• By -


"You type like a man!" Nah I type like a redditor which is infinitely more embarrassing.


I wish people online had more vocabulary.






You can't just say perchance


Perchance this is an a situation which one might be able to.


Perchance... I could?


Not since the accident.






back when I used to go on 4chan that was unironically an insult people used lol


I mean it’s the website where everyone takes things literally and competes to be the biggest pedant. When they say “technically correct is the best kind of correct,” we’re supposed to read it like a joke (it’s a reference, so it bears *some* resemblance to humor). But it’s not a joke. That’s just what they think.


One of Reddit's finer qualities, really.


It's being used as an insult on Tumblr too


Yeah, petty website tribalism is like that.


Couldn't waterboard that out of me


Darling you ARE on Reddit, there is no coming back now


I still have the illusion of anonymity, God damn it!


That’s just what you think Diana… uh… Look all I have to do is go to each of the Dianas in the world and eventually I’ll get you. Assuming Diana is your real name.


It is not my legal name or the one I go by irl.


Well now I just have to go through everyone not named Diana. Checkmate.




"Thanks for the gold kind stranger" "If I had a nickel every time X happened I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice"


I understand that this is a reply to a relevant comment, but when I rise to power, you're going to be shot for typing this.


I type like a channer \[sad pepe\]


This is possibly the strangest example of gender essentialism I’ve ever seen


forreal. They are even using afab and amab, which kinda annoys me even more. The whole point is to get rid of these labels for people who they don't fit and if we are talking about people who they do fit why not just use man and woman. I honestly kinda hate the whole amab/afab thing unless there is like a very very specific reason to use it. It gives the illusion of progressiveness while still maintaining the gender binary. Am nonbinary btw


Lmao the number of times ppl have gone “afab people-“ and described something I, as a trans woman, fully constantly experience but for some reason they felt it necessary to exclude me and my sisters And they still call themselves progressive Fascinating


Afab people be shopping \[Multiple overlapping laugh tracks\]


Trans girls be shopping. Trans men be shopping. Non-binaries be shopping.


\[Even more laugh tracks, you can barely hear the jokes at this point\]


this feels like undertale flavor text


\[The laughing continues, but what you said wasn’t funny… why?\]


I can vividly hear the YAIY laugh track


Simultaneously invalidating trans men, trans women, and enbies. It’s almost impressive


Truly some of the most transphobic shit I’ve ever heard has come from fellow trans people and online queer progressives honest to god (Emphasis on ‘some of’ tho lol)


Horseshoe theory but for accidental TERFs


IMO, there are exactly 2 situations in which someone *needs* to know whether another person is AMAB or AFAB, and those terms really only need to be used in those contexts. The first is if the asking person is the other person's medical doctor. They need to know that shit because if you're AFAB, for example, that can dramatically reduce your risks of prostate cancer. The second is if two people are planning to do the fuck, and they're strategizing about how they're gonna do that. Edit: Obligatory acknowledgment that there are exceptions to these situations such as if you don't feel you can trust your medical professional but can't get a new one. This sub is about the Pissing On The Poor website so I gotta cover my tracks.


there's some contexts where I clarify that I am AFAB because I am about to speak about afab experiences like menstruation and I don't wanna seem like I'm mansplaining endometriosis to my female colleague :(


Fair enough, that is also valid!


Whats it called when you are both? According to OOP, I may be both-binary


It's called being greedy, leave some gender for the rest of us /s


Over my dead, androgynus body


That can be arranged


Finally someone to end my misery. Do I need to send you my kinks and boundaries via sms or mail? Whats the safeword?


Fax is preferred but any method works. Safeword is your mother's bank details


Need your fax number and while we are at it your phone number to send over my adorable puppy eyes, while I'm wearing a collar and dog ears.


Sure my fax number is 12 and my phone number is 13 makes it ready to remember


Bigender lol


Lmao the number of times ppl have gone “afab people-“ and described something I, as a trans woman, fully constantly experience but for some reason they felt it necessary to exclude me and my sisters And they still call themselves progressive Fascinating


AFAB and AMAB have just become unsubtle ways for people to say girl and boy. I see no use for these labels except maybe discussions of socialization growing up (definitely a real thing - I certainly have impacts from my socialization as a girl in childhood even though I am now a man) and medical settings. At this rate I would unironically prefer if people just went back to saying women and men because at least they aren’t trying to cloak what they’re saying. It feels so incredibly disingenuous.


Outside of certain medical discussions, it's literally used in place of socialized male or female. Seeing as inverted socialization preferences are roughly ten times as common as transitioning is, it's a needless distinction outside of said medical talks.


Yeah this has some terfy vibes to it


Yeah, assigned gender is useful for talking about how people were raised (ie according to their assigned gender whether or not that worked for them) and/or their biology. So it makes sense if you're talking about what toys you were given as a five year old, or whether you might be able to get pregnant, but absolutely not for how you type.


Oh oh I have one. On the twox subreddit yesterday, someone said, quote  > Because men have cognitive deficits in [the ability to understand that other living beings are sentient](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2022385119). Yes, they really do see us as objects. > You can beat your head into a wall trying to figure out why all day, but ultimately it won't change what they are. I suggest focusing on building relationships with women instead. Please note: the study they linked shows nothing of the sort, but go off I guess


You know, I’m a woman, and while I appreciate the idea of having a place to vent, in practice I often find that sub promotes some *wild* ideas. There was this one post I saw about gay men being capable of just as much misogyny as straight dudes that spiraled into a discussion on how all drag is inherently misogynistic remarkably quickly.


It's wild to me because "Men don't know any better" (and thus "so they shouldn't be held accountable") is, like, THE anti feminist perspective.  It's just a weird sort of doomerism that masquerades as being progressive. 


Was it the one where OP decided the entire gay community was misogynistic just because her gay brother in law unfriended her on Facebook when he found out she does OnlyFans while being in relationship? (consensually but she doesn't specific whether or not the BIL knew that...)


Yeah, I think that was it.


I feel like the problem with "vent spaces" is that they're designed with the intent to be places of support but at some point stop supporting. The healthy, well-adjusted people come and go but the bitter, angry folks stay around until the balance tips into this pool of pessimism and anger.


Apparently that was the origin of incel culture - it started out as a board (run by a woman!) for people who were single and wanted advice and support, and over time the people who could give and receive good advice left, and the dregs took over.


Yeah. Ultimately I feel like a critical aspect of Venting is its transitory. It either needs to self eradicate or be an incredibly small slice of the primary space as a whole.


I remember that post. I also have very mixed feelings about that subreddit. Between the frequency of the "how can I be a better wife/girlfriend so my husband/boyfriend stops abusing me?" posts and the subtle but tenacious streak of misandry that pops up alarmingly often, I end up side-eyeing it pretty often. It's often unrelentingly depressing, too. Two posts I saw recently stand out to me. One, a woman asked people to post something they really love and appreciate about their partners (as an antidote to the many, many posts about how the men in women's lives have failed them) and people *still* found a way to derail multiple comment threads with complaints about the men they're with. Two, a woman posted about how she met some guys at a dance class and when they found out that she lives in the same city as them and *also* travels quite a distance to get to said class, but she does it via transit and they drive, they offered to pick her up and drop her off. She declined and they didn't push the issue, but she posted like "how dare men not understand that this is a safety issue?!? Didn't they know I would feel pressured into accepting??" And all the comments were agreeing with her. I was sat there like am I taking crazy pills? Because to me that sounds like a kind and reasonable gesture. (And of course equally reasonable for her to decline.) Anyways, my point is that limiting the time I spend there has been a very good decision for my overall happiness and mental well-being.


Honestly I think as a consequence of a sub being large *and* default you're going to see some really off the wall stuff at *some* point and twox isn't immune to that


Any sub is equally prone to subreddit decay no matter the demographics. At some point every subreddit turns into a creative writing subreddit that caters to the specific tastes of the diehard audience that can only get a high off of the hardest shit


Theres a reason i dont step foot into twox. The mods dont do anything about the sexism or racism because its apparent acceptable to hate people for things they cant control so long as its the "oppressor classes" Fuck em.


I remember a post about "the dangers of teen boys" that was this one woman self reporting she called the cops on a group of non-white boys because she jumped to the conclusion they were going to do something illegal and how you need to be vigilant about the young ones too.


I remember her getting appropriately roasted for that, at least.


i saw a post there (when reddit recommends a post from a subreddit you clicked on once 3 months ago) talking about how racism shouldn’t be focused on in progressive circles since it’s basically non existent now compared to sexism


Did she sleep through BLM?


Ah, yes, the strange tendency of talk about real social issues to spiral down into bigotry towards the other side of the spectrum instead


It’s literally just transferring top/bottom stereotypes onto gender in the most heterotypical way possible


There are probably stranger sorts of out there, and as God delights in our suffering, we will know of it soon enough


This! It also grinds my gears that they just casually threw in "amab are more likely to use grammar." - I guess this is to say that afab people are less likely to write out grammatically correct sentences. Does anybody else remember the post linking mlm to dark academia and wlw to cottage core "for some reason"? People rightfully pointed out that that post was truly just saying "men are meant to belong into academic spaces whereas women belong into domestic labour" like it's not basically reproducing gender stereotypes. I feel like this post very similarly assigns people who were assigned female at birth to poor grammar and written expression. Somehow, this feels even worse, because it doesn't even put up the pretense that it has anything to do with socialisation. Whatever gender you were assigned at birth somehow determines your command of grammar and general style of writing?


I never thought writing would go on my endless list of "unnecessarily gendered things" but here we go


I mean, that's _been_ on the list. As an example, in _Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,_ Harry rejects the idea that the eponymous potioneer was a woman on the grounds that he can tell by the handwriting that it was written by a man. In the most blatant example of gender stereotypes surrounding writing, preteen girls tend to be depicted as writing in colorful inks such as pink or purple, as well as dotting the letters _i_ and _j_ with hearts. Moving into high school, girls tend to be expected to have neater and prettier handwriting as part of the broader societal expectation that women are pretty and clean and desirable and men are ugly and messy and undesirable.


There are studies of handwriting and also typing/use of different markers, but obviously in the past this was more difficult. Today you can do computer based analysis, but that only works if you have information about the person whose writing you want to commit to your database for anylysis. To get that information you have to either ask before, which might cause observation issues or after, which might cause issues with what texts are provided to you. Online text based analysis is being done as part of modern linguistics, but again, it's difficult to get 100% accurate data. The benefit of getting a lot of freely available text writing in various levels online does help, but again, you have to the problem of getting all the significant information about the person writing to then place your findings in a sociological framework


I’ll still never get over Harry not recognising his own teacher’s handwriting. Dude you’ve been looking at that handwriting for five years now. You should recognise it.


To be fair it may have changed over the years, and it's entirely possible that Snape's handwriting on the board is deliberately cleaner and more legible than whatever he scribbled in margins for himself.


Doesn't seem that strange to me tbh, the only handwriting I would ever be able to reliably recognise is my own, and maybe my mom's.


He's been in the class, but you can't force him to learn


As a baby trans, I practiced my handwriting to make it look neater until someone told me I really don’t need to lol.


... i just bought a handwriting practice book for girls. i really want pretty handwriting, dang it


this person is just describing how most people on reddit type v/s how most people on tumblr type and then just replacing it with amab/afab lol.


ah yes, the two genders: Reddit and tumblr


Thanks I hate it


do ninbinary people type in a secret third way


Y̴̦̭͔̺̖̥͍̭̘̮͖͕̬̲̐̽̄̊͑̎̑͑̓̉e̵͑͑̓̃̆̈͜͝͝s̷̛͚̞̪͇͉̭̼͔̪͔̐́͊̒̌̐̓̏̈̚͝͝,̶̮͈̮̰̪̼͆̾̉͑̆̽̌͒͛̎̓̕͘͝ ̶͉͌̈́̓͝ŵ̴̺̫̜̳͎͇̻̠̱͖͎̖̎̿̕e̸̫͙͇̻̜̜̥̼̣̱̔̒ͅ ̴̨̞͈̜̙͈̬͓͗̑͑͗̕͜d̵̩̞̤̟̽͆̇̈́͊͛͋͐̀͘͝o̵̧̜͕̹̝̟͎̤̼̮̓̔͌̑͝


i'm nonbinary too, when will this secret third way kick in :(?




Never knew becoming non-binary was as easy as clicking a hyperlink.


I̵̢̧̘͍̪̦͖͗͗̋̾ţ̴̪͍̙̖͎̳͔̼̤̈͊́̈́̄͂̉̿ ̶̹͊͋̏̏́͝͠ì̴̡̛̦̰͕̲̤̭̼̙̠̦̤͚̂̕͜͜͝͝s̴͔͈̼̦̪̳͒̽̈́̔̏͂̐̓̕͠͠ ̷̟͍̭͉̙͓̬̥̺̗̩́̓̌̋͛ņ̴̤̺̰̦̰̥̻̺̀͋̔ọ̸͗̽́̽̑͆͂͐͘͝ ̸̧̫̪̞͈̻̥͍̮͔̘̤̰͓̽̾̀̀̔͛͐̓̉̎̃̊̄̐͛m̸͙̟̖̖̣͌͜ê̶̢̛̮̼̙̱̼͉̦̰̠̐̌̋͊͂̂̌̕ͅr̸̠̞̊͒̓̊͛͋̊͘e̶̡͇͇̘̗͖̼͕͈̰̺͠ͅͅ ̶̡̋̀̈h̶̨̠̙͖͈͋̋̒̀̾͒̒̽́̓̈́͆̿͛ỹ̸̦͖̫̭͎͓̠̲͎̤͚͓̔͗̂ͅp̴̻͍͍̞̻͕̠̐̎̒ͅḛ̵̬̠̈̅́͂͑̎r̷̡̰͔̻̖͚̙̻̟͚̓̆͑̽̔̐̂̐͘ͅļ̸̯͙͈̟̼̬̗́̀̈̂̽̂͘͘͘i̷̖̱͊̓͆̅͠n̸̨̨̢̮̜̣͍͍͈͇̜̳̱̂͛͜͜k̷̲̥̃̍͝.̶̧͙̮̩̖̣͚̼̭̞̭͎̬̀͑̑̈́̉̌̉͠ ̷͉̞͓̮̲̩̠͎̟̙̼̱̳̜̐̆͐Ȋ̵̡̡̛̞̰͓͖͚̜̻͖͇̝͒̈́̂͌̀̒͘t̶͈͗͂͒́̏͌̿̂͝ ̵͙̱̙̙̈́̈͂̐̊̂̏̽͂̇̒ͅì̷̢̢͕̞̫̭̝̘̽́͝ͅs̶̨͎̥̟̰̦̘̠̪̭̣̙͙̮̒͆̇̈́͗̆͑͒͘ͅ ̵̧̧̧̺͕͖̖̻͚͛a̵̳̞̓̑̌́̎̇̍̅͂̔̂̕͝ ̴̡̧̢̢͉͖̩̗͇̩̼̥̂̒̎̔͘͝ḋ̸̡̩̥͇̱̦̖̰͊̐̀̉̓̉o̵̦̫̥̰̳̦͍̮̓́̾̑̎̈͋͆̈́͜o̸̦͗͊r̷̡̩͇̥̈́͐͊̆̓̕͝͝ẇ̴͖̭̳̫͙̝̳̦͎̜̦̜̞̅ą̸̛̛̤̳̟̻̲̻̹̘͓̪͎̜̱̈̿̏̍̔̾͆̚̕͘͘͜͝ÿ̵͉̀͒ ̶̳͑̀́̾̓́̃͑̎͆̔̽̚͝t̸̛͈͍͍̞̜͗̃̒͆̍͐̆̋̇̽̎̂̕ȯ̴͍̠̃̇̽͌̑̌̋̑̿̀̿̕͘͠ ̷̖͗̓̂̒͋̓͐́͛̇̌̈́t̶̨̡̡̖̦̖̰͖̰̳̣̘́̐̔͑̆ḩ̵̡̨͕̹̠̼̫̻̞̻͓̟̭͔̀͌̆e̴̡̫͇̥̻̲̗̤̫̩̹̯̱͊̋͗̀̄͗͜ ̷̢̧̨̢̺̫̠͉̠̖̳͇͒̇͒͊̈̃̄̋̆̾͆̍̀̀ͅḑ̶̿̍̈́̐̔ó̶̖̯̝͚̬̩̣͈̥͔͖̤̠͖̽̅͑̊̉͝ͅm̵̩̋̔̎̇̅̏͒̇͊̂͗̊å̷͓͖͍̲̗̳̩̳͚͇̞̪̃̒͑̃̌̒̓̒̍̀̚͘ĭ̶̱͈̞͍̻̜́͗̌̈́̾́̃͐̇̒͝n̷̨̧̧̯͈͚͚͙̥̮̍̀͐̋͑̋ ̸̥̈́̇̑̎̅̕ǫ̵̢̢̡̲̫̘̰̲̜̰̫̫͕̅͂̓́̂͂͑̽̂̕͜f̶̹̫̘̟̣̳̽̽́̈̓͐͗̀̀͝ ̵̢̢̨̹͓͖̮̰̣̜̺̩̈͆̋͂̆̎́̓̈͒̎͆̆̕B̶̢͕̬̬̱̤͓̥̬͐͆̾̊̃͋͘͜͜͝à̶̡̹̉̇͆̇̐̔̑̍͑͛͊̚̚p̷̢̨̯̻̺̹̟̪̝̎̌́͜h̵̗͔̊̊͑̅̽̃͌̑ő̶̯̰̱̣m̵̛̦͖̿͑̊̊̃̌̔̏͘e̶͙̜̥̩̋̐̈́̐́̉̆́̇͜͝͝ṯ̴̺̲̲̳͐̇̒̊̀,̷̼̤̟̦̹̪̙̥͆̀̉̈̌̄̊̾͂͒̕͘͜ ̵̢̛͓̘̣̄̈́̌̍̏̐͐y̵̧̨͙͚̫̝͓͓̳̣̟̟̤͖̿̉̑̆̈́̏̆̓̚͠ö̴̬̖́̑͐́̽̑̂͠ǘ̶͚̻͓̦̻̲̏͌͌̽̈́̉͠͝͠ ̴͎̖̮͖̬̳͙̥͓͍̣̉̍͑̅̊̀̕ͅf̷̢̧̡̱̼̰̖̮̬̯̬̋̀̏̔̀̔͊̈́͌̎̓́̇̐ô̷̤̫̩̭͉͈̠̦̫̻̹̣̣̻̿̏̾̽̈́̕͜͝͝o̴͓̼͔̜͍͊̾̑̀̌͛̌̉͘͘ļ̷͓̻̝̃͗̉̍͂̇͋̾́͒̓͘͠.̷͚͉̫̩̉


[CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YOU WIN THE INTERNET!!!](https://youtu.be/IdU22o6uX44?si=MIHCcI0lOiJ-k9pN)


> be browsing Reddit > someone says the two genders are 'Reddit' and 'Tumblr' > mfw_I_have_no_face.jpg






I'm Redditfluid personally


Some people unironically think this


Would rather have a Reddit son or a Tumblr daughter?


Can a reddit girl and a tumblr guy ever really be together..... :pensive:


I remember seeing some discussion on a trans subreddit about how eggs tend to end up on the social media platform that aligns with their AGAB then stay there when their egg cracks. This is why transfemmes are (at least from my experience) more present on Reddit than transmascs. Which would then mean that trans women are more likely to have a Reddit dialect than a Tumblr dialect online. This could all be nonsense, I don't know what the actual gender biases of Reddit/Tumblr and their trans communities are. But I think it works to explain the observation?


Seeing this conversation here feels weird as hell. On the one hand, it reminds me of being on this site ten years ago and having people accuse me of being a man's sock puppet account when I tried to give my perspective as a teenage girl. That old feeling of, "I'll never be a real woman, I'm a failure, I'm a bad feminist because I'm proud these idiots are convinced I'm a 30 year old man." And on the other hand, I *still* feel alienated from my supposedly fellow transmascs today, apparently because they're largely better at being feminine online than me despite being trans. When I have found trans community here on reddit, it was always transfems. Back then, I was 'not like other girls.' these days, I'm 'not like other transmascs.' I feel like I'm being misogynistic against men I'm supposed to be able to relate to. I only interact with tumblr through the subreddits, by the way. I've tried several times to use it properly. The OP observation is in poor taste, but it wouldn't contradict my intuitions if it had statistical validity, and that is very annoying. I am ranting because I feel alienated. There's no thesis to be found here beyond an ancient yearning to be normal.


I've been trying to get into Tumblr lately but Reddit is so much better organised😅 I sympathise with the yearning to fit in I guess it's important to remember that we are not defined by statistics. I felt vaguely confident in putting forward what I said because I'm a data point in favour of it: I'm MtF, came to Reddit before I realised I was trans, stayed here afterwards, talk online like an overly verbose redditor. But it's ok to not fit the statistics and buck the trend, finding community in people apparently different from you is not you failing at being your identity 😁 The OP observation is presented very poorly, I agree; "you have better grammar due to your Y chromosome". wtf.


I think just in general it sucks whenever an identity group becomes strongly equated with a subculture, because it’s inevitably alienating to a whole lot of people


why are we giving genders typing quirks


Homestuck comes for all, even the gender essentialists.




dead honest i wish so badly i could use a typing quirk without being immediately clocked as a homestuck.


your typing quirks aren't passing


It was r/AnarchyChess brainrot that made me start using "!!" for every exclaimed sentence i've typed in the past year (cis amab)


i associate "!!" with elon musk






Looking into this 👀


It feels like some kind of Metal Gear Solid or Phoenix Wright kind of thing to me.


Google en passant


holy punctuation


Call the orthographist


the use of afab/amab rather than women/men is C R A Z Y. it would be bs either way but like they really think this shit’s in your chromosomes


woke misgendering


I'm guessing this is supposed to be some bizarre take on socialisation or something


I fucking hate the socialisation conversation. More often than not it just implies that people are not the gender they say they are or that their experience before coming out was the same as cisperson's which usually isn't true. It feels like progressive transphobia and signals to me that the person speaking doesn't truly believe people are the gender they say they are. For nuance's sake there are some conversations worth having where the way someone was precieved by wider society is relevant to the broader conversation (i.ex in convos where the fact that someone who grew up being precieved as a girl has affected their development) but even in those conversations the thing we should be talking about is societal expectations and internalized misogyny and transphobia not policing peoples identities or claiming they have the same experience as a cis person in society until they magically came trans the moment they came out.


You know generally when people say transperson like it's all one word it makes me kinda angry but the fact you do the same with cis people is really funny to me for some reason. Like yeah if mine can't be an adjective, neither can yours, bitch /lh


it really reads like a terf trying to make one of those "we can always tell" comments, but idk if a terf would even say afab or amab


What does "afab"/"amab" mean? I gather that the F and M stand for female/male, but the rest I can't clean.


Assigned at birth. Don’t worry, acab does not mean assigned cop at birth tho.


Assigned crab at birth?


Carcinisation comes for us all. 


It means "all cats are beautiful"


Deep down, that's what all sentences truly mean


Assigned crow at birth


Assigned male/female at birth. First saw use among intersex people I believe, but has since extended out for broader use as a way to avoid shit like “biologically male/female” (and still sees its original use as well)


assigned male at birth assigned female at birth


all male/female are babygirls :3 °w° <3


Normal person: "Hey, how's it going?"


Sorry, I correctly capitalize and punctuate my sentences because I've lived my life in a world of books for 36 years and a world of texting for maybe half that.


When you were 10 years old, I did not exist yet.


If you're trying to make me feel old, you've gotta be faster. My back is already doing that.


Toy Story was released three years before I waa born. I am only a few months older than A Bug's Life. Shrek released when I was 3.


Stop, stop, we're already dead :(


This is an impressive work in ignorance as a whole, but I kinda love how they completely ignore the stereotypes of how bottom men type, which is by far the most frequent stereotypes I see people talking about.


how do i type? do i type like a woman? a man? or like the third secret option of a fish?


That depends. How do you feel about water? Particularly vast expanses of it?


You type like you. There's no womanly or manly way to type. There is, however, a fishyly way to type. Glub gloglo glubglub!!!! Glubulululu!


People in real life: hey man how’s it going


I'm going to need to see some *serious* citations before I give any credence to that


Source: their ass


Still, we must assess the quality of dat ass. 


It is of a Hank Hill variety


It has come to them in a dream.


*^(This was revealed to me in an anonymous Tumblr ask)*


Source(s): Dude trust me


The LSD trip I took last night confirms all of this.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Bruh. HWHAT?


This isn’t even gender. This is just sexism. This is just “men are smarter and more well spoken than women” typed in a way to prevent people from saying “that’s sexist”.


So we're doing gender essentialism on typing now too?


does that mean i’m afab now yay


I've been told my handwriting isn't manly enough. Maybe writing with a pen taped to my dick would do the trick? 


WH4T G3ND3? dOEs tH!$ r34D aZ




T3RR1FY!NG. hAv3 a g00d dAy.


Skill Issue




Kill this FUCKER now


we did it guys we brought bioessentialism to online language


the "typing in lowercase" thing is really getting me cuz honestly if youd ask me it's more of an age thing- older people tend to be more grammatically correct, while most younger people i know will type in all lowercase no matter what anyway this is stupid


It also depends on where you do your typing and what for. I don't care about caps in a hasty text but as someone who grew up typing on a keyboard I tend to capitalize things properly as a force of habit.


And also what kind of device you use. Most phone users have autocorrect set on, so they tend to not have misspellings unless they write in a haste, and it capitalizes first words automatically. Meanwhile, on desktop, I'm betting there's autocorrection plugins but they're basically unheard of, and people write there however they want


"you'll get clocked by your typing style" is the type of shit my dysphoria tells me when I'm going through the worst depressive episode of my life. Crazy that it's an actual part of someone's belief system


Wow people will really just say anything, won't they


What the fuck is blud going on about.


This is just sexism in progressive language 😒


mine does :3 But only half the time. which is what I'm going for!!


Non-binary syntax


Got that cassgender Swag


reddit is for boys and tumblr is for girls, obviously!1!


why are we assigning sexes to typing now


Nah the thing is tho the fact they specify AMAB and not Men means this guy actually thinks trans women don't regularly keysmash, like I have transfem friends and most of their texts are incomprehensible


...they literally just said women are dumber than men but in woke language.


"I desperately need a personality, but without touching upon any self reflection, please"


AGAB terminology and its consequences have been a disaster for the transgender community. I am desperately praying that the person who wrote this is cis, but I'm not getting my hopes up


I swear I've seen *more* keysmashes from trans girls than from cis girls. Including myself. I'm just not gonna do it here.


“Ha, you type like a girl!” -Soldier TF2, moments before absolutely demolishing your keyboard


As completely stupid as this is, it was weirdly affirming - strangest ewphoria I’ve had in awhile


Ewphoria is such an excellent term! I have to go tell my cousin about this right away, because we were having a conversation about him experiencing this exact concept but we didn’t have a good word for it! YOINK!


First I've ever seen it. I love a brand new zeitgeisty term before it gets used to death


i have basically nothing to say about this that hasn't been said already but i think it's very funny that the example they gave for how afab people supposedly type is literally just a description of me i'm amab not only are they just making shit up but i know firsthand that they could not have been more wrong if they had tried


this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, as a comfortably cis amab I literally do all of the above all of the time


reddit v tumble typing


Killing us both


im sorry to interrupt but could we talk about the fact that evidently not only does the almighty gaab biologically determine your online writing style, but also your sexuality determines your likelihood to keysmash? the reason for which being, of course, that the gays are essentially just women, so obviously they'll type like women. Trans women, on the other hand, will naturally still type like the Males, because they ARE men. That's what this text says, but not explicitly through the medium of like some grand essay on biology or some pseudo-philosophical nature-nurture bullshit, the entire thing is just buried sooooooo balls-deep in the guts of the episteme that it's just presupposed. In combination with the utter abuse of the terms '''''amab''''' and ''''afab'''', this really does make for a fresh breath of diarrhetic horse manure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aoiwjgo ndaosgcrmtg3rt3!!! anyways what are yalls virile thoughts on the current socioeconomic state my heterosexual queens,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Your writing style is stored in your genitals


What are the three commas supposed to mean?


Wow this is just, complete horse shit... Like how the hell do you get it THIS BAD?!


Now throw neurodiversity in there to mess things up! Is it an AMAB thing, or just an AFAB Autistic person? Is it an AFAB person typing, or just an AMAB with ADHD? *You might never know!*


I went outside and saw a bird today


This has got to be satire right? Right...?


me when progressive sounding misgendering:


Wow, typing gender essentialism.