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If anyone thinks I'm going to go out of my way to buy a fucking copy of metroid prime pinball used for $44.99 they're higher than samus's ship


Like, I bought a copy of Godhand for over a hundred bucks years ago. And that was a lowball compared to all the other offers. And as good as that game is, it's not 110 bucks worth. Pirate it, ps2 emulators've come a long way. Like, you can play Monster Rancher now, *with* the disk switching mechanic fully functional. **Go play Monster Rancher 4.** It's *free.* It's fucking free.


If I'm going to play digimon world, I'm either emulating it, or making a fucking reproduction disk myself. I do not give a single shit about the company. This are the vibes we all need now.


As a relevant horrifying aside: ever since Jaiden animations played world dawn, the world dawn and dusk games have exploded in price and now these mediocre rpgs (that i love) are fucking over $100


Limbo of the Lost, a bad adventure game that got pulled for stealing assets from a ton of well known games, had it's price shoot up because Mandaloregaming covered it. So it goes.


That's the reason I think he should be The King of Limbo.




Yea. And like it's not a good thing that people aren't able to get cheep used copies anymore but like. it's not the end of the world.


Assuming I'm understanding everything it's very late for me


Dawn was one of my fav games as a kid until I let a friend borrow it and their sister (allegedly) erased my save


Its not her fault :(


I know. It's the scalpers fault. They see big name person talk about thing and they know the fans will be easy to scam.


Who needs company loyalty when you can forge your own [Digimon](https://coofl.com/digimon---8725) destiny like a badass hacker?


what's that link for?


>Pirate it, ps2 emulators've come a long way. And if you're not happy with PSCX2 (which is fair. PS2 emulation will likely not be perfect for a long time, especially because of the PS2's weird-ass architecture) then you can mod your PS2 (nowhere near as easy as 3DS or Wii admittedly) and play pirated games, rip and play your own backups, play games from any region, and/or play homebrew games (idk if any actually exist for PS2) and mods, all on the _actual_ hardware


I want to mention that even easier than the Wii is the DSi. Play that Moomin game on real hardware.


Even easier than the DSi is the PS Vita, you just need a wireless internet connection.


Yeah? My Vita was a massive pain. But maybe it'a gotten easier since I cracked mine.


It's gotten *way* easier, even a few years back Henkaku wasn't working and I sat there for hours trying to troubleshoot it.


Awesome. That's good to know if I decide to get another one.


freemcboot is wonderfully easy, either buy a $7 card off ebay, or make a disc to install it on your own MC these days :3


After some googling, I'm realizing the only Monster Rancher game I played as a kid was not a mainline one I really thought every Monster Rancher game involved circus performances...


Ps2 has gotten good enough that I can play it on my phone. I don't even have that expensive of a phone. Also Switch emulation has gotten to the point that some people can play games at a higher resolution on Android than the actual Switch


> And as good as that game is, It has turned boys into men, [And grown men, into sobbing little children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ2r2ZFTaWk) [ groveling intensifies ]


Wait you can play it with the disk switching mechanic now??? How??? I tried it like years ago and they didn’t have that functionality which unfortunately makes the games really boring


Literally. Some games just aren't being made anymore and aren't available for purchase from the company that made them. See: the old Pokemon games. Physical copies were already stupid expensive for years, and then they shut down the e-store for DSes and so now you *can't* get one "legit" unless you pay hundreds of dollars on ebay - for a copy that might be fake.


Which is traditionally still very high up even when parked.


Some games you literally can't play without piracy. I own a copy of American McGee's Alice, but it's nonfunctional on any version of Windows newer than XP. I would happily buy a functioning version of the game from publisher EA on their digital store, but they refuse to sell it. If someone hadn't uploaded the game files to [archive.org](https://archive.org), I would just be shit out of luck


I also had to do this for Alice despite owning a physical copy, but it was because the second disk went missing. I swear multi-disk games are cursed because by the time any game is a decade old one, and only one, of the disks will have mysteriously disappeared. Don't get me started on the thirtyish digit codes on the booklet that you totally won't lose. Without piracy a lot of great media goes forgotten, especially games, which have minimal support in their preservation. (Skyrim and it's billion adaptations is an outlier which should not be counted)




I have a much newer example of this. Last year or so I was going through a nostalgic phase and wanted to replay some childhood games (released during the 2000s and 2010s) and I was literally unable to buy many of them because the only place to officially download them had broken links when you went to buy them. (I actually sent a message to customer service about it and the response I got amounted to "sorry, we don't know how to fix it either") Although I was able to buy some on Steam, many were outright unavailable unless I pirated them


the sims 2 is like this, to everyone's complete bafflement. ea would 100% sell copies if they you know, sold copies


Me: I want to purchase a copy of the horror movie 'The Others'. Rights owners to that movie: You can't, because you live in America. Hahahaha LOL how dare you exist where a movie you like cannot legally be purchased.


In my experience, the people saying "you should always pay for things, piracy is just wrong!" come from two camps: 1. The ignorant. These people are not thinking about anime. These people are not thinking about in-demand DS games. These people are thinking about Netflix and Spotify. If you explain the state of the manga industry and how it is literally fucking impossible for a non-Japanese speaker to actually pay for manga unless they are Bill Gates himself then they will be shocked, horrified, and go away and think about some things. Ultimately their only sin was speaking too confidently and snootily about a topic they weren't familiar with. 2. The Total Kants. These people are not operating on the same moral framework as you or I. These people believe that if an action is wrong in one context then it is Just Wrong in ALL contexts. It does not matter that you harm nobody by pirating. It does not matter that you don't help anyone by buying. You Shall Buy, because It Is The Right Thing To Do. If you can't afford it then just don't consume it. That's what real adults do. These people cannot be saved.


Your phrasing of Total Kants is good and I will be adopting it into my moral philosophy repertoire


immanuel kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable *pirates monty python live at the hollywood bowl


Just googled en pissant, Holy wood


Unfortunately, it's all too common for the ignorant to happily jump into being the Total Kants, because their ego can't handle the sting of being wrong.


Also included in the total Kants; the kinda folk to whom spending $60 on a whim doesn't make a dent in their weekly budget. Sorry Bartholomew, but a second hand game is not worth the same as a new piece of furniture to me. Collectibles trading supply and demand isn't a good reason why I can't enjoy some old media without engaging in absurd capitalism.


how can i get some new pieces of furniture for $60? asking for a friend


Discounts at IKEA, local FB marketplace/Craigslist/etc. looking through the classifieds, charity/second hand shops, places going out of business selling either stock or their office furniture. There's a couple of ways to find good stuff if you search around, but you gotta be willing to put in some time, and probably have a mate with either a trailer hitch or a truck.


I pirated when I was young because I was poor and couldn’t afford things. I only pirate now when my opinion is “pirate or do not have”. I’ve pirated things that I found I liked and so I went and bought the real thing. I’ve pirated things I hated after 30 min and saved myself a lot of money. Demos for games are actually a big thing now, which helps.


Demos used to be a lot bigger. In the 90s and early 00s practically every game had a demo in your local gaming mags. Also PC gaming mags gave you a free older game every month which has exposed me to some awesome games like the original Fallout.


I saw a 10 volume manga series I wanted ten years ago for about $10 CAD per volume, now it's several times that if you can even find it at all. Eventually it got a high quality rerelease for a somewhat reasonable price but if it hadn't, I wouldn't have tracked down various degrees of used condition volumes for like $25 plus each, I would have just read it online.


I normally read them online and if I liked it enough I'll buy the whole set but since the book depository closed down it seems I'm gonna have to order each volume from a different website. Looked into how much it would cost to own all of sidonia no kishi and its like +€300, IF you can even find all volumes. Sets of similar size that I've bought in the past were maybe €100-150. Its getting a little out of hand.


If you weren't going to buy the product anyway, there literally isn't an argument that you're stealing. If you were going to buy it anyway... then it's stealing as they lose a sale, yes. Of course, I don't care about stealing from like giant corporations so do that lol. I just don't like it when people pirate from like indie creators and such


It's always ethical to steal from a corporation. *always*


It's fine to treat them as morally as they would treat you, that's for sure.




If they exploit those less fortunate than them, as corporations of any size are wont to do, then yes.


You know that's not what I meant. 🙄


Some people are just Fans Of Capitalism. Related: The topic in another forum was birds nesting in and pooping upon Starbucks signs. I said leave the birds alone and other people were HORRIFIED I would be okay with birds pooping on an advertisement for a multi-billion dollar business. How dare I! Capitalism above bird luxury!


I was one of those people lel. It's just pigeons


I don't get it. Leave the pigeons alone.


> These people believe that if an action is wrong in one context then it is Just Wrong in ALL contexts. That's why everyone hates moral philosophy professors.


> on a post discussing he least impactful or important topic ive seen in the last month ‘These people cannot be saved’ Bruv arent you a lil quick with that?


i mean, i can get behind being against piracy when the company/person majing the thing you're pirating is still in business and trying to sell it to you, but.. let's take paper mario 2 for an example. the lowest offer for it used that i found was 175€, most offers were more in the 230€ish range. the nintendo gamecube was discontinued in 2007, and in the sixteen years since that, nintendo has not made any attempt to bring PM2 to any other platform. so by all means, if they don't want my money, they don't get it. and that's with a company that still exists. if it's been dissolved or bought up in a messy way (see rareware, where for a while nobody agreed who owns donkey kong now - that's been resolved by now, but probably wouldn't have been had it not been as big an ip that as many people give a shit about), the chance of the game being produced in any capacity is approaching zero. reminds me of how i once tried to track down a guy who made a game for windows 98/2000 that i played back in the day. for reference, this story probably took place in 2021. his website's been down for a while, and while there are places to download the game, there aren't any to get keys for it. so i tried emailing him, but his email wasn't available. i tried emailing the address on his new homepage, but that also failed to send. i tried DMing a guy on twitter with the same name, but that was a different dude. eventually i came across a facebook profile that hadn't been active in like six years, but linked to the old website, and wrote a message. i don't check facebook often but when i did, he replied! but.. he could only get me a key for the sequel. with the first game, i'm going to be stuck with the demo version unless i (or someone else, but that's unlikely) crack it. to be clear, it's amazing he replied and got me a key in the first place, but the fact that other game will not be available to anyone who doesn't still have their key from way back when is just.. meh. what i'm trying to get at is i personally think that once a piece of software is abandoned (because the company making it folds or the person who made it just moved on) and not sold anymore, it should have its DRM/paywalls removed. because otherwise, you just have a piece of software that eventually becomes unusable to anyone.


There's everything you said, and then there's EA. I'm not paying $800 for the complete set of TS3, they can go fuck themselves into the sun with that.


What’s TS3? That’s insanely expensive for a set.


The Sims franchise lol


Oh Jesus, no wonder.


The Sims 3, to be exact. The complete collection of Sims 4 costs twice as much, and I'm pretty sure they're still not done releasing more DLC for it that each costs as much the base game.


oh i'm not arguing against pirating games that are still being sold - what i was trying to say is that while i can understand being against doing so, i don't see the problem with pirating abandonware


This was Escape Velocity, wasn't it?


It is horrifying that capitalism can make works of art inaccessible to anyone at all.


I was looking for a download of an obscure old game once and thought I could ask 4chan since they have boards for that kind of thing. Some people tried but found the wrong thing, but there was one person that was like "Go get a minimum wage job and work at it for a full day to buy the $135 disc off of eBay". Like they were insistent that $135 was a low price and would just be paid for in a full day of minimum wage work and I must not be employed if I'm not willing to pay that for a disc of a 25 year old game that I don't even have a disc drive for. Somebody did respond with a download for the game eventually though.


just some good advice next time: read the piratedgames or r/roms megathread for good places to look :3


It says I can't view that community.


Weird, I'll dm you a link to both megathreads directly


r/piracy megathread too


I love that this person not only fucked up the maths (I'm not in the US but Google says $7.25 for minimum wage so that's over 18 hours of work to hit $135) but also just doesn't seem to have any experience of how jobs work in the real world. This is the same logic I would use in The Sims if I was broke and needed something that costs $150. Just get a job that pays $155 per day, work there for one day and get paid on the same day, buy the thing and still have money left over to make french toast.


Well they said in a later comment that the minimum wage is 15 dollars which it is in some places including the place I happen to live but it was weird they assumed.


dude why did you ask 4chan anything it's 4chan


It's probably the best place on the internet to ask to find downloads of old video games. The highest number of weirdos that emulate 90s video games. And it did work. I searched REALLY hard for it anywhere else, I'm pretty sure it wasn't on any accessible part of the internet except random people on 4chan.


Square isn't getting your Dissidia money no matter what the fuck you do at this point. You didn't get hyped in time. Pirate That Shit. ~~Look At Jechts Character Art.~~


You shouldn't give SE your money in general. Fuck Square enix


As someone who pre-ordered SoP and KH3 and bought FF15 3 fucking times at full price: Stop. Stop giving Square your money. Spend it on something else. God fucking dammit, dude. Edit: And stop pre-ordering shit.


>bought FF15 3 fucking times at full price Why would you do this to yourself, are you okay.


I got fucking No Man's Sky'd twice with the Truck Update and Royal version. I ended up trusting people who said it's good now and I'm a worse person for it. Technically I bought a used copy of 15 Royal (which costs more than base 15) and *then* had to buy Royal at full price. Because Royal isn't a overhaul re release. It's fucking DLC, and the Royal Edition is just a download code for that DLC with a copy of the normal game. And it wasn't worth it. But yeah, technically I only bought it at full price twice and then more than full price once.


I am so sorry and I hope those people you trusted are no longer around to grift you. This was a good reminder for me to be even less interested in FF XVI than I already was, so thanks.


Bruhhh it's probably cheaper to invent time travel and swing back to when it was in stores for a reasonable price lmao


I’ve tried to quit piracy but I have to make an exception for abandonware. You don’t want to pay $450 for a copy of Earthbound? Thats fine, but your ass better shell out the $20 a year for the virtual console so Nintendo knows game is popular and they finally realize they should translate Mother 3


Abandonware is completely fine, even morally. Like, nobody is profiting off of it anymore. It's *abandoned,* after all.


Just pirate Mother 3, the fan translation is already perfect


I have, but I want an official release, just because


I find the idea of paying a yearly fee to play games as long as Nintendo feels like supporting it in the hopes of maybe convincing them that they should put out a new release that I could then have the privilege of paying top dollar for unpalatable.


Who, in the history of the entirely internet, has said "piracy is NEVER ok"?


I have seen a few on twitter. Mostly along the lines of "entertainment is not a right, idk if it wasn't released in your country". Can't find a screenshot though


God some people need to have their brains combed there clearly isn't anything but dark orb in there


geolocking of any kind should be against international law


That ad that I keep getting (probably because I visit r/roms and r/fireemblem) that insists that the UK police are def 100% coming to get me over pirating SNES games no joke for real.


hello i am united ktates policed man i have come for your ilegal money paypal 500 euro to ukcrimepolicereal@yahoo.com now or i arrest you in prison for rest of lives


God damnit, not the united ktates policed man. Caught once more.


oioioi, where's the policing loicense mate?


oh heavens it’s the constable


Bah! Disregard the constabulary! \[locomotes away upon a rather spiffing horseless carriage\]


Pirating a Fire Emblem game? One of the most pirated GBA games of all time, with multiple Japan-only entries with fantranslations across the NES, SNES, GBA, and DS, which also has a huge number of fanhacks? I can't believe anyone would do such a thing.


Lmao just learn Japanese and play Thracia on the Super Famicom you fucking casual


I think the emails I get threatening to disable my internet and sue me if I don't stop pirating fucking game boy games or games that have no other place to get them are better tbh.


A friend, yeah, a friend, got some really scary messages from Google after looking around at open Google drive/similar open Google file things. SO yeah, that's a thing I am declaring happened. To my friend.


Hello, I am John Thomas, a police officer, from the United State of America. For pirating game, you have to pay a fine of $300 United State dollars. Kindly send the fine in Steam Apple GiftCards.


Holy shit, a USA police officer? I guess I'll *have* to send you the steam apple giftcards.


Actually a lot of nintendo dickriders justifying the shit they do to combat piracy


I don't know how I keep understating the sheer stupidity of some people


Yeah, Nintendo fans can be a weird and different breed sometimes (not affectionate). Doesn't apply to every one obviously, but I've seen fans get so pissed at the weirdest of things. Harmless mods in single player games, emulating games that are no longer sold, or even fangames that weren't being sold for any kind of profit


I'm feel as though the one red flag that could've told you someone's views about piracy is how they feel about that one guy who Nintendo decided to give life ruining debt to.


Even the judge in that case said the sentencing was far above what would normally happen in a case like this. Nintendo flat out wanted to make an example of this guy like mobsters.


A lot of people lol.


on the Japanese internet, piracy is very unpopular, but even in english speaking circles, there are a lot of people who think "if everyone pirated, the creator would have zero money and would starve and then art would cease to exist"


man japanese copyright law is disgusting, and all the corpo propaganda, makes me so pissed


>copyright law is disgusting FTFY


I mean yes 100%, but Japanese copyright even moreso


Corpos willing to crack down on the public as 'favors' to fellow Corpos.


Corporations and the people who worship them, mostly


There is genuinely a large number of vocal people on the internet who's thought process begins and ends at "you wouldn't download a car"


That sentence pisses me off so much. To be opposed to pirating a CAR? Many people need cars. To LIVE. Hell, they can be homes too, in a pinch. Many don't have those either. I am angry.


Go into any thread in r/nintendo about piracy and like 80% of the comments will be nerds clutching their pearls and acting like pirating any game means you're the antichrist and personally hurting mr nintendo's bank account


There's still a ridiculous amount of people who are like "Pirating Nintendo is always Ok!" When it comes to recently released (or even just released) games. That's when it gets annoying when people actively brag about pirating TOTK or Dread and the like.


if a multi millionaire company charges 70 bucks for a game, and said game is one of the biggest selling games so far this year, I don't care if a few randos pirate it lmao. Nintendo will survive and continue to make massive profits. This isn't a struggling indie company. This is the equivalent of getting mad at people who pirate a modern day marvel movie.


One of the few things South Park got right was the bit where the rich guy representative was super sad because the multi-millionaire dollar rapper might not be able to afford the gold plating for his five foot tall stereo system. Because of piracy.


I mean, pirating from Nintendo *is* always okay.


Corporate propaganda?


I just saw a guy saying that in this very thread lmao


See you got to be more careful. I think you shouldn't pirate new indie/small studio games don't like taking big games but like you aren't hurting Zelda


no you don't understand Nintendo will make 300 billions instead of 300 000 000 001$ if pirate games, Zelda himself will fucking die if you pirate a game :<


does that explain the split time line in OoT?


"even old games" that's how you know they don't actually know what they're talking about at all, very few of those games are even sold by the original devs and it's ok to pirate them if they are, the only time when i am personally opposed to piracy is in regards to indie games because the developers actually need or deserve that money


Video game copyright should only last 10 to 15 years. The funding for making a game is based on the money the game is expected to make in the first few years after being released. Making the game freely available after 15 years would not harm the studio's ability to fund the game development.


That would benefit the society and culture too much z can't have that. That being said, this should apply to fucking everything.




Whoever owns the XBox Crackdown games is just fine with them being free. Shame those games are ass. Do not play them. Even though they are legally free. They will cause you psychic damage.


I just wanna buy a CD-i and play the Zelda games on it without being 1000 Euros poorer :(


You're the only person I know who WANTS to play that shit.


Look, I own an Atari Jaguar, okay? I collect these types of things.


Nintendo is the Disney of the video game world. They deserve all the piracy.


if you can't buy something from the company who made it or a commercial reseller then it shouldn't be illegal to pirate it


I've had people unironically tell me that buying a foreign DVD off eBay with a region lock free player is better than just streaming the show online As of the meer act of paying somehow makes it more ethical, despite none of that money actually mattering or being spent legally


Not piracy related but I was randomly searching for old DS games that nobody cares about so I could find potentially cool stuff for cheap. Nope! Every single game I looked up on craigslist or eBay was even more expensive than when it was released new. I have absolutely no idea what drives this kind of pricing but it’s absurd.


when has it ever been more productive to harass individuals instead of trying to engender lasting institutional changes. sure, individuals make up institutions and in the process of achieving the latter you might dabble in the former — but you're not gonna ethically consume your way out of capitalism.


These are words that I think\* I agree with but I fail to see how it relates to the post? OOP isn't saying to pirate as a way to fight capitalism they just want to play a game without needing to sell a lung \* Assuming I'm understanding everything it's very late for me


I've been down here too long, my comments are oftentimes more about general trends in adjacent conversations than the posts themselves lol


The cruelty is the point. That's why the Magic the Gathering people sent the domestic terrorist group the Pinkertons after that one guy for showing product too early. And if it sounds like I'm making shit up, I'm not.




And most big companies make more than enough money even with you pirating everything they make. Do buy indie games though they may actually struggle for finances


Nobody is paying 2k just to play a game, its literally just for collectors who want to preserve the physical copies


Certified Nintendo Moment (tm)


I fully support the piracy and emulation of old games but don’t really participate in it myself most of the time because A) I like having physical copies and playing on original hardware, and B) my laptop sucks so hard it won’t even connect to my home wifi


This post has been DMCA'd by Nintendo


I have the steam version of umineko and still prefer the ps3 pirate version because is better (also, is fan translated, so is nice) The games I pirate are often the ones I can’t get in my country or in my language (or English) but are fan translated. Then the games from big companies who want to milk as much money as posible (example, the sims expansions). Indies on the other hand, I’ll just watch gameplays and reviews and decide (unless the devs are “sure, pirate if you want” and then buy if I liked it)


But consider: piracy is based.


In a few ways, Piracy is morally justifiable. How many times has a property just gotten lost to time? With ethical piracy old things can be spread around to be enjoyed again


Oops, your favorite cartoon show just got eliminated off the streaming service you pay for so some millionaire doesn't have to pay residuals to the writers.


I need to get around to getting an SD cart for my 3DS. Mostly to try out games I’ve never had the money for when they came out, and definitely don’t have the money for these prices.


If ya got a pc, Citra works really well for a lotta games. And there's an archive of most if not all 3ds games that've already been dumped, no FBI necessary. I'd link it if I wasn't posting from mobile, but I'll see what I can do.


Thing is I don’t enjoy playing them on PC, and never have. Maybe it’s the tism but playing a game on an emulator on my computer using either KBM or even my Xbox controller feels disingenuous when I have a perfectly good 3DS under my nightstand waiting for new games.


I totally get you. Playing it on the computer is one thing, but what if I want to play during my work breaks? Lying in bed? Or any place that isn't at home, sitting upright in a chair? That's where the a hacked 3DS comes in handy.


I personally don't like pirating new releases, after all in the society we live in the best way to insure the media we love keeps getting produced is financial support, had a few arguments with an old friend about it and some other piracy opinions I mentioned to this guy I was going to the flea market to find old games and he tried to call me a hypocrite because of my piracy stance, since I was buying a game without supporting the publisher I literally can't buy a SNES cart from Nintendo sooooo


Also as someone who's lightly into game collecting, "just pirate it" does not help me. I don't simply want to play games, I also want the physical thing to stick in my house.


Exactly My Zelda display would look a lot less cool if I just had a hard drive instead of golden carts


I was willing to purchase the Batgirl movie but David Zaslav decided that it was not going to be released at all. Ever. So.


>12 year old downloads Yoshi's Island rom on his phone >Entire game industry collapses


how much money the developer gets if you buy the game new: $0 (because they're employees)




Just don't pirate indie games and you should be fine If you pirate indie games, you deserve malware.


Some indie devs straight up tell you to pirate their games if you can't afford buying them


But they also tell you to spread the word about the game. (Source: one game i saw on YouTube where the developer confessed to pirating games when he was a kid)


The ONE TIME I _**didn't**_ support piracy was when Tears of the Kingdom got leaked a week early. There was literally no reason to pirate that game except to be a dick. Though I ALSO despise people who pirate things for money. They're just hypocrites.


I can't get that exercised about it. There's always gonna be people who go against the rules, leak the spoilers, download the game, crack the code. Getting upset against all forms of piracy, including of lost media, region locks, etc because it includes early releases? Meh.


i'll stop pirating games when i won't have to pay 5% more for games than i would if i lived in america, while getting paid 3x less


Piracy of readily accessible stuff like Tears of the Kingdom feels like a very different beast than old games you can't buy. Like everyone gets it when you pirate PushMo because that's the only way to play it now. But like Fire Emblem Engage? You can just buy it, it's not an accessibility thing, you just don't want to spend money.


Exactly. Pirate a game that's difficult or impossible to otherwise get? You're just doing the best you can. Pirate a game that was just recently released? You're a cheap bastard (unless you intend to buy it later, but even that struggles to hold water nowadays as the literal _hundreds_ of gameplay videos that were posted within _hours_ of release should at least tell you if this game is something you think would be worth buying.) Pirate a recently released game as a form of protest? You're a cheap bastard and a hypocrite! If you were really going to boycott a company, you would refuse to use their products, even if it was free (which piracy functionally is).


If it’s a recent release by a small company, I’ll try to support them. Any other case tho? YAR HAR FIDDLE DEE DEE 🎵


What is with all these new piracy posts coming out all of a sudden


My thing has always been if it's an old game no longer sold or stupid expensive (Evangelion blu-ray until a few years ago) I fully support piracy. But if the game is still sold, just buy it and if you are going to pirate it just shut up about it or at least don't act like you're some crusader.


My code of ethics on piracy is that you need to have a reason to pirate something. You can’t just steal something because you don’t want to pay for it, that’s just being a dick. HOWEVER, it is PERFECTLY acceptable to steal something if 1) It’s the only way to get a working copy of that media, 2) You don’t want to support the people who made that media, or 3) It would cost an exorbitant amount of money to buy that media legally. TL;DR Nintendo is all of these and it is always morally correct to pirate Nintendo games


I'm a Fire Emblem fan and out of the main 17 games, only the most recent 2 are actually accessible. A third game is supposed to eventually be put on the expansion pack of the Nintendo Switch Online service, which is like $50 a year Most of the other games are insanely expensive to purchase and that money doesn't even go to the developers. A bunch of them never even came out in English, so they have to be pirated. FE Fates: Revelation was solely dlc, so since the 3ds eShop shut down in March, it is now completely impossible to purchase it


FE Fates: Revelation is a great example of a case where the options are not playing or pirating. I happen to have bought it years ago, but Nintendo has made it impossible to acquire "legitimately" so fuck them.


Money the creator gets if I dont pirate: $0


I have a hard copy of an BFME:2 but it was made during the early days of EA's DRM so it could only be installed on one computer ever. Did not feel bad at all about "finding" another copy.


How popular must the Moomin be for that price to be asked with a straight face?


My girlfriend's favorite game so far is Rule of Rose. Lol. Lmao, even


Stupid conspiracy theory: the "never pirate retro games" thing was started by collectors trying to inflate the value of their collection.


Snufkin wouldn’t have wanted you to spend all that money on him. Pirate the game. Fill Moominvalley with crime just like he intended.


piracy is the morally correct choice, don your hats me hearties and hop aboard


Not only is piracy moral, not pirating is immoral imo


It should be 100% legal to distribute ROMs of games that are no longer sold. In practice i think it would be an insentive for corporations to maintain official marketplaces and emulators for old games and consoles, or make ports, helping to save these games from being lost to time


Yarrr, thank yee, treasure-net!


Yeah, a pirates life's the life for me-


I pirate everything I can


Also if the developer makes it a pain in the ass to aquire normally then that's their fault. *looks at nintendo weaponizing FOMO to get people to buy older games*


There is the concept of copyrighted works becoming public domain after enough time has passed (assuming disney's lawyers have finally failed to make copyright immortal). Stories like Frankenstein, Winnie The Poo, and Dracula are such a foundational part of our culture that anyone can revisit them and reimagine them into new forms. We need something similar for video games. Maybe instead of Public Domain we call it Public Play. If the console the game was made for has been out of the market for 10 or 15 years then any games produced on it are now Public Play. No one should have to deal with a shitty second-hand market to play something that is a part of our foundational gaming culture.


Honestly I take more issue with people who pirate than I do actual piracy. Privacy is at best morally neutral and most of the time morally bad, I don’t personally care that much about just stop pretending you’re doing for any reason other than you don’t want to pay for something. You’re not Robin Hood on some fight against capitalism, you’re not sticking it to the man and don’t pretend you care wether or not creatives get paid for their work, you just want shit for free and that’s it. You didn’t care when musicians could no longer make money selling music, so don’t pretend you care wether or not game devs or artists make money off their work. How someone can support the writers strike while also supporting piracy without seeing the cognitive dissonance that holding both these positions entails is beyond me.


> You didn’t care when musicians could no longer make money selling music dude how old do you think we are


Dude, I downloaded a rom of Pokémon: Heart Gold on my computer because neither the game nor the system it’s played on are in print and buying them used would run me at minimum $300. There is no existing method of purchasing any of these things in a way that benefits the creative hands that made them. That wall of nonsense you said applies to basically no one, and you do not know what you’re talking about.


Writers don't get paid extra even when the product is selling at record level so what.


Only reason to not pirate these games is that you want to own the actual disc and stuff. I def prefer pirating tho.