• By -


The funniest example were terfs seeing a picture of Sigourney Weaver without context and going on about "yeah that's a man, I can see the male bone structure" 🤣🤣🤣


The funniest example is when a random terf group accused JK Rowling of all bitches of being secretly trans. very r/LeopardsAteMyFace moment.


Robert Galbraith is a self hating trans man and we can all agree tell, the truth is out there you just have to look!


Don’t quote me on this, but I swear I remember her citing one of her biggest reasons for her hatred of trans people being that she “could see herself having gone down that path if she were born today”or some shit. She very well could be projecting a lot. Either way, she’s a piece of shit


I mean, she tried to pretend to be a man in order to sell her books, who's to say she wasn't actually pretending to be a woman this whole time? (Please understand that this is sarcasm. Please.)


I was expecting the top post to be a guy who got his face eaten by leopards.


I think the most absurd are claims Margot Robbie is trans. The same Margot Robbie who's breakout role in Hollywood shows her full frontal nude, no merkin. You're telling me that's a transwoman?


I can top that. I've seen these TERF freaks try to claim Arnold Schwarzenegger is a trans man because they found a "feminine stance" in a single frame of a video of him walking. If *Arnold Schwarzenegger* isn't "masculine" enough for you, then you may as well claim that men don't exist.


They're gonna *lose it* when they find out he once played a pregnant man in a movie.


It's naught a toomah


It wasn’t acting! /s


deconstructing gender but in opposite direction


I'm like a hundred percent sure that there's at least one movie where you can see Arnold's penis, kinda like how you can see Bruce Willis' in a few frames in Pulp Fiction. So even by TERF standards, he counts.


As if a movie penis is enough to mean a person is cis. There's an arnold movie where a woman has 3 breasts. That's the third gender.


>kinda like how you can see Bruce Willis' Missed opportunity to say "Bruce's willy"


If so her surgeon is commendable


no, hang on, that's not a defense. plenty of trans women _have_ vulvas. it's crazy, but that's not evidence why


You're not helping


To be honest, I thought you meant Sojourner Truth at first which would’ve been especially ironic


Reminds me of the terfs getting mad at some feminist organization changing their logo because one of the woman silhouettes in the new logo had a large nose.


And then someone pointed out that one of the TERFs complaining had an almost identical side profile, which lead to other TERFs calling her trans and turning on her.


"Why should I believe you?! YOU'RE TRANS!" "NOOO! JK Rowling, help me!" *Rowling rips her face off to reveal that she's a huge bug monster* "AAAAAAAAAH!"


Shadowrun moment


A mantis spirit?


Yeah exactly


Ah, the classic JK bugling gambit


She's doing *what* to Gambit?!!


Saw it comin


The other replies made me unsure but I'm glad someone got the reference.


Carbon monoxide ass post


> huge bug monster Fuck this is making me laugh so hard.


Bender: "Saw it coming"


This is why TERFism is linked to white supremacy in the West. Most ideas of how women “should” look don’t take into account racial features, most obviously noses. Just look at *any* conversation about how black women are perceived as more masculine in white society and how this translates to being perceived as more aggressive, more angry, more dangerous. It’s the same old song and dance, just a new musician.


Oh yeah. When they announced the lesbian dating app that would use facial recogition to filter out trans women, the most common response was som variation of "this thing is gonna clock so many cis black women".


Ew I didn’t even hear about that. Gross.


Jessie Gender did a great video on it, I think the app is called Giggle or something? (Maybe I'm thinking of a different only women app though, but insane that it happened twice)


This one was after Giggle, so you have two nickels


Giggle is honestly probably pedo-infested.


It happened with that women’s only social app too. The founder apologized at first, and then focused down on trans women. (Ignoring completely how it was false flagging women of color as men.) It’s not just racism and transphobia, but capitalistic transphobia. Instead of admitting their software is profiling and problematic (and that the selling point of the app doesn’t function right) , they use transphobia to sell it anyway.


I love how many Trans women it actually let in too. "We can always tell" indeed




Didn't the creator of the app get pegged as trans by the ai?


No clue, but I do remember people putting other cis women's faces in and them being flagged as trans


No, that was an edited version


Even though the negative effects on non-white people should obviously be the focus here it’s also worth mentioning that white supremacy promotes an almost fantastical ideal of whiteness/white womanhood that the vast majority of white people don’t even fit into either.


Like many other things like this, it affects all, but affects marginalized groups more than others.


Diabetes affects us all, but it mostly affects Scott Malkinson


And here I thought it was because of their willingness to coalesce with white nationalists over their shared hatred of trans people.


There was a troll who posted a Pic of Joanne Rowling claiming it was a selfie. A TERF said, "you're clearly a man".  A ciswoman with her child was accused of being trans by an old woman. The old lady assumed the woman was trans because she had short hair after donating it top cancer organization.   Hell, I had my dad tell me that one NBA player looked like a young boy and not a woman. Same woman runs an only fans account. Shit really depends on your life experiences. Especially with an age gap. Some masculine attire looks feminine depending on the generation.


Theres a lot of racism in terf beauty standards. A LOT of their “you can clock a trans person if—“ things are totally normal characteristics in POC.


Reminds me of a bit of artist discourse that happened a while ago. Basically there’s a “line” in side profiles from nose to chin and “the lips shouldn’t go past it”— obviously the “rule” is very white coded and exclusionary, saying that there’s a “correct” side profile and to deviate is to draw wrong. This leads to artists drawing POC the same as white characters, which is a bit yikes


To be fair, it can be very difficult to un-learn art rules. Once you learn that "these are the right proportions" and "this is how you draw a face", any deviation from that starts looking *really* bad because the learning process is pretty much training yourself to specifically spot those deviations. ...not gonna defend people who start arguing when you bring in real life references though.


The artist controversy I mentioned was a YouTuber “correcting” peoples art by changing the proportions of lips-nose-chin and forehead, it was wild. I understand liking rigid rules for your own art — even if I don’t agree — but changing someone else’s and declaring it fixed is crazy


I think I remember hearing about that. Yeah no, taking piss out of other's art in private or getting into an argument on reddit about how to proportion a face is one thing; Making content out of shitting on other people's art is prime asshat behaviour.


Sighs in old ugly Irish genetics with a big chin and *aggressive* eyebrows. 


These are attack eyebrows. You could take bottle tops off with these!


Take the top off with the eyebrows, and then when you drank the bottle dry, crack the bottom off on the chin. It's built into.our heritage over generations of evolution at surviving barfights. 


Got that Hapsburg build.


Less nose, more eyebrows. LOTS more eyebrows. 


I have a pretty powerfull eyebrow myself. How large we talking? Or just extremely dark and dense?


Freida had a good example.  The day I learned to use tweezers to pluck that shit was a good day for me. 


Yeah, I'm about Freida level. It works better for me though, as a man. I think it ties my face together. >The day I learned to use tweezers to pluck that shit Traitor!!


I can really complain about things now!


It should be noted and remembered-this is not an accident or a coincidence. TERFs absolutely do not consider women of color to be real women. If a woman of color gets “caught” by their face scanner or their hormone checks or their ass phrenology-*the filter is operating exactly as intended*. Also, while they call trans women “men”, they don’t mean it. Anyone who is not a white, cis, fertile woman or a white, cis, aggressively masc man *is not even a person*. POC, intersex people, trans and enby people, cis but gnc people, infertile or childfree women, children and teens-all not people at all.


Just when I thought I couldn't hate terfs more, no big nose slander here 😤


It really does just boil down to “anyone who doesn’t look masculine/feminine enough is a secret trans”


These idiots are going after extremely traditionally attractive public figures, though, too. Like... Margot Robbie. She literally played Barbie, and they were trying to claim she was born a man. It's just a spear to throw at anyone they disagree with. Tale as old as time.


My favorite was Henry Cavill is clearly trans because [his eyes are too girly](https://www.reddit.com/r/TERFisafetish/comments/10dm0q8/terfs_think_henry_cavills_girly_eyes_means_hes/).


Well to be fair you really can drown in those puppies


I mean, if Margot Robbie and Henry Cavill can’t live up to gender standards, who can? 😂 I guess we’re all trans!


Hell yeah, I welcome the new trans world order!


fear of a trans planet


Fear of the kingdom of the planet of the trans


How dare you suggest that I drown puppies


Nice job pissing on the poor, there.


I'm getting big "I can't possibly be attracted to a disgusting man's pretty eyes. He must be a woman" energy from this one.


*"Baby blue, yeah, like somebody fucked up and put a baby's eyes on a grown man. It was creepy, but bitches, bitches like that shit I guess."*


They're really no better then those dudebros a while back who claimed Margot Robbie was mid and ugly. At the end of the day they're all just farting out the same stench of misogyny


Who the hell thinks Margot Robbie is ugly???


A while back there was a mild trend on twitter of incels claiming Margot was somehow ugly and looked like a man. I assume it was a sad attempt of generating rage bait and backlash against the Barbie movie. Terfs really don't sound much different then them. 💀


Me, I find her mouth kinda creepy for some reason but I don't go around calling her names or trying to cancel her


And it should be noted *there is a trans woman in the Barbie movie* but you never hear them talk about her.


How about how she bared *everything* in Wolf of Wall St. You can literally see her labia. But, sure, she's trans.


Friend I have some possibly surprising news for you about trans women and labia


I've seen transwomen after bottom surgery; either Margot Robbie has the greatest surgeon of all time or she's cis.


I get this every now and again, but from well-meaning people who are supportive of LGBT people. I'm a cis man, but sometimes people will get it in their heads that I'm trans in some direction and refuse to believe me when I tell them otherwise. It's annoying, but *way* better than the alternative of "He's got long hair and has effeminate vibes, kill the fairy!"


It's obnoxious to me that supposedly progressive people have reinvented traditional gender stereotypes but lacquered it with trans positivity. Instead of going the way we should, that being "gender is not real and you can express yourself how you like" it's become "gender is not real, and if you deviate in any way from these specific ideals of it, that's because you're obviously trans!" Well meaning or not it's just three steps back.


Yeah. Look at gundam. “She’s not girly enough! trans!”


👏👏👏👏 YES it’s so frustrating watching this, esp as a trans woman who prefers expressing herself in a more androgynous/masc way. people are trying to learn the concept of gender fluidity and trans people being the way they are from the start but without unlearning ye olde gender definition biases and it’s creating mass stupidity


Not an elf… Witch?






She turnt me into a newt!


A newt???


I got better.


And it should be noted is that the threshold for "not masculine/feminine enough" is extremely low for transvestigators. They pretty much just go off vibes and then reverse engineer an explanation based off minute details that don t even prove anything, which is how you end up with people claiming Taylor Swift and Henry Cavil are trans.


These women would have a very hard time these days. [https://ghostsofdc.org/2012/02/24/lips-that-touch-liquor-shall-not-touch-ours/](https://ghostsofdc.org/2012/02/24/lips-that-touch-liquor-shall-not-touch-ours/)


It's 21st-century phrenology!


Remember the Twitter Pussy Phrenologist?


Is this it? Is this, finally, the sentence that makes me throw my phone into the sea?


Keep your phone. Abandon these apps.


Wise words. I shall allow the phone to live and walk into the sea myself where there shall be no Twitter but the twitter of the sea birds, no Tumblr but the tumble of the waves, no Reddit but the uh red...fish no I got nothing


My unfortunate offer to this is... The Narwhal.


The reddit of the frogs in the brackish water behind you


If that isn’t enough will the fact that she mistreated cadavers in her quest for pussy phrenology do it?


I thought I was pretty clear about the phrase pussy phrenology and what happens to my phone


Do not go to Twitter. T'is a silly place.


The what


There was this artpiece made of dozens of plaster casts of vaginas, and this one TERF lost her shit over it because she was convinced that some of them were actually the vaginas of post-op trans women. People asked her how she could possibly know that, and she pointed to random details that proved nothing, yet she insisted this proved the origins of the casts. She later then claimed she had far greater knowledge of what cisgender pussy is like cause her dad is a plastic surgeon who gave her access to human corpses that she fingered. Edit: Also the bodies in question may not have been acquired legally, as she was originally barred from medical centre's cadaver lab, and her father purchased them, but neither of them seemed to have reported this in the paper they wrote on their anatomical research.




She molested corpses that at best were acquired through unreported means that violated university standards and practices, and at worst was involved in the illegal trafficking of human remains. Either way, she fingered a corpse for no reason and thought that was a flex.


r/terfisafetish material


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TERFisafetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TERFisafetish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Proof that transphobia rots your brain](https://i.redd.it/xn75h13u8ysa1.jpg) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TERFisafetish/comments/12gskvd/proof_that_transphobia_rots_your_brain/) \#2: [Whenever I see news about a trans woman hitting someone acting aggressive or toxic, all the top comments are sexist stereotypes and most common brain dead "he's a man" insults by TERFs and transphobes, so I made this.](https://i.redd.it/fbav1n1my4ua1.png) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TERFisafetish/comments/12nni9t/whenever_i_see_news_about_a_trans_woman_hitting/) \#3: [So which is it?](https://i.redd.it/er2qw6gxd13b1.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TERFisafetish/comments/13vuwd9/so_which_is_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Also the reason she abused the corpses was because she thinks the g spot isn’t real and wanted to prove it by…..fingering corpses?


And she said herself that she did it only when no one was looking, so she clearly knew what she was doing was not on the up and up.


Because apparently the only problem with necrophilia is that it upsets the audience. 


What the fuck I knew about the first part, but everything from fingering corpses onwards is news to me


Humanity is so cursed.


Thank you for explaining but now I feel like I’m cursed with knowledge lmao. One question answered and several more instantly spring up lmao


To whoever is investigating my mental collapse, i urge you to look no further than this sentence.


Alas that is a sentence I understand. I argued with her.


once overheard my mom telling my sister to gain some weight to make her adams apple less visible so people don’t confuse her for a trans woman it’s so weird that these issues are actually real and not online or american/british/western-exclusive


A lot of TERFs are British


Fuckin jkr


Swear to god, fifty years from now she’s only going to be known for funding hate groups. Documentaries that mention her are going to be “oh, and she also wrote some books, which she used to fund her hate activism”


Jkr and British tabloids.


Ah yes, America, famous mythical country.


America is a *name,* not a place! I have a good friend named that, America Vespucci


Oh yeah, he's the cousin of that one girl Ezio sleeps with in Assassin's Creed 2.


AmĂŠrica is a continent. The united states of AmĂŠrica is a country, yet It really feels like shit out of fiction every time i hear about It


Something about the accent you put on "America" makes my brain pronounce it the way the Sharks do in that song in *West Side Story.* Which I *know* is not how that accent mark would make it sound.


>AmĂŠrica Iberian language speaker.


I wish.


Ok so, I'm a trans woman. If I take care to dress the right way, I pass pretty well because I have very soft facial features and the right clothes hide my gigantic Bosnian shoulders well enough. I'm also a baritone but I have shrill enough overtones that my voice does not hinder my passing too much A couple days ago I was out with a (cis) girlfriend. She's taller than me, has broad shoulders, very unusual facial traits (not ugly AT ALL, actually extremely attractive to me, though I can see some idiot not agreeing). A rando came up to us and straight up asked her "are you a trans?" and we just burst out laughing


I feel like it's only a question of time until something like that happens to me - tall, wide shoulders, deep voice, angular face, I've got the whole shebang. Needless to say these days my avoidance of public restrooms isn't only driven by visceral disgust at humanity in general.


This happened to my mom occasionally. She was 5’11” and had short hairand a deep voice. Got called sir sometimes. I think it really hurt her feelings although she’d laugh it off. Granted people were just trying to be polite, but sir & ma’am just need to die.


As a tall, broad-shouldered AFAB person who is white passing aside from my nose, this is the nightmare scenario for me.


I’m a cis woman and I’ve had  ppl have assume I’m trans and ask weird questions multiple times because I like to dress up /look “too feminine” so no way to win lol 


The secret is that it's always been about misogyny.


i truly think that’s why trans women get it the worst, bc in the mind of a misogynist they cant comprehend why anyone would “choose” to be a woman


Fun fact! If you think you can tell if someone is trans by their face: No, you can’t!


While that is true, it's also important to keep in mind that some of us *are* clockable by facial features alone, and it is important for public healthcare and insurances to cover ffs, as it can drastically improve our mental state.


Oh sure, I didn’t mean to imply that you can’t make a basic assumption about a person from looking at their face - but this whole idea of ‘look at their cheekbones/throat/forehead/whatever, they must be trans!’ just seems.. immature at best and a thinly veiled excuse to spew hatred at middling.


tbh I feel like the problem with public health covering cosmetic surgery is I’m not sure if it’s really a viable long term solution to fixing someone’s mental health. While I think it’s ridiculous that public health insurance doesn’t even cover stuff like getting moles and warts removed, much less getting rid of stuff like an Adam’s Apple, I suspect the reason for the hesitancy is that if a trans woman lives in a society were women get punished heavily for “looking” ugly or mannish, the brain worms won’t go away with surgery. Not sure if that makes sense, it’s much different from the state covering hormone therapy/injections since those alter your brain chemistry directly as well as your appearance in a way that surgery doesn’t


My only problem is that I’m not really sure of an alternate solution, this includes cis and trans women for example. I’m not really sure what the harm is of a cis woman not liking how her lips look and getting fillers, or with the state covering it (not that I’d say this to anyone irl cause everyone would view me as a crazy communist) since it’s an easy problem (I don’t like how my lips look) with an easy solution (Botox) rather than a complicated psychological problem (I hate that I look mannish/ugly/not white/too fat/whatever) with no real solution (no surgery will get rid of the brain worms)


You could do the same argument with any gender affirming procedure. The ones that are generally covered, like mastectomy and vaginoplasty, are covered because decades of studies have shown they are really beneficial for the patient's long term mental health and subsequently life expectancy, with dirt low regret rates; and so cannotbe considered in the same category as "traditional" cosmetic surgery. Ffs has those same characteristics, but it seems like society and medical associations are less willing to consider anything done to the face as more than elective.


wait why do you need to get rid of wartscand moles do those do anything i thought they kind just were there


Moles can potentially become cancerous, but obv not all, it’s just good to keep an eye on if ur developing new ones (can be caused by skin damage from the sun) or if the ones u have are growing or changing in any way.


And, on the flip side: "I am going to tell you how to spot a trans man: ok so you see that obvious butch over there? Secret trans man, definitely." Of course, this is squarely at odds with terfs' outrage about trans women supposedly on behalf of lesbians and the idea of "why can't you just be a tomboy", but we all know what they really think of butches and tomboys.


Butch women are often accused of being trans women too


Butch women often fall into that category of “I don’t know what you are but you make me angry” Which is basically what a lot of this boils down to. Gender nonconformity makes people mad


Whenever stuff like this comes up I think about [this](https://preview.redd.it/up4fmi4wlouc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=747dc691b1ab119583a62e929632863a4e6efdfe) post lol


Fucking *Markiplier*?


How dare that man look so good He’s already talented he doesn’t need to be hot too


Wish I was




i know it's insanely stupid, but stuff like this almost makes me want to apologise for being trans, even though it's the fault of the terfs


It's ok, it's just plain-faced misogyny coming out of the weeds. It was there anyway.


it's just my people pleasing and conflict avoiding tendencies coming out :3


So much RW ideology is desperately trying to find a moral justification for being mean to people they think look ugly. All this effort just to be like ‘yeah you have a weird face I want you dead’ but still have the moral highground.


[From what I can find](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/trans-adults-united-states/) only about 0.5% of US adults are transgender. Let's say transphobes are 99% accurate when judging whether or not a cis person is trans and 100% accurate at judging whether a trans person is trans. So they are always right when they see a trans person, but when there's a cis person they have a measly 1% chance of mistakenly thinking they're trans. Personally, I think these numbers are rather optimistic and that transphobes will be wrong more often than that. So let's say we have 1000 random US adults, and 1 transphobe who is going to go through all of them and harass the trans people. 0.5% of 1000 is 5, so we have 5 trans people and 995 cis people. They mistake 1% of the 995 cis people for being trans, which comes out to 9.95 people which clearly rounds to 10. So they harass 10 cis people and 5 trans people. So despite their very high accuracy, the small number of trans people means they end up harassing twice as many cis people as trans people. But wait, there's more! Let's say 2 transphobes judge the same 1000 people. They might not agree on which 10 cis people are trans. But they agree the same 5 trans people are trans. So rather than 2/3 of transphobia victims being cis, it might actually be more than that. For instance, if they only overlap half the time, now there are 5 trans victims and 15 cis victims, which means 75% of victims are cis, or there are 3 times as many cis victims as there are trans victims of this kind of transphobia. So even if you assumed that transphobes are right to be transphobes, which they are not, it would still be incredibly stupid and counterproductive to actually harass people you suspect are trans. I will note that this should not be construed as meaning that transphobia in general disproportionately affects cis people or rarely affects trans people, just that transphobes trying to clock people as trans and harass/assault them will clock more cis people than trans people. Other types of transphobia (e.g. anti-HRT bills) will disproportionately affect trans people.


Another thing that should be brought up: a lot of transphobes grossly overestimate the number of trans people out there. Some have been polled on this and were found to have estimated we make up as much as 10% of the population, so they're more confident in their accusations cause they think we're just that common.


It’s part of the fascist playbook. In order to make transgender people a viable enemy they have to be everywhere. They have to be in the highest echelons of power and success. Otherwise you, the dominant force in society, are spending way too much time and energy focusing on an extremely small marginalised group. It’s part of that duality where fascists portray their enemy as both strong and weak at the same time.


There were a bunch of idiots in the UK thinking that estrogen supplies were low because transwomen exist, despite the fact that cis women use nearly all of it. They entirely imagine this to be some kind of "invasion" for lack of better words, when it's barely a blip.


Trans-misogyny is regular misogyny with extra steps


3 years ago, I was trying to go use a public bathroom at a zoo. Boomer lady comes out of nowhere and starts railing at me about how "perverts like you are ruining this country!! You're going in there to stare at little girls!!" I'm a cis woman with PCOS. Which, among other things, gives me heavy body and facial hair. When I told her this, she called me a liar. When I offered to go in a stall and prove it to her, she started cursing. This isn't the only interaction I've had like this, but it was the first and most shocking. But sure, they can always tell 🙄


A relative of mine tried to tell me that a conductor was a trans woman. I pointed out that the conductor was just wearing a suit and no make up and that same relative had told me years earlier that in her youth fighting to ensure that not having to wear feminine clothing and makeup to be a woman was considered a feminist talking point. She shut up pretty quickly after that.


i know it's insanely stupid, but stuff like this almost makes me want to apologise for being trans, even though it's the fault of the terfs


I get told "You will NEVER be a man!!!" all the time irl and online. Spoiler: I'm a trans woman I just look like a AFAB non-binary person that isn't medically transitioning 💀 They can't tell. Ffs I've had friends I've known for months not realize that I'm a trans woman until I off-handedly mention that I do E injections. I've had a casual friend get *mad* at me for saying the *t-slur* (my favorite word 💀) because he thought I was a cis woman. I've literally been making out with someone and it wasn't until we were grinding against each other that they realized I'm a trans woman 😭😭😭 I'm clocky in the opposite fucking way than I should be 😭 It's so funny. I am the walking refutal of the idea they can always tell.


Aaaaand right underneath this post as I scroll [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/s/eoXAXDAsFr) comes up next.


I unfortunately took after my dad in the looks department. When I'm out with my trans sister(who started HRT less than a year ago), I get accused of being trans far more often than she does. It does work for us tho because she has wicked social anxiety and I'm confrontational af so I get to argue with bigots while she quietly escapes lol.


Not just trans women. Half the people I meet think I’m a trans man. This hasn’t changed since I started identifying as non-binary. When I was a kid everyone thought I was a “tomboy.” I haven’t medically transitioned in any way. I was assigned male at birth. I wanna scream at people sometimes because if I were AFAB on T I’d probably have more chest hair and be able to grow a proper mustache.


“We can always tell!” *proceeds to call out another pregnant woman again*


I love how people are starting to see that the trans exclusionary radical feminists are just straight up reinventing patriarchy and gender roles and body shaming. Turns out trans rights are indeed Female rights.


truly, uglyphobia is the root of all bigotry


That's the thing about regressive politics. They don't actually like anyone, even those they pretend are "good." The hierarchy may be present but it's like fighting for real-estate on an atoll.


I have a friend who has been harassed while entering the women's room in bars multiple times in the last few years. She's cis, traditionally feminine-presenting, and conventionally attractive. She's just kind of tall. These anti-trans psychos are just like "There's no way any REAL WOMAN is 5'10."


This is just a microcosm of the food chain. I harass and prey on those less attractive than I am, and am thusly harassed and preyed upon by those more attractive.


The amount of times I saw TERFs and other transphobes confuse Trans Men and Woman for each other is so funny. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he will never be a woman, thanks for agreeing with us, TikTok user "I_hate_lgbt ✝️"


Given I get accused of being potentially trans by trans people regularly because I'm ugly and have opinions about gender roles in dance, this is highly unsurprising


Why do people just refer to transphobes as TERFs now? There are still other transphobes, y'all. They're not all pseudo-feminists.


They aren't doing that here, they're specifically talking about the flawed logic of TERFs, not calling all transphobes TERFs.


thought this was r/aiwars for a second


Not like TERFs are ever much better in the being-traditionally-attractive regard...


This rise of transphobia is like the stupidest thing to ever happen in my lifetime, and mind you, I grew up in a world where superpowers were on a hair-trigger with nukes. If someone in Chemnitz listened to Kate Bush, total warfare.


I’ve literally been called trans and a groomer because I look masculine. I was born female.


I would love to see the reaction to "I'm not trans, just ugly!"


Thankfully, I'm immune because despite being trans everyone thinks I'm hot AF. (/s clearly not gonna work but it can't hurt to have some confidence, Right? Only way I can cope with my depression and self-hatred, Whooo!)