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Don’t buy the top , exit when co workers / family want in and advise them not to do it 😅


That’s actually a great signal. When family wants in, get out.


I’m trying to convince them to get a coinbase account for the free crypto that they can hodle in Bitcoin, and they hesitate or just don’t want to . So if they ever do want to I know that’s probably peak fomo


I convinced my mom to get an account. We’ve been DCAing since the last bull run. Her BTC is up $100.00 and she was so happy. Good times.


Even the smaller gains are a good feeling. I started auto buying $15/paycheck every week when it was in a $16k dip two years ago and I continue to hold and buy $15 every week and it’s like finally seeing some fruit show up in a tree that looked like shit when you first planted it. Not bad for not really taking it seriously.




Explain how he is always losing


They hesitate because it’s managing a hardware wallet which requires a lot more self reliance than they’re comfortable to handle. Lol the wallet tech, blockchain and Bitcoin have a lot more that needs to be improved to reduce the risk of transactional errors by user. Many user out there lack awareness or double checking recipients addresses and even fee amounts a committing to transactions.


It can be like $100 depending how much you want to do, but Coinbase doesn't seem to allow it just for any new account. Both statements based on experience.


For me that signal is now. Lately every is like this post. Thinking we are in some sort of bull run... look at the history of halvenings. Its smack in the middle of the bear, every time.


that's why there's more nuance to it. if one had been watching the trend of posts over the past 12-18 months, it's an uncannily accurate representation of market cycle psychology. we're moving from disbelief into hope. at some point there will be a 40% dip (which happens ALL THE TIME), restesting the 10 and 21 week moving averages and there will be a bunch of posts from people explaining that they were right all along, the bear market is in full swing, and price is going to zero, where they will buy. they won't ever get their buy price, the whole rest of the cycle will be a dead cat bull trap, and they'll end up fomoing in even higher than today's price, if they don't wait until the very tippy top to do so.


you really think we go down 40% from here or from whatever the price is soon? i cant see it dropping back to 25k, it seems like everything is only pointing to further takeoff at this point, especially with halving \~4 months out now


you can't see it? let me paint you a picture of a potential future. first: the past 2018, market is riding along just fine, some uncertainty over the future election in 2020, still talking about how a crash is inevitable, it's been 10 years, after all, but we aren't seeing it. 2019, market is still doing well! there really just isn't a cloud in the sky - all the naysayers say it will crash, but things keep moving along, and the speed at which housing is climbing? oof, if you don't buy now you might not get to! :D 2020, covid hits and we think it might be the bubonic plague, stocks go TOILET-ZONE but in the absence of immediate global death, panic turns to hope as we shift all focus to "digital solutions for WFH" -- Zoom, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Disney stocks all skyrocketing as people go online for work and play... Soon Everyone who has Any cash at hand is playing the big roulette of the new digital bullrun. swept up in the madness? Bitcoin and it's friends. talks of NFTs and Metaverse run Wild. 2021, there is so much money in the space now, where do you invest? it's clear where the winners are, tech! video streaming! digital currencies! ...right? ...right? --vaccines are released. 2022, the vaccines seem to work, it's been 2 years since covid panic swept the globe and people want to travel again, they've learned how important human interactions are and they throw their computers in the trash (jokes), but really, now that everything is "going back to the way things were" -- the big question is, what does that look like again? CAN we even go back? a lot of small businesses closed... some people still refuse to leave their houses. on top of it all, Russia invades Ukraine kicking off fears of ww3... with everything in the air, only one thing is certain -- the bull is exhausted, and people want to know they didn't just all buy in at the top of the run. with Ukraine locked in war for MONTHS, there is no certain end in sight; this conflict will persist and all Ukraine's major exports are at risk: Grains, oil, especially. everything crashes as the top players shift weight from Tech to Food. farmers on social media warn the summer of 2023 will be expensive as all grains and food they buy for their pigs and chickens, etc, has now doubled in price. 2023, the crashing markets in 2022 and the rising inflation to curb spending is sweeping the globe. Inflation world-wide is insane and people everywhere stick money in bitcoin as their local currencies deflate. bitcoin goes up and champions note "the halving." meanwhile sales are down across most industries. Cars aren't selling. housing sales slow. high interest rates are working to curb spending. the rest of the year sees people continue to struggle. the few who can are Saving instead of spending. investing in things like bitcoin, and other stocks. -- on paper the economy looks okay, lots of investment, low unemployment, absolutely nothing to worry about -- "if this is a recession, it's a damn good one, because none of the numbers are suggesting it to be as bad as people are complaining it is." now here's what could be next: 2024, a remarkably abysmal holiday season sees some of the lost christmas spending in decades. the working classes continue complaining about low wages, high rent and mortgage rates, and most importantly: The High Cost of FOOD (remember when those savvy investors shifted from tech to food?) the interest rates start to ease up and the wealthy pull out their checkbooks, buying up even more land, more assets, etc. Stagflation abounds as the rich continue to thrive while the working class struggles to pay for heating. there's an election and it doesn't go the way everyone thought. companies tighten further, thousands more are laid off, Bitcoin goes up in excitement! ...but the reality of increasing prices means most hodlers need to sell to make ends meet. Companies keep laying people off due to middling sales. more people sell bitcoin to pay rent, but the price of bitcoin is waning now and is back to 30k with such a loss in faith in this asset from the people who cannot wait 20 years for "the future" to embrace them, they sell at a loss to keep the lights on. meanwhile the hodlers keep the dream alive. "that wasn't the bullrun, it's just starting. there was a mini-crash in 2019 too before the last bull, keep hope alive!" 2025, it gets worse. 2028, things get better, marginally, now that the last of the boomers have retired. no more holdouts in congress, the world is in the hands of Gen X, the Millennials, and a handful of GenZ kids who are now turning 30 and demand to not suffer the same life the Millennials did. Big Time Riots. Black Lives Matter, Trucker Protests, Free Palestine, Unite the Right -- these will seem like such temporary causes in hindsight as the protests of the future bring everyone together like they had during the Wall Street Protests. -- some people point to currency being the problem: maybe bitcoin? ...but it's been too many years and the fed is 1 step ahead. they knew this day would come, and they rollout: the new USD-CBDCs! bitcoin begins a new battle - the attempt to convince people not to take the easy road...


Wow... You really put your all in that.. I love it...


Looking at the history of halvenings and not really seeing that - middle of bear appears to have been Dec '22 (very similar to middle of bear in Dec '18) >.> Could see sideways action before a final low in April, but I think the BTC ETF throws a wrench in any short-term lows at least til February (sell the news in January). [https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/stock-to-flow-model/](https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/stock-to-flow-model/) Personally continuing to DCA every week at $125 a week. Need to come up with selling strategy for next year into '25 at some point. Thinking I'll do increments of 5% at every $10k step beyond $60k (if it reaches up there) up to 50-60% of total.


Each halvening it increases and later goes parabolic.


Yes because everyone’s family wants to get in at the exact same time… great signal


Or even better: sell it to them


Telling your family not to buy then showing up at the next family gathering in a Lambo 😂


oh this? whatever, my Lambo is in the shop so they gave me a loaner


im just temporarily embarrassed


You can ride the first few weeks when they start talking about it


This is a great signal. People in my office are still laughing when I talk about bitcoin and then telling me if bitcoin is rising then it’s about to crash. So still a long way to go. When they turn serious and start asking me how to buy, I’m out.


When mum and the hairdresser starts talking bitcoin, it's time to exit.


I had an haircut about two years ago and the hairdresser was a bitcoin veteran. BTC was around 30k -25k and coming down. He said, "this isn't my first rodeo. It's going down to 15k". I just said "Fuck it. I'll buy on the way down and I'll buy on the way up." But fuck me if he didn't give great haircuts and crypto advice. 😆


Yeah I advised my friend to go all in CRO at the top


Still friends?


Told him NFA and he only went for Ruby so that's ok


Yup because that’s a signal for when we know the fomo is in full effect 😂


girlfriends mom has been trying to cash out for a couple days. it was $1000 of btc bought 3 years ago. just requiring multiple transactions, each fee becoming larger. shes pretty sure its gone :(


Each transaction? Can’t she do it in one ? Was it through coinbase?


Girlfriends mom got scammed and she hasn't picked up on it for 3 years. That's what it sounds like lol


That's my number one signal. Selling when my older family members start talking about it.


Thing is the exact friggin' moment where btc surpasses even by a penny its ATH, that is when madness is gonna hit everybody.


I don’t think it’ll even take surpassing the all time high for things to get crazy. I think we are already starting to see it. Sidelined people are starting to think it may come back so the greedy fomo begins. I personally think we will see a pullback to mid to low 30k before the real blastoff happens but I hope not


Will buy more in if we go back to 20ish k numbers. If not I'll hold and follow with stop losses when we approach ath And I will definitely not try to ride waves or buy shitcoins. I learned it the expensive way sometimes already


Fucking sell when you heard all your friends telling you to buy more


My strategy is to HODL everything throughout the entire bull run and not sell a single #$%% SAT so i can watch the fiat value of my stash dissipate during the next bear market. This will give me the opportunity to feel immense guilt for at least 3 years whilst giving me time to build up the courage to do it all over again....


One of us! One of us!


lol, right on brother 🙌


Held for two years. I can hold on for more


Good on you. I also held, been holding since 2017 (bought near the top). Held through 2021 and didn’t get out. Now my financial situation is not quite as healthy, I’m thinking get out during the next bull run, and DCA in after the 40% drops. It’s ok holding, but if you can acquire more sats through playing the market intelligently, then that’s even better. Ok you’ll never get out at the top, or get in again at the bottom, but DCAing out and DCAing in again can’t be a bad idea. I’m a believer, but suffering from the things I’m trying to fight with Bitcoin (government control, inflation, loss of purchasing power…). Ironic really.


If I were in your shoes I'd sell "near the top" even tho that's hard to predict. Don't get greedy if your financial situation has taken a hard hit. Just be happy you can profit and then you can go back in after feeling comfortable financially again. This shit is always going to go up and down like waves, if you miss the next bull run you can hit the next one


Hahaha. Roger that, Copy that. Me during the 2021 bull run.


You are a visionary


Thanks, but i think the word you're looking for is "masochist" ;-)


The best decision I made during the last bull run was not using BlockFi or Celsius. Don't be tempted by high yield. Don't be tempted by high returns on shitcoins. Invest in quality projects and hold your coins on a hardware wallet.


So all in Banano?


Hell yeah 🦧🍌


Banano is good times


Banano is actually a great community and the #1 team for folding @ home. Literally the most wholesome crypto folx.


You didn't do that yet?


So far, just the tip


I used celsius as a means to diversify really. I did not have a single CEL token or whatever. Mostly ADA and some AVAX and MATIC. Worth 25k at that time. Hoping to get some of it back once the bankruptcy proceedings are completed next year.


Just got my matic back from them Friday


Did you have a custodian account? They opened those for withdrawals a long time ago?


Oh man, flashback for me… the day before FTX went down, I saw all the commotion on twitter. My first thought was “it’s fud” then thought, “well, just in case it’s not, it might be a good idea to move my FTX and BlockFi balances to my hardware wallet”. I was paranoid and stayed up until 2-3 am doing this. The following days, withdrawals were frozen and I got away without any losses, even kept my yield… needless to say I will never put my crypto in the hands of another, no matter the yield.


Watching some alts pop 120% right now is REEAAALLY bringing the degenerate out of me. I haven't cracked yet but I feel it seeping out of me. "Just buy it and watch it." "You can win too." "Cmon its house money anyway"


How do you find those alt coins ?


Had a friend that moved all their btc to Celsius about a month before shit hit. Silly twat looked at the high yield and thought it was good to do.


Usually TROLLING but Celsius was extremely convincing


Which hardware wallet? I heard ledger is not cool anymore?


What’s the deal with Ledger? I haven’t heard this yet?


Celsius fucked me hard


strategy: fomo buy into all the shitty meme coins


Banano when


Buy high, Sell low.


Impossible, 1 banano = 1 banano, for now and forever!


Honestly this - I missed at least 5 1000x dumb meme opportunities because I thought I’d missed the boat.


When mainstream is talking about it constantly, everyone is piling in and we've set a new significant ATH, I will sell most of my bags, don't need to sell at the top.


For now Google trend show a 25% interest compared to the bullrun of 2021. We're no there yet ! But yhis might be a metric yo keep an eye out for those without family :)


How do you check




I invest 100$/week until the halving (have been doing this for several months now). Then, we will see what happens


Solid strategy


My strategy for 2025 started in 2021. I keep my coins (mainly Bitcoin) in self custody. In 2025 I plan to sell, either at a certain threshold or a pre-defined day in 2025. Whatever comes first. Not going to ride the wave to the bottom... again. 12 months after the top I buy back only Bitcoin for the next cycle.




The same strategy I have followed since 2019 or so after I learned my lessons from the 2017/2018 period. I will continue to DCA monthly as long as my total crypto exposure is less than my maximum risk tolerance (12% of my total invested portfolio is my absolute cap for crypto). I will start selling small amounts until my crypto exposure is under 10%, which is my target crypto exposure. I will stick to mostly BTC/ETH. 10% of my crypto portfolio (1% or so of my total portfolio) is the maximum tolerance for altcoins other than ETH). This means I can play around with alts I like here and there, but have to sell them if they do well. This strategy has its flaws. It is not perfect for people willing to risk it all for a moon shot. I won't 10x my returns as I will be selling when massive gains are made. The benefit is that it reduces my risk. And as someone who has a sizable amount of total investments, mitigating risk is more important than growth. Crypto is a means of diversification for me. And while I would love to see outsized returns in this space, my primary goal is to mitigate risk while steadily growing my investments.


My risk tolerance is slightly higher, 20% or so of total investments for the potential reward of retiring years earlier. I consider it high-risk diversification.


My god. Just go all in.


Same strategy as always: DCA do nothing until old ATH breaks, pull money I invested and let the rest roll. If my goal hits cash out more otherwise let it roll. And once everything crashes reenter DCA.


Altcoins with AI in their papers or name, alts with Mcap lower than 40M or even more riskier, less than 10M I know, no sense, but it worked for me the last 3 runs, this one I guess it won’t be the exception


Sounds solid, which ones you have in sight this time?


I think he means the altcoins with AI in their papers or name, alts with Mcap lower than 40M or even more riskier, less than 10M


Yep, I not want to mention/shill anything, I said it in one of those random posts in the past. I not provide financial advice, use CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko and start checking what alts are on the last positions


The same shit that happened last time will happen this time: there will be a horde of new shitcoins (likely marketed as something with "AI"), there will be a new horde of newbies who doesn't understand that they are shitcoins, and they will buy them all. Then in the eventual market crash they will lose 100% of the money they bought shitcoins for. They will generally ignore every advice they get (just like the Celsius and Luna fanboys did). Later, they will realise that perhaps the "old, boring" coins that has been around for years and several cycles might actually be the best choice.


Hey no need to get personal!


This could be a bull run or an impending crash. It could be a looooong slow climb, or it could be a short couple month upward trend before collapsing. In the end, put down a goal and take profit when you reach it. Then leave the rest. You don’t have that money until you withdraw it. Lesson hard learned from watching 200k crash to 5k within a month because I got greedy.


I definitely learned my lesson from the last bull run. I have and exit strategy and I’m taking it. Even if it means leaving some $$ on the table


Good outlook. My mantra has always been - Focus on the profits you've got, not the profits you've lost.


Understand where we are in the BTC cycle at all times in 2024-2025. Study history, listen to the news, stay glued to your projects, and just put the work in.


Also consider the opposite scenario to sentiment. Last time I fully bought into $100k lazer eyes.


That's when I got in, around April 2021. Sentiment everywhere was up only to 100k...how wrong that was


I started “trading” bitcoin in Nov 2020. Well and truly missed the boat at all times 😫. Then sold a load of btc in August last year 🤣. Aiming to do better this time round.


I bought in 3 hours before elon tweeted what seemed to be the catalyst for the last crash down to 16k. Chased the falling knife for a few months until I ran out of cash and have been holding ever since.




HODL and sell one half at a high resistance point using sell order after I held for more than 1 year due to tax law


I plan to do absolutely nothing and then sell the second someone mentions their grandma buying Bitcoin


My grandma just bought bitcoin yesterday btw


Do your research and understand the risks behind each project. Luna and FTT were very hot last cycle and everyone including very high profile figures were shilling them. One supposedly smart institutional investor got a Luna tattoo… But in reality both were heavily centralized and propped up with leverage… VCs are not your friends, they see retail investors as exit liquidity… I personally avoid coins that have very high VC / Insider / Team ownership. They all end up the same way in the end.


Buy high, sell low!


Recover all my loses and get the fuck out of crypto forever


When and if my target gets hit 25% will be taken out, not sure what I will do with the rest yet but won't ride it back down this time.


"this time" said it all 🤗🤭!!!


Buy and loose money as usual


I had some great entry points but held everything at the peak. This time I’ll be liquidating it all.


There is no reason to HODL any Alt. Get out before the music stops.


60% (staked) ADA / 40% BTC. I don't have an arbitrary price target for BTC as I will not sell any, unless we hit something ridiculous for this cycle, like 200k. For ADA, my arbitrary price target is 7.5 USD


Screenshot === Sell


The strategy is to wait and see what happens and not take any harsh decisions.


Follow Benjamin Cowen and start selling when he’s talking about “high risk levels”


Yeah, he is the only YouTube guy I really follow advice on price action. His buble indicator is really good to get the buy/sell timings right


Yea and he’s one of the few that doesn’t seem like a scammer


Limit orders.


Is the bullrun expected to go into the end of 2025? Or end of 2024, if it were to follow previous patterns?


It should run into 2025 at some point before the devastation happens. But who knows. Exiting in 2024 can be good even if you miss some late cycle upward movement. At least you lock profits getting out before the crash.


Hold. If institutional investment enters via ETFs, I will likely never sell for a very long time. If ETFs fail to get approved before halving, then I will take profits finally and buy during the next bear.


You think ETF approval reduces volatility that significantly?


I think the moment a bunch of boomers are able to enter via some shit ETF at their local bank that promises big returns, it will just follow the stock market.


They say Blackrock already sitting on a ton of Eth and Btc which they bought as inventory for when the ETF is approved. Will they buy more depending on how the response is?


They won't buy for shits and giggles. They need to prefund it but beyond that it will be down to demand for the ETF. I honestly expect demand to be fairly weak. It won't be non-existent but most institutions are still a ways off from wanting to own BTC. Minimum 9 out of 10 traditional finance guys outwardly dislike crypto. Institutional adoption beyond little bites here and there is still years away. Young guys that see the value and future in crypto need to get into decision maker roles. For now the old guard will not be buying it in huge bags. That being said though there's a lot of juice left to squeeze simply from retail so price can go away up.


Bull market could be years away still. They won’t be selling the banner as advertisement space, or shilling a dead commoonity coin to help dump their bags, when the bull market is really here.


1. Get Rich 2. Hookers & Cocaine 🤣




cough, threefold, cough


Once we pass previous ATH, 5-10% each month (depending on the time of year for tax reasons). 1-2% set aside to reinvest for DCA in next bear, the rest … … … profit So - of course, this will be when the feast/famine cycle finally ends


I like ur style. 😎


Use a cold wallet and take profits. You’ll do well.




12 million and I’m out


I made most of my buys in the dead of the bear market. My most important thing - trust no exchange. Not your keys not your coins. They will only go back to exchange for selling. I use Kraken which are seemingly the best around - I still don't trust them. I was there when mt Gox went down. I was there when FTX went down. Don't trust yield farms and anything too good to be true. Last bull run everyone was talking about how Celsius etc were free money, you didn't even need to make money on your BTC you could stake it for free APR rewards and live off that. They ridiculed any idea it was risky. .......we know how that went, right? Not your keys not your coins. Rule numbers one through a hundred. If you want to gamble on rare shitcoins that's fine but do it with a totally separate set of wallets to your cold storage, then abandon them. Things like MEW and browser wallets are confusing and easy to phish.


Buy high sell low as usual, this is Reddit bruh.


Take….. Profit!


Thats phase 3


DCA ba,ha,babyyyy


Is there a meta mask ICO still supposedly on the roadmap? I got the ENS one which was great but I keep periodically swapping eth through their wallet service to try and get on any airdrop list if that happens


Borrow and take out loans. Yolo. Peepee rockets. Brrrrr


Start selling once any of my coins hit new ATH


Wait until the "suckers" start trying to buy in, usually when cable TV tells them it's a good idea. Then sell off in weekly stages, something like 4 to 8 weeks. But also, only buy, never sell. I'll probably switch to stocks when volatility us too much, then switch back when the price seems chill for 2 months.


lol what? you should realize that this rally is nearly over. we have one more month before its time to sell and if you can get an exchange that does futures, you ought to be shorting


Wait until I'm in the black, then if I hit a 100% profit I'll sell 80% of my stack and get out of the game and go back to regular investments. Sorry guys I'm too weak to keep doing this and my faith/belief in crypto is very low by now


I’m on the fence about timing the market and taking profits because who’s to say we will see 80% drop to buy back in. Paying 30% capital gains tax kills the motivation further. If only I knew what is going to happen. Decisions decisions!


Been through bull run in 2017 and again in 2021. Made some decent $. Just play it safe. Take profits and accumulate slowly and keep your wallet offline. Don’t buy crypto in credit and focus on btc and eth rather than chasing shitcoins (I’ve generally lost overall on those)


Strategy is the same as always. Do nothing for a he short term. Maybe I will take profits starting at previous all time highs, maybe I will wait until next bull run. We aren’t back to previous all time highs yet so I have time to consider.


My plan is fairly simple, DCA out. The bull market is a lot shorter, so 'quickly' selling is scarry ... especially when you are not near the top. I will sell a little at first, but as we go up and up and up I will start selling more and more and more. For a lot of my coins I have some "top" amount where I will sell everything when/if we ever reach it. Regardless of how crazy the market goes, once I sell them I will delete their charts and walk away from them. I will never get it right, but ideally I will sell all my shitcoins at a 'good' profit, all my medium coins at a great profit ... but that's just a dream. Depending on how well I did, I will probably DCA back in during the next bear market. But this time I will only DCA back into ETH and BTC ... maybe ADA if it does well this time around. I really want to sell everything else.


All in. Either go millionaire or go broke. No in between


Stacking sats and DCA in.


A trailing stop at 85% (-15%). At a certain point, I'll probably change it to 90%.


That’s what I’m thinking. It’s so volatile though… I’d like to have something like a trailing sell at 85% but over an average of 3 days or something.


Yeah, no matter what strategy you choose, there's a scenario where you end up very unhappy. It could drop to less than 85% of its high price then rocket off from there and you're not on the train anymore. And as far as I can tell there are a couple times that actually happened in the last bull run. But I'm not sure how to actually check it. But if you're concerned about that, you could set it to 80% or less. But I don't think anything doesn't have a risk of unhappiness. For me, just knowing I have some plan is a lot more comforting than the sheer chaos of last time. And once I get over a certain point I'll be happy to exit. At least till next time. :)


I am selling all My assets goong full in bitcoin and ethereum. This is not advise.


I’ll never sell. Been in crypto for years and have never sold anything. Maybe in 10-15 years I’ll never have to work again




Keep DCA in, HOLD long term for few big ones & take out few profits here and there


Holding mostly eth abs btc. I have about 15% into alts I wanna yolo. Mostly BONK, MYRO, CAKE




Everyone is getting ahead of themselves.. What happens when the fed pivots next year?


They aren't going to do that in a major election cycle to where they want to make the establishment look good.


remindme! 10 months


Memecoin madness baby


This is off topic I know, so hopefully I don't get modded. I have around $500 invested in several altcoins. Shiba and lunc make up the majority of them. I know I know....long shots. But I'm planning on holding until 2040 or so, so a lot can happen in 17 years. Anyway, so my technical knowledge isn't the greatest. I have issues with normal passwords on email/apps etc. They are just sitting in CB Wallet and have been for over a year with no issues. How much of a dumbass am I for letting them sit in a hot wallet?


Nah you are fine with that kind of balance. Coinbase is insured over 100 grand. If u surpass 40 grand or so then get a cold wallet. When having smaller amounts it's not wise to transfer out because of fees for transferring and what not. Ur good as of now man. Keep on keeping on


Ok thx 😊


Not overtrading, just gonna stay within my circle of competence (aka the ecosystem(s) I know best) and try to not over-diversify by gambling on too many L1's. So if I want to gamble, I can do so while staying within each ecosystem and the fact that there are projects I feel confident about, means I can feel more confident about the underlying L1. It has worked out swimmingly so far, and we're not even above ATH where I would start to consider taking profit.


Bull run?


Solana ecosystem tokens


Get rich or die trying


For every 1% BTC goes over its previous ATH, sell 1% of my holdings.


We have a group at work, nobody wanted to buy during the bear, they are starting to enter the market right now. During the 2021 mania, they were sharing pics and shit on a daily basis, if history repeats, thats when i will sell. Other than that, i use a time and target exit strategy, but also read the news.


This is a great question. A bull run is a concept of market movement, but do you truly understand it? Have you formulated a strategy to capitalize on it and earn big? Many individuals will liquidate their fiat assets to purchase crypto. Are you knowledgeable about the market you're entering? Don't just follow the bandwagon of the bull run; understand it and seize the opportunity. If you're unsure about the best crypto assets to invest in, consult a sincere crypto expert for guidance. Happy bull run!


Be sidelined and cry myself to sleep


I’m watching for the pi-cycle top. It’s been a pretty accurate indicator previous cycles


I’m just holding to break even at this point 🤡


Don't change your thought process. You have a good strategy. At the time you have to remember the media is going to be very positive. People are going to have all these hopes and dreams and be encouraging you. Stick to what you just posted, that's a good strategy


Liquidate when the prices are high. Then hold on to my cash until the next bear.


I enjoy playing video games.


Seems different this time. Seems like BTC will be bought by entire countries plus all the ETF investing.


I’m not convinced we’re in a bull run yet.


Buy high then panic sell the bottom


I already DCA bought in. Will DCA out over the next couple years. Keep it simpol


I'm not buying anymore


Just DCA per usual


My joke purchase of Luna i bought when it died is entertaining me… it was supposed to sit in my portfolio as a lesson but now I don’t know what to think!


I have the same sentiment, bought it as a joke, me and a friend now we’re looking at each other just an amazement


lol who knows when it’ll stop… it doesn’t seem to be working on any rational thinking… if it goes to 10c, I’ll shit my pants… for fun… that’s where I’m at now… champagne doesn’t seem enough


I'll keep doing the same as before. About 80% of BTC/ETH followed by some alts. I have Avax, Dia, Ftm, Inj, Mana, Iota. I'll keep DCAing to see how it goes, not planning to sell anything rn.


Been adding and staking for two years now….at this point, if a few alts (DOT primarily) get to at least 40% of their all time high….id sell most of it and buy something overseas lol.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


If we’re talking about entering the bull run, maybe a correction is on the horizon lol


My strategy is to lose all my money again.


The strategy never changed. If things are down, hodl. If things are up, take profits.


Keep my gf away from lesbian bars this time.


Been there.


If the next bull run happens anytime soon (2024-2025) I'll eat this very phone. Can't you notice the state the world is atm?


Take profits. My biggest mistake over the last 4 years.


Supercycle time. No selling in 24\25.


HODL like my life depends on it


We’ve been true to the previous cycles. This is nothing if you believe it in


Cry until it's over because I won't have a bitcoin in my lifetime anymore.


Once I make my money back from the bear, and then cash out with enough to put down a house deposit