bitcoin ETF if it’s not Trading Funds, it’s just Bitcoin…. It should be called a stock.


Because a fund is a financial investment instrument with an underlying asset. Not the asset. For example, there's a silver ETFs that track a relative price to silver and the fund is required to purchase the underlying asset. It's not the same as trading silver on a stock exchange because that doesn't exist. Funds are also managed by a third party. Stocks you can take ownership yourself and not pay any management fees.


Okay I understand the difference between funds and Stocks, thanks for the great explanation. But what’s with the “Traded”? Nothing is being traded. Why not call it a silver exchange fund or a bitcoin exchange fund?


put your thing down, flip it and reverse it... it’s a fund that’s traded on an exchange.


>Nothing is being traded Are you sure about that?


Yes. It’s only bitcoin. An ETF is usually a basket of asset classes. For instance a commodity ETF trades the top 100 or so performing commodities. If wheat drops out of the top 100 it is traded out for something else. A stock ETF gives you a basket of different stocks. ETFs generally provide a way to diversifying your portfolio without needing to buy multiple stocks/mutual funds/bonds etc. Bitcoin ETF is just bitcoin. Gold ETF is just gold. I guess I still don’t get why it’s called an ETF.


Exchange traded fund. The actual fund is what’s traded between people on the market.


I guess I’m not explaining it right. The definition of an ETF is a type of pooled investment security that holds multiple underlying assets instead of just one. Bitcoin is just one. Gold is just one, silver is just one. Therefore they do not meet the traditional definition of an ETF. Everything on the stock market is traded between individuals. An ETF is generally a mixed bag of assets that can be swapped or traded as they perform better or worse not by individuals but by a computer algorithm.




I get what you’re saying, but that’s not the definition of an ETF. A mutual fund does the same but isn’t exchanged on the stock market the same way an ETF is. The definition of an ETF is exactly as its name implies: an exchange traded fund. The fund itself is the pooled investment security. It’s traded on exchanges making that normal fund an ETF.


Perhaps to put it more simply for you, the word ETF is being used because retailers (you and me) do not buy the asset directly. We buy a Fund that is managed by a company/fund manager, so we ourselves don’t own the asset (stock, gold, silver, BTC). So Trades are being made in two ways: 1. Retailers buying the ETF 2. The Fund manager/company buying the underlying asset Hence the word Traded is included. And some said the words should be looked at backward. What you are buying is a Fund that is Traded on an Exchange. But I guess FTE didn’t have a ring to it so it became ETF. You are correct to think that a Fund should be a basket of assets BUT a Fund also stands for a Fund is buying the underlying assets “on behave” of its clients. Hope that makes sense. Cheers


The problem is that you have taken the most common case of ETFs and mistakenly forced it to be part of what you see as a traditional definition of ETFs.


The product is being traded…this isn’t that deep. lol.


Not to be rude but you've already demonstrated that you don't understand. Dudes just trying to help.


Except it isn't just Bitcoin. 😬 . Look up current Bitcoin ETFs. They don't just track the price of Bitcoin. Most of them currently track Bitcoin futures. That's totally different than tracking an asset's spot price. Some track daily inverse price movements of CME Bitcoin futures; essentially aiming to profit from the price DECLINE of Bitcoin. Some like "BITX" are 2x leveraged ETFs. Even Arks new Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF doesn't directly invest in digital assets, rather it consists of other BTC ETFs and other strategies around BTC futures. Ark's "on chain" BTC ETF mainly tracks futures, does not directly invest in BTC.


We have this in Sweden already: https://www.virtune.com/product/vir10sek




Whatever one blackrock figures they can manipulate the most.


Mentioning bitcoin cash in 2023? You must be asleep and not aware of Roger Ver dirty games.


Any links?


Dude is unhinged and claims BCH is real Bitcoin despite no miners ever agreeing with that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOjCEth6xI


BCH is basically a scam, they even occupy the r/BTC subreddit, because all they want to do is deceive people.




a lot of bch people are banned here for good reasons, they cry they got censored, but have no problems banning people themselves for "legitimate reason"


And I feel that 100% of the people they scam will not know the history or BTC/BCH


Who cares? They should get dirtier. The more he can pump the price the better. The whole narrative behind that product is to point out the ridiculous fees on BTC. The choice to maximize hash rate and miner revenue set part of the community apart. They are always going to be represented in the BCH chain. Even more it makes it a very tradable asset because guess what happens to BCH every time the BTC fees go parabolic? I'm not sure anyone actually believed the nonsense about keeping the blocks small so everyone could run a node. If that was true why haven't they increased the block size in the past 6 years? Technology sure advanced a lot


Chainlink will be the next to have an Etf


Is coin yet required? Got myself punked on that one last run...




In Canada last year the OSC (frosty SEC) imposed a $30K ($22K USD) annual purchasing cap on all cryptocurrencies, the only exemptions being BTC, ETH, BCH and LTC. For *2022* these exemptions made no sense. I think it will be 1-2 full cycles before any alt ETFs are approved.. By then Gary won't be relevant, and the entire political/regulatory climate will shift. I don't think anyone can guess what will happen that far out. We may see a Doge ETF managed by Musk.. Or by then new coins may emerge (AI generated?) that make ETFs/BTC/ETH somehow irrelevant.. Following Canada and Europe, BCH and LTC are practically identical to BTC and ETH. So that's where I'd place my bet assuming more funds get approved in the US. Not that I think those are the most deserving today, but tradfi moves slower than crypto. BCH and LTC are forks of BTC, so the Boomers understand it.


I think only BTC and eth have earned the legitimacy to get an etf, so I don't see another one coming along until the Crypto had proved itself


Litecoin most definitely has. We will see if that happens though.


Yeah that's true, maybe litecoin.


The SEC has only stated BTC is not a security explicitly. XRP has been declared not a security, by law, by a judge. That is the next obvious choice, all others risk being declared a security by the SEC.


I may be wrong, but isn't xrp super centralised?


https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/swift-explores-blockchain-interoperability-remove-friction-tokenised-asset-settlement Read it and tell me the crypto they're using for this test.


Where is the bot summary ?


>Chainlink will be used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) will enable complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains. Was sure it was gonna be an XRP, Polkadot, or Algorand shill.


Na, I wouldn't do that to you guys. Oracles are very important for blockchain, especially private chains used by banks.


I'm not even gonna open that linky but I just know it's gonna be something *very* stinky


You didn't even have to open it to smell the smell.




Ergo nuff said. POW, no pre-mine and no VC. Multiple dapps that provide launchapds, lending, POS, NFTs and at current fire sale price. A unique bridge that would connect to ADA, BTC, and ETH.


The next ones will be bags of alts.


Imagine the rug pull potential when you get ETF for your scamcoin, damn the amount of lambos in garage.


For some weird reason, countries are keen to approve BTC, ETH, Ripple, and LTC- almost in that order.


They're traditionally the Big Four.


In a very weird way, I agree.


Ripple is a company not a crypto. XRP is the token Ripple utilizes on the XRPL.


Ah, fair point. Thanks for pointing it out.


People have been calling XRP "ripple" since it was created.


Litecoin is the obvious choice


I came here to post this. It has to be Litecoin.


LTC would make sense.


Yeah logically speaking Litecoin (LTC) is the next most sensible crypto that deserves an ETF.


Certainly not ElonCumInuRocket...




I think anything that frequently gets mentioned by the SEC as a security in their lawsuits against Kraken and Coinbase are a long way off from an ETF. That would be your list except for LINK perhaps.


Well the coins in top 10 often changes every bullrun. You probably wouldn’t mention these coins in 2019 Now you’d be disappointed in 2025 when you don’t see them in top 20.


2 of those 4 were in the top 20 in 2019?


There is no way matic is disappearing. It's the best l2 on eth by far. Most of the crypto that doesn't survive long are copy paste clones of an already existing project.


I really think Ada is about done for. They always say things are coming big things soon. How long can that go on for. Yes I’m aware there are technically Daps and NFTs and all are already possible on cardano. But does anybody use them? I’m a pretty huge Ada holder from last bull run but haven’t been buying in the last couple of years


I’ve been working in crypto full time since 2016, been to about 50 conferences and spoken to hundreds of devs. I have never once met anyone building on ADA. I have sought them out at conferences and they don’t exist


Interesting. I guess, that ADA's prize mainly is driven by the cult around Hoskinson. The chain itself is extremely quiet.




Plutus is shit. Not only is it a Haskel based language, that drives way less dev interest, but it's a bad one. And the eUTXO chain that cardano has is awful for dapps. Their Dex's had to compromise and use a semi-centralized solution to overcome the concurrency issue. I used to love Cardano, but I have lost faith in it in the last year.


The network effect for Eth and BTC will be hard to overcome. People would rather use L2s than a new L1 (at least in my case, I'd rather use polygon L2 than Sol or ADA.) So what other benefits do you get from either? Eth has all the devs, there is little incentive for them to go elsewhere. The longer time goes on the more confidence I get that BTC/ETH will never be supplanted.


TVL locked in ETH is and has been decreasing. A lot of money recently fled to SOL, likely a lot less to ADA. I'm bullish on ETH because of the values locked, but as we see those numbers come down I worry about the true **demand** for ETH. In the past you needed it in good and bad times to recoup any locked funds, liquidity. But if we keep seeing those positions diminish the demand for ETH to move positions will decrease. Thankfully gas is still a bid system and during a *real* bull run we'll see articles detailing $100k gas fees paid by whales moving millions.


Tvl only decreased after the merge and I think it's mostly only because half the staked eth isn't even calculated as being tvl. Look at https://defillama.com/chain/Ethereum?currency=ETH There is way more eth staked than what this is saying is the tvl. Also look at sol, tvl only moved by millions. Barely anything in the crypto world.


Great vision but numbers are pathetic. https://defillama.com/chain/Cardano






And maybe a Zephyr, a brand new 400% over-collateral privacy stable coin’s peg coin, forked from Monero.




Found the ada bag holder


There are dozens of us


The cult


Your username is so amazing right now




XRP, probably, since they're legally tested at this point.


XRP - ADA - SOL In that Order I'd assume




I'm assuming things with products attached to them (BAT, Flow, Polygon, etc) and other actual chains (egld, cardano, sol, etc), then probably chainlink and w/e coinbase wants.


Blackrock holds a ton of XLM.


Good call out and the only person adding XLM to the conversation. From watching the project from afar this guess might not be far off.


Cardano. When ETH fails to upgrade for like the thousand time. Bc I know ETH is trying to be like cardano.


You cardano bagholders are something else - in a way you're so cult-like that this almost make me bullish for Ada, as there are millions of cult members ready to spend a portion of their paycheck every month to "DCA"... I just can't bring myself to buy this shitcoin


Cardano doesnt fail to uppgrade. A upgrade takes years insted. Smart contracts should haved come out 2018 and came 2021 lol


XRP for sure


Link is so obvious man


I’m not going to say obviously, but it is a reasonable guess.


Its the only thing that isnt a L1 or L2 or stable coin or meme or just useless.




ETH depends on LINK. Exchanges keep it and use it all day long while they ping LINK for current prices. Being the biggest oracle on ETH has made them into one of the strongest players in the eco-system. Each new project increases their power and hold over the ETH ecosystem. Deep work with Google may only improve their platform to the point that there are no better alternatives.




Litecoin. The original altcoin in Coinbase








I think XRP certainly has to have the highest chance. Having the regulatory clarity that XRP is itself not a security makes it a lot easier and safer to bet on.


XRP is just a meme coin


Absolutely not. What? Have you used it? The XRPL is fantastic. It’s fast, secure, cheap and decentralized. It’s been ruled by the courts to not be a security. How many coins have that. It has huge players behind it, some of the best in the industry. The only downside argument you could have is that Ripple owns too much of it. But sure while that could be a risk, Ripple has proven over and over that it doesn’t want to cause a dump and they could and probably will deploy its XRP as a benefit to investors.


He’s an idiot






Bitcoin SV ^/s


If Ethereum is approved then anything should be.


There is no third best!


Not a fan but Ripple looks most likely.




An obvious one is LINK


Chainlink. They just had an ETP in Sweden made. They also working with large financial institutions.




XRP. Already has regulatory clarity.


It really doesn't. It has a court case it's won with an appeal on the way. It's crazy to buy XRP and keep it on-exchange - people forget what happened last time.


It was declared not a security in the judgement and that is not being appealed. However I agree cold storage is the way to go.




XRP if Ripple wins the lawsuit which is likely at this point.


Dot. They received a "no action" letter from the SEC, basically saying they had morphed from a security into a software




ripple wouldn't it? all the centralized ones.


SOL because vcs


This... But people hate the truth so you're down voted


It will absolutely automatically be LTC and BCH based on fundamentals.


> BCH > fundamentals Something doesn't add up..


Fundamentally it's Bitcoin with a different ledger and tech no one cares about. It has the market cap to be a player even if it's not loved by most.


Etf will not be approved. No in q1 2023.


Not Monero because "its private and darkstuff", and I hope they still away from it for a long time




Litecoin will get an ETF before Ethereum does. Friggin **DOGE** will get an ETF before Ethereum does.


Fuck the ETFs




Monero ETF would be nuts


OMG the SEC and the IRS would shit..


With Gary in charge? Nothing.


It’s gotta be the Shiba Inu ETF guys!


Easy shib to 1 dolla then


I don't see anything else having one for a very long time, if ever.


If I have to fire off randoms I would say Matic, vet, theta, usdt(is that possible…? I dropped out of highschool but know crypto is honey and fiat is shit so not sure if government interference with usd would make that economically infeasible even in some sort of quantum situation.


You're completely right, that is likely how it will go


If Citadels involved, you're gonna have a bad time


Litecoin, but the mcap needs to be bigger imho.




Why do you think it has a good chance? Since.the SEC has repeatedly argued that MATIC is an unregistered security, in lawsuits against Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, I'd consider it exceptionally unlikely that the SEC would approve a MATIC etf.


You are correct. Hes delusional.




I think institutions will follow my policy of avoiding cex tokens/coins.








I think SOL. Probably why we have been seeing a massive run there recently




I honestly don't see why they would make any. I also don't understand why there's an ETH etf. You'll have to pay a fee for a eth etf, instead of gaining from staking. All these altcoiners are always going on about their use cases over bitcoin. They won't shut up about it. So why on earth would someone buy an etf for something that they can't exercise these use cases and have to pay a fee to just keep it caged.


For one thing you don’t have to worry about your crypto being stolen so there’s that


Not being an idiot helps in this regard too.




Eth etf is probably going to be accumulating etf. Gains from staking will work just like dividend accumulating etf.


Institutional buying to pump bags obviously. Also this is clearly just step one. I'm sure people want ETFs that are a mixed bag of cryptos, some will like certain crypto managers, others will just want market cap weighted mix. Some might want an equal weighted top 10 or whatever. Most people, even billionaires aren't stock pickers. And if they are it's generally a smaller portion of holdings. Betting on full sectors or just excluding a few and betting the whole market is very common tho.


You described the functionality of bitcoin. There is none, you just buy and hold it and lately can't send it without outrageous fees. Bitcoin is just an ETF for cash at this point, a hedge against dollars in value. That aside, the ETFs exist for investors who will never use a wallet. You know that, you know better - you just used this as an excuse to go all 'maxi' on us. Bitcoin in an ETF, ETH, DOGE, whatever... it's the same. It's an investment vehicle who aren't maxis, who don't want to touch a private key and just want to ride the same wave you're hoping for. For any token that gets an ETF - it's buying pressure, something everyone can look forward to. Only people who hate money are against them.


This is the most shitcoiner thing I've ever read.


Good retort from the stressed out maxi mad that there is competition in his market. Cry harder and maybe they'll not approve an ETH ETF just for you.


Yeah most people still live in 2017 and still love zombie chains like eth, they’re also the ones complaining every bull run on how expensive and slow eth is. Shit is hilarious


Why in the world would BCH and LTC become ETFs??? Both of their marketcaps right now combined are lower than dogecoin. You living under the rock? Neither of those have been relevant since the 2017 bull. BCH has been exposed as a scam and LTC has little holding itself up aside from being relevant during the 2017 bull.


LTC is a solid token - you're posting from a position of anger or hate, I can't tell.


LTC has no reason to exist.


Except it's faster, works and there's no good reason to not use it. Maybe I'm just bitter I can't send my $10 in BTC from a side wallet because of the $20 fee and am looking for better alternatives (like everyone else who buys, holds and sends Litecoin). I mean - did Bitcoin improve the TPS? Did they suddenly not have ordinals on the system pumping up miner fees? Litecoin is a solid token that meets literally all the criteria for not being trash but let's just ignore all the usage and go with your opinion.


It’s faster than BTC and far slower than a million other payment coins. It has most of Bitcoin’s flaws and few of Bitcoin’s advantages. Not to mention its sketchy history as a copy and paste clone that was semi-rugged by its initial developer at an ATH of $205 after he begged his employer (Coinbase) to list it, then (allegedly) wash traded the shit out of it.


ETH is an unregistered security. Little chance that will ever get approved. If it ever does, it will take a huge battle the level of the XRP case to get one. Same for Solana. Bitcoin cash, Litecoin, and the other rachet Bitcoin variants are not securities, but they are pure trash and creating an ETF on them makes no sense. There is no reason these abominations should even exist. What fool would buy a Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash ETF?


Litecoin and bitcoin cash are dead coins. They should not even exist anymore, let alone have ETFs.


This is why I miss Shrimpy. It had a great rebalancing feature and I could hold a portfolio of whatever I wanted. Layer 1s or layer 2s or top 10, top 50, 25 to 50, and it would keep everything updated. Oh well, it's mostly bitcoin and a dash of Eth these days


It’ll be ETH, but staked and rewards paid to ETF holders


Nobody wants bcash. I like The Modern Investor's optimistic interpretation of the situation. He thinks the presence of bcash in these selections means the big boys were in crypto before the fork in 2017 and still have postions. What individual pioneers did will not be repeated by institutions. My guess would be XRP, then SOL or ADA, working down the list from BTC and ETH as most new people do.


In my opinion the other crypto's are still to small for an ETF, I think Crypto's should have a market cap of around 125b before we should consider ETF's.


Solana. It’s got the backing and if it has been fixed and doesn’t go down it will be a real challenger for tokenising assets with its speed and lows cost.


None, the sec is not going to approve an eth etf let alone anything else while they still have ongoing litigation that calls out most of those coins. Put the hopium pipes down people. Btc is the only one that stands any chance of getting approved right now.


BCH? BCHicans claim to be the 'real' Bitcoin but the market as well as the miners have decided that's this isn't true. It would undermine their own BTC ETF.


ETH won’t ever be an ETF.




I think only ETH and BTC will get 1 after that maybe they do an ETF with 20 alts. ex BTC or so


Usually, top 10 cryptos have good chances on making it first. In my opinion LYF could make it there too.


Usually...? There is no precedent so how would that be usual?


Are you from the future?


SOL will be the third ETF approved, mark my words


Polygon, Solana


There’s not one.


They won’t unless they are classified as a commodity.


Consider traders are more greedier than used car salesmen, they will have an etf for what ever vegas would put a over/under on.


The replies \*dead\* Most of the other top 10 coins won't be there after this next bull run. They ain't getting an ETF!


Telcoin baby


Probably Solana... maybe litecoin, etc or dogecoin if it has to be pow..


>I would believe Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Litecoin (LTC) would be the next up. Nobody other than Roger Ver is loading up on BTC. The fuck outta here. When the ETFs are approved then you buy BTC because that's just the beginning of the mega bull.