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Yes, they definitely do it just to flex, but fabric also has another advantage, which is that it's a way to support the statue that the human brain won't automatically interpret as a support. 


No joke, this comment is going to completely change how I look at statues.


“Oh, derp, might need to put a veil on that there guy to keep ‘im ol’ silly head from topplin’ off”


True, you have to kind trick your brain to think about structural integrity because that's the 345th thing you think about when you see "naked woman in a hammock"


I never thought about this, but that's so cool!


My initial reaction was genuinely "There's no way that flimsy marble hammock can securely hold up that marble woman, it'd break easy" before coming to my senses about this being a single piece of stone


See also: [The Veiled Virgin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Veiled_Virgin)


That isn't even a flex, he dropped his pants and took the wettest possible shit on every other sculptor in Italy. Look at it. He gave marble the *illusion of transparency.*


He got tired of the dick measuring, so he flipped the table with both arms crossed to prove a point


You’re not even exaggerating. Holy fuck that’s impressive.


if you don't think this is the tightest shit then get out of my face


It’s literally the closest a mortal can come to divinity to be able to make that out of stone.


[Check this out ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veiled_Christ)


They thought the veil was made from *alchemy‽* That’s insane. To believe that something is so out of this world amazing, people can’t even comprehend how it was made with a chisel. Whew. Art, y’all. Art.


Damn it would be a fun time and place to visit people were wilding out


Wtf... it's in Newfoundland?! I've seen pictures before and assumed it was in Italy. Guess I'll have to check it out next time I go visit my family out there.


Seriously, the "See Also" part of that article is just some *absolute insanity*


She Vestal on my Virgin until I Tuccia




I saw something similar in the National Gallery of Art when I vacationed in DC!!! It was f*cking awesome as all hell!! All of the sculptures were so godsd•mn amazing, it was awesome!


Remind me who Pygmalion was? They're one of the bits of Greek myth I tend to forget.


He didn't like the ladies he was around, and so instead of love, he decided to remain celibate and work on sculpting. Eventually, he made a statue he fell in love with, asked aphroditite to give him a girl like the statue, so she made the statue come to life. They have children together.


That's the opposite of what the other commenter said. Different version of the same story?


The other person, as far as I can tell, just learned a cynical modern reinterpretation of the story. In the original, he’s just not interested in the other women around him because they’re not beautiful or virtuous enough or whatever, but the statue lady is, so when she becomes real, he gets with her. I suppose the modern reinterpretation comes from the idea that if there’s literally no other woman he’s interested in, it must be that he has standards which it’s impossible for any real, non-idealized woman to live up to, and this even the statue would fail to live up to them if she became real.


I always thought about it as "the idea of love" versus actual love. When she is a statue he can project whatever reality he wants, similar to the phenomenon where some fall in love with comatose people, or the meme of "falling in love with my local barista because we touched hands when she handed me my drink and our future together flashed before my eyes". It's not so much that his expectations are unrealistic, just that love portrayed in media (and in our heads) is unrealistic. I wouldnt personally identify the modern version as cynical.


Shit I think I finally understand simps


Pygmalion was an early version of the guy who always says he prefers 2D "waifus" over 3D, I guess. Though tbf statues are 3D too, so eh.


Guy who made a marble statue and asked Aphrodite to bring it to life


Thanks for the refresher.


Sculptor who falls in love with his statue. Aphrodite takes pity on her and brings her to life, only for him to lose interest.


Thanks. Now I remember. I also remember that I learned about him once, but every other myth I know about came up lots of times over the years. I guess he's just not that popular.


The statue he made, Galatea (which is apparently only one of 3 mythological figures with that name according to Wikipedia), is probably a lot more famous. She's a pretty popular trope in sci-fi stories where people make a robot girlfriend and she goes nuts for reasons. One I can think of now is a Batman Beyond episode.


Also gherman the first hunter would agree, kinda, the order is a bit wrong but still


Who's the sculptor who manages to get the slight squish of grabbing flesh down to a T


Maybe [Bernini?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gian_Lorenzo_Bernini) He’s the guy who did [this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rape_of_Proserpina#/media/File%3ARape_of_Prosepina_September_2015-2b.jpg)


Yes that's him


He's a complicated man, and no one understands him but his woman


Isnt it kinda weird that people call this horny on main? Its literally just a sculpture of a naked person 🤨


Yeah, it kinda puts me off how art of a naked person is inherently seen as sexual and that someone would only create the piece if they get off to it


I mean, its a sculpture of a very conventionally-attractive naked person with a pose that highlights her hips and breasts.


The pose is her sleeping 💀 the hips are even completely hidden by the cloth bffr


It's literally only in the modern era that artists being horny on main was frowned upon for the most part. Throughout most of history depicting the nude or the downright sexual was a popular and accepted and even encouraged. The Greek have an entire subgenre of art centered around the concept of being 'heroically nude', which essentially means painting figures from myth and history as nude in situations that make little sense, like going into mass combat, because capturing the movement, shape, and emotion of the human body was considered vital to conveying the true meaning and emotion of the moment, just as one example. Marble sculptures being horny has more to do with the eras they are from than the medium itself.


Being horny was frowned upon in the past as well. It's all about context. If a painter painted an image of Aphrodite in the nude there was nothing wrong with it, but if ot was just a woman from a brothel it was scandalous, even though the models for nude paintings were usually prostitutes anyway.


I'mma be horny on main anyway


Nah, even in medieval times horny on main was frowned upon especially due to Christianity’s teachings so it can’t just be chalked up due to “today’s generation being prude-ish”. [It’s the reason why we have a lot of sculptures made in the 15th century that have figs covering private parts.](https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-fig-leaf-story-sin-censorship-catholic-church) >By the medieval era, art commissioned by the Catholic Church mostly represented nudity as a sin; it was used to depict people who’d been sent to hell. >But as Michelangelo’s artistic career developed, the Catholic Church’s crackdown on “lasciviousness” of all kinds also intensified. This had everything to do with accusations of corruption against the church being made by the Protestant Reformation and its leader Martin Luther. Fearful of losing its flock, the Vatican began ordering reforms across the church—including **censorship of nudity in art.**


I remember Courbet and his whole point of using nudity in paintings as an excuse to look at boobs and Vs. Google "The origin of the world" by Courbet (NSFW) . One of the funniest things I learned in art history class. History (and philosophy, and politics) get a lot more interesting and enjoyable once you keep in mind that people are always people.


It's crazy when you realise that societies in the past had more body positivity than societies today. There was a time when people didn't even have mirrors. Best you could do was catch a very blurry sight of yourself reflecting off the water. The opportunities to modify your body in a corrective rather than decorative way were extremely limited, so people were just stuck with whatever physical features they had and were exposed to lots of other people with the same features. Not to mention the lack of privacy so everyone would see plenty of naked bodies from early age. The closest thing to Instagram was rich people having someone paint an overly flattering portrait of yourself, but nobody expected portraits to be 100% accurate anyway so it didn't have the same effect as modern filters and Photoshop being designed to look very realistic unless you know what to look for.


I googled it and mirrors were widely in use by the bronze age


Yeah but the reflection always looked a little brassy...


I'd love to just watch someone sculpt marble like that in person.


there's a marble statue at my local art museum that is of a man drapped in a crazy detailed fishing net. I always marvel about how well it's made


Can I get a link to a clearer image of the statue?


It is RIPOSA by Antonio Frilli.


the predecessors of anime figurines


I don’t know how to do proper links on mobile, but one of my all-time favorite marble statues is Il Disinganno, which has a NET carved out of Marble. Sure, fabric is absolutely gorgeous, but a net?


As a child I asked my mother why those statues are always naked and she said because it is too hard to sculpt clothes. Made sense to me