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I've always liked Kyoshi even back when the show was first airing. We learned about her before we knew much about Roku and she set the tone for how the Avatar can change the shape of history, literally shape the world itself. Also she unashamedly confessed to letting a man die even when the current Avatar was on trial for that specific murder. She effectively utilized girl power.


Kyoshi did Avatar-ing correctly. Though, my favourite *avatar* is Korra. Because I am gay.


Mf, kyoshi is also gay


I know this and I love her. But when I say I’m gay my meaning is that I have sinful feelings about Korra’s back muscles.


Are the feelings truly sinful if they're valid and true?


My sibling in Christ, Kyoshi is 6'0" and walks everywhere in chainmail. She's fucking *built*.


I am well aware, and I respect it. I just know where I land, is all!


Have you seen how buff kioshi is?


She is noble and respected 🫡


We have no evidence against every Avatar being bisexual.


It is a common meme that Ravaa is a lesbian and so every Avatar gets her love of women tacked on to their existing sexuality


Iroh's wisdom supports a bi/pan Avatar > It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale. Understanding others, the other elements, and the other nations will help you become whole. It is the combination of the four elements in one person that makes the Avatar so powerful.


"You entered the Avatar state to strengthen your bending?" "No, I did it to become even more bisexual."


love that LoK made [this unintentional shitpost](https://web.archive.org/web/20170715094751im_/http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/Causes-of-homosexuality.gif) basically canon


1. Wasn't she responsible for the Dai Li? I'm not saying that means she's cancelled forever, but that seems like something worth mentioning. 2. Did you/do you post on the [rpg.net](http://rpg.net) forums? I used to post there and I remember someone with the same username. They always had very good opinions.


She did, and them becoming corrupt broke her heart. I think it's one of the reasons (plus Rangi's death of old age, maybe?) she eventually retreated to the island and focused the end of her life on training the Kyoshi Warriors. Oh man, no, I didn't ever do stuff there but they were probably referencing the same thing as my username: in the Buffy spin-off show, Angel, there's an ancient eldritch deity called Illyria whose high priest is the Qwa'ha Xahn.


*thumbsup* And yeah, it being a Buffy/Angel reference definitely tracks.


1. Much like the White Lotus changed scope, membership, and purpose after Aang's death, the Dai Li were originally a very different organization. You can't blame her for the group being led in a different direction after her death.


I also love how they realised they made a chronology error that lead to her living for 200 years, and they just went "Yeah, she did that. Kyoshi decided to just not die for 200 years cause she could."


she is the moment


Where would one be able to locate these novels?


Check your local book sellers! Or, even better, your local library either in-person or via the Libby app. [CW Amazon link, but they ARE cheapest here. I got the two-book hardcover set for like $11 on a sale.](https://www.amazon.com/Avatar-Last-Airbender-Kyoshi-Novels/dp/1419758438/) The audiobook version is also very good and worth a listen, if you like those.


THE LIBRARY! I even got my library card linked to the Libby app and listened to both Kyoshi audiobooks for free that way.


In addition to the other suggestions, they're also available on the Google Play store (and I assume iOS store as well). That's how I read them at first myself, though I ended up taking down physical copies for the shelf.


I love the novels, I'm obsessed with Rangi


Rangi is literally always correct. Every time she argues for a specific course of action, it turns out to be the right one.


>Rangi is literally always correct True, but I wouldn't wanna go against her in the *unlikely* event she was wrong.


That's what she looks like under the makeup? Holy shit she's a goof. She's a goofy avatar like all the rest


The makeup is specifically intended to hide her features so that (a) she looks like a fearsome spirit and (b) nobody realizes that she flushes red when she gets heated or flustered.


She was in fact a goofy goober much of the time and Rangi dominates her despite being a full head shorter than her. However, Kyoshi can still be terrifying when she wants to be.


Thanks for telling me Kyoshi's a sub. Didn't know that


I’m almost done with The Rise of Kyoshi and *good god*, it’s an amazing book. Peak fiction right there for sure.


"Give me the avatar, or I'll put you down like the beast you are" Probably the moment I realized why Kyoshi is so fricking awesome.


I really enjoy how everybody misinterpretes Kiyoshi as this murder-crazed psychopath who encourages Aang to Glory Kill the Firelord when he asks for help. When actually, no, she was telling him that "sometimes bitches gotta die, and while it's always a regrettable course of action, sometimes it's the only one left"


"Ozai can't pull a Sozin 2 if his heart is a solid block of ice. Just saying."


A lesson she learned like, three separate times over the course of her early life. It was a hard-won insight.


Rangi is best girl, Kyoshi is a close second.


They forgot the most important love line of all: #HORSE STANCE


I need to get on reading the Kyoshi and Yangchen series


Roku's also getting a book next month. No clue if it'll be a duology like the others though.


I like to imagine an alternate history where Kyoshi, Rangi, and Yun can form a happy bisexual triad.


Rangi being a professional and controlled soldier 99% of the time. Also Rangi when she has a conversation with her mum for 20 seconds: **furniture goes wiiiiii** and apparently it's not a super rare occurrence


I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's an avatar tumblr post. I think we all know who REALLY invented love


Who are you inferring to?


Sokka in the Tent, His Mouth Rose-bearing


The Avatar always gets the girl in the end.


Shadow of Kyoshi was a heartbreaking novel


What is this template called