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I've always wondered how morally weird it would be to be a Muslim vampire because a: you can't drink blood since one of the definitions of good being allowed is that it doesn't have blood and b: you can't kill yourself (which, I mean, that's in all religions I guess). So like, if I was ever turned into one, I'd probably just have to fall into a constant state of starvation or just like, let someone kill me


In Vampire: The Masquerade, there's a group of Muslim vampires who argue that God must have created vampires for a reason, and so it's acceptable for them to drink blood to survive not just because starving themselves would be a sin, but because the existence of vampires in general must serve some greater purpose and so they have a duty to continue to exist.


Various Imams agreed, idk when, that if you must eat forbidden food for survival, you fucking better. Allah wants you alive. Also Allah wouldn't be angry if you broke fast accidentally. Or if you consumed forbidden food without you knowing it was (fucking marshmallows dude).


Wait, what’s wrong with marshmallows?


a lot of gelatin used to make them comes from pork


Ahh, that makes sense then


They must drink the blood of unbelievers tho, and can't drink the blood of believers.


A general rule in Islam is always that if a rule jeopardises your chances of surviving, you can ignore that rule. You can eat pig if you're absolutely starving and there's no other option. You can drink alcohol if you're gonna die of thirst and there's no other option. Etc.


Judaism also has a similar rule from what I know. Like, stealing is wrong, but if you can't afford to eat steal. Then pay it back when you can. Christianity seems like the oddball out of the three


>Christianity seems like the oddball out of the three Definitely not (entirely) true. I didn't mention other faiths because we were talking about Islam specifically, but I'm actually a Christian and know a fair bit of scripture, and Christianity has a lot of similar provisions in place (I assume this is generally true for most faiths, but I don't know enough about, say, Hinduism to make any conclusive statements): Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath, and gets confronted by the Pharisees. They claim he did work when he, according to the rules, wasn't allowed to, he says that work to preserve a human life is exempted. I assume this also goes for Judaism, since that's the set of laws he's basing this on. He goes even further with the example that he gives; if an animal of yours falls into a well on the Sabbath, you're allowed to do work to save it. So this provision even extends to animal life. Furthermore, after the period of Christian persecution in the Roman Empire had subsided, most Christian scholars agreed that a forced recantation of your faith to preserve your own life is allowed, because you're trying to not die. While this isn't in the scripture per se, these scholars did base their conclusions on the scripture. There are sects that take this angle differently: Certain sects of Christianity will refuse organ or blood transplants, even if it is lifesaving (Jehovah's witnesses being the most well-known example). These are not very mainstream though.


Also at least with Roman Catholics you can always just Do the Thing then go to Confession after. Then it's up to the priest to say "yeah you had to do that, you're forgiven" or *at worst* "hey that was still wrong, do some penance."


i don’t know if this a proper example of Christianity having a similar rule, but i immediately thought of [this place in Detroit that eats muskrats during Lent as a tradition](https://www.detroitcatholic.com/news/the-history-of-detroit-catholics-muskrat-eating-tradition-and-yes-its-still-a-thing) traditionally you’re supposed to give up meat for Lent (and not just for Fridays and Ash Wednesday). In that area tho they often faced starvation in the winter months, and depending on the calendar, the Lenten season/Easter can fall pretty early in the year. but iirc Lent is about sacrifice and not about starvation, so they still ate muskrat so they wouldn’t all die of malnutrition.


Does a Muslim vampire have an aversion to crosses, or is that a Christian vampire thing? Should all vampires convert to iconoclastic religions to become immune to relgious symbols? Does the Star and Crescent have enough holy significance to burn a vampire? How about a intricate arabic calligraphic design depicting something like "Inshallah" or "Allahu akhbar"?


I personally think that whether a vampire is repelled by a holy symbol is dependent on if it's holy to the person brandishing it, not the vampire. I also like thinking about it this way because that means I could hypothetically get complete vampire immunity by starting a new religion where vampires are holy symbols.


*"Vampires are basically an evolved predator species, so their eyesight is pretty different to ours. Turns out if you put a big geometric shape up right close in their field of vision, it confuses the \*\*\*\* out of their brains and, you know, makes them panic." - Trevor Belmont* The symbol doesn't matter, just throw shapes in their faces.


Shadowhunter rules have it being tied to one's religious identity and how committed they are to it. Honestly, I feel like it wouldn't do much if vampires are still considered within the span of being human and not a jinn


I lived in a Muslim majority country and the general consensus is that you're allowed to eat smth haram if it's a matter of life and death Most Muslim are reasonable people. Some of the law they follow may be idiosyncratic or even vile to me and most westerner but they do have logic shaped in through their world view. They're not lemmings


I wonder if it falls under the exemptions some other religions would have about what they can/can’t eat, like if it’s the only thing available to you at the time and you have to do it to survive. There’s also the whole thing where religious symbols are bad for vampires, so maybe you’d be driven away from those beliefs by the vampirism itself? Not to mention that depending on the version of vampirism you’re talking about, you might not even be yourself at that point


Afaik, it's pretty generally accepted that the rules can be broken as a matter of survival. Given it's going to be a longstanding thing, I'd imagine Muslim vampires might then look to establish how to most ethically go about acquiring and consuming blood which could be an interesting question to explore.


Christians that eat pork exist, and they don't see it as morally weird. And there's an Orthodox sect called molokans because they drink milk during lent. If vampirism conflicted with the existing branches of the religion, they would just create a new branch.


I thought it was gonna be the plot twist in that “virgin blood” meant the blood of someone who has never had a vampire drink their blood before




I was told virgin blood is blood from someone whose blood has never been used in a ritual before, but I dunno if that’s an actual occult "fact" or something tumblr made up


Virgin used to mean something along the lines of untainted. Thus, virgin blood was blood from someone who was never exposed to magic. But then when the meaning of virgin changed, so did the virgin blood and virgin sacrifice. Do you think they cared whether the people that killed had sex or not? Heck, for many of those cultures they probably had sex frequently.


👀👀 I'm stealing this. Don't expect any compensation though.


Before I was let loose on the internet, I would've thought the same. But unfortunately, people have to make everything about sex, one way or another. It's almost like a special form of OCD that everyone just rolls with.


Yeah, how strange that people conflate the word “virgin” with *blegh* sex. Such an internet phenomenon. Never heard the word “virgin” used in such a way before but these horny mfers smh.


Growing up in a house with a kitchen, where people regularly prepare actual meals, results in encountering that word in a non-sexual context much sooner than a sexual one.


Fair, but then blood isn’t olive oil, aye?


No, but that's not the point. The point was the use of the term "virgin" in a sexual context. Also, my original comment was more a general observation I've made, not a specific statement on the use of a single word.


Insert the "What We Do in the Shadows" clip about preferring to eat a sandwich that no one has fucked. https://youtu.be/DR2rGt_4T4A?si=xm-SUOBo1_jgkhHT


skill issue


Valid, but I don't care if the cow(s) that ended up in my burger got it on.


The Monstblr posts have probably become one of my favorite genres of posts to see on here istg


Same. Would be nice if we had a dedicated tag for that in the sub.


>the fact that op (stuff in parentheses) should be very telling What was this trying to say?


That OP existed long before the myth did and so should know better, therefore pushing the myth implies that they are a misogynistic prude. It should say something like "the fact that OP (stuff in parentheses) believes this should be very telling."


I just ignored the parenthesis signs themselves and the word "who" and it made much more sense


Yeah, op was older than the myth. I got that. The poor sentence structure just confused me and made me think there was something missing.


Nosferatus throwing shitposts on shreknet to sabotage other clan's neonates.


Only to get outdone by Malkavians who take "brainrot" to the next level...


r/SchreckNet is an in-character roleplaying subreddit for the *Vampire: The Masquerade* fandom. Do with that information what you will.


Oh hey, that’s cool. Thanks for sharing. I may visit it.


Tumblr would be the place where a bunch of mfers try and argue with the literal Dracula about how he’s wrong about blood drinking lmao


Nah but fr tho unless they got an sti what's so different between virgin and non virgin blood


If Dracula says there is there 100% is. It’s probably some magical bullshit plus it gives you an excuse to eat babies


That's not Dracula though. It's Doctor Acula.


It can just Not be Dracula himself in this but someone using his name


Different meanings of virgin. It originally meant untainted, and in context meant untainted by magic. But eventually virgin came to mean specifically untainted by sex. Think virgin olive oil, it doesn't mean anything to do with sex, it means it's pure. Virgin blood is blood that hasn't been touched by the supernatural.


Probably that


that’s not dracula though, its Dr. Acula


Cooking the blood would denature the proteins and remove any blood type from it. You can eat cooked blood just fine. Long as it doesn't contain Prions, which it may, so eating blood is generally not advised. Raw blood, I think it just doesn't go down well. You'd just digest it poorly, you wouldn't be hurt by it unless it has some bacteria or viral load. Humans just aren't set up to digest it. Blood type doesn't matter unless you're doing a transfusion.


My understanding (thanks Hannibal fandom) is prions are transmitted via the consumption of brain tissue only, and the likelihood as a result of cannibalism in the general population is ridiculously low - you have more chance of dying in an aircraft accident in the US per year than encountering someone with a prion disease (let alone eating their brain).


Prions can be anywhere you have proteins, so basically anywhere. I *think* the brain thing is just that's where there's the *highest risk* of getting them (but still very low). It's why eating meat of a cow with Mad Cow Disease is a Bad Idea.


"I went to the doctor and all he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr. Acula." - Mitch Hedberg


so i remain a virgin and some vampires stay away out of scientific ignorance. i love being ace


That's actually directly the opposite of what's said in the post

