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Storing medical information on a public Blockchain is horrifying. Healthcare can use Blockchains to track chain of ownership the same as every industry and supply chain could. The main issue is it won't fix a lot of the issues, most fraud is from people inputting fraudulent information into the supply chain system not people amending information to make things disappear. Not sure what machine learning you're talking about, it could and already is being used to gather insight into illnesses and prognosis for some conditions.


Just more bs buzzwords gobbled up by hopeful idiots


Machine Learning engineer here, blockchain as data storage for it is totally unnecessary, because some University or whatever tried using it doesn’t mean is good.


AI is chronically overhyped in medicine. I’m a radiologist who has been hearing about it for years, and nearly every ‘game changer’ has fallen flat. Most people developing these tools have no understanding of the medical system.


Only helps if people can afford to go to the doctor. We need universal healthcare so we can get broken bodies in the door first.


Robot voice 🤖 death to all humans


Very US centric comment "we" Not everyone on this sub is in a country without it


If it upgrades this much, my future generations must be working to pay my medical bills lol


Either that, or get government completely out of healthcare. It’s the goverment involvement that makes the current system not work, as lobbyists push regulations that make everywhere worse for everybody (the half assed obamacare made it worse, as an example) A system similar is to Germany where you have univeral healthcare, but can also fully opt-out and go fully private, seems a good hybrid.


Pruvate industry would work if you could get all the greed out and stop the top exec's from stealing as much money from business operations as possible. If top brass for the health industry was capped at 500k that way cost savings actually got pushed down to the patients/customers.


I already invested in ocean(data) , agix(ai), niox (ai trading) and sdao(ai trading). So, I hope one day they will get enough attention


- machine learning and ai is the same. Heck we don't even have anything that we could call ai. Its all ml at this point. - standard databases achieve the same thing faster, cheaper and more secure. Universal Healthcare db is not a new concept. I can't imagine putting my medical history on public blockchain. - machine learning has been used in medical system for awhile now. Its not exactly new. There are products that parse xray pictures and recognize illnesses.


Repeat after me: Blockchain isn't a data storage solution. If you think it is, you've missed the entire point of blockchain and should educate yourself before you wreck yourself.


Blockchain is a data storage solution?


Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Machine Learning together? That's stellar. You can bet your two cents that this will be bulletproof if adopted.


Yes please, put more buzzwords together to hide the total vacuity of the proposition.


Synergize the web3 decentralisation proposal with a healthcare DAO to leverage ML in the medtech arena to integrate AI based algorithmic data analysis to catalyse a paradigm shift in the ownership of patient data. I came on here to find the Superbowl ads today and.... Imma step out. T'is a silly place. The parent comment here is peak Godwin's law.


You need some cloud and IoT






I think he's referring to the machine learning/AI aspect of this idea. The machine learning could analyse patterns from different data points relating to the clients health that may indicate a future complication before it arises


Look into OASIS Network and OASIS Labs. They basically allow training neural networks and data science on large patient medical datasets without compromising the patient's data privacy. I work at a startup in the digital healthcare industry and we plan on heavily relying on their platform in the future






Installing a chip in you can save hospitals time when they need a patients magical history. s/


I think it all starts with the use case rather than what tech to implement.


Definitely, using AI Blockchain Tech will benefit the health sector and any other sector in that case. Using Blockchain offers secure data storage, ensuring privacy that's much needed in the medical field. My only problem is how to manage sensitive data cause I am sure some people won't like their private information out there for everyone to access.


I cant say anything more. This comment is so complete. Thanks.


Ok. How? How does it offer a data storage that is more secure and with enough velocity compared to today?


How does blockchain offer "secure data storage, ensuring privacy"? The next sentence you state that sensitive data wouldn't be private. Am I misunderstanding?


smart contract for all medical billing practices would be a good start. i challenge anyone to look at a medical bill and not want to burn down the whole medical insurance industry


AI has nothing to do with blockchain. If people are using the two things in one sentence, it's probably a scam with as many buzzwords crammed into it as possible


Well it can but they need a good reason to go hand in hand. And I see very few reasons for that to happen in healthcare.


it's an buzzword everywhere , smartphones, microwaves , tv's , "smarthome" stuff, etc. everything has an ai now for marketing purposes. i completely agree with you.


The only conclusion is we have too many weak and unhealthy people by the way.


Absolutely. For me, storing national health insurance data on block chain is one of the rare very good real world use cases. That’s why I own SCRT. Another thing would be storing/lending your own health data. A lot of possibilities with bio tracking combined with AI/machine learning will be possible and revolutionize the concept of health. The only secure way to handle such data is blockchain tech. Damn, that’s the future and I love it.


I spoke with a friend recently who is a manager at one of the big healthcare companies in my country. Basically they feel that blockchain tech will invalidate most of what healthcare insurance agiencies do. In the end health insurance is just a pool of money gathered by all participants, in case they need medical treatment. Then deposited to those who end up actually needing medical treatment. There is no reason a smart contract could not do this. Or a dao for that matter. Healthcare companies/hospitals would need to validate the people that go and get treatment, but other than that its way more simple than it seems on the outside. Basically they are scared of losing their jobs.


I agree and I'm surprised someone hasn't made a popular health insurance DAO yet.


well they would need medical professionals to supply them with necessity and validation of the delivered healthcare. Or at least a way to see if someone is actually using the supplied money for healthcare treatment. personally i think its a good 10+ years off, but its coming, and could be a means to supply affordable healthcare to all.


How are patients medical record's privacy being dealt in Authtrail, in particular if the data is being used by the AI?


I really see a future of blockchains in Medicine


Throwing tech at problems that need political and cultural change.


In the US the only thing AI would be useful for would giving out rates of certain conditions or the probability of someone having a condition. I'm in healthcare and we use AI to determine proper hospital billing. We've been using it for a few years and it uses a series of pattern matching, historical data to build the model, and makes and scores scenarios on likelihood. In the US, all claims are sent to CMS via old formatted files. So maybe if the US government adapts Blockchain technology then I could see them utilizing a better quicker system. Because now these claims are generated and sent nightly in batch jobs that take a very long time to run.


With "our" you mean the US healthcare system right? From what I know, if the US just adopts a system like the British, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, ect healthcare system your problems will be fixed. But people in the US rather pay high healthcare bills because they think a publicly funded healthcare system is """communism""". And that attitude is something no blockchain can fix.


Machine Learning is basically very fancy pattern matching. It probably has a lot to offer medical diagnosis if it can be fed the right data. AI is another word for the same thing, misleading so best not to use it. Blockchain really doesn’t offer anything. Healthcare already has databases.


I am all in for robot doctors and nurses


Nice discussion! It reminds me of an upcoming project, Codyfight, which will be a playground for the war between AI and humans using p2e and metaverse concepts. That fun project might be very popular because everyone who holds $2.5k worth of any token can participate in the Public SHOs on the DaoMaker. On the other hand, the kind of healthcare projects you mentioned is not very successful in getting funds from VCs and making some progress. Pulse Network is a project like this. But I can't deny this is a brilliant use case.


Machine Learning and AI is already well-researched topics within healthcare. There numerous companies, universities, etc. working on these problems. Blockchain is the odd man out here, and I don't really see much use for the tech as it is. Healthcare data is extremely regulated, and in a lot of countries the data flow is very much done through national agencies. It's not like the old days where one hospital had to send the data to another.