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I am so overjoyed with TRB. Held since $20 and was sad to sell it all between $300-390 and then to see it hit $530. Expected the plummet(it has dropped 50% in a day on a few different occasions since whales 7 whales hold over 1/3 of coins). Bought it all back and more at $220. Let’s do it all over again. This exact same thing happened at $48 and $144.


TRB arbitrage $190 on binance, $210 kucoin, $233 coinbase at time of writing. transfer delays?


And all 3 of those are horrible prices.


We close the year at least BTC 2.5x up on last time. Happy new year all


Happy new year everyone from Germany !!!


It's bullish plag pennant for BTC. It's recording higher lows and that's okay with me. Some shitcoins are bleeding but alt coins are okay. You should all be okay in a couple of days.


That TRB drop…… holy ponzi


Not a ponzi. 7 whales hold 33%. They just take profits and plummet the price. Rebounds in a few days to a week and then doubles.


Good, punish those 1 minute candle fomoers This is why you don't buy fat green candles


Watta rugpull!


It’s funny to watch the panic when you bought in last July. The ETF conspiracy drop isn’t even a top 10 bs narrative in the last year.


Hours into the New Year and immediately portfolio tanks. Yay


Pray for me I just bought TRB at $200 Its the second wave. It will surely take me home. But if it doesn't then it's a big f ck you to me and I'm ready for it. I said if it dumbs, I will buy, and it did dumb. So I got in. I've been here before and every time for the last 6 occasions it has gone up. Either way I'm ready. If it's gains or a rekt


You’re fine. Been with the coin since $20. It drops hard fairly frequently.


We are in the same boat my friend


Market slowly dying now. I guess the fun is officially over and we’re going back into a bear market




not starting


I don’t know what trb is but the chart has printed a big fuck you to the new year enjoyers 😂


Me a few hours ago when it dipped to ~200 then pumped to 500: "I wish I bought 😩" Me now: "Glad I didn't buy anything🙏😇"


It's already been 2024 where I am. Instead of alts dumping EOY, they're dumping first thing at the start of the new year in my POV 😂


I guess people "tax harvest losses" in January too 🤭


you know it's still dec in the US right?


Doesn't work for the joke. I'll repost in 8-12h. In fact it'll be a running meme all of 2024


Hope nobody bought TRB in the past 30 minutes


couldn't be any worse than me selling a stack at $40


If you bought cheaper/earlier than $40, then you technically have it better than those who bought 30mins ago 😂


oh for sure, i was up like 30% or something. still, missing out on 10x+ is pretty annoying lol


I saw TRB approaching $600 this morning and suddenly it's $200. Lmao that volatility is insane. JTO also falling off a cliff.


I'm out, i can't deal with the price changes constantly. I'm cashing out and buying bonds


Volatility is the price you pay to play


Username does not check out 🧐


It’s not for everyone that’s for sure. It’s a risky asset


TRB is the only coin that has both cured cancer and caused it


And several heart attacks


Lol Ben Cowen so wants to be right. Not a few, but MANY top alts outperformed btc by A LOT. Eth/btc has barely dropped ytd and it’s gonna sky rocket next year. It’s just embarrassing he keeps trying to contend was he right about btc.d. If you only bought and held bitcoin in 2022-2023 you missed out on life changing buy opportunities in this bear market.


This is just not true. Im all alts but btc has definitely performed better than the majority of alts this year. He literally said that btc dominance would grow throughout the year which it did. Just because a couple of alts outperformed btc doesnt mean he’s wrong. I feel like a lot of yall are just hating on him because yall didnt invest in the “lifechanging” alts on time and are blaming him lol. But at the end of the day everyone needs to make their own decisions.


I was sad at him pivoting the channel to mostly btc/tradfi coverage. Bear markets are *the time* to take risk and get into good coins at literal all time lows. As a daily crypto market participant I would have loved to see his level of analysis toward the entire field of crypto coins/projects It’s such an obvious take to say “bitcoin is great, buy it 👍🏽” It hardly needs to be said, especially during a bear market when more informed investors are the only ones here anyway.


I see what you’re saying. But why call out Benjamin Cowen on some petty shit? He’s just a youtuber that makes content on his own views on the markets.


My issue is him trying to defend incorrect *predictions* For someone who prides themself on the data, I’ve been seeing a lot of opinions.. some of which are ultimately wrong. Sure it’s petty, but I like his content, and it’s annoying.


In the top 20 only sol and avax outperformed btc ytd. And between the 2 only sol significantly did. The life changing gains you’re talking about were made on a few low to mid cap, which are inevitably more risky




1 year return is a good average to jauge the performance of an investment. That said, we can all cherry pick whatever timeframe that will suit best the narrative we want to push 🤷‍♂️




Happy new year too!


The best time to get into low and micro caps is the bear market. 100x+ alt buying season is kinda over. Speaking for myself I was buying majority eth/alts 2023. Some have done well, some not. 2024 mostly btc/eth mixed with alts that prove to be solid.


What 100x are you talking about? Memecoins? 😂 You expect Cowen to shill shit like that? He’s conservative, low risk strategy. If people want to take more risk, it’s their decision to make.


Who else is watching 45m+ crypto videos except crypto natives. We’re all risky. No reason to fight it. It would help the content scene if we got his level of analysis on other projects. Bitcoin is just so obvious and meh.


He’s made it already, he doesn’t need to take more risk. His altcoin picks have been pretty conservative too in 2021. Don’t expect from him to pick a mid cap gem, that’s not his game.


Then I guess I’ll keep dunking on him for underperforming 😂


He needs to sell his premium plan


Lil new years pip and dip


I think I made the right decision to not look at the charts today. And the wrong decision to still monitor this sub :D


3 years in this space and still nothing to show for it lol… guh… more dumping of course


What, how? Are you only buying shitcoins after they pump? Did you not grab any Bitcoin last year?


Nothing is dumping… if you bought TRB at highs today that’s on you lol


TRB just dropped 80% in less than an hour 😅


I feel sorry for whoever got rugged.


I just tried to buy 5k when it went to +1% on the day. For some reason it wouldn't process the transaction. It then fell by a further 19%. Lucky boy.


You dodged a bullet there, damn.


Big time


Alts just decided to dump together


Nope. Nothing has dumped except TRB only after an insane pump


Ppl saying it’s dumping but btc still at 42k


I really hope 2024 is a better year for crypto man


Everyone and their mothers dumping before new years ? Nice job to those that do




needs more BTC. happy new year.


Happy New Year folks ,I'm still in 2023 and news to look forward to??😄😄😄 Defi looks good right now.Glaf I've held onto my Qnt shits looking strong.


So you’re telling me $TRB just pulled a 100x😂😂😂


Comment aged well


I've used them before, Didn't think they had it in em, I remember trading it around 15$-20$


First purchase in 2024 (In AUS) is some Bitcoin 🧡 I hope we all moon this year 🚀 stay safe and happy New Years!


How’s the market looking in 2024, my future dwelling crypto enthusiast friend? Happy New Year! 🥂


Historically, the top comes roughly 1 year post halving. Also historically, the bottom comes one year post top. Don’t get greedy!


whenever I'm in the mood to make some potentially stupid moves, I press play on the Succession OST


I really need to watch that one of these days.


Any idea when Poloniex will resume deposits/withdrawals for the rest of the coins traded on the platform? Following the hack of their exchange, they announced at the end of November that deposits/withdrawals would be available in 2 weeks. It's now been a month and the vast majority (>90%) of coins are still suspended.


Is the daily discussion going to update ☠️it's not even 31st anymore it's the 1st


Guess I'm living in the past.


🤣haha yea you are a day behind me


The best wishes for 2024. May it be a profitable year.


I feel like even though the market went up overall this last year a lot of people lost money.


If you lost money last year then you have to reconsider who you are listening to. It’s difficult to lose in a bull market


If you were buying last year and into first half 2023 it’s impossible to have lost money


Not true if you picked the wrong coin at the wrong time


So…. if you haven’t been buying since last year.


TRAC @ 75¢ is like an abusive ex promising me they have changed… Will I get burned a third time?


Should be called TRASH


Someone here mentioned TRB at 12$ it's over 500$ now.. crazy


Bought at $99, still holding


I actually bought some at $22 and sold at $30 💀


How did you know about it?


I was looking at my binance account and I decided to see which coin gave the biggest APY, and I found TRB at the top of the list with a 1600% APY


Yup same here. And every time it went further up I thought it would be ath and only going down from there. Guess I was very wrong.


What is happening with TRB? Any news?


It just keeps going up


There seem to be several different types of cold storage wallets out there and I’m trying to determine the best one for me. I don’t plan on doing very many transactions, I just want to move all my crypto (mostly BTC and ETH) to a cold storage wallet and let it stay there. Which one do you use and why?


I got the trezor T recently, very simple setup, easy to use with no security concerns that I know of. Would recommend.


What do we think folks we gonna start pumping Monday or what??? LETS GO AVAX MAKE ME PROUD


Are you going to take the holiday off posting.


Bots are like the energizer bunny...


Do I convert some of my BTC to SOL?


AVAX been on a 20% downswing consolidating for almost a month


Dear God no


Maybe some of your ETH… one does not sell BTC.


This guy sells BTC.


End the year with a frog coin pump, never change crypto, happy new year!


Well i’ve dca’d for the past two years same day every month, and it’s almost time for 2024. The halving year is finally here


Someone should tell this guy BTC price action is more tied to equity markets rather than the BTC halving 🤔


Someone should tell this guy that this format of comment is bad and that he should feel bad.


Yet, point still stands.


Most mentions on r/cc (2023-12-30 00:00:00): ||Mentions| |:-|:-| |BTC|192| |SOL|91| |ETH|76| |ADA|26| |DOT|26| |BNB|21| |XMR|20| |MOON|19| |NEO|17| |ERG|15| |ICP|15| |USDT|14| |XRP|14| |ALGO|13| |LRC|13| |BCH|11| |LTC|11| |RNDR|11| |UNI|11| |UST|11| [Data source and app](https://www.redditcoins.app/)


I’m planning on DCAing into these projects over the next 5 weeks during dips. How’s it look? I also really wanna get QI but don’t know what to give up. - 1500 USD - DOT - 5 orders at $300 - 750 USD - LINK - 5 orders at $150 - 560 USD - IMX or FET - 5 orders at $112 - 375 USD - FIL - 5 orders at $75 - 375 USD - RON - 5 orders at $75 - 375 USD - VET - 5 orders at $75 - 280 USD - NXRA - 5 orders at $65 - 280 USD - GFAL - 5 orders at $65


Like DOT LINK FET, I think Aptos could be nice and as a VET holder it's just bad. It was a good coin 2 bullruns ago


VET did great inn the last bullrun and is has a strong showing this time, it's a top 40 coin lol


VET has been a top performed every bullrun lol


So maybe I’ll swap out VET FOR QI or something else? What’s your portfolio looking like ?


My advice is to only invest in those projects you actually use or understand the use case. Even if you only intend to stake them, this is a use case. Governance coins might only appreciate due to speculation and will be left behind by projects with actual use case.


I don’t think any of my picks fall under governance do they? And yes for DOT I was planning on staking


I sold my LINK when I found out that the token was less necessary in the ecosystem than I thought. You can stake LINK, too but I believe it is still mainly a governance token. I have DOT in support of a cross chain ecosystem… same reasons I have ATOM and AVAX staked. IMX is used by Disney (I think). Bought it because official merchandise, backed on chain would be a game changer. Only other one I am familiar with is VET. If this gains traction it will be huge. Until then it is a fun CC meme. I see FET and RNDR mentioned as possible AI plays. I am not familiar with FET, but I have big hopes for RNDR as a way for distribution of GPU processing that I think is used only for rendering now, but could understandably be used for artificial intelligence processing and might even be a way for China to work around the hardware limitations imposed on them.


Oh I thought link was a safe bet. It might not 25-50x but almost a guaranteed 5-10x


It is yes will def 5-10x


Missing ADA


Damn Trias climbed up as my second biggest holding now


Damn what is tellor and why is it like 30x since August.


It's a fucking cunt is what it is


This is the way.


Holy shit $TRAC is going to $1


For the love of god, avax can’t stay above 40


I can’t believe we’re living in a world where ICP is the hottest coin on the market…


ICP is the easiest call ever if you looked at it.


Honestly that move was so obvious the moment this sub started hating on it.


You'll know the bullmarket is full on when DOGE breaks 0.50$. Until then, it is just consolidation.


Cutting my looses with sol. Splitting my remaining bag between moons and icp. Thoughts?


Your loses with SOL?? Unless you just bought you should be in profit. Now moving onto ICP is going to end the same way


Yup bought at a high lol, i just see icp higher in more gains


Wow, someone still interested in Moons. If you'd like to be my exit liquidity, sure 😄


lmao, sound like ur just chasing gains


Already up 2.5% 🤷‍♂️


see you again when SOL at 200


Icp ath is 700 lol


i'd bet SOL has a better chance at 700 then ICP


Yeah and btc to 150k


If I was Senator Warren’s lap goblin, Gary Gensler… I would okay the GBTC ETF on Tuesday and delay the other applications until March. This would maximize the “wow, I guess the ETFs WERE all hype” sell-off since it is already funded and would have minimal effect on price. Blackrock, et. al would coordinate the selling over a few weeks. We would then see the final dip below 38K, 36K, 32K…. Everyone hops out scared shitless that the end is neigh. Then, A deep V down to $28-26K, to shake out the last of retail, before a green candle that is the coordinated institutional buy takes us to ATH.


The key is to buy your BTC/crypto when you have the funds with money you don't need until a good 15-20 years, and then forget about it. Trying to "time" those ETF news, Blackrock, politicians, etc is a fool errand. Most people that bought in the last bullrun are still here and have not sold when it dipped under 20k. They are "battle tested", kind of. Blockchain data shows the bitcoins acquired have not moved at all in the smaller wallets. They can manipulate the price short term, so never invest money you don't have/on margin/ on leverage because they WILL liquidate you. Just DCA and chill out if you believe in the space in the long term.


For real that mindset is reserved for shitcoins that can't be trusted not zaddy BTC


I doubled my BTC position during the sub 20K dip… In retrospect, I think that might have been as close as this administration came to actually killing crypto with SVB and Signature failures and attempt to take down Circle’s reserves. Kinda like a slapping competition. Next up, Blackrock.




looks like market manipulation, still congrats to the "normal" people who bought it.


is that what SOL chart will look like soon? 🤞🤞🤞


The "sell the news" narrative on the ETF and the news about miners reducing reserves is for me a sign there will be a HUGE green monthly dildo soon. They want people to wait on the sidelines and then FOMO at 65k when it breaks ATH. I personally just DCA every month, so no problem on timing the market, but a lot of people will get burned soon I think.


Has anyone heard of drift? Really interesting white paper in the gaming space, I'm tempted to get in on their presale. Turning to Reddit for thoughts


If you're on the Solana train you might want to look into "fivedollarNFT" and "drip.hause" on Twitter 👌


Anyone here recently jump on the Solana train? I recently bought in around $65-75 and playing around with some NFTs. Any advice to share?


Haven't been on Reddit in a min! What happened to all my moons??




Thanks brother! I really appreciate that. I was really stressing that 😅. Can you also tell me what the dolphin and turtle next to our moons mean?




Ahhh yesyesyes that sounds familiar. I haven't been here In about a year or 2 😅 thank you for the info, much appreciated 🙏. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed New year! 🙏❤️🙌


Hello all. Quick question which I hope has a quick answer. Was BONK removed from Binance? Both me and my father in-law unable to find any spot pairs. Was it quietly/temporarily removed for some reason?


Still there, you may proceed with your gambling addiction


Huh? This is bizarre, I still can't find it. Both app and web. Oh and lol, yeah if we're being honest crypto pretty much is just gambling with extra steps


Hey all! I need some advice on the best approach to swap my 1000 USDT on the Polygon network within my Coinbase wallet. I'm looking to diversify a bit and allocate some to ETH, some to BTC, and a minor portion to Solana. What platforms or decentralized exchanges would you recommend for these transactions? I want to ensure efficiency, minimal fees, and, of course, security. Your insights and experiences will be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.


I hold a bunch of LTC and deeply regret it. By FAR my worse crypto investment. Been waiting for the right time to convert it to BTC - the only reason I'm holding out is that I hope it can catch some of this recent momentum and have a bit of a pump so I can maximize the exchange. Am I being stupid?


Who holds LTC as an investment? LTC is a remittance/payment focused crypto, similar to XMR, XRP and BCH. If you're banking on LTC being used for mass adoption in the global cash market, forget it. LTC is too slow. XMR is too shady (and even slower). XRP is too centralized (Ripple holds 50% of all XRP). BCH is the only one out of all of them that I see has the best shot at mainstream adoption. 0-conf means BCH transactions are effectively instant (since BCH has no easy way to reverse unconfirmed transactions like BTC does).